💙 Year 3. The Dementors kiss

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I feel like this is the shortest chapter in the Harry Potter series. But I didn't include this in the last chapter cause I was already at 5000 words. So here we are. I separated it. One Chapter of year 3 to goo.

It was an extremely strange group walking out of the tunnel, even weirder as Crookshanks was leading the way out.

it was difficult to make their way out, Y/N and Ron had to turn sideways with Pettigrew in order to fit in some places.

"so-" Ron began with a grunt as he limped, he was at the end as Y/N was in the front. "I have a lot of questions."

"yeah?" Y/N replied with an amused chuckle. "I'm sure you do."

"why didn't you tell us?"

Y/N let out a somewhat nervous sigh before she answered. "there was a few reasons, I didn't know what was going on and I wanted to figure it out. Harry was, well we thought he was being hunted so I didn't want to y'know, worry anyone more or something. and the main reason was-well..." Y/N hesitated nervously. "I was terrified you guys would be scared of me. and maybe this sounds arrogant but with how everyone reacted to Harry last year. I just couldn't."

Ron stayed silent for a moment as he looked at her. Then grunted as he tried to hop around to her, but very poorly as his arm was chained to him.

Y/N cocked her eyebrow as she watched him hop and limp at the same time.

He paused in front of Pettigrew before rwachk man his free arm to Y/N and pulling her closer so he could drop himself onto Y/N and did his best to give her a hug.

Y/N was taken aback and staggered slightly at his weight.
"You're so unbelievably mad to think we'd stop being your friends."

Y/N slowly smiled to herself before Ron pulled away and grunted awkwardly before he went back to stand properly at Pettigrews side.

"you told Harry and Hermione though." He frowned. Y/N looked back at him.

"No actually, I only ever told Hermione. Harry only found out a few minutes before you did when I froze the tree so we could get in here."

Ron hummed and went to ask something else, but. Y/N bet him to it.

"Also, I can't really control it. that's why I wore gloves it helped me not accidentally freeze something because Lupin said its fear-" it had just dawned on Y/N and she stopped talking with a sudden gasp. "oh my God" she whispered. "my gloves. I need them back."

"well, where are they?"

"I gave them to Harry." Y/N spoke softly as she turned back towards Harry, but he seemed to be having a heartfelt conversation with Sirius. "I don't know if he has them.'

Ron could hear the nervousness in her voice. "it doesn't matter Y/N you're fine. you haven't been wearing them for a little while. nothings happened."

"expect for when I almost blasted Snape!"

they had just gotten out of the tunnel, the castle grounds were completely dark. Ron didn't know what to say. "Y/N its OK."

Just then, Pettigrew let out a loud whimper.

"one wrong move Peter..." Lupin said warningly, his wand pointed as Pettigrews chest.

"m-my arm. c-cold." he stuttered, Y/N looked down to her right hand which gripped over the chain that her left arm was attached along with it. it started to freeze over, Also beginning on Pettigrews arm. Y/N let go quickly.

her heart started thumping faster in her chest. "I need those gloves Ron." Y/N croaked out quietly.

Ron nodded urgently and turned to Harry. "Harry! Harry!" Harry looked up to Ron.

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