The Essence of Balencia

By the_ink_of_balencia

1.4K 219 527

When my skin is not my own and the heart is tainted, there is still one thing that will always belong to me... More

I wish to smell heaven
He Who Reeks
The Water Surveillant
The Warriors in Dresses
The Blood for His Gain
I Heard The Weeping Willow
She Who Smiles
The Enternal Evanescent
The Fire that Sparked It All
The Psithurism
I Desire The Infiräd
She Who Destroyed
The Distribution
The Masked Ones
The Blighted Bay
I Ate The Lemon
He Burned Coal
The Lightening Illuminances
The Era of Zulumat
The Smokeless Fire
I Acended From The Dirt
She Stained The Ink
The Creator of All Things
The Birth of Balencia
The Mirage in The Desert
I Saw The Rafflesia
He Feasts blackened
The Dine and Dash
The Lips that Sealed Hers
The Veiled Samurai
I Held a Staff Similar
She Was The Flame Blade
The Clysmic Ocean
The Pandemonium
The Start to Ruler
I Voyage With or Without You
She Was Tamed by Illuminances
The Calling Eminence
The Obsidian Ignite
The Viridian Cure
I Ended The Alsaru
She Awakened
The Mountain Didn't Crumble
The Day of Reckoning
The Sea and In-between
I Am The Blacksmith Daughter
He is The Elevated Summit
The Comforting Musk
The Drink of Death
I Am The Queen
He Honoured The Flames
The Sisters of Yazzir
The Devil Queen and Khushboo
I Turned Destruction Into a Speck of Heaven
The Land of Daweyt (healed)

The Kingdom of Balencia

10 3 2
By the_ink_of_balencia

Mareeb stood like the chaotic waves of the sea that murmured and flooded whenever the ocean was in danger. At first glance, one wouldn't be able to tell, that the water surveillant had legs that shook beneath him for he had a very pivotal task to complete. He reached down and grabbed his watch, pulled it out and checked what had become of the time.

"Seven... Forty-four..." The servant boy whispered as he stood watching the loiter ticks reach twelve. And a few moments later, the time had reached the promised essence.

Mareeb shoved the watch back into his pocket and frantically ran outside his room with the aim of an arrow darting towards the bullseye. Balencia's servant boy grabbed one of the guards forcing him to turn around. Mareeb's eyes shifted and played the games of worry as he paused for a moment and without hesitation.

"THE KING! HE'S FALLEN ILL! HURRY!" Mareeb panted as he tried to re-create himself in the eyes of blind. The castle went into a frenzy as the king's men, maids, servants, guards and even the castle's unknowns became either curious or frightened to what had happened to the great king Laham.

Balencia eerily whispered like the calling of a banshee "I'm going to make you watch me become queen and crumble everything you've established" before the doors were slammed open by the guards.

"MAJESTY!" The guard yelled as he entered upon what seemed to be a devastating scene. And like a swam of frantic waves, Balencia summoned watery riveting tears from her honey dewed pearls, letting them fall like the heaviest of torrential rain.

"OH LAHAM! SOMEONE! HELP!" The vicious warrior cried and she threw her hands around the king's shoulders embracing him to only look back at the guards like the forest trees trampled to death, she had a face of deceiving anguish.

The guard's rushed to Laham's aid taking him away for immediate medical attention. Balencia wept harder than the weeping willow, as she reached her hand out only to pretend to be let down, as they carried the king away. One of the guards, came next to Balencia, resting his hand on her shoulder, he sighed.

"I'm so sorry, Lalzari... Hopefully he'll be okay" Balencia nodded as the guard embraced her into his arms. The mask of Balencia was one only the blind could see. No one, truly, knew who the unknown Laham bought actually was. That ignorance, was exactly what had led Balencia to her reign.

Laham's weak body laid in his bed as his eyes kept rolling back into his skull. Once in a while, he would try saying something but the only thing that would escape his cursed lips were that of incoherent sounds and mutterings. The pitiful king wasn't even able to stand up, let alone speak. Talbazar, Balencia and a few of Laham's most trusted men stood around his bed waiting for the medic to speak news of his health.

(Sigh) "It seems the king must have had a heart failure... Or stroke... Which has unfortunately caused brain damage. He... Um... Won't be able to speak... Ever... Again..." The medic informed followed by Laham's intense moaning with some occasional tears running down his sunken face. The king, was still present, he was just unable to speak or communicate.

"Having a conscious but no... (Sob, sob) way of speaking must be the worst kind of condition!" Balencia cried like the sombre tales of the wolves. Talbazar stood, watching over the illuminated warrior, seeing through her crocodile tears and weary voice. But as everyone else was occupied with Laham, Balencia shot a smile at Talbazar, taunting the marshal. Talbazar was not one she could fool, but he was also the biggest coward she had ever met.

"Well... There's no time to waste the kingdom has to continue. Who shall rule?" One of Laham's men said turning his back to Laham as if they were wild hyena's that had turned away from their dying pack for he was no longer useful.

"It would be Laham's heir" one of the king's men disputed. The idea of calling Laham king and majesty had disappeared faster that Laham's very own ability to speak.

"He had no heir though" another one of his men concluded. Talbazar sighed as he had put the pieces together and knew what was awaiting.

"WAIT! No! He does have an heir! Lalzari of course!" One of the king's men concluded relieved that they had found someone to take over the throne so quickly without wasting time on disputing.

"M-... Me?..." Balencia stuttered as she looked around seeming surprised and overwhelmed. Like the catalyst of an explosion, it swiftly yet silently penetrates the right materials to cause the desired eruption.

"You must Lalzari!" The king's men demanded unified.

"She is no fit for queen! I say we choose among ourselves!" Talbazar hissed like a triggered snake that couldn't catch his prey. He moved in front of Lalzari trying to cover her up and cease her from the minds of the men. But a mesmerising young female among a room of men would never disappear into the background.

"TALBAZAR!" One of the king's right hand yelled as he yanked the low ranked marshal towards him.

"How dare you dishonour the book of law! An heir is the next in line, that's the rule!" He continued towering over Talbazar like a mighty giant.

"Nugh, urgh!" Talbazar groaned as he released himself from the grip. "You're all blind! Blind to a seductive women! Her long jet black curly hair has blinded you all! Her honey dipped brown eyes have alluded you all!"

Suddenly, the room drew in silence as they all stared down Talbazar. Perhaps he had tried to communicate one thing, but to them, it seemed like something else.

"Talbazar... You... Cannot... Be with the king's heir. She is off limits" Laham's right hand explained.

"NO! You don't understand! She! She's... PLOTTING AGAINST YOU ALL!" Talbazar yelled, his chest rose and fell as if it was filled with a thousand heartbeats.

"And I'll prove it to you all!" Talbazar promised before jolting out of the room with his dark smoke looming in the after-trails of his foot steps. The men shook their heads looking towards what they saw as a sweet, innocent vixen.

(Sigh) "I guess that's what happens when you have to reject a confession" Balencia smugly instigated as she was filled from the sheer quenching taste of flavourful power.

"So... Lalzari, we announce you... Queen of the kingdom of Laham" One of the marshal's said proudly as if he thought he had made the perfect choice. Balencia ran over to the forgotten king that was all curled up like a raisin, embracing him.

"Oh I don't know if I can be a ruler as good as you... But... I'll do my best!" The persuasive vixen gleamed. She stared into the eyes of the wrinkled king with a gaze that told him stories of the future.

Three moons of wine scattered across the night sky as pouring acid rain fell from the heavens, turning into fluent blood as it landed on Ahmali's hands. The little Sir looked around, trying to familiarise herself with a world that suddenly looked so much different to hers.

"Mama..." A soft voice bespoke, Ahmali turned around to see the little Amal searching for Husayrah. Until, she laid eyes on Ahmali instead and came rushing towards her. Ahmali grabbed her tiny hands but just as she did, Amal started crumbling once again.

"Mama... Go to... Mama"

Ahmali woke up drenched in sweat so much so that her midnight blue hair stuck to her forehead. But the little femme fatale didn't even notice how soaked she was for there was something guiding her. She immediately got up and started running bare footed out her hay tent to the back of the tribe's residence.

Her tree branch-like legs forced her to stop by the grave of Husayrah. (Pant, Pant). Suddenly, the grave of the weeping willow illuminated itself but it wasn't with the gold Husayrah had, no, it was different. A warmth radiated from the soil and flames rose upwards and captured Ahmali. The flames danced and twirlled around the little Sir rushing into her veins and out through her skin. Then, it all disappeared into Ahmali's hands and when she put together her palms and opened them again, the flames reappeared.

"Flames... These... Aren't mine... But I know who they're for... We have to prepare... For a war so violent and hopeless that seeing death will be like taking a breath" Ahmali bespoke, yet it didn't seem like these words were hers. They were merely a warning coming from within.

People had gathered outside the castle staring up at the balcony, for it had been announced a huge change had happened and they were all eager yet terrified to see what this was about. The people chattered and whispered trying to calm their own nerves for none of them knew what had happened. Most of them, feared a great punishment worse than their rice taken from them. Children clung to their mothers and fathers to their wives like chains locked into each other. Then, the kings right hand emerged and the absence of Laham's face already set worry in the minds of the people.

"People of the kingdom, we are gathered here today for a new tomorrow. Unfortunately the king has become very ill, but the protection of the kingdom will always be our first priority" he bespoke as the crowd started complaining and worrying for what change would come.

"IT MUSN'T BE QASIN!" An old father yelled as he already started weeping for the future of his children. The old father's chaotic crying led more of the people to grab their children, clinging onto them for hope.

"To ensure protection a new... Q-... Queen will be taking Laham's place" the king's former right hand contuined.

"NO, NO, NO!" A mother cried as the people started preparing for their children taken away to cruel orphanages to never be seen again.

"Everyone, your new queen is Lal-... I mean... Balencia".

The people's mouths dropped in dismay, they had heard the tales of Balencia but never thought the day would come where she would rule. Was this too good to be true? Was she going to save them all? But most importantly, who was she?

Balencia walked out with her manganese violet dress kissing the floor as she elegantly came into the sight of the people. Her beautifully twirled curls danced in the wind making songs out of misery. The crowd had seen her before, they couldn't believe, it was her. The crowd immediately cheered and the people started crying and sobbing in relief for perhaps Laham was truly going to perish forever.

Balencia didn't say a word, instead she lit up her illuminances through her veins making her glow up in a intense blazing gold. The people were mesmerized by the beauty that was in front of their eyes. Then, she shot her illuminances up into the sky like the riviting lightening and it struck the heavens making the canopy crack and clouds gloom and darken.

(ZZZSTRAAK) Rehamal and Imani stopped their conversation as they both rushed to the window only to see the sky cracked. Bright, flashing lightning, lightning up the sky like fireworks.

"HAHA! SHE DID IT!" Rehamal bellowed.

The Armala's came out of their huts as they stared at the sky watching the florescent colours dance around the line of electricity. Banging, crashing thunder roaring furiously, sizzling, as it zipped across the night sky.

"Huh... That Balencia" Jazera scoffed amazed.

Ahmali shot her gaze up as she watched the sky look like pure glass being shattered, and although it could've been a frightening sight, the little Sir knew exactly what it was.

"BABA! UNCLE! SIS DID IT!" The carrier of flames erupted.

In shock from the rumbling sounds Alzalam had to take off their blinds only to be blessed with the sight of lightning striking, barely touching the horizon. Above, below, and all around the blinding strikes, relentlessly pursued by defeating thunder, sending shadows jumping off the sand. Alzalam smiled and looked at each other with relief.

The river reflected the splintered heaven and The Naida's watched the lightning make its mark.

"She kept her promise alright" Vultana laughed.

From out of the forests, Malaa yelled as loud as her beautiful accent would allow.


The sight of the lightning even reached Obsidian as a young melanin boy watched the traveling beam of light crack, as loud as a whip, and a huge fork of white sight split into shattered pieces for an instant. The thunder followed immediately on its heels, battering the young boy's ears as his eyes still recoiled from the after-image of that blaze.

"Waaaaa" the Obsidian boy admired.

And finally, the husband of Balencia came jolting out of the Saqatuu castle as he laid eyes upon the beautiful night sky that had been adorned with the markings of his wife.

"Me dowo... HAHAHA!" Jamshar bellowed with excitement as he grabbed the first horse he could find and set off to ride towards the newly crowned kingdom of Balencia.

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