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By billieeyelash1864

59.1K 1.7K 1.7K

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Act I
I. Silence Speaks Louder Than Words
II. The Weight of Resentment
III. The Darwinian Playground
IV. The Battle for Existence
V. The Endless Journey
Act II
VI. The Silent Wounds
VII. The Agony of Unending Darkness
VIII. The Power of Belief
IX. The Thorny Path of Lies
X. The Bullet's Silent Message
XI. The Shadow of the Deadly Arrow
XII. The Promise of a New Foe
XIII. The Domino Effect
XIV. The Demon's Whisper
XV. The History of Betrayals
XVI. The Same Old Things
XVII. The Wall of Emotion
XVIII. The Ties that Bind
XIX. The Pages of Lost Innocence
XX. The Grim Reaper's Waltz
XXI. The Screams of the Dead
XXII. The Echoes of Heartache
XXIII. The Murmur of Silent Torment
XXIV. The Road Back to Each Other
XXV. The Losing Game of Love
XXVI. The Hollowed Memories
XXVII. The Symphony of Destruction
Act IV
XXVIII. The Fury within the Steel
XXIX. The Clash of Destinies
XXX. The Reign of Weaponry
XXXI. The Kindred Spirits
XXXII. The Quiet Calm Before the Storm
XXXIII. The Unending Farewells
XXXIV. The Mind's Battlefield
XXXV. The Peaceful Oases in the Chaos
XXXVI. The Shadows Cast by the Past
XXXVII. The Hand of Fate
XXVIII. The Reunion Amidst Chaos
Act V
XXXIX. The Long-Awaited Return
XL. The Uncertain Future of New Faces
XLI. The Ghost of a Present Past
XLII. The Destiny They Share
XLIII. The End of the Road
XLIV. The Highway to Hell
XLV. The Turning Point
XLVI. The Endless Tragic Demises
XLVII. The Brigde of an Endless Storm
XLVIII. The Dawn of Hope
L. The Melody in the Chaos
LI. The Midnight Sky
LII. The Scandal
Act VI
LIII. The Ying-Yang Effect
LIV. The Realm of Grief
LV. The Choreography of Death
LVI. The Way Life Goes
LVII. The Unquenchable Fire
LVIII. The Stranger Passing By
LIX. The Hilltop at the End of the Road
LX. The Sanctuary of Death
LXI. The Shadow Vs Death
LXII. The Saviours
LXIII. The Ending of a Beginning
LXIV. The Sanctuary vs Alexandria
LXV. The Truth Continues To Unveil
LXVI. The Descrution Within Oneself
LXVII. The Allience of Enemies
LXVIII. The Reminder
LXIX. The Betrayal of Friends
LXX. The Angel of Death
LXXI. The Death's Reapers
LXXII. The Beginning of a War
LXXIII. The Promise of Tomorrow
LXXIV. The Distance in his Fingertips
LXXV. The World Stops Turnin'
LXXVI. The Doom of Death
LXXVII. The Door Between Hell & Heaven
LXXVIII. The Unspoken Words
LXXIV. The Message
LXXV. The Fall of Neville
LXXVI. The Letter
Act IX(a)
LXXVII. The Hanging Tree
LXXVIII. The Bridge
LXXIX. The Judge

XLIX. The Gates of Alexandria

319 10 15
By billieeyelash1864

The confined quarters within the RV create an atmosphere thick with a myriad of emotions, each person silently processing their thoughts, fears, and unspoken concerns. A sense of camaraderie prevails amidst the close proximity, fostering an unspoken understanding among the group as they navigate the unpredictable journey toward Alexandria. The two vehicles, though separate, maintain a cohesive unity as they progress toward their destination.

Within the confines of the RV, Noah approaches Madeleine with a water bottle in hand. His kind gesture doesn't go unnoticed as she accepts it gratefully, a silent exchange of gratitude passing between them. Noah settles in next to Madeleine, finding a small space amidst the crowded vehicle.

"I know I joke a lot about it," Madeleine begins, her voice carrying an unexpected seriousness, catching Noah off guard as he furrows his brow, surprised by her sudden inquiry. "Your leg, how did it happen?"

Across the RV, Daryl holds Judith close, silently observing their exchange with a pensive expression, intrigued by their conversation but choosing to remain on the periphery.

"It just happened. Dad and me, car accident. Rotters in the road," he recounts, his gaze drifting downward as he relives the haunting moments of that fateful day. "I had a doctor. Probably lucky I can even walk," he admits quietly, his tone tinged with a mixture of gratitude and lingering pain, as if still trying to reconcile with his past.

"You'll probably have another doctor soon." Her voice holds a hint of certainty, a glimmer of hope for a future where medical aid might be more accessible. "You get that leg fixed up, I'll have to find something else to tease you about."

A faint chuckle escapes Noah's lips at her remark, a brief moment of lightness amidst the gravity of their shared ordeal. "Yeah, you will," he agrees.

"Abraham," Rosita's voice interrupts their conversation, prompting Madeleine to turn her attention towards her. She rises from her seat, stepping forward to join Rosita and Abraham at the front of the RV.

A smile graces Rosita's lips as she gestures towards the Washington Monument, her eyes shimmering with a sense of accomplishment. Madeleine follows her gaze, a glint of nostalgic recognition in her eyes, her gaze lingers on the iconic landmark before glancing back at her sister on Daryl's lap who's struggling to feed Judith, prompting a subtle chuckle to escape Madeleine.

"It's not that hard, you know."

"I think she doesn't like me," Daryl mumbles under his breath, a hint of frustration in his voice as he continues to grapple with the feeding process.

Madeleine takes a seat beside him, deftly seizing the food from his hands. Judith remains perched on Daryl's lap, her innocent eyes fixed on Madeleine, a silent curiosity twinkling in her gaze as she adeptly manages to spoon-feed her applesauce.

"You've got the knack for it," Daryl remarks, somewhat relieved at Madeleine's effortless handling of the situation.

"Learned it from taking care of Carl. I wouldn't leave his side, scared if I looked away for even a second, I'd lose him," Madeleine confides, her voice tinged with reminiscence and a hint of vulnerability as she expertly mimics an airplane to coax another spoonful into Judith's mouth.

The RV grinds to a halt and the frustrated thump of Abraham's hands on the steering wheel reverberates through the vehicle. With a collective sigh, the group begins to disembark, following Abraham's lead, leaving Daryl and Madeleine seated, tending to Judith.

The little bundle of joy reaches out eagerly for Madeleine, her tiny hands seeking comfort and warmth. Madeleine swiftly lifts her onto her lap, engaging the baby with playful antics, drawing forth delightful giggles from the child. Daryl's face softens into a radiant smile, witnessing the heartwarming interaction, prompting him to wrap a protective arm around Madeleine.

"You're scared, aren't you?" Madeleine's voice carries a note of concern as she locks eyes with Daryl, probing gently into his emotions. "No one can trap you anywhere anymore, Daryl, and I'll be there with you. Until the end and after."

"Mhmm," Daryl responds softly, his gaze reflecting a mixture of emotions.

The reassurance in Madeleine's words stirs something within him, the weight of her promise settling deep within his heart. "You won't ever be alone," Madeleine gently lifts Daryl's chin, directing his gaze toward her.

Daryl nods in response, his expression solemn yet resolute. "I know. Neither will you."

Their intimate moment is interrupted by the distant cheers that signal the successful repair of the RV. Marie leads the way, stepping inside the vehicle, only to catch the unspoken exchange between Madeleine and Daryl. "Hey, guys, RV is fixed," she announces, sensing an undercurrent between them. "You two okay?" Madeleine affirms with a nod, concern evident in her eyes as she shifts her attention to her sister. "I'm hopeful about this place."

"You wouldn't be you without being positive about everything," she playfully tease, earning a sarcastic roll of the eyes from her sister.

"You love it!" Her attention then shifts to Daryl, sensing his unspoken emotions. "You alright?"


Marie rolls her eyes in annoyance. "Use your words, you're not five years old."

Madeleine, unable to hold back, mutters under her breath, "He sure acts like it sometimes."

"Stop," Daryl playfully snaps back as their laughter fills the air, his eyes lifting to meet Marie's. "I'm fine, Marie."

"Good. I'm glad. About those times... nothing against you, you know that, right?" Marie looks at Daryl with a softness in her gaze, her concern evident in her words. She pauses, then continues, "So here's another one. She deserves better. You not pushing her away type of better, 'cause you'll deal with me and Carl and Glenn and Michonne and-."

"We get it, Esperanza," Madeleine interjects with a slight roll of her eyes.

Daryl nods his head. "I won't."

The rest of the group converges inside the RV, their presence creating a bustling atmosphere within the confined space, while Madeleine's gaze remains fixed on the man, a soft smile playing on her lips. Amidst the commotion, the couple shares a private moment, seemingly oblivious to the world around them, their focus solely on each other, disregarding the movement of the RV.

The convoy travels for an hour or two before both vehicles come to a stop, aligning in front of the formidable gates of Alexandria. Peering through the windows, the group inspects their prospective new home, taking in the sights and sounds that signal the potential sanctuary beyond the walls. The distant sounds of children playing and laughing drift towards them, evoking a sense of relief and hope that washes over each member of the group.

As they disembark from the vehicles, Daryl places a reassuring hand on Madeleine's shoulder while she carries Judith in her arms. Standing in front of the gate for a few poignant moments, a sense of anticipation lingers in the air as Judith fusses in her arms.

The gate gradually begins its slow creaking open, inviting the group inside the walls of Alexandria.

Their arrival coincides with the sight of Aaron assisting a limping Eric through the gates. The group maintains a cautious stance, gripping their weapons tightly, surveying their new surroundings. When a rustling sound emanates from the woods, they swiftly raise their guns, their instincts on high alert. Daryl reacts instinctively, shooting his crossbow at a possum, causing the group to lower their weapons.

As Daryl retrieves the possum by its tail, the group turns back towards the gate, their attention drawn to a solitary figure standing before them. A man gazes at them, his presence evoking a sense of curiosity and uncertainty among the group. Madeleine's gaze fixates on the man standing before them, his facade attempting to exude toughness. With a discerning eye, she scrutinizes him from head to toe.

Daryl lifts up a possum for the man's scrutiny. "We brought dinner," he announces in his typical deadpan manner.

Aaron reappears at the gate, having sent Eric off to the infirmary. "It's okay. Come on in, guys."

The group shuffles through the gates in an eerie silence, led by Glenn and Daryl. As the Grimes siblings walk side by side, exacerbated by the finality of the gates closing behind them, a palpable feeling of entrapment seeps into their consciousness. Inside the walls, some visibly relax, relieved by the appearance of safety, while others linger with apprehension, uncertain about this new place.

"Before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons," the man demands, prompting a quizzical arch of Madeleine's eyebrow as she passes Judith over to Marie. "Stay, you hand them over."

Stepping up beside Rick, both with a firm grip on their weapons, step closer to the man. "We don't know if we want to stay." Rick announces with a tilt of his head.

Aaron turns back to Nicholas, his voice taking on a softer tone. "It's fine, Nicholas."

"If we were gonna use them, we would have started already," Madeleine interjects, her eyes fixed with a glaring intensity upon Nicholas, who gazes back insolently, eliciting a protective step forward from Daryl.

"Let them talk to Deanna first."

Abraham, positioned toward the back of the group, chimes in with a hint of curiosity. "Who's Deanna?"

"She knows everything you'd want to know about this place," Aaron explains, his gaze shifting back to the group's leader. "Rick, why don't you start?"

A noise catches their attention and they pivot to find a walker approaching, its guttural growl breaking the tense atmosphere. Madeleine swiftly communicates with Sasha, offering a slight nod of approval. Without exchanging a single word, Sasha brings the rifle scope to her eye and takes aim, dispatching the walker with precision as the second gate with a tarp begins to close.

With Aaron leading the way, the group pivots, refocusing on their path forward. "It's a good thing we're here," Rick declares, his voice carrying a sense of conviction and assurance.


The room exudes an unusual semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos lurking beyond the fortified walls. Madeleine takes in the clean surroundings, and it feels oddly incongruous with the harsh reality of the world outside those protective barriers. The interview with Rick had gone smoothly, followed by Carl entering with Judith. Now, it was Madeleine's turn, and Deanna seemed particularly enthusiastic about engaging with each of them.

"I'm Deanna Monroe," Deanna introduces herself, extending her hand for a handshake. However, Madeleine remains stoic, her gaze unwavering. "You mind if I film this?"

Madeleine narrows her eyes at the request, suspicion lingering in her gaze as the woman moves to reactivate the camera. "Why?"

"We're all about transparency here," Deanna explains, taking a seat on the couch while motioning to the chair in front of her. "Please."

Unmoved, Madeleine opts to lean against the window, her arms crossed defiantly, a challenging look reflecting in her eyes. "I'm good."

Deanna's warm smile welcomes Madeleine as she looks up, intrigued by the young woman standing before her. "How long have you been out there?"

Madeleine's voice remains detached. "Since the beginning."

Curiosity piquing, Deanna leans forward slightly, sensing an opportunity to learn more. "How did you all find each other? Did you know each other before or-?"

"Rick's my father," Madeleine interrupts abruptly, her tone lacking any trace of emotion.

Deanna's eyes widen, a mix of surprise and interest coloring her expression. "I see. Are you Madeleine or Esperanza?"

Madeleine's gaze sharpens, her eyes meeting Deanna's with a piercing intensity. "Mads."

"Mads, what were you before all of this?" Deanna inquires, her demeanor open and engaging.

Madeleine shrugs nonchalantly, turning to peer out of the window. "Not much."

Crossing her legs, Deanna maintains her composure, leaning forward slightly. "That's not a profession. I was a congresswoman. 15th district, Ohio. You?" Silently, Madeleine chooses not to respond to Deanna's question about her past life, her focus still on the outside world. "I can already see a bit of your dad in yourself."

Madeleine swiftly spins around to face Deanna, her expression guarded and inquisitive. "What is this place?"

Deanna's smile remains as she recalls Rick's early queries. "You and your dad are the same, you ask a lot of the same questions."

There's a touch of defiance in Madeleine's response. "Maybe, 'cause you don't answer any."

They stand in the room, a heavy silence hanging between them. Deanna, wordlessly, gives Madeleine the liberty to explore the space, observing as the younger woman methodically scrutinizes every corner, her keen eyes taking in each detail as if imprinting a mental map of the room.

"Your father is the leader of your group, but I sense you help him quite a bit, like a trusted right-hand man. He speaks very highly of you." Deanna's observation lingers in the air, though Madeleine remains absorbed in her own thoughts, her attention diverted by the established stability of the room. "How would you describe it being out there?"

"You've been inside these walls this whole time," Madeleine remarks, her gaze fixated on Deanna, her words more of an assertion than a query. She observes the faint traces of comfort and security etched on Deanna's demeanor, traits that seem foreign to someone who has navigated the ruthless terrains beyond the safe confines of these walls. "You have no fighting skills, you know no struggle, no loss, you have no real survival instincts."

Deanna offers a casual shrug, her smile unwavering even in the face of Madeleine's pointed observations. "I made it this far."

"Inside walls," Her hand moves to retrieve her sword from her back, the glint of steel catching the light as she steps closer to Deanna, a challenge flickering in her gaze. Madeleine surprises her by placing the sword on the table and casually seating herself in a chair, a calculated move to assert her dominance. "If I use that sword to slit your throat, if I dragged you outside... who would stop me? Nicholas and the three musketeers?"

Deanna's expression shifts, her eyes narrowing slightly at the reference. "How'd you know of them?" Madeleine doesn't answer, instead, reclining comfortably in the chair with a sly smirk, her gaze fixed on Deanna. "How'd you notice?"

"He's the man at the gate, his shoes were dirty, his shirt had blood on it, and I'm assuming you wouldn't let your son out of these gates alone," Madeleine responds, the woman before her seems somewhat impressed by her astute observations. "You should keep your gates closed."

Deanna furrows her brow, "Your dad said the same thing."

"Then you know why I'm saying it."

"Have you killed anyone before?" Deanna's inquiry cuts through the tension, her voice laden with genuine curiosity.

Madeleine nods, her response direct and unapologetic. "Yeah, I have."

Deanna persists, delving deeper. "Before or after?"

"Both," Madeleine responds evenly, her tone indicating that the details are irrelevant to her current purpose.

Deanna studies her, tilting her head to the side, attempting to decipher the woman before her. "Do you feel guilty?"

Madeleine scoffs dismissively, her expression hardening. "Why should I?"

"Why are you here?"

"For my friends, my siblings, for my people," Madeleine responds, her conviction unwavering as she meets Deanna's gaze with determination. "We have each other's backs. No matter what happens, we always have each other's backs."

Deanna considers her words carefully before pressing further, seeking justification. "Why should I take you in?"

"Why should I stay?" Madeleine stands tall, her grip firm on the hilt of her sword resting on the table. The woman seated opposite her leans back slightly, the tension palpable in the room. "You need us more than we need you, we both know it."

Deanna raises an eyebrow, considering Madeleine's assertion. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, it is," Madeleine reaffirms with a resolute nod, already turning to leave the room.

Deanna's voice arrests her in her tracks. "You know, I'm good at reading people." She stands up, meeting Madeleine's gaze with a steady intensity. "I can see you are too." Madeleine maintains her composure, her eyes meeting Deanna's without revealing a single emotion. "How'd you learn to adapt to this world?" Deanna's curiosity peeks through her inquiry.

"In this world, you just have to know how to survive," Madeleine responds, her voice measured and composed. She takes a few steps closer to Deanna, the air thick with an unspoken exchange. "My world before it was all about surviving. Truth be told, now I feel safer than back then." Deanna furrows her brow, surprised by Madeleine's candid revelation. Before Deanna can inquire further, Madeleine offers a glimpse into her past. "I was in the special forces. I was around for a while, I wasn't much after dismissal. Just a survivor before most people learnt what surviving meant."

With her revelation hanging in the air, Madeleine turns away, leaving Deanna to process the weight of her words, the mystery of her past lingering like an unresolved question.


"If it's alright, I'd like to record this."

Esperanza nods, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Sure."

Deanna turns her attention toward Esperanza before taking a seat on the couch, observing the dynamics between the sisters and their father. She notices the distinctive differences in their personalities, marveling at the unique dynamics that define their familial bond.

"Can you tell me a bit about yourself?" Deanna prompts, her tone gentle and inquisitive.

"My name's Esperanza, but everyone calls me Marie, my middle names—Marigold—hence the nickname," Esperanza begins, a faint chuckle escaping her. "I'd like for people to start calling me by my first name again, actually. It was just easier with the bullying when I was younger." She pauses, a fleeting moment of vulnerability flickering in her eyes as she awkwardly looks down. "I'm 18. Mads, Carl, and Judith are my siblings."

Deanna interjects, "And Rick's your father."

Esperanza shakes her head slightly, her fingers fidgeting nervously. "Kind of. I mean, not biologically, but I do see him as the father I never had."

Deanna furrows her brow at Esperanza's revelation. "Were you adopted?"

"Mads is my half-sister. We got separated when I was born," Esperanza explains, her voice catching slightly as she swallows the lump in her throat. "It was the only way our mother could protect all of us."

A sympathetic smile graces Deanna's lips as she listens intently. "I'm assuming she's not among us anymore."

Esperanza shifts slightly in her seat, her expression softening as she reminisces about the past. "She died.... before. Lung cancer," she reveals quietly, prompting a flicker of recognition in Deanna's eyes about the familiar story. "Why do you care to know so much about this? It doesn't matter anymore."

"I just want to get a sense of who I'm letting inside these walls," Deanna responds, a touch of regret coloring her words as she reflects on the losses suffered by the Grimes siblings.

"I'll tell you," Esperanza declares with a newfound confidence, sitting up straight as she clears her throat. "We're survivors. Each one of us from different backgrounds, different struggles, different ways to live now, but we're family. We need a place like this, we've been through enough."

Deanna nods thoughtfully, absorbing Esperanza's words. "Who were you before all of this?"

Esperanza shrugs, glancing down at her worn-out shoes, noticing a broken part that reveals her toe. "Just an orphan trying to make it with my friends," she admits, a hint of melancholy in her voice. "They're dead, one of them might still be alive, we just never found her."

Deanna's gaze softens, acknowledging Esperanza's painful past. "Any weapon of choice?"

"The bow lately," Esperanza replies, gesturing towards the bow resting beside her chair. "Mads taught me all I needed to know. Safe to say Carl was jealous I'm a very learner than he is," she quips, a small smile gracing her lips, momentarily lightening the conversation.

"You seem to have a close relationship with them. When did you reunite?" Deanna inquires, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

A few weeks have passed," She takes a moment to collect herself before continuing, "Family isn't just about blood ties anymore. We've grown close, bonded by shared trials and tribulations. It's what happens when you weather the storms of this world together."

Deanna nods, rising from the couch. "Would you like to follow me, please?"

Esperanza acknowledges with a nod, standing up to join Deanna. Together, they step outside to rejoin the group awaiting Esperanza at the rear of Deanna's house. Her gaze briefly meets her sister's, exchanging a silent nod of understanding, before turning to a woman approaching them, wheeling a trolley intended for their weapons.

One by one, the group members, except for Michonne and Madeleine, place their weapons onto the trolley as requested. Deanna clarifies the arrangement, emphasizing the temporary storage of their firearms inside the community for safety while allowing them access whenever they venture beyond the walls. Noah walks over and stands beside Madeleine, who cradles the babbling baby in her arms.

Observing the act, the woman overseeing the storage watches with an awkward smile as each member sets down an array of firearms. Carol, in her hesitance, struggles momentarily to remove the rifle from her back before placing it down, evoking a faint smirk from Madeleine at her friend's display.

"Should have brought another bin," Olivia jokes lightly as she wheels away the trolley, leaving the group amused as they watch her go.


The Grimes and Dixon stand in quiet contemplation, their gazes fixed upon the two houses before them. Aaron had ushered just the four of them away from the bustle of Daryl's interview, eager to showcase the potential living spaces available in Alexandria.

"At your disposal," Aaron nods, gesturing towards the house facing them. "I'd call dibs on that one. It's got more curb appeal," he quips, attempting to inject some levity into the moment. His attempt at humor is met with raised eyebrows from Madeleine and Esperanza, who exchange a brief look of bemusement.

"Listen, I know you're still feeling us out, but I'm glad you came," Aaron continues, his tone shifting to one of sincerity as he turns to face them fully. "Anyway, Deanna's asked everyone to give you your space so they aren't all coming at you at once. Take your time. Explore." He gestures expansively to the surrounding area. "You need anything, you call me. I don't..." he hesitates briefly, "we don't have phones. I meant... I'm four houses down."

Carl, ever the quiet observer, murmurs a soft, "Thank you," his gratitude ringing through the air in acknowledgment of Aaron's words.

They watch Aaron walk away, disappearing into the distance, as they approach the house. Esperanza extends her hand, twists the knob, and opens the door for them, ushering them inside. The interiors of the house emit an air of normalcy, a stark contrast to the harsh reality of their recent journey. The neat construction and clean furnishings exude a sense of tranquility that feels almost foreign yet oddly welcoming amidst the chaos of their lives.

"Looks better than the barn," Esperanza remarks with a nod, walking alongside Carl towards one side of the house. Meanwhile, Rick explores the living room with Madeleine, Daryl, and Judith, taking in the newfound sense of calm within the unfamiliar setting.

"They gave you any more baby food?" Madeleine inquires as she hands Judith over to Rick, who nods in affirmation before cradling Judith in his arms, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

With a tender gesture, she starts to make his way upstairs, accompanied by Daryl.
Madeleine, guided by curiosity, investigates the rooms on either side of the hallway. She finds one room sparsely but elegantly decorated, with sunlight streaming in through the window. As Daryl gazes around, he expresses his observation.

"I like this one," Madeleine notes, taking in the spaciousness of the room.

"It's big," he adds, observing the ample space and the simplicity that defines the room's layout.

Madeleine glances back at him, a faint smile gracing her lips as he moves closer, wrapping his arms around her. He plants a soft kiss on the side of her head, and together they stand by the window, admiring the view.

Meanwhile, Carl and Esperanza venture into the kitchen, opening cupboards and exploring for provisions. They find food stored in the cupboards and the water running, a small comfort amidst the uncertainty of their new surroundings. The duo delves into the task of familiarizing themselves with the available resources, a practical step in settling into their new home.

Carl's eyes widen,. "Mads!" he calls out, causing the couple to rush downstairs with their weapons ready. Their hurried steps slow as they see Carl standing by the running tap, a gleeful expression on his face. "There's water. The water works."

Madeleine exhales a sigh of relief, carefully placing her sword on her back. "You can finally take a shower. You stink."

Carl scoffs playfully, offering a chuckle. "So do you."

Esperanza, seizing the opportunity for some banter, places a hand on Carl's shoulder. "Yeah, but you stink more than Judith."

"Hey, I do not!" Carl protests with a grin, rolling his eyes. Madeleine and Esperanza exchange a chuckle, the lightheartedness of their conversation amidst the pressures of their journey feeling somewhat overwhelming. "Judith better be on my side when she's grown. I can't have 3 against 1."

Meanwhile, Rick leans comfortably against the doorframe, a soft smile adorning his face as he enjoys the familiar exchange of teasing between the younger ones. "I'm going to take a shower. You find a room, Mads?"

"Yeah, but it might be better if all of us sleep in the same house today. Same space," Madeleine suggests thoughtfully. Rick nods in agreement. "Living room seems big enough."

"Yeah," Rick concurs, his gaze shifting toward Carl. "You can look around. Just be quick." With a nod, Carl strides out of the house, Esperanza following closely behind.

Madeleine sighs softly, casting a brief glance back at Daryl. "I'm going to take a shower too." With measured steps, she ascends the stairs, leading them both into the bedroom. Daryl settles on the edge of the bed as she retrieves towels from the top of the mattress and drops her sword on the bed. "These are like mansions."

"Mm-hmm. And they're just giving them away." Daryl's voice echoes with a mix of amusement and disbelief as their eyes meet, sharing a moment of mutual understanding.

"You can join me."

As Madeleine steps into the bathroom, she catches her reflection in the mirror. Initially unnoticed by Daryl as he starts removing his clothes, she finds herself transfixed by the image staring back at her. Her hand instinctively lifts, tracing the faded scar on her face, lost momentarily in a whirlwind of memories and emotions.

The subtle movement catches Daryl's attention, prompting him to approach her quietly. With a gentle touch, he reaches for her hand, their eyes locking in the mirror's reflection. He guides her hand to his chest, the warmth of his touch mingling with the rough texture of his scars, forging an unspoken connection between them. Madeleine's gaze meets his in the mirror, the silent exchange conveying volumes of unspoken emotions.

Without breaking the profound gaze, Daryl slowly spins her around to face him, her hand resting against his chest. Their eyes lock once again, deep pools of understanding and affection reflecting in the depths of their shared gaze. For a moment, time seems to stand still as they stand there, the silent language between them speaking volumes in the quiet intimacy of the moment.

She removes her shirt, her reflection in the mirror revealing a map of scars etched across her body, each mark telling a story of survival and struggle. Memories, both haunting and resilient, resurface as she faces her past reflected in the scars. Leaning back against Daryl's chest, she feels his presence comforting her, his hand tracing the lines of the scars on her upper arm, igniting a simmering anger within him upon encountering the name carved there.

Their eyes meet through the mirror, an unspoken understanding passing between them as he enfolds her in his arms, his touch a silent reassurance of their history. Then, she turns to face him, her hand tenderly grazing his cheek.

"I love you," she whispers, their gazes locked in a shared moment of intimacy.

He brushes a stray strand of hair behind her ear, a tender gesture laden with emotion. "Until death does us apart."

"Even in death, I'd still love you," she murmurs softly, leaning up to meet his lips in a fervent kiss.

Their longing for each other intensifies, driving them toward the shower. Madeleine reaches out, turning on the faucet, and the soothing warmth of the water cascades down their bodies, enveloping them in a cocoon of comfort and intimacy.

In this intimate moment, their unspoken bond and unwavering affection for each other shine through, transcending the scars and challenges they carry, finding solace in their shared love and unwavering devotion amidst the turbulent world they navigate together.


"We're the last ones out of the shower?" Madeleine questions, descending the stairs to witness a blonde woman skillfully cutting Rick's hair. "Electricity, water, and haircuts? We've hit the jackpot."

"Your..." the woman begins, unaware of Madeleine's relation to Rick. "Rick said the exact same thing." She approaches Madeleine, extending her hand. "I'm Jessie."

Madeleine stares at her hand momentarily as Daryl strides out of the front door, a possum in tow, showing little interest in getting acquainted with the woman in their midst.

Turning her gaze away, Madeleine avoids the handshake, causing an awkward pause. "Woah, baby face is back as well."

"I should get going," Jessie hurriedly gathers her belongings, making a hasty exit from the house.

"I thought I'd keep a good appearance for the group," Rick mentions with a slight smile as he stands up, donning his shirt.

Madeleine narrows her eyes at him. "You trying to impress someone?"

"No, of course not," Rick denies, clearing his throat. "Carl went to explore for a little bit with Esperanza. I'm going for a little walk with Judith. Wanna come with me?"

Madeleine shrugs, the sword still slung across her back. "Not really," she says, lifting Judith from the crib in the living room and placing her in the pram. With determined steps, she heads out of the house, Rick trailing behind.

Their steps echo in the silence as they stroll, the quiet enveloping them before Rick breaks it. "What do you think of her?"

"I trust her word," Madeleine remarks, referencing Deanna. "But she's hiding something. She said she hasn't taken anyone in ages, yet she has the two guys out there searching for people. Does it make any sense to you?"

Rick shakes his head, concern furrowing his brow. "No, that's what I'm afraid of."


Michonne emerges from the bathroom, a serene smile gracing her lips as she relishes the simple act of brushing her teeth, a routine indulgence she'd long missed. Rick, noticing her contented expression, walks over to her, and they engage in a brief exchange. The rest of the group, oblivious to their conversation, busies themselves setting up their sleeping arrangements in the living room.

A sudden knock on the door startles them, prompting Rick to stride forward and open it. Madeleine, who had been gazing out the window, turns to see Deanna's surprised expression as Rick grumbles, still getting used to his newly shaved appearance.

"Rick, I- Wow," Deanna remarks, visibly impressed by the unfamiliar sight of Rick without his beard. "I didn't know what was under there. Listen, I don't mean to interrupt. I just wanted to stop by and see how you were all settling." She glances inside, taking note of the entire group gathered in the living room. "Oh, my. Staying together. Smart."

Rick's expression tenses slightly as he regards her. "No one said we couldn't."

"You said you're a family. That's what you said," Deanna says, her tone reflective, a hint of admiration in her voice. She takes a step further into the house, drawn in by the sense of unity among the diverse group. "Absolutely amazing to me how people with completely different backgrounds and nothing in common can become that. Don't you think?"

Rick maintains his stance at the door, his hand resting on it as she continues, addressing him directly. "Everybody said you gave them jobs."

"Mm-hmm. Yeah," Deanna nods, surveying the room teeming with people. "Part of this place. Looks like the communists won after all," she quips with a chuckle, aiming to lighten the mood.

Rick cracks a small smile in response. "Well, you didn't give me one."

"I have. I just haven't told you yet," Deanna counters, her gaze drifting over Rick's shoulder to Michonne. "Same with Michonne," she affirms, her eyes then sweep the room in search of Sasha. "I'm closing in on something for Sasha," she mentions, her determination evident in her tone. Her gaze finally lands on the couple seated by the window. "And I'm just trying to figure Mrs. and Mr. Dixon out, but I will," she asserts with a hint of certainty in her voice.

Rick raises his eyebrows slightly at her words, slightly puzzled by her cryptic statements. He assumes it's simply a miscommunication, a sentiment reflected in his expression.

"Mads, I thought you'd be good to go on runs with Glenn. He's your friend after all," Deanna proposes, suggesting an arrangement she deems fitting. However, her suggestion doesn't seem to sit well with Madeleine, evident in the glare she casts. "But I heard you and Daryl are quite good hunters," Deanna continues, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she reconsiders the dynamics at play within the group.

Madeleine fixates her gaze on Deanna, a simmering intensity in her eyes as she rises from her seat, closing the distance between them. Rick instinctively steps back, sensing the growing tension radiating from Madeleine's powerful stare. The group around them tenses, sensing the gravity of the moment as silence envelops the room, broken only by the weight of Madeleine's words.

"You're weak, your son is weak, his group is weak. You're disconnected from out there, you don't know how to survive, how to handle it," Madeleine asserts, her voice carrying an edge of frustration and conviction. Her words hang heavy in the air, punctuating the palpable tension within the room. "So, I ain't going out there risking my life to save them when they run into trouble, 'cause they will. And one day, they won't make it back and I'm not gonna be the one you'll blame."

Her pointed gaze shifts towards Glenn and a few others who plan to embark on runs, her words directed with a mix of concern and a blunt sense of reality. "I know they'll be fine out there, they work good together, but I'll make sure if it comes down to saving themselves or your people, the choice will be easy."

With a final glare at Deanna, Madeleine storms away, her expression etched with anger. Esperanza and Glenn, sensing the gravity of the situation, swiftly rise from their seats and follow her into the kitchen, their concern evident as they try to catch up with her.

Meanwhile, Rick, caught between the tension of the moment, sighs with a mix of understanding and empathy, but before he can speak, Deanna raises her hand, signaling him to hold his words.

"I know. She'll come around, she's just pushing her limits, she's trying to see if I break, like I said I'm good at reading people." She smiles, placing her hands in her pockets as she turns away, "You look good." She calls out, walking out of the house.

As Esperanza scolds Madeleine for her behavior, the tension in the room simmers, each word cutting through the air like a sharp blade. Glenn, an impartial observer, casually grabs a pack of crisps, quietly observing the exchange between the two sisters. Madeleine, unmoved, rolls her eyes dismissively in response to Esperanza's admonition.

"Your point?" Madeleine retorts, her frustration evident in the exasperated tone of her voice.

Esperanza, resolute, stands her ground, urging Madeleine to consider the rules within the community. "They have rules. If we want to stay, we have to follow them. You trust her, so why make things difficult?"

"She hasn't met difficult," Madeleine sighs, turning away, her thoughts momentarily clouded by apprehension. "She's never faced a anything outside these walls. If things go wrong within these walls, she won't even know how to protect these people."

Marie, concerned by Madeleine's attitude, attempts to steer the conversation towards a more practical path. "What do you think they're hiding?"

The determined glint in Madeleine's eyes intensifies as she shrugs, a sense of purpose swelling within her. "I don't know, but I'll find out."

Glenn, equally vigilant, expresses his reservations about the community's leader and her group. "I don't trust her son or his crew. They're sneaky and cocky. But we can handle them."

Marie interjects, seeking to balance their opinions. "We only saw him for five minutes."

Both Madeleine and Glenn respond in unison, "So?"

Interrupting their discussion, Carl's voice resonates through the kitchen, his concern palpable as he enters the room. "Are you okay, Mads?"

Madeleine nods in agreement, a tender understanding reflected in her gaze. "Just tired. You should get some sleep, it's been a long day."

"I made friends," Carl mutters softly, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability amidst the weariness. Madeleine smiles warmly at his confession, crossing the distance between them to sit beside him. With a gentle touch, she plants a tender kiss on the top of his head, a gesture of reassurance. "They're nice. I just don't feel like I fit in with them."

"It's normal, Carl. Just be yourself," She leans in, enveloping him in a brief but comforting hug, before releasing him and squeezing his shoulder with a small smile. "Don't you dare change for anybody. That's how you'll beat this world."


Daryl takes a seat behind Madeleine on the porch, his chest serving as a comfortable support for her relaxed posture. They both survey their surroundings, scanning every inch of the neighborhood, their eyes keenly noting potential escape routes or hiding spots should the need ever arise. The creak of the door opening and closing breaks their vigilance, prompting their heads to turn and catch sight of Carol, her smile bright and welcoming.

"Time to punch the clock and make the casseroles," Carol announces cheerfully, her demeanor brimming with a sense of purpose.

Daryl, visibly perplexed, arches an eyebrow. "What?"

Carol adjusts her jacket, descending the porch stairs to face them directly. "Make dinner for the older people—moms who need a break, people who can't cook. Get to meet a lot of the neighbors that way."

With a hint of reluctant acceptance, Daryl nods. "Alright."

Carol, ever the practical one, tilts her head slightly. "Have you taken a shower yet?"

A teasing smirk plays on Madeleine's lips as she looks up at Carol. "He actually has. He's not lying, I was there."

"I didn't want to know that," Carol mutters, a faint blush coloring her cheeks as she walks away from the house, her attention now diverted to other tasks. "I'm gonna wash that vest. We need to keep up appearances, even you."

Daryl calls after her, his voice laced with defiance. "Hey, I ain't starting now."

Madeleine interjects, teasingly addressing Carol, "What are you wearing, Carol?"

Daryl, joining in the playful banter, adds, "You look ridiculous."

As they observe Carol walking, Daryl catches the enigmatic glint in Madeleine's eyes, prompting him to nudge her side with a quizzical expression, seeking clarification about her thoughtful demeanor.

"You haven't noticed what she's trying to do?" Madeleine questions, her tone edged with a hint of concern. Daryl raises a questioning eyebrow in response. "No one would find a caring housewife dangerous. If things go south, they wouldn't expect her to know how to defend herself or protect us."

Daryl nods in quiet acknowledgment, silently processing her observation. "Mhmm."

"What?" Madeleine glances back at him, seeking his thoughts on the matter.

Daryl sighs softly, a reflective air enveloping his words as he meets her gaze. "You like it here, Mads. What are you skeptical about?"

Madeleine offers a nonchalant shrug, her gaze drifting back towards the community. "I don't know. I just have a feeling."

Meanwhile, Glenn, Esperanza, Tara, and Noah had embarked on a run accompanied by Nicholas and Aiden. The former group, uncomfortable with the brutal methods employed by the brothers, adds strain to the already taut atmosphere as they made their way back to Alexandria.

"Then we're just as screwed as your last run crew."

At the sudden uproar echoing from the gates of Alexandria, Madeleine springs to her feet without hesitation, recognizing a familiar voice amidst the commotion. "Is that Glenn shouting? What the hell is going on?"

With a sense of urgency, they both rush towards the gates of Alexandria, their hearts pounding with trepidation. Upon arrival, they witness Esperanza, Tara, and Noah standing around Glenn and Aiden, the situation escalating with a heated exchange.

Aiden challenges, his tone brimming with defiance. "Say that again."

"No, back off, Aiden," Tara demands, her voice firm and unwavering, her posture ready for any potential escalation as Esperanza instinctively grabs her knife from her waist, an unmistakable signal of readiness.

Noah takes a hesitant step toward them, his hand extended in a placating gesture, attempting to diffuse the escalating tension. Simultaneously, Aiden pushes against Glenn's chest, and Glenn, equally intent on preventing the situation from spiraling, tries to maintain his composure, refraining from retaliating physically.

"Come on, man. Just take a step back," Noah pleads, trying to intercede in the heated confrontation.

However, Aiden persists, once again pushing back against Glenn's chest, his demeanor displaying an unsettling arrogance. "Come on, tough guy."

Glenn's expression hardens, a steely resolve in his eyes, as Madeleine positions herself steadfastly beside him, her gaze shooting daggers at Aiden, while Daryl stands slightly behind them, ready to act if necessary. "No one's impressed, man. Walk away," Glenn urges calmly, trying to quell the brewing conflict.

Before the situation further escalates, Deanna arrives, her voice commanding and filled with concern. "Aiden! What is going on?"

"This guy's got a problem with the way we do things," Aiden retorts dismissively, turning to face his mother with a hint of exasperation. "Why did you let these people in?"

"Because we actually know what we're doing out there," Glenn responds sharply, his words cutting through the tension, further infuriating Aiden.

Aiden attempts to throw a punch at Glenn, but the agile survivor evades the blow and swiftly retaliates, landing a solid punch on Aiden's jaw. Madeleine reacts promptly, intervening to prevent further escalation, delivering a forceful kick that knocks Aiden down, rendering him unconscious.

Nicholas, consumed by fury at the unfolding altercation, is driven by a blind rage and attempts to attack anyone within reach. Daryl, his protective instincts flaring, swiftly intervenes, tackling Nicholas to the ground and restraining him firmly.

"That's enough! I said that is enough!" Deanna's voice rings out, attempting to quell the rising tension.

"Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey, hey! Let's not do this now," Rick interjects, attempting to restore calm amidst the chaos.

Madeleine, her eyes fixed on Daryl, issues a firm directive. "Daryl."

Responding to her commanding tone, Daryl steps back, maintaining a vigilant stance, hovering near the restrained man as Madeleine approaches him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Nicholas, seething with anger, struggles to rise from the ground, his fury evident in his every move. Esperanza, stepping forward with a challenging expression, asserts her presence, daring him to make another reckless move.

Madeleine stands her ground, her voice carrying a note of warning. "If I were you, I'd take your boy to see a doctor," she smirks, a subtle threat hanging in the air. As Nicholas attempts to advance toward her, Michonne and Esperanza step in, forming a protective barrier, shielding Madeleine from his gaze. "Unless you want to end up like him."

"I want everyone to hear me, okay?" Deanna calls out, her voice projecting authority as she scans the faces of Rick and his group, and her people, before her gaze lingering momentarily on Madeleine, gauging the reactions of those gathered around. "Rick and his people are part of this community now in all ways as equals. Understood?"

"Understood," Nicholas breathes out.

Deanna's authoritative voice rings out again. "All of you, turn in your weapons. Take him to the infirmary," she instructs firmly, signaling for Aiden to receive medical attention.

Madeleine watches silently as Nicholas and a few others help Aiden up from the ground. The scene unfolds before her eyes, but she turns away, her expression stoic, uninterested in the formalities of the moment. Beside her, Daryl scoffs, a clear indication of his disregard for the orders, and they both walk away.

As they depart, their actions echo a defiance that speaks volumes, challenging the authority imposed upon them. Deanna observes Madeleine's retreating figure with a piercing gaze, a glint of resolve shimmering in her narrowed eyes, a signal that a consequential conversation is imminent between them.


Another very long chapter, I really hope you don't mind the lengthy chapters, but it just makes sense to fit it all in one and not put half of an important scene at the start of the next one.

What are your thoughts so far?

What's your favourite episode of TWD?

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