Glad You Shoved My Face in Ic...

By jenjenbaybeh

188 0 0

Every Wednesday Alexandra goes to the mall with her brother Ryan. The day before she went with her best frien... More

Glad You Shoved My Face in Ice Cream Bro ( One Direction Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 8

chapter 7

8 0 0
By jenjenbaybeh

Alex P.O.V>

*Yawwwnn* As soon as i opened my eyes i was met with the bright sun lghting up room. "Dammit i left the shades open." i muttered to myself. While squinting i reached over to my night table grabbed my glasses ( i only wear them when im lazy to put contact lenses on or in the mornings) and got up to close the shades half way. The events from yesterday came to me and as i remembered the incident with Niall Horan i just realized it was with THE NIALL HORAN, THE NIALL HORAN FROM ONE DIRECTION.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" i screamed but closed my mouth as soon as i saw my brother Ry run into my room with his boxers and a wood bat.

"WHAT HAPPENED!!!!! ARE YOU OKAY?" he asked but as soon as he sw me just standing in the middle of my room gigling he put the bat down sighed and said " Why the hell did you scream Alex."

" Hmm well i dont know besides the fact that yesterday that little stunt you pulled on me ( i glared at him as he smiled sheepihly at me ) caused me to embarrass myself in front of Niall Horan THE NIALL HORAN FROM ONE DIRECTION since i was cussing in spanish thinking it was you and i was soo close to hitting him since i thought it was you." I told him while all he did was laugh at me towards the end of my speech. SO MATURE i told him. I rolled my eyes at him as i pushed him out of my room to get ready for work.

I walked over to my full body mirror and looked at my messy long brown hair and my boring brown eyes. I walked over to my nightstand to get my phone but as i walked over i remembered. "shit i lost my phone yesterday at the mall I'll it when im done showerin" so i grabbed my ipod instead and walked to my bathroom. I put music on and itty bitty piggy by Nicki Minaj came on. As i took all my clothes off and walked in the shower i was singing along to the song. I come off shy and quiet but get to know me i can be fun and wierd plus suprisingly i can rap i even suprised my friends when we had a rap battle and you can guess who won yeh i did woop woop.

So as i was singing/ rapping i did what i had to do in the shower and walked out as soon as Te Amo by Rihanna came on. I grabbed my fluffy red towel wrapped it around me and grabbed another one for my hair. I walked out to my room dancing and singing to whatever song. I got to my closet and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt with horses on it but since it was big I rooled it up and tied it at the waist. I then grabbed my Black boots. Then went to my drawers and got my undergarments. I put the outfit on let my hair out of the towel seperated my bangs and put my hair in a messy bun after i put curling mousse in it. I got my blow dryer out and my straightener and began blow drying my bangs and bun and then straightened my bangs and left it over my right eye. 

I walked over to my dresser and put on my 1D bracelet and diamond earrings and my 'ARIES' necklace and put them on. I grabbed a bag and put in my ipod my emergency phone which was a blackberry and my wallet. i walked over to the mirror checked myself and i was ready to go. I dont have to get dressed since i work at the staten island zoo with the ponies. (A/N I do and the ponies are so cute) 

I grabbed my car keys yelled a quick bye to my brother and headed to my car. I drove to starbucks and got a hot chocolate and 2 brownies. I ate and drank as i drove to the zoo. Once igot there i finished my starbucks and parked my car. I walked to the entrance said hi to anyone who walked by and went to the horses.

"Hi Stephanie" I told the owner of the ponies

"Oh Hey Alex how was your week oh it was fun and exciting How was yours?" i asked as i began my usual routine of scooping the poo out of the stalls YUCK but its a job what you gonna do and i love the horses so i could care less.

" Oh my week was fine so what happend during your fun and exciting week" She asked as she helped me.

" Me and my friends went to the city to look for One direction and then..." i told her wat happened at the city and the mall.

She laughed as i told her the events at the mall. When we stopped talking I worked till 1 cleaning and preparing the horses food.

When it was 1 i told Stephanie i was going home. I grabbed the hose and hosed off my boots then walked to my car and drove back home. I turned on the radio and Little things came on. I sang along with the raidio until i got home. I got home to find my brother gone but a note saying he was hanging out with his friends. I went upstairs to take another shower but this one being longer so i can take the horse smell off of me. When i was done i put on a pair of shorts put on a black tank top and a red and black plaid shirt unbuttoned and let my hair out of its messy bun letting the curls cascade down my back. I grabbed he curling iron and curled bits of my hair. I put on my contact lenses and tied a red bandana around my hair. I went to my closet and got a pair of red and black sneaker wedges ( I love sneaker wedges ill even wear them with dresses sometimes.) I grabbed a black bag put in my usual stuff and went downstairs. I texted rosa and jazzy to meet at our usual spot which was jazzys house and her parents didnt care when we came over they were like our family. I texted my brother telling him where i was going and walked to my and drove to jazzys house.

A/N sorry i havent updated in such a lon time i barely have time with scool and then my mom gettin mad at me with my grades and stuff il try to update as much as i can but no promises there will probably be slow updates well hope u like this chapter

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