A Thimble Full Of Poison - A...

By YourWorstKeptSecret

112 9 0

What happens when Twin Flames finally meet? One has a jaded, cynical and distorted view of reality. While the... More

Cold Rumination
Ghosts of Memory
A Questionable Reunion
A Bloody Meeting

Morally Gray Shades of Happiness

20 1 0
By YourWorstKeptSecret

A.N: This is the final instalment to end this...dark and angsty ficlet. I hope you have all enjoyed reading. Please feel free to comment your thoughts. 

"...He's so eager to please

Knows the right frequencies

Worships me slowly

Tells me I'm his only

They say he's morally grey

What can I say?

Grey's my favorite color..."

Looking around at all of the twinkling lights laced between the canopy posts of the dining patio. I couldn't help but let a few tears slip from my eyes. Tears that never fell further than my cheek, before Ruki's knuckle swiped them away gently. Looking up at him, I smiled as his hand fell and rested against my swollen belly, where he affectionately rubbed across it. His smile was soft and barely there but it also reached his eyes. Happiness. He was happy.

"Now, why, on the eve of our engagement party, would my little lamb start crying?" He asked me playfully, making me chuckle.

"I can't help it, I'm just so happy. That's all. Here we are now after everything, with this little one growing like a weed in preparation for joining us out here." I explained, pressing my hand against his, both of us chuckling when we felt little boy wriggling around inside my womb, as if pushing into both of our hands.

"And the decorations out here are beautiful! It truly makes it feel like we are in Kyoto. Like we've stepped back in time or something. It's wonderful. And besides, hormones are making me crazy. You know this!" I added, before pulling his hand away from my stomach, so that I could slide my arms around him in a hug.

"Hmm. I know. You're definitely more metronome than woman at the moment, with how much you've been swinging! But! I wouldn't change it, because it just proves that this is real and not a dream." He responded, pulling me into him as closely as he could before my belly got in the way.

"Ugh, God! You're not going to add that to your long list of nicknames for me, are you? 'My little metronome' I can hear it, in your voice, in my head already." I giggled, playfully knocking my head against his chest, in faux despair.

"You know? I wasn't, but now I think I will. I am offended by your lack of enthusiasm for my penchant for giving you cutesy nicknames. So...now you will pay the price, my little metronome." He replied cheekily and I smacked his arm as I started to laugh again.

My lost little lamb, little minx, lil hime, also more recently his little snow globe (because my belly was quite rounded at the moment and he loved snowglobes) and now little Metronome. It seemed that Ruki's love language was calling me literally any kind of cute name besides my actual name. And they always had to be prepended with 'little' purely because I was shorter than him which cracked him up to no end and also because he loved 'his wee little spitfire'. It was frustrating! But not enough for me to ever actually get mad at him. It was just a pain to keep track of all the names he had for me.

But secretly? I knew I loved it, because it let me know that he held me apart from everyone else. In his world? I had my own special little place that he reserved solely for me. It also told me without telling me how much he actually loved me. So as much as it could irk me, I wouldn't change it for the world. He was my love and the father of my baby. And the man I'd be marrying in just a few short months. We were only getting around to having the party now, because after he had asked me, he'd needed to disappear on tour with the guys. But the night of our engagement was also the night that we had conceived. It was almost like divine providence the way it had happened.

He'd been so upset when I'd told him that I'd thought he hadn't wanted the baby. But before I could lose my temper, he must have realised what his reaction had sounded like. So he'd quickly clarified that he was ecstatic that I was pregnant, the reason for his upset was that he had missed being there with me as I'd found out. He explained that he'd always hoped that we would be together in the bathroom, the moment we found out something like this. He was just sad about missing it, that was all. But otherwise, he was absolutely over the moon with the news. I'd cried then because, honestly? It had been so sweet and cute that he'd wanted to be there with me when we found out.

Things had been rocky for a while, after he had beaten Ricardo within an inch of life. Not between Ruki and I, we'd been solid as stone the whole way through the situation. The rockyness had been because we hadn't known what would happen to Ruki because of the fight. So things were completely uncertain. But as Ruki had said, Ricardo had pulled through, unfortunately. But as much as I cursed that he'd survived the fight, I knew that it was the best thing. Because husband protection aside, death was death. And Ruki would have had to pay for that, no matter what.

So as much as it chapped my ass, I was glad that Ricardo had survived. Because it meant Ruki didn't go to jail. But he had been right. He'd been ordered to pay a hefty fine and had been ordered to attend mandatory anger management classes for six months. This, though, had later been dropped down to three months, when it was found that he was attending therapy as it was and there was an anger management element to his therapy, like there was in mine.

Ricardo however, had not gotten off completely. He'd been charged with attempted forcible sexual intercourse. I had the bruises from his rough handling, which further aided in his sentencing. Once sentenced, he was deported back to our home country to serve his time, with additional years added as fell in line with my home country's laws. He wasn't getting out of prison anytime soon.

So at least I'd still gotten some justice. But not all the justice I should have been able to receive. But I understood why it happened the way it did. It didn't mean I had to like it, though. But overall, the penal system had done its job and protected Ruki and I, while punishing Ricardo. So it was better than the bastard getting off scot free. And now that he was behind bars? He was no longer a danger to women in general and that brought me comfort. To know that my hell had now helped prevent other women from having to experience what Ricardo could put them through. It helped immeasurably.

I was dragged out of my thoughts and cuddling of my fiance when Reita's voice called out to us.

"Hey! Love birds, over there! Come join your party! Otherwise we're eating and drinking everything in sight!"

With a laugh from Ruki and I, we pulled apart and headed towards his bassist. I loved Reita, he was an amazing man and so funny! He killed me! But he was also loved up himself now, he had met and then fallen hopelessly in love with Kiana, my Caribbean goddess of a drummer. He had been utterly fascinated by her and her musical skill and then when he had gotten into her head? Well, it wasn't long before his eyes turned to comically large hearts. Particularly when he found out that she was obsessed with horror movies and video games as well.

It was inevitable that he would drop to his knees before her and pledge his undying loyalty to her. She was pretty damned into him too, in fact when she'd first met him, I couldn't get her to shut up about him for weeks. It had been almost unbearable. But they were together now and nothing got in the way of their love and devotion to one another. It was amazing to see.

I laughed again, taking the seat that Ruki had pulled out for me, as Kiana smacked Reita upside the head lightly and scolded him for being rude. He pouted but inevitably nodded and listened to her. It was time to party and forget all about the hell of before. Friends, good food and a new baby on the way? I couldn't be happier.


As we danced, Kimia's wedding kimono swirling beautifully around her feet, I couldn't believe we were finally here. I had been incredibly touched when she had decided to wear traditional Japanese marriage attire for our wedding.

I hadn't expected her to, she was a Westerner after all and imposing my culture on her would have been wrong. I would have been happy, no matter what she wore as long as she was comfortable and happy. But the fact that she had chosen, unprompted, to clothe herself in my culture's attire had warmed my heart unbearably and she looked absolutely stunning.

She had gone for the coloured kimono as opposed to the all white, and had dressed her hair instead of wearing a hood or silk hat. But that was only because of how hot it was today. I, after hearing that Kimia would dress traditionally, had scrapped my idea of a Western suit and instead ordered a groom's traditional attire as well. I wanted us in unity, long before we stood in front of the Shinto priest who had married us.

Spinning Kimia in time with the music of our first dance as husband and wife, I allowed my eyes to sweep the crowd watching us. A smile came to my face when I saw Kiana holding mine and Kim's son, Tomoe to her lovingly. Reita was beside her fussing with Tomoe's swaddling to ventilate him a little better due to the heat. It was lovely to see my best friend and Kim's, looking after our child like he was their own, while we shared our first dance. With the next graceful twirl, my eyes landed on someone that made my heart stop and my rage start to rumble through me like the beginnings of a typhoon. What the hell was she doing here!?

I had seen the pictures and I recognised the woman. But how she had found us, I did not know. Given we still didn't know how Ricardo had found Kim. But overall that was unimportant. How dare she show up here on the day that Kim and I were married. She had no place and no right here and she would absolutely not have a chance to even look at Tomoe much less interact with him.

"Little lamb, I hate to tell you this but I need to." I whispered into Kimia's ear, after leaning into her more. "Your mother is here."

I felt Kimia tense tightly against me, her breathing starting to become laboured a little. "Tak! Don't let her near me or Tomoe. I don't want her even remotely close. I dunno why she's here and I don't care. I just don't want to deal with her."

"I will protect you. Always." I answered without hesitation and with conviction, repeating the words I had said to her when we were in my bed after our reunion after eight years apart. "When this dance is over, go to Reita and Kiana. All four of you can move into the honeymoon suite and stay there. I'll come and get you again when I've dealt with her." I instructed and within a few minutes the dance ended and I ushered Kim off the dance floor. Explaining to guests as I went that Kim needed a few minutes to look after Tomoe before we continued with the festivities.

Soon we were both in front of Reita and Kiana. I quickly explained to Reita what I needed him to do and what was going on. He nodded and without complaint, led both women and Tomoe into the hotel. Our reception was being held in a fancy, private ryokan, which we had hired out. So everything was on one level, with beautiful gardens surrounding the building, where we were holding the majority of the celebrations.

As soon as I knew Kim and my son were in Reita's very capable hands, I spun on my heel and headed towards Mila. I wasn't a fan of intimidating women in any way. But in my eyes? She wasn't a woman. She was as much of a monster as Ricardo was. She had known what he was doing to Kimia all those years and she never once tried to leave him or prevent it from happening. She never once attempted to protect her daughter.

Something I understood even less now as a father myself. New as I was. I was already fiercely protective of my boy and would murder for him. So, I could only imagine what I would be like with my little girl, if Kimia blessed me with one. So how the fuck had Mila made the choice to sacrifice her daughter to protect herself!? How had she justified allowing her husband to abuse her child!? I saw her look of worry cross her features as she saw me stalking over in her direction. Worry that turned to some fear when she realised I was aiming for her.

Once I reached her, I said nothing as I grabbed her arm and practically dragged her away from everything and everyone. As soon as we were out of eye and earshot of everyone, I practically tossed her in front of me.

"I don't know where you found your audacity, woman. But you do not belong here. Nor will you ever find a place with us. I will tell you once nicely. Turn around, leave and never come back. Don't ever try to contact Kim. Don't show up out of the blue. You burned all of your bridges long ago!" I bit out, making sure she could hear my hatred for her in my voice.

"You must be the husband then. I see. So my daughter has married a brute, like I did. I guess like mother, like daughter after all." She spat with venom, making me give her a disbelieving look before I snorted in derision.

"I am nothing like your bastard husband. I turn my violence on others to protect my wife. I don't use it against her. But I don't blame you for not understanding the difference between an abusive man and one who would do anything to protect his woman. Not all of us have sharp critical thinking. Especially when we spend our days addled with alcohol." I retorted, making it a point to wave my hand under my nose distastefully. I was letting her know without words, that I could smell how the booze practically oozed from her pores.

"She is my daughter! I have a right to be here on her wedding day! And don't think I don't know that she now has a son! I have rights as a grandmother too!" Mila hissed, moving to shove against me but missing and almost falling on her face. Yeah...being drunk out of her mind wasn't exactly good for her coordination.

"Need I remind you what happened to your husband, when he tried to put his hands on me? I wouldn't recommend that you try to do that again, Mila." I warned her dangerously, before responding to her last words.

"No. You don't. Women who allow their daughters to be beaten and raped regularly, have no place in their lives. You gave up those rights when you declared open season on your teen daughter to save your own ass! As for my son I would sooner see me dead and in the ground before I ever let you near my boy!" I snapped, stepping into her space menacingly, making her stumble a few steps back.

"She is a new mother! She needs her own to help her through this!" She said desperately, her words starting to slur more as the alcohol seeped further into her brain.

"No. She doesn't. My mother has fully and wholeheartedly stepped up to the plate that you stepped down from! You are not needed here. You will never be needed here. Kimia is mine and my family's responsibility now. She and we are perfectly content with that. The only reason I am talking to you now, is because she asked me to deal with you. She wants nothing to do with you. Ever again." I countered sharply, reaching over to steady the woman's swaying form, before snatching my hand back like she was diseased. I hated giving her any kind of help or support. But I also couldn't in good conscience allow her to fall and break her face if I could avoid it.

My mother had finally divorced my father and asked to return to my life. Ever since then, she had broken her back to make up for every single mistake she had made when it came to raising me. She had also finally shared just how hellish her life had been with my father.

Most of it I had known nothing of as it had occurred in secret, in ways that had never been viewable from the outside. The things that bastard had done to her, every time she had tried to protect me and my older brother? They had been horrendous. For every beating he gave us that she had slammed him for, he gave her one so much worse. But still, she had continued to try and protect us as best as she could in her limited power. My heart had broken into a thousand pieces when I finally heard the full story.

Ever since then, she had been in mine and Kimia's life and she had taken to her role of mother with gusto. The support and love that she had drowned Kimia and me in? It was unbelievable. And the feminine love and support that she had given Kim during the pregnancy had been amazing. Support she had continued to give her since Tomoe's birth. Kim wasn't alone and she was not hurting for a maternal figure in the least. My mother had become hers and that was that.

"So. The way I see it, Mila." I interrupted her when she tried to push back against my words. "You have two options. You can try and push this, in which case I will spill all of your dirty secrets. Or, you can turn around now and leave quietly, never to attempt to contact Kim again. You will continue to live what's left of your pathetic life in freedom. Or, I can get you thrown into prison for your crimes. Those are your only options. You choose." I finished and waited for her response.

The look she gave me was one of broken acceptance. She had gone too far and lost everything and now she was paying the price. She would never see her only child again, nor would she ever get to know her only grandchild. Her decisions had brought her to this point and now she was finally feeling the burn of them. But it was clear that she knew I wasn't joking.

She had obviously heard what had happened to Ricardo and knew that it was me that had put the bastard into his place. So she knew that if I could do that to him? That there was nothing stopping me making good on my threats to her, especially when she now knew that I had Kimia's blessing to deal with this however I saw fit. Only a true, mentally challenged individual would choose to test me at this point now. And although she was stupid, she wasn't lacking intelligence completely. And she still had a healthy sense of self-preservation.

Without saying a word to me, she slowly turned and started to make her way off the grounds. She was leaving and I was pretty sure we would never see her again. At least, I hoped we wouldn't.

Turning after I was sure that Mila was well and truly gone, I made my way back towards the Ryokan. I needed to check on Kimia and make sure she was OK. Then we could get back to celebrating our wedding with our friends and chosen family. This day was special and every moment counted. So I needed to make sure that she enjoyed every second that remained of our day. We had a lifetime to enjoy with one another, but we only had one wedding day. And so, it needed to be thoroughly enjoyed by all who were welcomed.


A.N: And there we have it. The final part of this short. What did we think? See you all again for the next one! 

Song used at the beginning: 

April Jai - Morally Grey

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