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By billieeyelash1864

61.4K 1.8K 1.7K

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Act I
I. Silence Speaks Louder Than Words
II. The Weight of Resentment
III. The Darwinian Playground
IV. The Battle for Existence
V. The Endless Journey
Act II
VI. The Silent Wounds
VII. The Agony of Unending Darkness
VIII. The Power of Belief
IX. The Thorny Path of Lies
X. The Bullet's Silent Message
XI. The Shadow of the Deadly Arrow
XII. The Promise of a New Foe
XIII. The Domino Effect
XIV. The Demon's Whisper
XV. The History of Betrayals
XVI. The Same Old Things
XVII. The Wall of Emotion
XVIII. The Ties that Bind
XIX. The Pages of Lost Innocence
XX. The Grim Reaper's Waltz
XXI. The Screams of the Dead
XXII. The Echoes of Heartache
XXIII. The Murmur of Silent Torment
XXIV. The Road Back to Each Other
XXV. The Losing Game of Love
XXVI. The Hollowed Memories
XXVII. The Symphony of Destruction
Act IV
XXVIII. The Fury within the Steel
XXIX. The Clash of Destinies
XXX. The Reign of Weaponry
XXXI. The Kindred Spirits
XXXII. The Quiet Calm Before the Storm
XXXIII. The Unending Farewells
XXXIV. The Mind's Battlefield
XXXV. The Peaceful Oases in the Chaos
XXXVI. The Shadows Cast by the Past
XXXVII. The Hand of Fate
XXVIII. The Reunion Amidst Chaos
Act V
XXXIX. The Long-Awaited Return
XL. The Uncertain Future of New Faces
XLI. The Ghost of a Present Past
XLII. The Destiny They Share
XLIII. The End of the Road
XLIV. The Highway to Hell
XLV. The Turning Point
XLVI. The Endless Tragic Demises
XLVII. The Brigde of an Endless Storm
XLIX. The Gates of Alexandria
L. The Melody in the Chaos
LI. The Midnight Sky
LII. The Scandal
Act VI
LIII. The Ying-Yang Effect
LIV. The Realm of Grief
LV. The Choreography of Death
LVI. The Way Life Goes
LVII. The Unquenchable Fire
LVIII. The Stranger Passing By
LIX. The Hilltop at the End of the Road
LX. The Sanctuary of Death
LXI. The Shadow Vs Death
LXII. The Saviours
LXIII. The Ending of a Beginning
LXIV. The Sanctuary vs Alexandria
LXV. The Truth Continues To Unveil
LXVI. The Descrution Within Oneself
LXVII. The Allience of Enemies
LXVIII. The Reminder
LXIX. The Betrayal of Friends
LXX. The Angel of Death
LXXI. The Death's Reapers
LXXII. The Beginning of a War
LXXIII. The Promise of Tomorrow
LXXIV. The Distance in his Fingertips
LXXV. The World Stops Turnin'
LXXVI. The Doom of Death
LXXVII. The Door Between Hell & Heaven
LXXVIII. The Unspoken Words
LXXIV. The Message
LXXV. The Fall of Neville
LXXVI. The Letter
Act IX(a)
LXXVII. The Hanging Tree
LXXVIII. The Bridge
LXXIX. The Judge

XLVIII. The Dawn of Hope

324 13 6
By billieeyelash1864

The atmosphere shifts abruptly as the man stands before the women, his presence seems to carve a tangible tension into the air, freezing not just the movement around them but also the very essence of time itself, as they collectively absorb the weight of the crucial information he has just imparted.

Madeleine strides purposefully toward the man, and Aaron takes a cautious step back, mindful of maintaining his balance. As Madeleine closes the distance, she decisively seizes his arm, swiftly twisting it behind his back in a practiced motion. The man winces audibly, but she maintains a firm grip, propelling him forward towards the nearby barn, with Maggie and Sasha instinctively rushing in front of them.

Each of their movements seems to carry the weight of a decision yet to be made, echoing the gravity of the situation at hand, while Madeleine's grip on the man only tightens, her determination palpable as she purposefully drags him towards their intended destination.

Approaching the barn, the man's compliance becomes increasingly evident and he desperately tries to convey something, anything, as he tries to speak, but the pressure exerted by Madeleine's unyielding restraint leaves no room for negotiation or conversation.

Maggie cautiously approaches the barn's weathered door, the soft creaking of its hinges breaking the eerie silence that hangs in the air. With deliberate care, she pushes the door open, the aged wood protesting against the movement. "Hey," she calls out, her voice echoing through the dusty interior, drawing the attention of the group gathered inside.

Turning their heads towards her, the assembled individuals, their eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and wariness, fixate on Maggie as she enters, Sasha at her side, leading the way with purposeful strides. In the midst of them, Madeleine guides Aaron, their arrival marking an unexpected addition to the tense atmosphere.

"Everyone," Maggie begins, her words measured and deliberate, "This is Aaron."

Instantly, a ripple of tension courses through the group. They react swiftly, grabbing their weapons and assuming defensive positions, their collective gaze fixated on the man, their expressions a mix of suspicion and caution. Ever vigilant, Daryl swiftly moves to check the perimeter outside the barn, his keen eyes scanning the surroundings, searching for any hidden threats lurking in the shadows.

"We met him outside. He's by himself," Maggie explains, her voice laced with a subtle note of reassurance, conveying the gravity of their decision to bring Aaron into their fold through her measured words.

"We took his weapon and his gear," Madeleine announces crisply, her tone cutting through the charged air.

Releasing her grip, Madeleine firmly pushes the man aside, exerting just enough force to unbalance him slightly. He staggers, stumbling over scattered supplies, his momentary loss of balance quickly rectified as he regains composure.

Facing the group, he straightens up, though tension hangs heavily in the air, exacerbated by the piercing scrutiny of their suspicious gazes. Daryl steps into action as he begins a meticulous pat-down of the man, searching for any concealed weapons.

"Hi," Aaron interjects, his voice carrying a calm, cordial tone, as if attempting to diffuse the palpable unease that pervades the barn. "It's nice to meet you." His words hang in the air, a fragile attempt at easing the tension that surrounds them.

Amidst the charged atmosphere, Judith's cries pierce through the space, prompting Marie to react swiftly. She intervenes, taking Judith from Rick's arms and murmuring soothing words, trying to pacify the distressed infant.

"You said he had a weapon?" Rick's inquiry breaks the momentary silence, drawing Madeleine's attention.

Stepping over to Rick, she retrieves the weapon and passes it to him without a word. Rick takes the weapon, tucking it securely into his waistband, his gaze never leaving the man standing before them. Taking no chances, Daryl moves decisively, locking the barn door with a determined click, ensuring their safety within the enclosed space.

"He has a camp nearby," Sasha informs the group, her head slightly tilted in contemplation.

Madeleine scoffs in response, remembering the man's proposition with a sarcastic amusement. "He wants us to audition for membership."

"I wish there was another word," Aaron interjects, raising his arms in a gesture of jest. "Audition makes it sound like we're some kind of a dance troupe. That's only on Friday nights," he jokes, but his attempt at humor falls flat, met with silence that dims his smile.

Marie raises an eyebrow at Aaron's failed attempt at humor. "Another unfunny one."

"And it's not a camp. It's a community. I think you all would make valuable additions. But it's not my call. My job is to convince you all to follow me back home," Aaron explains to the group. Rick, taking a threatening step forward, listens intently as Aaron continues. "I know. If I were you, I wouldn't go either. Not until I knew exactly what I was getting into." He then turns his attention to Sasha. "Sasha, can you hand Rick my pack?"

Sasha stares at him for a moment before removing the bag from her back, passing it over to Rick. Taking the bag, Rick places it on the ground. "Front pocket, there's an envelope," Aaron instructs as Rick opens the bag and retrieves an envelope. "There's no way I could convince you to come with me just by talking about our community. That's why I brought those. I apologize in advance for the picture quality. We just found an old camera store last-."

Daryl abruptly cuts him off. "Nobody gives a shit."

Aaron turns towards Daryl, meeting his intense glare. "You're absolutely 100% right," he mutters, acknowledging the tension. Rick starts pulling pictures from the envelope, and Marie leans in over his shoulder, cradling Judith in her arms. "That's the first picture I wanted to show you because nothing I say about our community will matter unless you know you'll be safe. If you join us, you will be."

Marie glances up at Aaron, a calm curiosity in her eyes as she soothes Judith. "What's the measurements of these?"

"Each panel in that wall is a 15-foot-high, 12-foot-wide slab of solid steel framed by cold-rolled steel beams and square tubing," Aaron explains, his words met with a slow nod of comprehension from Marie. She then directs her attention back to the pictures Rick is reviewing. "Nothing alive or dead gets through that without our say-so," Aaron adds, drawing a raised eyebrow from Madeleine, while Rick gazes intently at the man. "Like I said, security is obviously important. In fact, there's only one resource more critical to our community's survival." He pauses, observing the group's collective reactions. "The people. Together we're strong. You can make us even stronger. The next picture, you'll see inside the gates. Our community was first construc..."

Rick subtly signals to Madeleine, who stands near Aaron, and she swiftly moves closer to him. As Aaron continues his spiel, unaware of the impending interruption, Madeleine seizes the opportunity and swiftly knocks him unconscious with a forceful blow, a faint hiss escaping her lips as she shakes her hand, the impact of her fist against his face reverberating through her.

Madeleine winces under her breath as Daryl approaches her, inspecting her injured hand. "Let me see," Daryl insists, examining her hand carefully before deftly wrapping a bandana around the bruised area. He watches as Madeleine tests her hand's mobility. "It's just bruised, no broken bones."

The tension in the group gradually eases as they stow away their weapons, relaxing their guard. They move about, gathering rope and securing Aaron by tying him up in another corner of the barn, ensuring he poses no threat or possibility of escape.

"So we're clear, that look wasn't a 'let's attack that man' look. It was a 'he seems like an okay guy to me' look," Michonne clarifies, the group facing each other in a momentary exchange of thoughts and glances.

"Dump his pack. Let's see what this guy really is," Rick commands, disregarding Michonne's insight, as Carl follows through, grabbing the man's bags and scattering their contents across the ground. "Everybody else, we need eyes in every direction. They're coming for us. We might not know how or when, but they are," Rick voices the urgency, his gaze darting around as the group prepares to fortify the barn, vigilantly stationing themselves to cover every angle.

"Rick!" Madeleine stands her ground, her arms folded in a display of steadfast resolve, her eyes locked onto her father's. Meanwhile, Carol and Daryl meticulously sift through the man's jacket pockets, ensuring there are no hidden threats. "We didn't see him. If he had wanted to kill us, he could've. He's as harmful as an armed duck," Madeleine asserts with a hint of exasperation, her words echoing her conviction that the stranger poses no immediate danger.

Rick, seemingly disregarding Madeleine's statement, diverts his gaze elsewhere. "Anybody see anything?" he inquires, scanning the group for any potential signs of impending danger.

Glenn, having taken a moment to survey the surroundings from the barn's window, looks back at Rick, shaking his head. "Just a lot of places to hide," he reports, his tone tinged with concern.

"Alright, keep looking," Rick commands, striding over to Carl, who diligently inspects the contents of the man's bag. Nearby, Marie continues her attempts to soothe Judith back to sleep, her gentle gestures attempting to lull the infant into a peaceful slumber.


Rick surveys the scattered objects strewn across the ground, a quizzical expression etched onto his features as he casts a searching gaze around their surroundings. "What did you find?" he queries, his attention turning to his son, Carl, who approaches, clutching a gun extracted from the scattered items.

"Never seen a gun like that before," Carl observes, his tone tinged with curiosity and intrigue as he presents the unfamiliar weapon to his father.

Marie notes Rick's growing concern and swiftly interjects, her eyes meeting Rick's with a silent understanding. "It's a flare gun. To alert others," she clarifies.


Rick retraces his steps, returning to the group, where Michonne busies herself wetting a cloth and tenderly patting the unconscious man's head and neck. "Keep your eyes open," Rick instructs, a note of urgency in his tone, emphasizing the need for vigilance.

"Rick!" Madeleine's voice rises in alarm once more, halting their movements as all eyes turn to her, anticipating her next words. However, before she can speak, Aaron stirs and groans, his consciousness returning.

Aaron lifts his gaze, meeting Madeleine's eyes with a hint of admiration amidst the confusion. "That's a hell of a right cross there, Mads," he comments, acknowledging her earlier action with a touch of humor.

"Sit him up," Rick orders, a note of urgency in his command as he assesses the situation, keen on ensuring Aaron's well-being.

"I think it's better if..." Maggie begins, but Rick cuts her off, his resolve firm as he insists on his course of action.

"He's fine. Sit him up," Rick demands, his authoritative tone brooking no opposition.

Both Michonne and Maggie assist Aaron to sit up, positioning themselves on either side of him. Rick's intense glare locks onto Aaron, the unspoken tension thick in the air, while Aaron appears caught like a deer in headlights, visibly uneasy under the penetrating scrutiny.

"You're being cautious. I completely understand," Aaron replies, attempting to diffuse the tension, though his eyes betray an inner struggle.

"How many of your people are out there?" Rick's voice carries an air of authority, his eyes never wavering from Aaron's face. The discovery of the flare gun adds weight to Rick's interrogation. "You have a flare gun. It's for signaling your people. How many?"

Aaron, caught off guard, falters under the direct questioning. His expression shifts to one of guilt, and he avoids meeting their eyes. "Does it matter?" he retorts, a defensive edge to his tone.

Marie emerges from the shadows at the back of the barn, still cradling Judith protectively in her arms. Her presence commands attention, and she fixes an unwavering glare at Aaron, adding a layer of intensity to the atmosphere. "If I were you, I'd answer," she asserts, nodding subtly toward Madeleine. "My sister doesn't answer well to unanswered questions," Marie gestures back to Rick, "and Rick isn't fond of fruitless discussions."

Aaron exhales audibly, acknowledging the tension. "Of course, it matters how many people are actually out there," he admits, slowly nodding his head. "But does it matter how many people I tell you are out there? Because I'm pretty sure, no matter the number I say—eight, 32, 444, zero..." Aaron's voice trails off, sensing the palpable unease gripping the group as his words hang in the air. "No matter what I say, you're not going to trust me." Aaron takes note of their reactions, realizing the inherent mistrust lingering within the group, regardless of his words.

"Well, it's hard to trust anyone who smiles every time they get their ass kicked," Madeleine growls back, her voice laced with an edge of restrained fury. With a calculated move, she kneels down to meet his eye level, the intensity of her gaze locking onto his as the group watches on with rapt attention.

"Friend, thanks for the water bottles, but as you saw, we don't trust easily," she asserts, her tone tinged with a mix of skepticism and caution.

Daryl and Rick exchange a perplexed glance, failing to piece together the realization that Aaron had been tailing them. Daryl, protective and vigilant, steps closer to Madeleine, his eyes narrowed into a glare fixed on the man before them. "How long you people been following us?"

"Long enough to see that you practically ignore a pack of roamers on your trail before she came out of nowhere and basically killed them all," Aaron replies, his gaze shifting between Daryl and Madeleine. "Long enough to see that despite a lack of food and water, you never turned on each other. You're survivors and you're people. Like I said, and I hope you won't punch me for saying it again, that is the most important resource in the world."

Madeleine's eyes bore into Aaron's, her unwavering stare a testament to her determination. "Why are you recruiting people? More specifically, us." Her voice cuts through the tense silence, each word laced with an undeniable gravity. The group remains on high alert, sensing the imminent significance of Aaron's response. "You've seen what we're capable of, you've walked into the wolves' den, so save your breath and answer. How many others are out there, or I'll stab you and you'll have no choice but to take us to your people to be able to live."

"She would also happily watch you bleed out," Tara chimes in.

Madeleine nods in tacit agreement, her gaze unwavering as she awaits Aaron's response. "One," Aaron breathes out, his gaze scanning the faces in the group, seeking belief. "I knew you wouldn't believe me. If it's not words, if it's not pictures, what would it take to convince you that this is for real?" His eyes flit around the assembled group, their collective skepticism palpable.

Frustration momentarily shadows Aaron's expression before a spark of inspiration ignites within him. "What if I drove you to the community? All of you? We leave now, we'll get there by lunch."

Rick remains skeptical, his scrutiny fixed on Aaron. "I'm not sure how the 17 of us are going to fit in the car you and your one friend drove down here in."

"We drove separately. If we found a group, we wanted to be able to bring them all home. There's enough room for all of us," Aaron reassures, nodding in affirmation, attempting to assuage their doubts with pragmatic details.

Carol, leaning casually against the barn's beam, interjects with a question, seeking clarity in the plan. "And you're parked just a couple of miles away, right?"

"East on Ridge Road, just after you hit Route 16," Aaron confirms, his tone holding a hint of urgency. "We wanted to get them closer, but then the storm came, blocked the road. We couldn't clear it."

Rick's skepticism remains evident as he narrows his eyes, unconvinced. "Yeah, you've really thought this through."

Aaron expresses his frustration with the group's beliefs, addressing Rick with a sigh of exasperation. "Rick, if I wanted to ambush you, I'd do it here. You know, light the barn on fire while you slept, pick you off as you ran out the only exit."

Marie mutters under her breath, her voice laden with sarcasm, "That's reassuring."

"You can trust me," Aaron insists earnestly, hoping to gain their trust.

Michonne, resolute and focused, intervenes, breaking the tense moment. "I'll check out the cars."

"I'll go with you," Madeleine promptly announces, determination gleaming in her eyes as she secures her sword on her back. She turns to Glenn and Maggie, seeking their participation. "Glenn, Maggie, you up for it?" The two nod in agreement, signaling their readiness to join her.

Rick argues back, but Madeleine dismisses his concerns. "There aren't any cars."

"Abraham, Rosita, and Marie, you came with us. The rest of you form a perimeter around here, and Noah, keep an eye on him and Judith," Madeleine asserts, her command compelling the others to follow her instructions despite Rick's objections.

"Stop!" Rick's voice reverberates, but Madeleine steps up, pointing a finger assertively at his face.

"You stop! We've done it your way, that's over now. We're doing it this way," Madeleine retorts, matching his tone and volume as they engage in a tense stare-down.

"Your way is dangerous, mine isn't," Rick growls back, his frustration evident.

"Passing up someplace where we can live? Where Judith and Carl can grow up safely? That's dangerous and stupid. We're doing this, with or without you," Madeleine concludes firmly, striding away purposefully. The individuals she named fall in line behind her, Marie casting a glance back at Rick, who appears both irritated and begrudgingly proud of Madeleine's determination to ensure the group's safety.

"If there's trouble, you got enough firepower?" Rick questions, concern etched into his features as he glances at Marie. She nods affirmatively, passing Judith over to Rick. "Hey, here," he offers, passing her the gun, which she accepts without hesitation.

"She's right, and you know it," Marie asserts, securing the gun on her waist before striding away to rejoin the rest of the group.

Rick sighs, his gaze lingering on the departing figures as he steps out of the barn, addressing them, "The walkies are out of juice. If you're not back in 60 minutes, we'll come. Which might be just what they want."

"Okay, Rick," Madeleine retorts sarcastically, her back turned as she waves her hand dismissively in response to his warning.

Rick returns inside the barn, scanning the group. "She's right, and if we're all in here, we're a target," he remarks, acknowledging the truth in Madeleine's dismissal.

Daryl, grabbing his crossbow, gestures toward Carl. "We've got the area covered. Come on, kid," he says, indicating they are ready to take on their respective positions for defense.

"All right, groups of two, find somewhere safe within eyeshot," Rick declares, his gaze lingering on Aaron, who wears an amused expression. "Something funny?"

"Your daughter, she's really always like that?"

As the group departs, Rick secures the barn's door and then walks over to Aaron, his expression serious, causing Aaron to swallow a lump in his throat.  "You wouldn't be finding it funny if she did what she said she would, and trust me, she's all bark and no talk," Rick asserts, poking Aaron's chest. "She trusts you for some reason, and despite our disagreements, I trust her with my life."

"I see that." Aaron nods, locking eyes with Rick. "When the world was still the world, I worked for an NGO. Our mission was to deliver medicine and food to the Niger River Delta. Bad people pointed a gun in my face every other week. You're not bad people. You're not going to kill us. And we are definitely not going to kill you."

"Just because we're good people doesn't mean we won't kill you," Rick asserts, rising to his feet and turning his back to Aaron. He continues, "If the seven of them aren't back in an hour... I'll put a knife in the base of your skull, just like she would."


As they progress down the road, the air thickens with unspoken thoughts and emotions, creating an atmosphere laden with quiet reflection and an underlying tension that threatens to disrupt the tranquility. Marie breaks the silence, her whistling slicing through the air, instantly catching Madeleine's attention. An irked glance from Madeleine speaks volumes, a silent plea for silence.

"You're not allowed to be annoyed at your baby sister," Marie chides, her voice tinged with playful defiance as she observes her sister's reaction. Madeleine's response is a simple eye roll, an attempt to divert her attention away from her sister's antics, choosing instead to cloak herself in a cocoon of silence.

Glenn gently nudges Marie's side, gesturing subtly toward Madeleine as if conveying an unspoken message. "You know, she's my best friend," Glenn begins, adopting a more serious tone. "I can read her like a book most times. I know you know that Mads basically made sure Rick knew she hated him every day for a few years, 'cause of your mother-."

"Wait, what?" Marie's brows furrow in confusion, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. "What do you mean? Why did she hate him?"

"Rick lied to your sister," Glenn reveals, his voice carrying a weighty solemnity, "saying your mother was dead when he got custody of her, but she was still alive." As the weight of the revelation sinks in, Marie's eyes reflect a whirlwind of emotions, her gaze fixed on the back of her sister's head. "You didn't know."

"No." Marie's voice softens, her eyes filled with a mix of disbelief and sadness as she shifts her attention back to Glenn. "Why would he do that?"

Glenn, sensing the weight of the revelation, attempts to explain further. "He was trying to protect her," Glenn offers as an explanation, but Marie's initial disbelief prompts her to shake her head in response. "If he knew things would turn out the way they did-."

"She could've been around when my mother died, and I wouldn't have gone to an orphanage. Of course, he couldn't have known, but..." Marie's voice trails off, her thoughts drifting into the uncharted territories of what-ifs and unforeseen consequences. "That's why she calls him Rick."

Glenn, sensing Marie's astonishment and wrestling with his own remorse, expresses his regret. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I thought you knew."

"It's okay." Marie offers him a faint smile, trying to mask the turmoil within. "I think you were saying...?"

"Right, why does she hate him again?" Glenn probes further, his curiosity piqued by the unresolved tensions within their group dynamics.

Marie shakes her head, her voice laced with a newfound comprehension. "She doesn't, she's just tired, and he's her easiest target. It didn't make sense why until now."

Glenn cautiously steps back, allowing Marie a moment to grapple with the weight of the newfound revelation. "Eyes open, everybody. Weapons up," Glenn instructs the group, his voice firm and resolute. "You see someone coming at us, you fire."

Abraham nods assertively. "Copy that."

Michonne furrows her brow in contemplation. "So if we see someone, we just shoot them?" she questions, seeking clarification.

Madeleine, poised and vigilant, confirms with a nod. "Yes."

Marie interjects, her voice carrying a note of dissent. "No."

Maggie quietly adds, "It's a good question."

Marie sighs softly, a gesture of frustration mingled with determination, as she runs a hand through her hair, aiming to clarify their stance. "We see someone, we fire at them if they fire at us first."

Rosita, typically more reserved in group discussions, decides to chime in, voicing her agreement. "I agree."

As they traverse the desolate road, Michonne's voice cuts through the air, laden with skepticism and caution. "What if they're someone like us? What if Aaron is telling the truth?" Her gaze scans their surroundings, a testament to her ever-watchful nature.

"He is," Madeleine interjects, her assertion drawing mildly surprised expressions from the rest. She rolls her eyes, a subtle display of exasperation. "Why wouldn't he be?" Madeleine questions with a knowing expression.

Glenn chimes in, "Looks can be deceiving."

Madeleine, undeterred, scoffs and shakes her head slightly. "Do you really believe he has a whole army waiting to kill us? What would they even gain with that?" She locks eyes with the group, her tone earnest as she tries to convey her perspective. "The Governor sought revenge, power, and control over the prison. Terminus was a den of cannibals. But Aaron..." Her voice trails off, a hint of introspection coloring her words. "He has nothing to take from us."

"I didn't think I'd see the day you'd be defending a stranger and believe he has good intentions," Glenn remarks, his expression a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

Marie, quietly voicing her own reflections, murmurs under her breath, "Neither did I."

Glenn's voice resonates with a tone of caution, a vigilant glance cast backward towards Michonne. "Look, we're seven people walking with guns. No one's coming up to say hello," he points out, a touch of apprehension underlying his words. "If it's someone like us, we should be afraid of me. He was watching us. He saw us yesterday. After what we did yesterday, why would he want us to join his group?" Glenn alludes to the measures they had to take for survival after facing the attacking dogs, his concern etched onto his face.

"People like us saved a woman who was dying in her father's arms," Michonne interjects, pointing towards Madeleine, recalling the stories she heard countless times. "People like us saved a priest. Saved a girl who rolled up to the prison with the governor. Saved a crazy lady with a sword." She pauses momentarily, a faint smile touching her lips at the recollection, before resuming, "He saw that."

Glenn, still harboring uncertainty, shakes his head in mild disbelief. "We don't know what he saw."

As the group continues their march, blissfully unaware of being observed from a distance, Madeleine's sharp instincts catch a parked tractor within her periphery. She registers the anomaly but refrains from dwelling on it, maintaining focus on the road ahead.

A subtle shift in Marie's demeanor doesn't escape Madeleine's notice, prompting her to glance back at her sister. Marie tries to force a smile, but the strain is evident. Sensing something amiss, Madeleine slows her pace, matching her steps with her sister's.

"What's wrong?" Madeleine probes gently, concern etched into her features as she reaches out to her sister, seeking to understand the source of Marie's sudden change in mood.

Marie's attempt at deception doesn't go unnoticed by Madeleine, who arches an eyebrow in response. "Nothing," Marie states unconvincingly, drawing a skeptical glance from her sister. "I didn't know why you called him Rick, now I know."

Madeleine diverts her gaze, her expression a mask of detached stoicism. "It doesn't matter, I've forgiven him."

"Why?" Marie probes further, her voice tinged with curiosity and concern. "Why did you forgive him?"

"'Cause she asked him to lie. She asked him, Esperanza." Madeleine's words hang heavy in the air, her tone tinged with a mix of resignation and lingering hurt. Avoiding eye contact, she feels her sister's intense gaze fixated on the side of her face. "We're here."

In a swift motion, Madeleine strides ahead, leading the group toward their destination as the rest tighten their grip on their weapons, cautious of the stationary RV and car parked beyond the fallen tree.

Michonne, ever perceptive, lets a slight smile grace her lips. "He was telling the truth."

The group's unified response to the rustling sound reflects their cautious nature, a learned instinct to prepare for potential threats in their perilous surroundings. As they traverse the forest, the tension in the air palpable, Michonne deftly retrieves her katana, a silent but significant indication of their readiness to defend themselves.

Glenn's sharp warning echoes through the woods, the urgency in his voice reflecting the group's perpetual state of vigilance. Madeleine, demonstrating her expertise, calmly reassures them, her voice firm yet composed, "It's a walker. I got him."

Rosita, echoing Madeleine's confidence, asserts, "We got him," a silent accord passing between them as they move towards the source of the noise. With a shared understanding, Rosita and Madeleine confidently approach the approaching walker, ready to neutralize the threat.

However, the moment of action takes an unexpected turn when Madeleine swiftly intervenes, grabbing the knife from Rosita's waist and skillfully dispatching the walker with a precise throw, effectively eliminating the threat. Rosita's surprise at the sudden action is evident as she looks back, a slight bewilderment crossing her features.

The silent tension between Rosita and Madeleine lingers briefly, their conflicting methods briefly creating an unspoken rift before Rosita moves on, joining the others as Abraham heads inside the RV. She follows him, a hint of curiosity mixed with concern etched on her face.

Meanwhile, Madeleine, attentive to her surroundings, notices traces of disturbance near the RV stairs. Her keen observation leads her to investigate further, discovering a few footprints that hint at a hurried departure from the RV's vicinity. Her narrowed gaze fixates on the area, an intuitive sense of urgency guiding her as she surveys the open clearing by the roadside, the footprints marking a potential trail.

"You found anything?" A sudden voice startles Madeleine, causing her to whirl around, finding herself face-to-face with Glenn. His concerned expression prompts her to quickly relay her findings.

"Footprints, his friend must've seen us and ran," Madeleine announces, her tone laced with urgency. She secures her sword on her back before clapping her hands together, a gesture that reflects her readiness for action. "Glenn, take the RV. I'll drive the car."

Abraham and Rosita emerge from the RV, their presence signaling the completion of their safety checks. "The RV is all clear," Abraham reports, his gaze scanning the surroundings with vigilance.

Madeleine nods, determinedly marching toward the car parked in front of the RV. "Let's get the hell out of dodge then."


The group stands around the table, their eyes fixed on the cans of food laid out before them. Relief washes over Rick and the others as they take stock of the substantial haul they've brought back to the barn. The weight of the moment hangs heavy in the air, a fleeting respite in their relentless pursuit of survival.

Madeleine, arms crossed, stands steadfast beside her husband, her gaze scanning the table of provisions while tenderly holding Judith in her arms. Marie hovers protectively behind Carl, her hands resting reassuringly on his shoulders, a silent show of solidarity within the group.

Rick, taking charge, kneels down in front of Aaron, a can in hand, his tone firm and unwavering. "This, this is ours now."

Aaron nods in agreement. "There's more than enough."

"It's ours whether or not we go to your camp," Rick asserts, his steely gaze fixed on Aaron, a testament to the hard-earned caution borne from their harsh reality.

Carl, voicing the collective curiosity, breaks the tense silence. "What do you mean? Why wouldn't we go?"

Rick glances back at his son before casting a pointed look at his eldest daughter, who maintains a stoic expression, her thoughts guarded. "If he were lying or if he wanted to hurt us..." Michonne trails off, gesturing toward Aaron. "But he isn't, and he doesn't. We need this."

"We're going," Madeleine asserts with a resolute tone, her gaze locked fiercely with her father's, as if daring him to challenge her decision. "All of us."

Rick, attempting to interject, raises his hands in a placating gesture. "Listen-."

"No, thanks." Madeleine cuts him off, shooting a tight smile towards Rick, before turning her attention towards the group, where Judith lays her weary head on her shoulder. "Grab everything, put it in the RV. Carl, Marie, Daryl, you're driving with me."

Daryl strides over to Rick, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We both know she's right, man." They exchange a glance that conveys volumes of understanding before Daryl's attention shifts back to Madeleine, who is busy packing a bag filled with all the baby food they managed to scavenge. "And this barn smells like horse shit."

Rick sighs deeply, placing a hand on his hip in a sign of resignation. "So where are we going?" Rick queries Aaron, gathering everyone's attention as they tune in to the unfolding conversation. "Where's your camp?"

"Well, every time I've done this, I've been behind the wheel driving recruits back." Aaron rambles off, a tinge of uncertainty lacing his words. "I believe you're good people. I've bet my life on it. I'm just not ready to bet my friends' lives just yet."

"You're not driving," Madeleine intervenes firmly, raising an eyebrow at Aaron, who attempts to object but is quickly silenced by the force of her gaze. "You want to get back home? I'd suggest you speak, and soon."

"We'll take 23 north. You'll give us directions from there." Rick's assertion hangs in the air, drawing quizzical looks and a sense of unease among the group.

Aaron, his confusion evident in the furrow of his brows, attempts to articulate his concern. "That's... I don't know how else to say it... That's a bad idea. We've cleared 16. It'll be faster."

Rick, with his trademark resolve, simply shrugs off Aaron's suggestion. "We'll take 23. We leave at sundown."

The mention of night travel prompts Sasha to seek clarification. "We're doing this at night?"

Acknowledging the potential peril, Rick addresses the group, his gaze traversing their faces before resting on Madeleine. "Look, I know it's dangerous. But it's better than riding up to the gates during the day. If it isn't safe, we need to get gone before they know we're there."

Aaron, visibly frustrated, refuses to yield. "No one is going to hurt you. You're trying to protect your group, but you're putting them in danger," he counters, voicing his concern for their safety.

"Tell me where the camp is, we'll leave right now," Rick presses, the urgency in his voice palpable, hoping for a decisive direction to secure their next move.

"Go north on Route 16."

"And then?" Madeleine fixes him with an unwavering gaze as Aaron hesitates to divulge more information, the intensity of her stare unrelenting.

Daryl, with a quickness born of experience, retrieves a map, unfurling it and scanning the route, while Rick stands by his side, both ready to chart their course.

"I'll tell you when we get there," Aaron finally responds, his voice betraying a hint of unease under Madeleine's intense scrutiny. His gaze falters, avoiding her probing stare. "I won't give in."

"The sword on my back might change your mind," Madeleine retorts calmly, her hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of the blade, her actions capturing Aaron's attention, drawing his gaze towards the gleaming weapon at her side. "I'll ask once again, North on Route 16 and then?"

"You're not going to-."

"Don't say it," Marie interjects abruptly, shaking her head, her warning glance aimed at Aaron. He catches the implied threat, promptly closing his mouth, recognizing the weight of the situation.

Carol, adopting a tone of assertive confidence, steps forward to add to the conversation. "You clearly haven't watched us for long enough," she remarks, casting a brief glance back at Madeleine. "She will do it, and she'll do it with a smile on her face. Then we'll find our way there without you."

"I mean," Madeleine smirks, her gaze steady on the man, deliberately drawing his attention. "If we go back to where we found the cars, we might even find your little friend. He ran before we got there, but, man, he doesn't know how to cover his tracks. And we can't leave loose ends, right?" With a swift gesture, she points the gleaming edge of her sword toward Aaron's neck, emphasizing her point. "And then?"

"We'll go East," Aaron responds, his voice steady, trying to keep a sense of calm amidst the mounting tension.

"We'll leave at sundown," Rick declares, his words carrying a weight that the group respects. A unanimous nod ripples through the group in agreement with his decision. "It's going to be a long night. Eat. Get some rest if you can," he advises, addressing the collective weariness etched on their faces. His eyes then settle on Michonne, signaling her to come closer. "Michonne, come here. Just Michonne."

Madeleine tightens her grip on her father's arm, her eyes locked with his, seeking an understanding of the unfolding plan. "What are you planning?"

"I'm thinking Michonne, me, and Glenn drive with that guy. Carl, Judith, and Marie will be safer. You had the right idea. You take lead with the rest, like you've been doing," Rick explains, a hint of assurance in his tone, conveying trust in Madeleine's leadership.

"What I did, what I said, I wasn't the only one thinking it, just the only one not scared to step up to you..." Madeleine's voice trails off, her gaze unwavering as she confronts Rick. "You've got us this far, but you nearly didn't. If I hadn't said anything, he'd be another grave by now, and my siblings, your kids, they'd die on the road. So, piece of advice, check yourself."

"Why do you hate me again?" Rick's query is heartfelt, his concern evident in his tone, prompting Madeleine to meet his gaze with an inscrutable expression, withholding her response for a moment. "Mads, what's going on?"

She lowers her gaze for a moment, a swirl of conflicting emotions evident in her eyes. "I don't hate you," she begins, her voice firm yet tinged with a touch of regret. Meeting his eyes again, she continues, her tone softened by a mix of resolve and compassion, "I don't hate you, but you needed to hear it. If I don't speak up, none of them will."


As the group split at sundown, the decision weighed heavily on everyone's minds. Rick led his group with Aaron in the car, while Madeleine commandeered the RV with Abraham at the wheel, guiding them toward their designated rendezvous point.

The car ride progressed smoothly until an unexpected obstacle disrupted their path. The vehicle in front collided with a herd of walkers, vanishing from their sight in the chaos. Despite the unsettling incident, Madeleine urged her group to maintain their course, assuring them they would reunite at the prearranged location. Despite their concerns for the missing members, they pressed on, hoping for the best.

Rick had entrusted Marie with the flare gun, a tacit understanding that she was to signal for help without hesitation if their group faced any imminent danger. Witnessing the flare gun burst into the air didn't trigger concern within the group; instead, it signaled the proximity of Aaron's friend, offering a semblance of reassurance amidst the uncertainties.

Upon arriving at their rendezvous point, Madeleine and Daryl took charge of securing the area, meticulously scouring for any lurking threats, ensuring the space was devoid of walkers to safeguard their safety. To their surprise, they stumbled upon a stranger lingering nearby.

Madeleine instinctively moved to subdue the stranger, but Daryl swiftly intervened, signaling to the flare gun in the man's possession and noting his injury. Against her own reluctance, Madeleine relented, taking on the responsibility of tending to the man's wounds using the suture kit he possessed.

The remainder of the group eventually walked inside the building, discovering the unfamiliar face in their midst. Meanwhile, Madeleine and Daryl chose to remain outside, stationed on alert, keeping a watchful eye on the surrounding area. Seated side by side, her head finding a resting place on his shoulder, they were enveloped in a blanket of tranquil silence that seemed to stretch through the night.

As minutes turned into half an hour, a distant whistle caught their attention, prompting Daryl to respond with his own distinct whistle. In an instant, both of them sprang to their feet, their senses heightened. Madeleine swiftly pounded on the door, alerting the others to the approaching presence they detected.

"They're here," Madeleine calls out, prompting the group to swiftly exit the building, their collective anticipation palpable in the air.

Carl, his youthful energy contagious, joyfully rushes toward his father, his voice filled with elation. As Maggie envelops Glenn in a warm embrace, Madeleine exchanges a fist bump with Michonne before Glenn envelops her in a tight bear hug, to which she hesitantly reciprocates.

Rick, eyes filled with concern and relief, pulls away from Carl's embrace, inquiring about Madeleine's well-being. "Your sisters okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, we're fine." Carl nods, gesturing toward the building's entrance, where Marie emerges, holding Judith in her arms. "We're fine."

Approaching Rick with a mixture of relief and affection, Marie side-hugs him, gently caressing Judith's face. "I was worried about you," Marie confesses softly, her concern evident in her voice, to which Rick responds with a small, grateful smile. "She was too. She just won't admit it."

"Okay, Glenn, let me go before I break your arms," Madeleine quips, playfully teasing Glenn as he releases her with a smile etched on his face. "What happened out there?"

Their reunion is interrupted as Aaron rushes toward them, his face wrought with worry and fear. "Eric?" Aaron's voice echoes, his eyes scanning the group frantically. "Eric?" He calls out again, his apprehension growing as more members of their party emerge from the building, but Eric is not among them. "Eric?" The worry in Aaron's voice is tangible, the unease hanging heavily in the air.

As Madeleine signals back, her voice carries a tone of assurance, "He's inside."

Rick, scanning the surroundings, shifts his gaze toward Madeleine, his curiosity piqued. "Who is he?"

"Aaron's one man army. He's harmless and injured. I had to stitch him up. You should talk to him," Madeleine responds, her words laced with a blend of nonchalance and underlying concern. Unexpectedly, Aaron pulls her into a grateful hug, catching Rick off guard. "I'd step away if I were you."

Daryl, witnessing the exchange, strides over to Madeleine. Rick heads into the building with Aaron, leaving Daryl and Madeleine to share a quiet moment. Daryl envelops her in a comforting embrace, a familiar sense of protectiveness in his touch. Madeleine leans into the embrace, seeking solace in his presence as she rests her head against his chest.

"You believe them, don't you?" Daryl murmurs softly into her hair, holding her close.

Madeleine lifts her gaze to meet his eyes, a sense of conviction resonating in her voice. "I do," she affirms, her words ringing with unshakeable trust. "I believe this will be our place."

Daryl, his hand tenderly caressing her cheek, offers words of solidarity. "You go, I go," he reassures her, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. "That's all that matters."

"No, what matters is we're still standing. All of us," Madeleine asserts, her voice carrying a blend of resilience and relief. Daryl, holding her close, can't help but feel a surge of happiness at witnessing her renewed care for others. "Let's go inside."

They enter the building together, Daryl's protective arms wrapped securely around Madeleine. Inside one of the rooms, they join the group, a sense of unity prevailing amidst the shared experience.

Aaron, stepping forward, wears a visibly relieved expression as he tries to capture everyone's attention. "Excuse me," he calls out, attempting to gather their focus. "Excuse me," he repeats, his tone gaining a bit more volume as their gazes turn towards him. "Everyone," he addresses them collectively, scanning the faces gathered. "Thank you. You saved Eric," he acknowledges, his eyes resting on Madeleine. He recalls how, despite her initial attempt on his life, she practically stopped him from bleeding to death after he had injured himself. "I owe you. All of you. And I will make sure that debt is paid in full when we get to our community. When we get to Alexandria."

Their collective gaze shifts at the mention of the name. Madeleine, seizing a moment of calmness, retrieves Judith from Marie's arms, the baby stirring before settling down again, her head resting peacefully on Madeleine's shoulder.

"Alexandria," Marie murmurs, testing out the name of their prospective new home, the syllables lingering in the air with a sense of anticipation and hope.

"Now, I'm not sure about you, but I'd rather not do any more driving tonight," Aaron proposes, breaking the contemplative silence with a small chuckle. "Maybe we can hit the road tomorrow morning."

Rick, positioned behind Aaron, offers a nod in agreement. "That sounds fine." As Aaron pivots to face Rick, determination etches across his face. "But if we're staying here for the night, you're sleeping over there."

Maggie arches an eyebrow, skepticism flashing in her eyes. "You really think we got to do that?"

Rick, ever the cautious leader, simply shrugs. "It's the safe play. We don't know you."

Aaron, undeterred and resolute, meets Rick's gaze with steely determination. "The only way you're gonna stop me from being with him right now is by shooting me."

Glenn, taken aback by the intensity of Aaron's declaration, breathes out a cautious "Whoa."

Impressed by Aaron's steadfastness, Madeleine nods in appreciation. "I like him now."

Noah echoes her sentiment. "Me too."

Drawing closer to Rick, Glenn attempts to reason with him, his voice a soft whisper that somehow carries to the group. "Rick, he told us where the camp is. And he really was only travelling with one other person. They're both unarmed." He sighs, seeking to appeal to Rick's sense of reason. "One of them's got a stitched-up leg."

Marie steps forward, her demeanor resolute as she meets Rick's gaze, offering him an encouraging smile that carries both assurance and determination. "I want us to be safe, too," she announces firmly, her voice carrying an underlying urgency. Her eyes lock onto Rick's, conveying a sense of shared responsibility and trust within the group. "I trust him, most of us do," she emphasizes, casting a knowing glance in Rick's direction. "I know what I said earlier, but it does matter. A safe place for us to live, not just survive. It matters, and you know it."

Rick hesitates, weighing Marie's words against the weight of his own apprehensions. After a brief pause, he concedes with a nod, a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of her plea. "Alright," he finally acquiesces, a hint of reservation lingering in his tone.


I'm so ready to write about Alexandria's era, which is a step closer to Hilltop's era, and the long-awaited sanctuary. 🤫🤫🤫I'm just really excited to write last few episodes of season 6, and the season 7 which is one of my favourite season I drafted. I really can't wait to share it with you guys. 😆😆

Don't forget to check out the Spotify playlist, link in my board. And follow the TikTok for this account 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Thank you for reading ❤️

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