The Devil May Cry

By Shattered_Realms

13.1K 156 33

RWBY x male son of vergil reader More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Vergil)
Chapter 24 (Dante)
Chapter 25 (Y/n)
The Final Chapter

Chapter 13

302 4 0
By Shattered_Realms

3rd POV

Dante, Nero and Y/n stood opposite the rest of the group. Y/n had told them that Dante, him and Nero would be going a separate way to make things safer and easier for the group. Pyrrha decided she'd join the three of them, after much protest from Jaune. Team RNJR says their farewells before continuing on their journey. Y/n sliced a portal open and the four walked through before coming out in the middle of nowhere.

Pyrrha: Uh, where are we?

Y/n: Atlas. Far away from the others so we don't draw unwanted attention to them.

Nero: Well, we better start moving.

Dante: I suggest we go to Atlas Academy.

As if on cue, an Atlas dropship landed and Atlesian Knights walked out with their guns pointed at the four. Suddenly, Winter Schnee and General Ironwood walk out from the dropship.

Ironwood: Dante?

Dante: Morningwood!

Ironwood motions for the robots to lower their weapons and almost instantly they did.

Ironwood: What are you four doing here?

Dante: Well, if you haven't already heard, Shade and Beacon have lost their relics so only Haven and Atlas remain. We thought that extra protection would be in order.

Winter: Atlas is the most secure kingdom in the world and has the most powerful military. No one would try take the relic from us.

Y/n: Atlas over estimates themselves. That makes the relic an easy target. After Beacon, you do wish to be as cautious as possible, correct?

Ironwood could only glare at Y/n but agreed with his statement.

Ironwood: Fine. You will come back to Atlas to help protect the relic. Come.

They walk onto the dropship and once they were all onboard the Atlesian Knights boarded before the ship took off.

Winter: Ironwood filled me in on all the relics and this Salem. I believe that we should recreate the Force Edge and use it against her.

Y/n: You're just as foolish as him.

Ironwood: Sitting right here.

Y/n: The Force Edge is too powerful of a weapon for any of you to use. If Salem were to recreate it then she have an incredibly large advantage, and it's a danger to both us and her. No matter whose side it's on.

Winter: But what if-

Y/n: There are no "what if's" to this weapon. 

Dante then kicks his feet up onto the dashboard of the ship while leaning back into the seat. Winter glares at him which only makes him smirk. The ship continued to fly until after a couple of hours we arrived at Atlas where we had a breathtaking view of the academy.

Nero: That's somethin' you don't see everyday.

Ironwood: Welcome to Atlas Academy. The greatest academy in Remnant.

Dante: Heh, I'm sure Y/n and I could beat the shit outta all your Huntsmen.

Winter: Is that a threat, Dante?

Dante: It's a challenge! Also, loser has to buy pizza.

Ironwood: I would prefer for my academy to remain INTACT, thank you.

The dropship lands at the academy and the six of them walk out of the ship. Pyrrha and Nero were amazed at the sights of Atlas while Dante and Y/n were just walking with Winter and Ironwood. They all reach the front door and when it opens it reveals many students walking through the hallways in white uniforms.

Dante: Heh, all these kids have impossible standards to reach?

Winter: I will happily continue where we left off at Beacon.

Dante: Haha, I think we both know that will end with me on top.

Nero: Do you have to make it sound dirty?

Dante: If it makes you uncomfortable, yes I do.

Nero groans while Pyrrha chuckles and I pat him on the shoulder.

Y/n: I'm sure Kyrie will take it from you eventually.

I say walking further up next to Ironwood and Winter.

Nero: Did you just call me a virgin? Seriously, Y/n?!

Y/n turns and looks at him before quickly flipping him off while smirking causing Dante to burst out laughing while Pyrrha has her hands covering her mouth stopping herself from laughing while Nero just looked at Y/n dumbfounded.

Nero: Well... have you ever been laid?!

Y/n: A faunus and the Schnee heiress. Try again.

Nero tried to come up with an argument but gave up. Y/n chuckled to himself while they all continued to walk though the academy. Many students starred at us, confused as to why the group were at their academy but Y/n saw two people from the Vytal Festival he noticed.

Y/n: Lady and Trish. My, my, I never expected to see you both here.

They both turn to Y/n with surprised expressions on their faces but change welcoming ones.

Lady: Y/n! I'm glad you could make it out of Beacon alright.

Trish: We thought you didn't make it out.

Y/n: I don't die easily. I thought you both went to Mistal?

Lady: Oh, after Beacon, Mistral had an... incident so Trish and I were moved to Atlas!

Y/n: Well I am glad you both are alright.

Trish: Anyway, we best be getting to our class. See you around, Y/n.

Trish and Lady headed to their class while Y/n, Nero, Pyrrha and Dane continued to follow Winter and Ironwood through the academy until they arrive at an elevator that begins to descend deep into the basement of the academy. The doors open to reveal an armoury littered with what seemed like back up weapons for if something turns to shit. 

Dante: You have an armoury hiding the vault? Gotta say, I didn't think you were this smart.

Winter swiftly takes out her rapier and has it an inch from Dante's throat but in the blink of an eye she was pinned to the wall by Y/n. She attempted to break free but failed.

Ironwood: Y/n, that's enough.

He lets go of Winter and walked to her rapier which was on the floor before he tossed it to her.

Ironwood: I have this armoury here as a barrier so the vault is hidden away. It's pure tungsten, able to keep out even the strongest of Grimm. 

Dante: Well, only Grimm won't cut it. Remember, there are demons out there that are MUCH more powerful than Grimm. Just pray that none attack Atlas.

Dante walks back to the elevator with Y/n, Nero and Pyrrha before being followed by Winter and Ironwood. Once everyone is in the elevator, Ironwood presses a button that would take them to the top of the Atlas Tower where Ironwoods office is located. Once the doors open they enter Ironwoods office where he sits behind his desk while Winter stands next to him.

Ironwood: As you saw, the vault is highly hidden and guarded by the strongest military power. The relic is safe, but since you're here I will allow you to stay for 3 weeks.

Pyrrha: Are you sure that vault is safe from demons? We've seen how dangerous they are.

Winter: The relic can only be unlocked by the Winter Maiden, me, and if they want the relic they will have to try take me alive.

Nero: *sigh* Just point us to our room, please.

Ironwood: Dorm room 142. It's a free staff dorm.

Dante: We'll take it.

They all walk out of the office and into the elevator. Once they reach the dorm level they begin looking for room 142. They finally reach room 142 and the first thing they did was put their weapons on a weapon rack, except Y/n and Dante. Nero placed his Red Queen on the rack along with Blue Rose while Pyrrha also placed her weapons on the rack. Dante makes his devil sword disappear before claiming a bed and falling asleep followed by Pyrrha and Nero while Y/n starred out the window for a short while before going to bed. Meanwhile, on a mountain far from the academy, a strange armoured figure with purple eyes and a purple glowing sword stood starring at the academy's lower levels while he had an army of similarly armoured warriors but they were smaller than he was.

???: We attack in one week. Once we retrieve the relic we will return to Salem. Prepare our men, Proto Angelo.

Proto Angelo: Yes, sir. *turns to the men* Move back!

The men turn away with Proto Angelo while the large man with the sword continued to stare at the academy before joining his men in going down the mountain.

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