tinngun oneshots

By Hollywithluv

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oneshots of my favorite bl couple from my favorite series series: my school president ship: tinn Ɨ gun short... More

can we try that out? (first time)
Don't make a noise
Crazy about you
our little one 1/2

our little one 2/2

123 2 1
By Hollywithluv

The next day marked Palm's birthday party, and everyone gathered in the main area for the celebration. Only the younger crowd was present; Chief and elders were absent, providing an opportunity for unrestricted revelry. Night and North hadn't spoken since the previous night, leaving the Omega upset about the events and dissatisfied with North's reaction, something he never anticipated.

Although not in the mood for the party, Night attended to avoid arousing suspicion about his personal life. Standing with Daonuea and Neung, he engaged in a conversation he couldn't comprehend, his eyes searching for someone else. Finally spotting North near the bar, devoid of emotions, Night sensed North's discontent.

Desiring to talk to North, Night found it challenging to face him after the previous night's proposal. Reflecting on the idea of aborting his child, Night realized he didn't want to go through with it. He sensed it was rooted in fear, particularly the fear of his family, especially Chief, discovering the truth.

At just seventeen, Night understood that he was viewed as a mere child by everyone around him. He grappled with the realization that he might not be mature enough to responsibly care for a child. Despite these doubts, the idea of terminating his own child was something he couldn't bring himself to accept.

Yet, in the midst of this uncertainty, questions lingered.

What other options were there?

What course of action could they take?

As Night pondered these unknowns, the immediate desire for a conversation with North overshadowed his thoughts. The silence between them since the previous night weighed heavy on him, and he yearned for North's presence. Was North also feeling the need to talk, or was there still anger lingering? Night contemplated whether an apology was necessary, questioning the intricacies of their strained connection.

"Night," Daonuea called out in their moment of solitude, with Neung having strolled away for drinks. Night turned to face him, bracing for a conversation he wished to avoid.

"Did you talk to North about it?" he asked, his concern evident. Night, caught in the discomfort of the subject, responded with a mere hum and a nod. "What happened? You don't look okay. What did you guys decide?"

"I—" Night's response was cut short as an unexpected interruption occurred.

"Dao," Kluen interjected himself into their space. "Come on, I called you earlier, but you ignored me. Let's dance!"

"I told you I'm not dancing with you!"

"But why?"

"Kluen, just go. I'm talking to Night," Daonuea asserted.

Undeterred, Kluen seized Daonuea's wrist and initiated a playful tug-of-war, dragging him towards the dance floor alive with pulsating music and dancing bodies. Night observed their amusing interaction in silence, a small smile escaping him involuntarily.

Amidst the lively atmosphere, Night sighed and scanned for Neung, but his friend was nowhere to be found. A glance revealed his elder brother thoroughly enjoying the celebration with his friends, prompting a genuine smile from Night. As Palm approached, Night playfully teased him.

"Hey, birthday boy."

"Oh, come on, don't say that! That's so outdated," Palm remarked, prompting a light giggle from Night. Palm, taking a sip of his drink, probed, "Where are your friends? Why stand here alone? Don't tell me they got tired of your banter and left you."

Night rolled his eyes. "They didn't. Neung left to get drinks for us, and Dao left to dance because P' Kleun dragged him along."

"Oh, I see. Are you enjoying?"

"Y-Yes... absolutely, Phi." Despite Night's uncertain tone, the music veiled his true emotions.

Palm smiled, ruffling Night's hair playfully. Night protested, "No! You're gonna ruin my hair," moving his head away. Palm chuckled.

"Palm, Neung is calling you near the bar counter," someone, recognized as one of Palm's college friends, informed. Palm nodded and departed, leaving Night with another acquaintance.

"Hey, you're Night, right? Palm's brother," he asked. Night offered a small smile and nodded.

"Yes, P' Jeng, right?"

"Oh, you remember my name?"

"Yes, I do. I have quite a sharp memory," Night replied with a hint of confidence.

Jeng offered a subtle smile before observing Night looking away, although his gaze remained fixed on the omega. He thoroughly scanned him from head to toe, a wicked smirk gradually appearing. At that moment, a friend approached, draping an arm around Jeng's shoulder and presenting him with a glass of liquor.

Accepting the drink, Jeng contemplated taking a sip but paused, turning his attention back to Night. "Hey, take this. Drink up," he insisted, attempting to hand the glass to the Omega.

Night appeared momentarily puzzled, then blinked in recognition of the offering. He tried to smile, saying, "No... I-I don't want it. It's fine; your friend brought it for you. You can enjoy it."

"Oh, come on!" Jeng invaded Night's personal space, seizing his wrist and placing the glass in his hand. Despite Night's attempt to free his hand and maintain composure, he couldn't ignore the discomfort, especially knowing he shouldn't consume alcohol during pregnancy.

"No, I don't want it, P' Jeng. It's fine..." Night felt increasingly uneasy in Jeng's grasp. The inappropriate touches and the pressure to accept the glass, combined with a possible encircling arm around his waist, compelled Night to avoid creating a scene, considering Jeng's relation to his older brother.

"Come on, Night, just give it a try. You'll enjoy it," Jeng persisted, a mischievous smile still playing on his face. Despite Night's refusal, Jeng persisted, lifting the glass towards Night's mouth in an attempt to make him drink. Night found himself in a tense and bewildering situation, unsure of how to respond.

"No, I don't—" His eyes widened as an arm encircled his waist, pulling him back. A figure positioned itself between him and Jeng, forcefully pushing Jeng away.

Caught off guard, Night struggled to comprehend the sudden intervention. North exerted a forceful push on Jeng's chest, causing him to stumble backward away from Night. North's eyes darkened, fists clenched in anger. The glass that Jeng had offered to Night fell to the ground, shattering into pieces. The surrounding onlookers paused their activities, focusing their attention on the unfolding scene. Jeng, having regained composure lost moments ago, confronted the aftermath of the forceful shove on his chest.

"What the fuck?!" Jeng muttered, "Who the fuck are you?"

"That's none of your fucking business!" North yelled in anger. His pheromones saturated the air, making it difficult for omegas to stand still. He invaded Jeng's personal space, his face mere inches away, a menacing red shade in his eyes visible to everyone. But he didn't care; his sole focus was on confronting this person right before him.

"Are you serious—" Jeng couldn't finish his sentence before North seized his collar, forcefully pushing him back and locking eyes with a challenging gaze. "How dare you try to make Night drink without his permission? What right do you have over him, huh?"

Night observed the unfolding scene with wide eyes, sensing the shared incredulity among the onlookers.

"Let go of me, you—" Jeng retaliated, shoving North away, his anger escalating with each passing second.

"Hey!" Palm arrived, wearing a perplexed expression, a hint of surprise in his eyes as he assessed the unfolding scene. "What the heck happened? Why are you guys fighting?"

"Ask this guy in front of you! He came at me while I was minding my own fucking business!" Jeng retorted with a scoff, his gaze piercing North's body.

"Shut up, or I'm gonna...." North attempted to lunge at Jeng again, threatening to throw a punch, but Palm intervened, holding his arm firmly. "North, stop it!"

North regarded Palm with disbelief. "Palm, you have no idea what he was doing! He tried to force Night to drink when he clearly refused. He has no right to treat my—" He abruptly cut himself off before revealing too much. "My... friend like that!"

"I was just playing around! I had no ill intentions toward your brother, Palm. You know me well," Jeng tried to explain his perspective, but North quickly interjected, "Shut up! I saw you! You were..." He couldn't continue, knowing the potential implications of Jeng's actions.

"I'm gonna punch that face of yours," North muttered as he closed in on Jeng, grabbing him again, fueled by burning anger and rage. Night stepped forward, attempting to pull North away from Jeng, with Palm joining the effort.

"P' North, please stop," Night pleaded.

"Stop, North!" Palm managed to separate North from his friend.

"Jeng, now is not the right time to discuss this. You should leave!" Palm announced.

Jeng looked conflicted. "But Palm, I—"

"Just go, Jeng!" Palm raised his voice. Jeng gave a dark glare toward North and departed with his friends. North's eyes bore into his back as he left.

"North, what the hell were you doing?" Palm questioned, snapping him back to reality and facing him. "You think this..." as he pointed toward North's still-angry eyes, fists clenched as if ready to deliver a deadly blow, "is the only way to handle things?"

Night rubbed North's back, subtly indicating his support. North calmed down a bit in Night's hold.

"I know you're still a teenager and can lose control, but this is too much, North. Your anger could lead to serious consequences. The day might not be far off when you end up seriously killing someone," Palm exclaimed.

North wore a perplexed expression. "But Palm, he was trying to—"

"I heard you, North! I heard what you said. He was just playing around. You could have spoken to him like a normal person and told him not to do it. Instead, you lashed out at him like that!" Palm interjected. North had no idea why Palm was angry because he didn't do anything wrong. All he wanted to do was save his boyfriend.

"You're not getting it, Palm. I just wanted to save Night. He's been my close friend since childhood, and I would come to help him if he's in any kind of danger," North stated with a stern expression.

"And I'm Night's brother. If Night is in any danger, I'm there for him. I will save him if there is a need," Palm declared, and Night had no doubt about it. "I've been observing you for a few days, North. You've been constantly trying to make decisions for Night. He's not a kid; he knows what's right and wrong. You've been controlling his life, stopping him from doing things. You're just his friend, not his father!"

Palm noticed North preventing Night from playing around, paying excessive attention to him, and even engaging in fights on his behalf. That wasn't normal friend behavior. Thus, North's actions toward Night were questionable.

Night found Palm's outburst against North unexpected. While North's concern for him seemed justified to Night, he also understood that Palm lacked the full context and refrained from blaming him.

"Palm, you're blowing this out of proportion! There's nothing like that. I care about him because he's my friend. Jeng was trying to misbehave with him, and I won't allow anyone to treat him like that. My reaction would be the same if anyone else did the same thing," North asserted with unwavering seriousness.

Night grappled with how to defuse the escalating conflict between his brother and boyfriend. Both had valid concerns for him, and he acknowledged their intentions. However, the priority now was to intervene with North before he divulged something regrettable.

"P' North, please stop—" Night began, reaching for North's arm, but North forcefully shrugged off his grip. "Stay out of this!" North whispered-yelled at him. Night sensed the lingering anger from yesterday in North's words.

Yet, that wasn't entirely accurate. North's frustration stemmed from the previous night, but upon entering the celebration and seeing Night, his emotions shifted. While Night longed for a conversation with North, North, too, desired it. At this moment, North's anger wasn't directed at Night but at Jeng.

"I don't care. I want you to stop with your nonsense because it's getting out of hand. You—" Palm couldn't continue as Night lost his balance, slipping into unconsciousness. "Night!" he shouted, swiftly moving to catch Night just before he hit the ground.

North looked surprised at the scene, his earlier emotions shifting to concern. He attempted to assist Night, but Palm stopped him by extending his hand.

"I can take care of my brother," Palm hissed, "Stay out of this!" With that, he picked Night up in his arms and walked away from the scene.

"Call a doctor right now," Palm instructed Neung, who nodded and hurried to make the call.

North watched Palm carrying his unconscious boyfriend away, breathing heavily as he tried to process everything. What just happened? Did Night lose consciousness because of him? He couldn't stay here and merely watch. He had to be with Night.

His eyes widened as he realized the implications if a doctor checked on Night. Everyone would discover that Night was pregnant. He couldn't let that happen. He needed to act before their secret became a topic of discussion among the pack members. Moreover, Night was unconscious, and he definitely didn't want this revelation to occur while Night was in that state. What could he do?

North was doing his best to reach Night and check if he was okay, but he wasn't allowed to enter the room where the doctor was examining the Omega. Saifah was out of town, so a different doctor was handling the situation, which only heightened North's concern. Chief's subordinates stood guard outside the room, seemingly specifically for him, as he knew Palm had requested their presence.

The thought of Night waking up to discover that everyone around him now knew he was pregnant was North's worst nightmare. However, he felt helpless because Chief and Tian had arrived, and Palm wasn't permitting him to enter. North was currently experiencing a full-blown panic attack.


"What? What did you say?" Chief's voice reverberated within the confined walls of the room. The doctor, who had examined Night alongside Tian and Palm, finally disclosed the unexpected news — their son was pregnant. The revelation sent shockwaves through the entire family. Tian's eyes welled up with tears, mouth agape as he looked concerned for his baby boy. He wasn't entirely furious; there was a hint of anger, but the prevailing emotions were concern and fear.

Chief, on the other hand, displayed a stark contrast.

"You heard me right, Chief. Nong Night is pregnant," the doctor declared, "that's why he lost consciousness. It's normal during pregnancy."

Chief was left speechless. Palm gestured for the doctor to leave them alone, and he complied. Chief then turned his gaze to Tian, questioning, "Did you hear him? What the heck was he thinking?" Tian flinched at the intensity of his husband's anger.

"When he wakes up, let me be the one questioning him," he stated. "He tarnished my reputation, Tian. He—"

"Calm down, Alpha. We should maintain composure and try to—"

"Calm? You can't be serious. Let's determine who the alpha is before I make any decisions," Chief sternly said. "And ensure that no one outside this room knows anything. Is that clear?"

"Yes father," Palm affirmed.


Night awoke to a charged atmosphere, the room pulsating with intensity. Seated on a stool next to Tian, he found Chief standing in front, a formidable presence with his back turned. The revelation that his closely guarded secret was now laid bare sent shockwaves through him. The very essence he had kept hidden was exposed to his family. His heart clenched, fear surged, and Tian's touch on his back provided meager solace amidst the stifling tension.

An undeniable unraveling gripped the space.

He had thrust shame upon his parents. Tian, his father, openly wept, and Chief, an enigmatic force, emanated a discernible disappointment. The air became charged with a toxic blend of anxiety and remorse. Palm, his brother, regarded him with an unsettling detachment. The family he had known crumbled, leaving only the residue of self-reproach.

"D-Dad, I..." Night struggled to speak, the weight of Chief's unspoken judgment evident, tears betraying his inner turmoil.

"Will you tell us the name now?" Chief demanded, his stoic figure filling the room with an authoritative intensity that demanded attention.

Night sobbed, "Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to— I was intoxicated when it happened. My high school graduation party spiraled out of control. I never planned to get drunk, but it unfolded in a haze. I never intended to become pregnant. This wasn't our goal, dad. I'm sorry."

Tian's hand on Night's cheek offered a fragile anchor amid the tempest. "Shh, it's okay, Night." Seeking refuge, Night embraced Tian, his tears soaking through his father's chest.

"Give him a moment to collect himself. He's not in a state to answer yet," Tian implored Chief, whose unwavering gaze remained fixed on the scene. Despite the echoes of his son's cries, Chief's unwavering focus lingered on extracting the name of the alpha responsible for leaving his son in this tumultuous state.

After a while, Night managed to calm down a bit. Chief sighed and pressed on, "Who is the alpha, Night? Tell me his name."

Trembling in fear, tears continued to stream down Night's cheeks. Chief signaled Tian to step in, subtly urging him to coax information from Night. Tian gulped as he delicately wiped away his son's tears, asking, "Tell us the name, Night. Who... who were you with that night?"

Night gulped, locking eyes with Tian. He knew he had to reveal the truth sooner or later, but the looming consequences paralyzed him. Once more, he swallowed hard and stammered, "P-Promise me you won't be mad."

"We won't, Night. Tell us," Tian's voice offered a hint of comfort, in stark contrast to Chief's intensity.

"P... P' North." Night whispered, the room's silence amplifying his words. Tian appeared surprised, while Palm's anger was palpable.

"That son-of-a-bitch!" Palm muttered under his breath, but it was clearly audible to Chief. His existing dislike for North, stemming from a previous party incident, now intensified. Chief, equally perplexed and caught off guard, never expected that Korn's son, his right-hand man whom he had trusted blindly for years, could be responsible for this. He had lost trust completely.

His fist clenched as he moved to call his guards and issue orders, but before he could, he heard Palm cursing, "That bastard!" and rushing toward the door.

"Palm!" Chief called, but his pleas fell on deaf ears as Palm stormed out of the room in anger. Night, wide-eyed, watched his brother's abrupt exit and hastily rose from his seat, attempting to follow him and prevent the impulsive actions he dreaded.

Despite knowing Palm wouldn't spare North, Night found himself torn because Chief had called him back, saying, "Sit down, Night."

He gazed at his father with a mix of worry and fear. It was the first time his father made direct eye contact after the revelation of his secret. The seriousness in Chief's stern eyes conveyed a message Night understood. Though he longed to intervene, he felt immobilized by Chief's command.

Chief stepped out of the room, greeted by his subordinates who bowed in a display of respect.

"Go, follow Palm. Ensure he doesn't stray too far. Do you understand?" he commanded, his voice exuding authority. "And one more thing, arrange a meeting in my office tomorrow with Korn and his son."

"Yes, Chief," the head subordinate affirmed, and with the others, left to carry out the orders.


The following day, Night sat solemnly by his room's window, confined within its limits as Chief's subordinates stood guard. Tian, with persistence, brought him food and checked on him, though Night's disinterest prevailed. Despite Tian's coaxing, he reluctantly ate, his thoughts consumed by North's well-being. He recalled Palm's angry departure the day before, fearing he might have harmed North. He wished for North's safety.

Pleading with the guards to let him out proved futile; they dutifully followed Chief's orders. Night also appealed to Tian, the only one offering solace. Though Night sensed Tian's disappointment and hurt, he appreciated his unwavering support.

Tian, bound by Chief's directives, couldn't permit Night's freedom. Night, understanding the punishment, refrained from pushing further and cried himself to sleep. His untouched breakfast awaited scolding from Tian, but Night couldn't summon the courage without knowing North's condition. His yearning to see North persisted.

Lost in contemplation, Night failed to notice a figure outside his window. Suddenly, footsteps stirred him to defensive alertness. Spotting a shadow, he questioned anxiously, "Who's there?" Fear gripped him, imagining an intruder or robber in the vicinity.

Suddenly, a figure appeared before the window, revealing his identity. Night's eyes widened, prompting him to stand up and move closer to the open window.

"P' North!" His voice, louder than expected, made North swiftly place a hand over Night's mouth, signaling for silence.

"Shh, be quiet," North whispered, scanning the surroundings and the room, ensuring they were safe and away from Chief's subordinates.

"P' North," Night spoke more gently this time, his eyes welling up with tears as he touched North's face, checking for injuries. He found a small cut near North's lip and a bandage on his forehead. Lightly touching the cut with his fingertips, more tears streamed down Night's face.

North gazed at him with adoration, keeping his hand on Night's cheek and gently rubbing his thumb on his jaw. No words were exchanged; they both understood the hardships each had faced without the other's presence. North leaned in, placing his lips on Night's, succumbing to the unbearable longing. The Omega closed his eyes, tears still flowing.

As their lips parted, Night whispered, "I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry," North whispered back. "I wasn't with you when you needed me the most."

"No," Night interjected. "It's not your fault."

They locked eyes. There were many words inside them, but they knew they couldn't share everything right now because the situation wasn't ideal. Interruptions were inevitable, and soon they would have to part ways.

"Are you okay? Did you eat?" North inquired, his gaze landing on the untouched food on the table. "Night," he added with a stern expression. Although the Omega understood what he meant, that wasn't the priority right now.

"P' North, I ate. I was about to eat. Don't worry about me," Night reassured. "How about you? Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened with P' Palm? He left angrily yesterday. Did he do something?" His expression revealed both worry and concern.

"Not much. The guards intervened and stopped him. Don't worry," North replied, reflecting on the close call with Palm nearly knocking him out yesterday. Without Saifah's timely intervention and treatment, he might have ended up in the hospital. He harbored no blame for Palm, understanding that he would have done the same if their roles were reversed.

"Dad mentioned he was about to meet with your father. What... what did he say?" Night inquired.

North sighed. "Chief was clearly disappointed, Night. He was hurt because his only right-hand man, his close friend's son, had betrayed him. My father—" He looked angry at himself from the tone he used. "My father felt guilty because of me. He was ashamed in front of Chief because of me."

North's eyes subconsciously filled with tears. Night soothingly rubbed his hand on his arm. "I-I... I destroyed my father's trust, Night."

"No, P' North. Don't say that," Night tried his best to comfort him. "I understand Uncle Korn. He has the right to be disappointed in you, but you know he loves you the most, P' North. He will never leave you alone."

North managed a smile amid his distress. "I'm sorry."

Night looked confused. "Why— Why are you saying this again?"

"I'm sorry about that night. I shouldn't have reacted that way with you. I could have responded more maturely, and—"

"No, P' North. You were right. I shouldn't have even thought about abortion. I proposed that because I was scared of Chief finding out. I know that was an impulsive decision," Night stated. "I would never in my life think about killing my own child. Never."

North could see honesty in his eyes.

Suddenly, the room's door swung open, prompting Night and North's eyes to widen in unison. Sensing the possibility of guards, North swiftly moved to the right, concealing himself behind the wall. Meanwhile, Night gazed ahead and witnessed Chief and Tian entering, accompanied by Korn, Fah, and Doctor Ayan. Night straightened, attempting to appear nonchalant, as if the conversation with North hadn't occurred just moments ago.

"Dad," he acknowledged their presence, advancing towards them.

Observing his parents exchange glances and noticing Tian's troubled expression, Night became aware of an underlying tension. Chief broke the silence, "Doctor Ayan is here for your checkup."

Puzzled, Night questioned, "What checkup?"

North loitered outside the window, positioned a bit distantly, yet close enough to keenly catch the voices resonating from within.

"To ensure you're alright and prepared for an abortion," Chief stated impassively. A wave of disbelief washed over Night, prompting him to question, "What?"

"You heard me. You are going to abort that thing in your stomach because we unequivocally don't want this to seep into the streets," Chief declared sternly. North's fist clenched at the degrading reference to his unborn child. "You know the significance of my reputation. If this leaks to the pack, they'll cast shame upon me, alleging I'm an unfit father who failed to instill proper manners in you. I won't allow that. So, this is the only recourse — we must rid ourselves of this."

Night's heart sank, and his eyes welled up with tears. Meanwhile, North's emotional state transcended mere anger; it was an understatement for the turmoil within him.

"Dad, I cannot proceed with an abortion," Night asserted firmly. He was resolute, unwavering in his decision, regardless of his parents' expectations. Chief and the others appeared taken aback—not just because someone dared to defy Chief's orders, but also by Night's audacity to voice his stance even after staining his father's reputation.

"Night, are you out of your mind?" Chief questioned, incredulity lacing his words. "Are you hearing yourself?"

"I am," Night raised his voice, unwavering. "I acknowledge my wrongdoing. Yet, I cannot bring myself to end my own child's life. I'm sorry."

"Night, cut this nonsense! You have no right to question me after your actions," Chief bellowed in anger, causing Night to flinch in fear.

"What actions? What actions, father?! You're making it sound like I've committed murder or some heinous crime," Night recognized that his words were intense, realizing he shouldn't talk to his father like this, but he couldn't restrain himself. "I've already told you I didn't intend for that to happen. I was drunk, and—"

"Stop! I've heard your explanations," Chief interrupted sharply. "And I don't care about whatever you've done with him. Whatever happened, happened. I'm here to find a solution. This is the only solution we've come up with—either abort the baby or forget that you're my son."

Night's eyes widened at the ultimatum. "No... No, Dad. I'm sorry, but I can't—"

Unable to bear seeing Night in distress and handling the situation alone, North jumped through the window, charging towards them. He positioned himself in front of Night, as if shielding him. All were taken aback by North's sudden appearance.

Frustration and anger etched North's expression.

"North, what are you doing here?" Korn asked, his concern evident as he glanced at Chief. He hoped his son wouldn't face consequences for disobeying Chief's orders, especially considering Chief's explicit instruction to keep North away from his son.

"We are not aborting," North declared. Despite Night silently urging him to stay quiet by holding onto his arm from behind, North was resolute. He remembered Night's previous assurance—that he would never harm his own child. North was determined not to let Night be coerced into something against his will.

"It's Night's body. His decision about what he wants to do with himself should be respected. If he doesn't want to get rid of the baby, then that's something you all should accept. You can't force him," North calmly and firmly stated. Night gulped, nervously observing Chief for his reaction, finding him in a conflicted state.

Korn appeared apprehensive. "North, shut up! You can't talk to Chief like that. Apologize to him right now," he declared sternly, sharing a knowing look with his son.

However, North remained unyielding, maintaining a stern demeanor. A heavy silence settled over the atmosphere. Korn repeated, "North, I said apologize!"

Chief remained silent, as did North. Chief cast a glance at his son, who silently shed tears, pleading with his eyes not to hurt his lover. North, with unwavering determination, seemed ready to defend Night and their unborn child against any potential harm.

Chief turned around and exited the room, prompting a collective sigh of relief. Tian, concerned for his son, chose to be with his husband, leaving the room accompanied by Doctor and Fah.

Korn shot a knowing glare at North, well-acquainted with Chief's unpredictable behavior. Aware that his son might face consequences for his actions, he too left the room, leaving North and Night alone.


Chief stormed into his office, flanked by Tian and Korn. Frustrated, he forcefully sent a vase crashing to the floor, the shattering sound echoing through the room. Tian, visibly shocked, hurried to his side, gripping his arm in concern.

"Alpha, calm down," Tian whispered.

Chief emitted a humorless chuckle. "Calm down? You expect calmness after witnessing your son defy my orders?"

"Alpha, I understand you," Tian sighed, casting a worried glance at Korn. "I also understand Night. As an Omega, our protective instincts kick in. I can't bear to see my sons in pain. Asking Night to harm his own child? I'd react the same."

Chief huffed, breaking free from Tian's grip. Tian's expression fell. "Alpha, please. Don't do this to our son. I know he's wrong, but you witnessed North's protectiveness. They share genuine love," he pleaded as Chief turned to face him.

"I acknowledge they might be deemed too young to bear the responsibility of a child, but their intelligence will guide them through the learning process," Tian confidently asserted.

"Alright, let's entertain the idea of accepting them as a couple, considering their unborn child. However, what about my pack? What about my meticulously built reputation and image alongside my father over the years?" Chief sincerely explained.

"I apologize for the interruption," Korn interjected, capturing their attention. "I have something to say."

Chief and Tian exchanged glances. The silence prompted Korn to continue, "I regret North's behavior. He shouldn't have addressed you in that manner. And addressing your concerns, Chief, there is a solution—this way, you can uphold your reputation, and Nong Night won't have to undergo an abortion."

Chief gave him a quizzical look.

Korn continued, "We can facilitate Nong Night and North getting married to each other."

Tian and Chief exchanged perplexed and somewhat surprised glances, as this thought had never crossed their minds before. Chief was on the verge of saying something, but Tian, observing the anger on his face, preemptively spoke up, "I believe Korn is right, Alpha. If they marry first and have a child later, it could be a perfect solution. Nobody will raise any questions, and we can safeguard our reputation. It's the only solution; our son will also find happiness, Alpha."

Chief appeared momentarily confused but then sighed.


The room held a poignant atmosphere as North and Night remained seated on the couch. Night, finding solace, rested his head on North's shoulder, the silent sobs echoing the earlier encounter with his parents. North, responding with comforting caresses, provided a quiet anchor. As the door swung open, Tian entered, greeted by the tender scene. A subtle smile played on Tian's lips as he witnessed the emotional connection between the two.

Tian extended his arms, inviting Night into a comforting hug. Overwhelmed with emotions, Night rushed toward his father, embracing him tightly. Tears flowed, and Tian responded with consoling kisses on Night's forehead and gentle strokes on his back. When they eventually separated, traces of tears remained in Night's eyes. Tian, with a gentle touch, wiped his son's cheeks and then turned his attention to North, who had been silently observing the scene.

With a gesture, Tian invited North to join them, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "No more tears, okay?" Tian reassured with a smile. "Chief and I have reached a decision."

The room held a mixture of hope and apprehension as Night and North looked at Tian, anticipating what was to come.

"North, do you love my son?" Tian inquired, prompting North to gulp and glance at Night, who focused his teary eyes on his father. "Yes. Yes, I love Night," North responded without hesitation. The sincerity in North's voice took Night by surprise, locking eyes with him, momentarily leaving him speechless.

"Night, do you love him?" Tian asked, locking eyes with his son.

Night's eyes widened, trying to conceal the sudden blush. "Dad, what—what are you asking?"

"What?" Tian chuckled lightly. "I'm asking a simple question; just answer me. North has already spoken his mind. Do you love him?"

Night nodded in agreement, averting his gaze to the floor. Although North looked slightly disappointed, he was eager to hear the confession verbally.

"North," Tian called, shifting attention to the Alpha. "Will you marry my son?" Gesturing towards Night.

The question caught North off guard in a pleasantly surprising way. Night's expressions mirrored his surprise. They exchanged looks, both processing the unexpected proposal. Still absorbing the moment, North asked, "What?"

"Will you marry Night?" Tian repeated, his eyes conveying sincerity.

"Yes! I mean, yes, I will... I will marry Night," North responded, his enthusiasm surpassing Tian's expectations. Tian then looked at Night, who sported a broad smile with tears of joy in his eyes.

"Dad," Night exclaimed, embracing his father tightly in happiness. Tian chuckled, offering comfort by rubbing his back and kissing his head. "Are you serious? You're not joking, are you?" Night asked, looking at his father with genuine hope and excitement.

Tian gently cupped Night's cheek, a genuine smile on his face as tears welled up in his eyes. "No, sweetheart. I'm not joking. Are you happy?"

Night responded with an emphatic nod, his expressions eloquently conveying his joy. Lost in the moment, they were interrupted when Chief entered the room, emitting a light cough to announce his presence. Night and North straightened, displaying a mix of fear and guilt for their prior actions. Chief, noting their reactions, exchanged a knowing glance with Tian, stepping back to allow the necessary conversation.

"Not gonna hug me, huh?" Chief quipped, prompting Night to look up in surprise. "Oh, so you're so delighted about marrying your boyfriend that you've already forgotten your father?" Sarcasm laced Chief's tone, causing Night to cry out in happiness and rush towards him for a hug. Chief managed a small smile, his hand behind his son's head, offering a reassuring pat. North blinked away the invisible dust from his eyes, struggling to believe what he was witnessing.

As Night pulled away to look at Chief, they exchanged a genuine smile. "I'm sorry, my son. I was so blinded by everything else that I ignored your happiness. Forgive me if you can, Night."

"No, Dad, please don't apologize. You did what you thought was best as a pack leader. I understand your perspective. But I love P' North, Father. I wouldn't allow any harm to him or our baby," Night earnestly expressed. Chief smiled and caressed his head.

"Are you ready for the marriage?"

"Yes!" Night nodded enthusiastically, leaving Tian and Chief chuckling heartily.


Marriage, the sacred union of two souls, is a celebration of love, commitment, and the promise to embark on life's journey hand in hand. It is a profound declaration of devotion that goes beyond mere societal norms, connecting hearts on a profound level.

The beauty of marriage lies in the transformative power it holds. It transforms the individuals involved, offering them companionship, understanding, and a source of strength. It is a journey of self-discovery, where the challenges and triumphs are shared, making each step more meaningful. Marriage, at its core, is a partnership that celebrates not only the highs but also supports and uplifts during the lows.

Through the bond of marriage, North and Night are not just committing to a legal or societal contract; they are intertwining their destinies. It's a celebration of their unique connection, a promise to stand by each other's side through thick and thin. In this union, they find solace, joy, and a profound sense of belonging.

As North and Night embark on this journey of matrimony, they are embracing the beauty of creating a shared narrative. It's a canvas where they paint their dreams, overcome obstacles, and write a story that intertwines their lives. Marriage is a testament to the enduring power of love and the extraordinary strength found in unity. It is a celebration of their love, a journey that transforms two individuals into a united force ready to face the world together.

Under the moonlit sky, the pack grounds transformed into a vibrant spectacle for the joyous union of North and Night. The air was filled with an aura of excitement as the pack members, adorned in ceremonial attire, gathered to witness the sacred matrimony.

A stunning arch made of intertwined flowers stood tall at the ceremonial spot, symbolizing the unity of the couple. Colorful petals adorned the aisle, creating a picturesque path for North and Night's journey into marital bliss. Fairy lights adorned the trees, casting a warm glow over the gathering, as nature itself seemed to celebrate this union.

The howls of excitement echoed through the pack grounds, harmonizing with the soft rustle of leaves and the occasional chirping of crickets. The members, from the youngest pups to the seasoned elders, wore joyous expressions, their eyes sparkling with happiness for the couple.

As North awaited Night at the altar, a hush fell over the assembly. Night, adorned in traditional ceremonial attire, entered with graceful steps, escorted by his father, Chief. The whole pack erupted in cheers, expressing their support for this union.

Tian, with pride in his eyes, walked Night down the flower-strewn aisle towards North. The couple exchanged vows, pledging their love and commitment amidst the whispers of nature. The sacred bond between them resonated with the love of the pack, creating an atmosphere of unity and togetherness.

The exchange of rings marked the symbolic sealing of their commitment, each ring carrying the essence of the pack's blessing. Pack members took turns offering their good wishes, creating an air of camaraderie that enveloped North and Night like a warm embrace.

As the officiant declared them bonded, the pack erupted into joyous howls, and the couple shared a tender kiss, sealing their commitment with a promise of forever. The pack grounds lit up with fireworks, painting the night sky in vibrant hues, mirroring the colorful spectrum of emotions felt by the pack.

Dancing and laughter filled the air as the pack celebrated under the canopy of stars. Tables adorned with delicious food and desserts lined the perimeter, inviting pack members to share in the feast of love. The pack grounds transformed into a jubilant carnival, with members of all ages joyously participating in the festivities.

North and Night, surrounded by the love and warmth of their pack, embarked on their new journey as a married couple. The union not only celebrated their love but also showcased the strength and unity of the entire pack, creating memories that would resonate through generations to come.


Upon entering North's room, Night glanced around. Contrary to his seventeen years of occasional visits, the room now bore a different aura. It was theirs, at least until they found a new house—a consideration that hadn't crossed their minds yet. With the vows exchanged, they were now officially married, obliging them to share this room. Night observed that North's space was a tad smaller than his own, a predictable detail.

While Night immersed himself in his own musings, North cleared his throat and fixed a gaze on him. Post-marriage, North couldn't shake off the unexplained nervousness. Despite their previous closeness, everything felt altered. Anticipated scenarios for the night played out in his mind, and Night, donned in a red silky button-up shirt and white pants, only added to the unease, casting an enchanting aura that did little to alleviate his anxiety.

Night's elegance was evident as he walked down the aisle alongside his father. During the ceremony, he harbored a desire to express himself, but the constant stream of well-wishers left little room for meaningful conversation. Now, in the solitude of the room with North, he had the chance to share his thoughts, yet found himself captivated by the scenery before him.

Shifting his focus to North, Night bit his lower lip, unintentionally suppressing a smile. "P' North, what's on your mind?" he inquired, noting the absence of exchanged words since entering the room.

Taking a moment to appraise North, dressed in a white button-up shirt beneath a black tuxedo paired with black pants, Night found him strikingly handsome tonight.

"Nothing. What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing," Night responded, looking down. His eyes then traced the moon outside the window, lost in contemplation.

"P' North, it's surreal that we're actually married," Night expressed. North slowly approached him, enveloping him from behind, his hand unconsciously resting on Night's clothed stomach. A blush tinged Night's cheeks.

"I never imagined my parents would accept us and agree to our marriage. I'm so happy, Phi," Night genuinely smiled at North, who mirrored his expression.

"I'm happy too," North whispered. "Happy to have you close, as my Omega."

Their eyes locked.

"I missed you," Night expressed. North smiled and chuckled. They hadn't spoken since yesterday because they weren't allowed to see each other until the marriage.

"I missed you too, baby," North whispered.

"P' North, come closer," Night said. North complied without hesitation, but he didn't expect Night to plant a kiss on his lips. North wore a slightly surprised look, and Night giggled to himself.

North leaned in, pressing his lips to Night's, and their lips met in a passionate kiss. Night tilted his head back onto the alpha's shoulder, turning to the side, granting his husband full access to his mouth. North gently held his jawline, kissing him with intensity. Omega's eyes were shut tight as he let himself be carried away in the moment. Their tongues danced with each other in a passionate bliss.

Night's internal elation danced in tandem with the rhythmic movements of his lips. Subdued whimpers and soft utterances melted into North's kisses, a delicate interplay of intensity and tenderness. Gradually, Night turned to face North without severing the connection of their lips. His arms gracefully encircled North's neck, pulling him closer. In response, North, fueled by the moment, brought Night closer by clasping his waist, leading them toward the bed.

A seamless backward dance unfolded, with Night stepping in reverse and North gracefully advancing. Their kinetic choreography reached its conclusion as Night's legs met the edge of the bed. In the brief parting of their lips, Night whispered, "What are you doing?" uncertainty lacing his words, unaware of the impending course of events.

"Making you remember," North whispered, gently guiding him onto the bed. He gracefully positioned himself over Night, who felt shivers coursing down his spine as he settled onto the soft mattress. From this proximity, North's racing heart harmonized with Night's own.

Though Night had a sense of what that whispered sentence entailed, North's gaze lingered in his eyes, silently seeking permission. Night swallowed nervously, finding it increasingly challenging to put his feelings into words. Slowly, he placed his hands on North's chest, tracing an upward path in a tender caress. The touch elicited a tingling sensation in the pit of North's stomach, heightening the intimacy of the moment.

In a moment of profound understanding, Night whispered, "I love you, P' North," a declaration filled with sincerity, as if granting North permission to explore the depths of his desires. North, drawn by Night's words, leaned in, their breaths entwining in a silent promise.

"I love you too, Nong Night," he whispered softly, sealing his words with another tender kiss. Night closed his eyes, enveloping North in an affectionate embrace, fingers gliding through his hair. North's touches were a delicate caress, tracing a path down Night's sides toward his thighs, subtly encouraging their gentle separation. Their lips engaged in a rhythmic dance, each movement an expression of the emotions swirling between them.

Night, responding to North's unspoken desire, naturally positioned himself, allowing North to settle comfortably between his legs. North's hand gracefully explored from his thigh to his waist, sensually pulling Night's silky shirt out of his pants. The kiss deepened, evolving into a tangled dance as they lost themselves in the intimate connection.

With a deliberate slowness, North relinquished Night's lips, shifting to sit on his knees between Night's legs. His gaze, filled with intensity and desire, met Night's slightly labored breath. Night, rising from their shared space, watched as North discarded his blazer, letting it fall to the floor with deliberate intent.

A surge of warmth enveloped Night as he skillfully unbuttoned Alpha's pristine white shirt, his fingers progressing from bottom to top. Maintaining eye contact, Night sensually pulled the shirt off Alpha's shoulders, with North assisting in its complete removal. The same ritual ensued as Night began to undress himself, smoothly sliding the red shirt down his shoulders. Their lips reunited as they found their way back to the bed, returning to the intimate embrace they had shared before.

North's lips glided unhurriedly down Night's jaw, making a deliberate journey towards his neck. There, with a mixture of gentleness and skill, North applied subtle suction and tender bites, coaxing soft moans from Night as warm breath caressed his skin. Night's hands clutched Alpha's shoulders, fingers trailing upward through North's hair, an unspoken encouragement for North to continue.

Peppering kisses along Night's chest, North descended toward his stomach. Night, eyes tightly closed, paused when he felt North's lips linger on his belly, savoring each moment. The tender touch brought tears to Night's eyes, and as he opened them, he found North looking up at him. A shared, soft smile passed between them, and overwhelmed with happiness, Night couldn't suppress a joyful cry. Gently caressing North's shoulder, he silently urged him to proceed.

Completing the journey with a lingering kiss on Night's stomach, North ascended, reconnecting their lips with newfound intensity and a hint of lust. Swiftly, North undid Night's pants, slipping his hand inside to explore the length beneath the fabric of the boxers. The response was immediate, Night's arousal evident under North's touch. As North maintained a subtle smirk, their lips remained locked. Night responded with a moan, tightening his embrace around North in the embrace of their shared desire.

North withdrew his hand, then ventured beneath Night's boxers, making intimate contact with bare skin. As Night lifted his lips away, tilting his head back in pleasure, Alpha began to pepper kisses along his neck. Night couldn't help but release soft whimpers, feeling North's skilled touch gradually stroking his length.

Alpha deftly pulled down Night's pants and boxers, leaving him exposed and vulnerable. Night, with closed eyes and flushed cheeks, embraced his newfound nakedness. North returned to showering attention on Night's neck, simultaneously accelerating the pace of his strokes. Night attempted to muffle his sounds, but the increasing intensity made it a futile effort. His body ignited with heat as he succumbed to the overwhelming sensations, completely losing himself in the powerful currents of the moment.

North diverted his attention from Night's length, choosing instead to caress his thigh, coaxing Night to willingly part his thighs wider. A visible shudder coursed through Night as North's hand descended toward his core. Their eyes engaged in a silent exchange, laden with desire. Lost in the depths of North's gaze, Night's legs instinctively spread apart, knees rising on either side of North.

Leaning in, North reconnected their lips while deftly circling his fingertips around Omega's moist entrance. Night released a more pronounced moan, absorbed by North's fervent kiss. Fingers tightened their grip on North's shoulders as the intensity of their connection deepened. North, without hesitation, gently slid a slicked middle finger inside Night, the lubrication facilitating a smooth entrance. Gradually, he began the intricate process of stretching Night, transitioning from one finger to two, and eventually three, moving with a deliberate rhythm as Night whimpered in response.

Alpha's lips hovered just above Night's, a deliberate tease as he refrained from connecting them. His desire was to savor the symphony of Night's enchanting sounds, a melody etched in North's memory from their initial lovemaking. Although North felt a tinge of disappointment that Night didn't recall that moment, he aspired to make tonight an unforgettable experience for him.

In an unspoken exchange, North withdrew his fingers, embarking on the task of unbuckling his belt. With practiced ease, he lowered his pants and boxers, grasping his firm, erect length. A hiss escaped him, reacting to the sudden chill. Meanwhile, Night panted heavily, the slick wetness of his entrance betraying his anticipation. North growled appreciatively at the captivating sight, momentarily on the brink of succumbing to the view. However, he restrained himself, methodically aligning his length with Night's inviting heat.

Their eyes locked once more. Night's mind turned near blank, captivated by the gaze into his husband's eyes. His desire echoed in the silent plea to have him inside, to feel the closeness. Gently, Night pulled North closer, drawing him on top.

Responding to his Omega's silent request, North leaned forward. Eyes remained locked as he smoothly slid his throbbing cock inside Night. A synchronous moan escaped them, the initial unfamiliarity of the sensation giving way to a breathless connection.

Fingers entwined, North's hips surged forward, filling Night to the hilt and momentarily stealing his breath. Lips met in a fervent dance, a rhythmic exchange of ecstasy that left them both consumed by the intensity of the moment.

As they surrendered to their desires, North began a rhythmic thrusting, seamlessly synced with Night's unconscious movements. The dance of their bodies created a smooth and captivating pace.

Night's hands released their hold on North, gracefully dropping onto the mattress beside him. Sensually, he tugged the sheets down, moaning in response to each potent thrust from the Alpha, each one leaving him breathless. The room filled with a symphony of their shared moans and pants, echoing the intensity of their passion.

In the heat of the moment, North's lips sought Night's, their mouths melding in a passionate kiss that mirrored the fervor of their bodies. The rhythmic intertwining of tongues added a new layer to their shared ecstasy.

Night's moans became more fervent, muffled by the intensity of their kiss. He arched his back, allowing North to penetrate deeper, their bodies entwined in a primal rhythm. The sheets beneath them bore witness to the unfolding ardor, tangled and displaced in the fervent exploration of their desires.

In the undulating rhythm of their union, Night skillfully rolled his hips, yearning to envelop North entirely within him. His entrance clenched around North's thick length, creating an irresistible pull that made it nearly impossible for North to resist the movement. A low growl escaped North as the culmination approached, and Night, attuned to the impending climax, instinctively drew him closer.

"Mark me, Alpha," Night's plea, interwoven with a melody of moans and whimpers, slipped seductively from his lips, eliciting a primal growl from North. With a commanding thrust, North leaned towards Night's neck, planting a series of gentle kisses on the soft skin. Night's throaty gulp signaled both consent and anticipation as he tilted his head, offering North unrestricted access.

Alpha growled once more, his tongue tracing Night's skin, inducing shudders from the Omega beneath him. His canines emerged visibly, sinking deep into Night's skin. A resounding moan escaped Night, a harmonious blend of pain and pleasure coursing through him. With deliberate slowness, North withdrew, admiring the freshly crafted mark on Night's neck like a masterpiece.

Yet to emerge from the post-effect of the marking, Night found North resuming his movements, relentlessly chasing the peak of pleasure. Night cried out, tears streaming from his eyes as he scratched Alpha's shoulders in the tumultuous waves of ecstasy. North groaned, panting heavily as he climaxed inside Night, who released on his own stomach with a fervent moan echoing through the room.

North enveloped Night in a tender embrace, his face finding solace in the crook of Night's neck, his breaths resonating with the lingering intensity. With Night's eyes closed, still savoring the aftermath of ecstasy, they remained in that serene embrace, the connection preserved with North's presence still inside him.

Lifting his head with a deliberate slowness, North's gaze fixated on the mark adorning Night's neck. His lips traced the mark, a subtle yet intimate gesture that coaxed shudders from Night. A knowing smile graced North's lips, and he settled beside Night, cocooning them both under the comforting embrace of a duvet. Pulling his husband closer, Night reciprocated, surrendering to the drowsy embrace. North sealed the moment with a soft kiss on Night's head before closing his own eyes, the weariness settling in, too tired to even consider sitting up.


Nine months later.

Night cradled their newborn son, an alpha. Overwhelmed with joy, North and Night basked in the softness of their little one's presence. Friends and family surrounded them, extending congratulations and warm wishes.

Daonuea, Neung, and Kluen playfully vied for the baby's attention, eliciting laughter from North and Night. Tian noted the perfect resemblance of the baby's nose to North's, momentarily causing Night to pout in dramatic fashion. Tian reassured him, predicting that as the boy grew, he would undoubtedly reflect aspects of both North and Night.

The child's name remained a subject of contention among their friends. Tired of the squabble, Night ushered everyone out of the room, wary that their spirited debate might upset the baby, something he desperately wanted to avoid.

Seated on the sofa, Night cradled his son with care. North, positioned beside him, wrapped an arm around Night, casting a tender gaze upon their newborn. Night, finding amusement in the baby's grip on his finger, shared a soft laugh.

North leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on the baby's head, marking a moment filled with love and new beginnings.

"He's so adorable, just like you," North commented. Night playfully rolled his eyes.

"You've been neglecting me since his arrival. Are you sure you haven't forgotten about me already?"

North chuckled. "No, my love." Leaning in, he placed a soft kiss on Night's forehead, leaving the Omega blushing. "How could I forget the one I love the most, huh?" The question made the baby squirm in Night's hold.

Night chuckled. "He didn't like that."

"So now I'm torn between you and him. Can't even express my love in public," North remarked, tickling the baby's side and sparking joyful kicks from tiny legs.

"Get your priorities straight, Mr. Alpha," Night teased.

North sighed, shaking his head.

"By the way, Phi," Night called, and the alpha hummed while taking the baby into his arms from Night. "Have you settled on a name yet?"

"Of course, I have," North said smugly, nudging the baby with his nose, finding the squirming adorable. Night observed his husband playing with their son, a sight that brought a contented smile to his face.

"What? Tell me," Night inquired.

"Not now. I'll reveal it in front of everybody tonight," North winked.

Night furrowed his brows. "Come on, tell me. Look, he also wants to know his name. Tell him at least."

"No, babe. I'm not going to tell you. Wait until tonight," North replied, shifting his attention to the child in his arms. "But I'll whisper it to you."

Leaning towards Night's ear, North softly disclosed the name. Night pouted as he observed the scene. North, noticing his expression, smiled to himself and leaned in to kiss Night's lips. Unexpectedly, Night stood up, taking the baby from North's arms and catching him off guard. North watched as Night carried the baby towards the bed.

"Come, baby, I'll feed you," Night sweet-talked to the infant. North sighed to himself.


The pack members encircled the bonfire, deep in discussion about the baby's name. Night cradled the infant in his arms, seated beside North, who attentively observed as others proposed various names. While appreciating some for their meaningful and profound significance, North patiently awaited his turn to reveal his choice.

"Kittiphong is a great name!" Daonuea exclaimed, with Chief having suggested it. Kitti, meaning "fortunate" or "lucky" in Thai, struck North as a fitting choice among the other suggestions. Tian's proposal of "Napat," meaning brilliant, also garnered attention.

Neung added his suggestion, "What about Nong Pui? He's so cute and chubby. That would suit him, right P' North?"

Palm chuckled at Neung's suggestion, and others joined in the laughter, causing Neung to look down in embarrassment, thinking he had proposed an odd name.

"Neung, that's an adorable name, no doubt. But my son will grow up one day, and I want to spare him from potential teasing," North explained.

"Then, tell us what you have decided?" Kluen inquired.

North smiled, casting a glance at his husband and their son, before announcing, "Theo." A hush fell over the group. "Theo, in Greek, means 'Gift of God,' and I believe he came into our lives as a precious present, filling our hearts with happiness."

"Theophong," Night chimed in. "Wow, that has both a meaningful and melodious ring to it. Plus, he won't face any teasing."

A ripple of chuckles spread through the group.

"I agree with that name," Night affirmed. The others expressed their contentment with the name and unanimously decided to call him Theo.

"Theo, look, I'm your favorite uncle!" Daonuea chirped, playfully waving in front of the baby. Laughter echoed around.

"Theo!" Neung and Kluen waved to capture the little one's attention.

"Not again," North mumbled, slightly exasperated by their chaotic behavior.

Amidst the laughter and playful gestures, North couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the unity and warmth surrounding his newfound family. The chaos, the teasing, and the shared joy were all ingredients that made this moment unforgettable.

As the pack members continued their antics to engage little Theo, Night gently stood up, cradling their son in his arms. North followed suit, capturing the baby's attention with a loving smile.

"Come on, Theo. Let's leave these troublemakers and have some quiet family time," Night whispered, his eyes reflecting the depth of his love for both North and their son.

With a shared understanding, they retreated to the quiet sanctuary of their room. The soft glow of moonlight bathed the space, casting a serene ambiance. Night carefully laid Theo down, who seemed to be peacefully drifting into slumber.

North approached Night with a tender smile, and in that quiet moment, they found themselves drawn together. The warmth of their shared joy and the anticipation of many more memories to come created a beautiful connection between them.

Leaning in, North pressed his lips to Night's forehead, a sweet acknowledgment of the love and happiness they had built together. Night looked up, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange that spoke volumes. In that shared gaze, they found solace, contentment, and a promise of enduring love.

As their lips met in a gentle kiss, the room seemed to wrap around them like a cocoon, shielding them from the outside world. It was a kiss that carried the weight of shared dreams, laughter, and the beautiful journey they had embarked upon as a family.

In the quiet of their sanctuary, surrounded by the whispers of love and the promise of a future filled with joy, North and Night sealed this moment with a kiss that echoed the beginning of a beautiful chapter in their lives.


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