Dr. Normal and Daisy (Norman...

By 1OkayOkayOkay1

30.8K 855 104

Y/n is part of the trio of Emma, Norman, and Ray. She's quieter than the rest and spends most of her time pla... More

Chapter #1
Chapter #2
Chapter #3
Chapter #4
Chapter #5
Chapter #6
Chapter #7
Chapter #8
Chapter #9
Chapter #10
Chapter #11
Chapter #12
Chapter #13
Chapter #14
Chapter #15
Chapter #16
Chapter #17
Chapter #18
Chapter #19
Chapter #20
Chapter #21
Chapter #22
Chapter #23
Chapter #24
Chapter #25
Chapter #26
Chapter #27
Chapter #28
Chapter #29
Chapter #30
Chapter #31
Chapter #32
Chapter #34
Chapter #35
Chapter #36
Forget again (cannon ending)

Chapter #33

195 7 0
By 1OkayOkayOkay1

I slip on a thin silk red dress that matches my red lip stick (that's a bit darker.) I let Barbara do the rest of my make up. I stare in the mirror, even with the amount of concealer Barbara put on, you can still see the stupid scar on my forehead. I want to cry but that's the one rule Barbara gave me. "Do. Not. Cry. Your mascara isn't waterproof." She had said so seriously, I'm scared to cry. "Y/n get out of there, the more you stare the more insecure you become." Barbara knocked loudly on the door, making me jump. "Yeah, I'm coming," I said hushed. 


Norman fixed his suit to be perfect, for her. At this point he knew he'd do anything for her, but he knew that a long time ago when he tried to risk his life. He scoffed at the stupid attempt, why would he even try to leave her? He realizes how foolish it is now.

Vincent, Zazie, and Ray hype Norman up. "Where's Cislo?" Norman asked with a grin he's ashamed of." "I'm not sure." Vincent said, thinking the same thing Norman was. "He's probably hiding because you stole his girl." Ray said what they were all thinking, giving Norman a small punch. Norman chuckled.

All the boys flinched at the banging on their door. "Way to stand a beautiful girl up bitc-"  Barbara starts yelling. Norman looked at the clock, 7:01. "Oh come on he's one minute late-" Ray had started. "Yeah one minute can turn into two real quick, get your as-butt out here!" Barbara yelled again. Norman sighed and shook off any nerves he had. "Wish me luck." He said walking to the door. Vincent walked close behind him, opening the door for him. "Don't forget about the thing." Vincent whispered to Norman.

Norman walked out the door and heard her guitar, the song he'd know from anywhere, followed with piano, Dr. Normal and Daisy, played by Daisy herself and Nat. Norman tried to hold his excitement and walked down the stairs rather than sprinting. Around the corner and could see an outline of a red dress, a guitar, and kids crowed around the couch and piano.

Once Norman made his way down the stairs and sat next to Y/n. "Hey pretty." He whispered close to her ear then kissed it lightly sending instant butterflies to her stomach. Y/n fumbled on the string messing up Nat. "Why do you and Norman look so pretty?" Thoma asked. Y/n laughed. "Norman is very pretty isn't he." She laughed.  "Y/n you looked really pretty in your dress." Rossi smiled. Y/n smiled back at the fourteen year old boy. (Yeah I forgot he aged too, so a bit of character change in Rossi form now on😭) "We should get going, don't you think daisy?" Norman said to Y/n, flashing his teeth at her. Y/n nodded, setting her guitar down. "We'll see you all tomorrow." Y/n said, anticipating them being out late.

As the two walked through the door the little kids who didn't understand questioned them, why they looked so fancy, why only those two got to go out, etc. Barbara and Vincent stood at the railing peering down, Barbara grinning, Vincent pressed his lips together, knowing what was about to happen. "Yeah you owe me twenty-" "I know, I know." Vincent grunted. Barbara snorted. "Say I was right." "No." Vincent crossed his arms stepping back. Barbara just stared at him grinning. "Fine, you were right, I was wrong." Vincent mumbled, his heart was racing hard, the first time he was wrong on something, what if he messes up the thing and-

"Who paid for this?!" Y/n asked looking at the tall building with tall white lights steaming up on the real wood walls. "You know I got a couple of funds, but we aren't here to talk about who paid what, we're here to talk about all the year we missed." Norman said, twisting Y/n's brain.

The two made their way inside, and soon got their reserved seats. Norman pulled out Y/n's chair for her, then pushed it in. Once Norman sat himself they both peered at the drink menu, both avoiding the alcohol choices. "You look, stunning, Daisy." Norman said looking down at the menu. He glanced up and met Y/n's shocked eyes. "Y-You look really good in that suit." Y/n said, letting her nervous eyes flutter. Norman smiles at her attempt at a complement.

He reaches his hand across the table, resting his hand on top of hers. Butterflies run through her. The lights in the restaurant are dimmed a yellow wine color, and live musicians play slow mellow songs. Y/n stares into Norman's eyes, wishing she could stay in this magical forever. Norman parted his lips to speak.

"What can I get you two?" They hear a genuine voice ask. "I'm Riiko, I'll be your server today." The light-brown-haired girl smiled. "Drinks?" She pushed on. Norman started, "Can I get a pink lemonade?" He  smiles back kindly as Riiko nods, then turns to Y/n. "What about you dolly?" "Can I get a f/d(favorite drink)." Y/n barely managed a whisper. "Can you repeat that please?" "She wants a f/d." Norman said, as he felt your hand shake under his hand. He glanced at her with warm eyes as Riiko walked away. Norman studied Y/n's face as she fiddled with something under the table. What was he supposed to ask her? Should he even ask? He sighed, looking down at the menu. "I heard this place has some really good seafood." Norman said checking out the varieties anyway. Y/n nodded. "I haven't heard anything about this place so..." Y/n scanned over the menu in a panic to beat the waitress in having an order by the time she gets back.

After ordering and receiving their food, it was finally just them. Seats around them disappeared in their eyes till everyone was gone, and it was just them. "Daisy," Norman said slowly. "Dr. Normal?" Y/n asked, laughing lightly. "At lambda-" "Oh my god we're talking about this again?" Y/n said slightly annoyed. "If anything, I should be asking what they did to you, what happened the two years I was gone, just getting killed over and over again!" Y/n said in a hushed voice. Norman sighed. "Yeah, you're right, I guess I never told you what went on at the house." Y/n nodded small. "Do you want to know?" He asked. "Yeah." Y/n said quietly. Norman opened his mouth to speak. "Not now though, it's time for us, in the present tense, not the, "he said she said. She did he did." Right now it's just, "I say you say, I do you do." Y/n had a small warm smile on her face, Norman looked at her e/c eyes grabbing her hand, entangling their fingers. "God Diasy I love you." Norman whispered, moving to close the gap in between their cod lips.

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