By Kombat_11

416 21 2

KG is back from summer vacation ready to begin sophomore year with a smile, but when she hear news that her m... More

Sophomore year of hell
The mystery of Michael
Heart wrenching tragedy
Crash and Burn
Cabin of horrors
No going back
The yearbook
Prom night of hell
Prom night of hell part 2
The night Kasey disappeared
There's no Y.O.U in the universe


21 2 0
By Kombat_11

KG called a meeting late at night with the group. When everyone arrived they noticed that the only not there yet was Camila.

Savanna: "Maybe she's running a bit late."

Kaylee: "I'm sure she'll be here soon."

Meanwhile Camila was rushing to her car.

Camila: "Shyt I was sleeping and now they call a meeting."

Camila stopped halfway down her driveway when she heard a noise. She immediately assumed it was her cat.

Camila: "Stupid cat scared me for a second."

She got in front of her car when the garage door started to open up. The lights were off and it was quiet.

Camila: "Mom is that you?"

It was silent, as Camil started walking towards the garage her cat's head came rolling out the garage. Camila screamed and ran to her car she got in the car and started to drive away when she was  down the street she pulled over to send a text to her friends.

Camila to the group chat: "Guys I think someone is after me" she hit send.

As she started to get ready to drive again she had a horrifying realization. Camila had realized she didn't have to unlock the door to get in the car.

She started to slowly look up at the front mirror and as she did a person in the back seat came up from behind covered in blood and covered her face with a towel and put her in a deep sleep.

The person got out the back took Camila out the front and put her in the trunk they got in the driver seat and drove off.

Back at Kendall house they all read Camila text.

They all began calling her phone repeatedly but there wasn't no answer.

Kendall: "This is not happening!" (She screamed)

Max: "It's got to be the person from the woods right?"

Lexus: "What person?"

KG: "This person has been stalking me since I returned I thought it was just a regular stalker so I left it alone but then a hour ago they attacked me and Max with a axe."

Savanna: "Oh my god that's crazy."

Lexus: "How long?"

KG: "What?"

Lexus: "How long were you going to leave us in the dark?"

KG: "I didn't think it was a big deal."

Lexus: "Of course you didn't and because of your bad decision Camila is paying the price when you could've came to us and told us."

Savanna: "Lexus okay we get it let's stop before you say something you'll regret."

KG: "No stay out of this Savanna, it happened one time and they disappeared so I'm sorry if I decided that Micheal was the priority at the moment after he murdered Kaylee father."

Lexus: "Yea sure typical KG can never take responsibility for the shit you do."

KG: "Well at least I'm not a junkie."

Kendall: "Hey both of you shut the hell up! I don't really care who blames who we need to find Camila come on Kaylee let's leave them to they cat fight while we look for Camila, oh and lock my door on y'all way out." (She slammed the door)

Everyone else began to leave and go their own way.

The next morning before school Kendall woke up to a text from the kidnapper.

Kidnapper: "You want Camila back you'll do exactly what I say."

Kendall: "Why me?"

Kidnapper: "Only you have the stomach for this."

Kendall: "For what?"

Kidnapper: "Bring me Michael dead or alive preferably dead, or I'll start sending you Camila body parts."

Kaylee came in the room eating apple slices.

Kaylee: "Who ya texting?"

Kendall: "Um Yuri he's picking us up from school."

Kaylee: "Actually I'm going to ride to School with Johnny."

Kendall: "Smoking hot best friend Johnny?"

Kaylee: "Yes that Johnny."(she laughed)

Kendall: "You know you should ask him out."

Kaylee: "What no he's a grade above me isn't there like something wrong that....right?"(she blushed)

Kendall: "Not even close girl don't worry I'll help you."

Back at KG house, KG was getting dressed and Max was still in the bed sleep. She went downstairs to eat breakfast and found Keelan.

Keelan: "So Max stayed the night?"

KG: "Yea I needed it I didn't want to sleep alone."

Keelan: "are you okay?"

KG: "Yea I'm fine I just have a lot on my plate."

Keelan: "Well you guys better have not been you know or I'll cut his you know off."

KG: "Eww no we didn't and you that and I'll just return the favor."

Keelan: "Oh yeah that sounds like a challenge."

KG: "You're an idiot I'll see you at school."

Keelan: "Wait what do I tell dad about him."

KG: "Max! Let's go."

Max rushed up and got dressed and came down they left out in a hurry.

Keelan: "God I hate the Riveras."

At school the girls hardly spoke with each other, they spoke every now and then in passing.

At lunch Kendall came up to KG while KG was eating lunch outside.

Kendall: "Hey so no progress on Camila?"

KG: "Me and Max went to her house and the only thing we found was her mom burying their dead cat. We need to find her by any means."

Kendall: "Maybe we should reach out somehow and offer Michael as a trade."

KG: "Naw he's a bad person but we don't trade lives but like the dedication though."

Kendall: "Of course you know it's all jokes girl."

Later after School Kendall was talking to Yuri and his twin Sister Melissa.

Kendall: "What do you guys think?"

Melissa: "You can't trade a life for a life it's not right. Besides Michael has been MIA from school no one has seen him."

Yuri: "Yea babe you got to find another way to get Camila."

Melissa walked off and Kendall started to leave as well Yuri  grabbed her arm.

Yuri: "Listen word has it that Michael has been staying somewhere over in East Saint Louis he goes to the court every afternoon so about now you got a hour or two."

Kendall: "Okay thanks babe."

Yuri: "Kendall when you do this there's no going back you know."

She left out the door, Johnny stood around the corner listening to the whole thing.

Johnny tried to call Kaylee but she was at volleyball tryouts.

Johnny: "Dammit"

Later on Kendall sat in her car in East Saint Louis watching Michael get ready to leave. After he put his stuff on he began to walk back home as he was crossing the street Kendall ran him down with her car. She got out and took a picture of his body then dragged him into the car.

Back in Saint Louis Johnny told Kaylee what Kendall is planning.

Kaylee: "She's going to do what? I need to tell KG now."

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