The Devil May Cry

By Shattered_Realms

17.3K 226 47

RWBY x male son of vergil reader More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Vergil)
Chapter 24 (Dante)
Chapter 25 (Y/n)
The Final Chapter

Chapter 12

476 5 1
By Shattered_Realms


Ren, Jaune, Nero, Nora, Dante, Pyrrha and I were in one of the many jungles of Anima. Ruby instructed Nero, Dante and I to not engage in the encounter but watch from the sidelines so the team could bond more than they have. Nero, Dante and I were talking about possibilities on how to stop Vergil while the others were attacking a massive rock Grimm and struggling greatly.

Nero: Uh, you guys sure you don't need our help?

Dante: Yeah, you all do seem to be struggling.

Ruby: We're fine!

Nero: If you say so.

We watch as they continue to fight the giant rock Grimm but we notice they begin getting overwhelmed so Dante just takes out Ebony and Ivory and shots it in the face multiple times causing it to explode into black dust. Everyone groans and turns to us as Dante puts his pistol away.

Nora: Come on! We had that under control!

Y/n: Not from where we were standing.

Jaune groaned in annoyance before walking to the village where everyone else followed. After a while of walking we returned to the village. Once there, Dante, Nero and I headed to the blacksmiths while the others went to collect the Lien that we were promised. Dante sits and leans against a wall while Nero fidgets with his prosthetic right arm. I sigh and look into the dense jungle while holding Yamato. I heard footsteps behind me and when I turn I see Nero walking toward me.

Nero: Still worrying about what might happen when you have to fight him?

Y/n: I am. I just... I don't wish for more people to die. And our father? I don't want to kill him. I don't want him to die. 

Nero: Hey, if our plan works, then we won't have to.

Y/n: I do hope it works.

Dante: Y/n, if Vergil actually does side with us when we meet him again, I'm sure it'll be fine.

I sigh and look back into the jungle. After Beacon I feel so much guilt and a heavy burden to stop Vergil from siding with Salem. I don't wish for more people to die and more guilt to be put onto my shoulders.

Pyrrha: Y/n, we're heading into the blacksmith to get Jaunes new armour. Are you joining?

I don't respond. I continue starring into the jungle with Yamato in hand before I hear Pyrrha sigh before walking into the blacksmith with everyone else. I feel the wind blow around me as my coattails fly in the incoming wind. After a short while the others came back from inside the blacksmith and we began walking out of the village.

Nora: I still don't understand why Y/n can't just portal us to Mistral!

Nero: Like he said multiple times: If he does, that will alert Vergil on where we are and where we're going. He doesn't want to put anyone at risk.

I slowly fall back to the very back of the group without being noticed. After multiple hours of walking we decide to set up camp in a small area surrounded by bushes. Dante and Nero collected firewood while everyone else set up their sleeping bags. Once Nero and Dante came back with the firewood, Dante lit the fire and everyone sat around the fire. They all began talking about their lives before Beacon and Dante explained to them his past adventures while also telling them about Vergil. They all seemed amazed but also scared for what we were going up against which caused Ruby to cling to my right arm. I smile at this and ruffle her hair after putting Yamato on the ground. Everyone decided to call it a night so we all entered our sleeping bags before going to sleep. But when I fell asleep I soon awoke in a crater where Haven Academy should be.

Y/n: Where am I?

I look around at the destruction before seeing team RWBY, JNPR, Dante, Nero, Summer and Raven looking at me from far away. But I turn around and see Vergil and I in the center of the crater both with our weapons drawn.

Y/n: What?

Vergil: *dream* So you have acquired the relic from the vault.

Y/n: *dream* We know why you're so power hungry.

Vergil raised an eyebrow.

Y/n: *dream* Dante, Nero and I are the only family you have left. After what happened to your parents, you promised yourself never to let your family die.

Vergil ran at my dream variant and as the blades clash a shockwave blew me away and through a wall where the scenery changed to that of Atlas where the academy was in complete ruin. I walk around and see Cavaliere Angelo force Winter to open the Atlas vault. I run at the Angelo just as they walked into the vault which caused the scenery to change yet again to what seemed to be the top of a large tree. I turn around and see Salem with Force Edge facing my dream variant who was in SDT.

Salem: *dream* Such a shame all your effort to stop me were for nothing.

Y/n: *dream* For nothing? You have been betrayed by your Fall Maiden, your servants all had been killed and you face me. It was all for something.

Salem: *dream* Sparda was foolish to believe I could be stopped.

Y/n: *dream* Foolish? No. You only survived because your servants resurrected you. With no one loyal to you, you stay dead. This all ends. Tonight.

Salem: *dream* Yes. It does.

The both of them run at each other before the blades clash causing a blinding light to occur. I shoot awake from the dream in a cold sweat and look around only to see everyone else was asleep. I grab Yamato and stand before walking into the forest.

Ruby POV

My eyes shoot open as I feel something isn't right. I sit up from my sleeping bag and see Y/n is missing. I sigh before standing up and walking into the forest. After some walking I see Y/n standing in a clearing and starring at the moon so I walk closer to him.

Ruby: Y/n?

He turns to me before walking to me with his sword in his left hand.

Y/n: You're supposed to be asleep.

Ruby: So are you. Come on, let's go back.

Y/n: I've been thinking and... I think it would be easier for Dante, Nero and I to go a separate way to Mistral.

Ruby: What? Why?

Y/n: If Vergil can sense my portals he will be able to sense Dante and I just through our power. It would make for a safer journey for you all.

Ruby: We're all a team, and we need to stick together.

Y/n: Yes, I know but I am trying to make your journey safer.

Ruby: By making it harder for you, Dante and Nero?

Y/n: We can handle ourselves.

I sigh before hugging him which prompts him to return the hug. Once we break the hug we both walk back to the camp where we return to our sleeping bags and go to sleep for the night.

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