The Alternative (Mark Sloan s...

By ABC13445

3.9K 116 10

What happens when a nice looking girl meets a nice looking guy. I only own Juliette and any other characters... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 9

94 3 0
By ABC13445


Enough is Enough

Meredith, Cristina, and Juliette were sprawled across the bathroom, coming down form a long night of drinking, minus Cristina. 

Cristina sat grumpily in the shower tub, Meredith was hunched over the toilet sit, and Juliette just sat on the floor hung over.  Meredith was drunk because her and Derek broke up, Cristina was upset because her and burke broke up, and Juliette wasn't angry at anything just wanted to get drunk.  

"It's not us," Meredith said slightly slurred. "it's them. Them and their stupid boy ponies. They didn't tell me they had a wife.  They gave absolutely no warning that they were going to break up with you."

 "It's not that Burke broke up with me. It's how he broke up with me. Like it was business. Like it was a business transition, like he's the boss of me!" 

 "He is the boss of you." Meredith replied. 

 "And what's worse is that I care." 

 "I'm gonna throw up again. No. Wait. False alarm." 

 "Look, the problem is estrogen." Cristina says. 

 "No, the problem is tequila." Juliette replied. 

 "I used to be all business, and then he goes and gets me pregnant." Cristina says. 

 "With the stupid boy penis." Meredith replies. 

 "Now, I'm having hormone surges. He ruined me. I'm ruined. He turned me into this fat, stupid, pregnant girl. Who cares! Estrogen!" Cristina says. 

 "Penises. Penises Izzie." Meredith says as Izzie and George walk in. 

 "Estrogen George." 

 "Okay." George said. "What did I miss?"

"I came home to full on vomit drama." Izzie said. "Apparently she dumped Derek and her, she's been sleeping with Burke, and Juliette is just drunk." 

 "So you really broke up with Shepherd?" George asked Meredith. 

 "I feel empty."

 "Two hours of vomiting will do that to you." Izzie  says. 

  "No, I feel empty."

 "You're lucky. I feel pissed off." Cristina says closing the door. 

 "Male, 55, victim of a head-on collision. GCS is 3. Depressed skull fracture. Multiple internal injuries. ACLS protocol started, but was vein blew so we've been pushing meds down the tube. PEA on arrival." medic tells Bailey and the interns. 

 "How long has he been down?" Bailey questioned. 

 "We've been doing CPR for about 20 minutes. It took fire 20 minutes to get him out of the car. He's pretty much gone." 

 "Uh, he's not gone until we say he's gone. Keep coding." Bailey responded. "O'Malley, Stark, get him into a bay and save him."

 "But he's dead." George and Juliette say at the same time. 

"Olivia, Pulseless V-Tach." Juliette says. 

 "Line's in." Meredith says. 

 "Okay, charge to 200." George said. 



 "Push 1 of epi. Let's go again. Charge to 300." 

 "Seriously?" Juliette questioned. 

 "I think that's what Dr. Bailey wants you to do, Juliette . Dr. Stark." 

 "It's what she wants, Dr. Stark."

 "Okay then. Let's charge to 300." Juliette responded. 



 "Grey!" Bailey called out as she sees what Juliette and George are doing.  "Oh pericardiocentesis. Good. Any response?" 


 "Okay, uh, all right you guys can..." 

 "Should I call it?" George questioned. 

 "What would you do next, O'Malley?" 

 "I would call it." George says. 

"To save him." Bailey said. 

"Oh. Uh I don't know. A pericardial window." 

 "Excellent. Do it. Grey, you're down here. I've got a bowel obstruction for you." Bailey says getting ready to leave. 


 "Well, at least your patient is still alive." Juliette muttered. 

 "What next doctors?" olivia questioned. 

 "Where are you?" Bailey asked walking into the room Juliette and George are in. 

 "We can see his heart." George replied. "His heart that's not beating."

 "Okay, ah open the pericardium and aspirate. If the heart is still not beating close and call it. " Bailey replied, seeing George's face. "What? You think we're defiling this man's body?" 

 "Well, well we're certainly doing more than?" George questioned. 

"than what?" Bailey asked.  "If they're dead or dying when they come through those doors you hump and hump hard. Why?" 

 "For the experience." Juliette says. 

 "Uh, no what else? There's something more.  You think on that. It'll come to you." Bailey says leaving the room. 

 "Any family members waiting?" George asked Olivia. 

 "Still trying to reach them." 

George: "Good. I mean, not good that we haven't reached them. Good I don't have to ah.." George replied. 

 "It's always hard." 


 "I'm sorry about Alex."

"No need to talk about that right now." Juliette says. 

 "No need to talk about it."

 "You do understand that I had sex with him before you, not during?  Because when you and I were having sex"

 "I understand." George says. 

 "I just wanted to clear the air." 

 "Oh. It's clear. Perfectly clear. Ok."



"Guys let's keep working" Juliette says. 

 "And about the syphilis" 

 "We really don't have to talk about this." 

 "Which is I mean, I didn't know I had it. I should've, I'm a nurse. I mean there was the sore and I was all itchy."

 "Ok!, You know I uh, uh got it. You know things happen." 

 "They, they really do. Things you wish you could change."

 "Yeah. Oh, it's the Chief. We gotta take this." 

 "Sure. George?" 

 "You have to call it." Olivia says. 

"Call it?" George questioned. 


 "Oh, uh" George says looking at the clock. "um, time of death 1.48." 

George and Juliette walk out. 

 "Call 3 times a day." Richard says, getting pushed in a wheelchair by George. 

 "Do not call 3 times a day." Adele says. 

 "Look and if my wife does not put you through" Richard says. 

 "I won't put you through." Adele replied. 

"Keep calling until she does." Richard said. 

 "Yes sir." Juliette said, then shakes her head no at the look she receives from Adele. 

 "The father is an alcoholic wife beater. I mean there shouldn't even be a question." Cristina says, as her, George, Izzie, and Juliette sit down to eat. 

 "But if you could save somebody and you didn't, wouldn't you feel like you were committing murder?" Izzie questioned. 

"Like the guy did when crashed into George's DOA. He's the killer not the son." Cristina says.  

"Oh! That is sick!" George says, as he sees a table with 10 Judy heads. 

 "Who would do that?" Izzie asked. 

  "Oh.  Look! See Judy fly." Cristina says throwing the Judy head at Alex. 

 "Hey, George." Olivia says, walking by. 


 "What?" George questioned, when everyone was looking at him. 

"George. She was trying to make up with you. You should go eat with her." Meredith replied. 

 "No. No, I shouldn't." George says. 

 "She's cute and she likes you. You shouldn't let a little syph get in the way." Izzie says. 

 "It's not the syph." George replied. 

 "It's so the syph." Juliette says. 

 "It's not the syph!" George says. 

 "Then what is it?" Izzie asked. "Oh."

 "What?" Meredith questioned.  "What is it? Out with it."

 "There's this other girl." Izzie says. 

 "Izzie!" George exclaimed. 

 "Other girl? You have another girl?!"

"He hasn't told her yet that he likes her." Izzie says. 

 "Izzie! We are not in high school." George replied. 

"George has a little crush." Juliette says, teasing George. 

 "I do not have a crush." George replies. "It is a thing. A thing that is very personal. One day I would like to build on this thing with this other girl. Woman. She's all woman." 

After a long shift at work Juliette and the interns had decided to go out for a couple of drinks. 

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