The Alternative (Mark Sloan s...

By ABC13445

3.9K 117 11

What happens when a nice looking girl meets a nice looking guy. I only own Juliette and any other characters... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 7

106 4 0
By ABC13445


Who's Zoomin' Who

 "George. You locked the door. I need to take a shower." Juliette says getting ready for work. 

 "uh, uh, I'll be out in a minute." George says, from the bathroom. 

 "What are you doing in there?" Juliette asked. 

 "It's private." George replied. 

 "Oh. oh, God. I'm sorry. I get it. I didn't mean to interrupt." Juliette says, realizing what he was possibly doing. 

 "No, it's not that!" George replies. 

 "It's ok. Take your time." Juliette says. 

 "I am not doing what you think I'm doing." George said. 

 "You know what, there's really no need to explain. I'll wait. You just...finish." Juliette says, getting ready to walk away.

 "No, I'm...I'm coming. I'm coming out." 

 There's no reason to be ashamed. It's normal. Healthy, even.

 "There's no reason to be ashamed. It's normal. Healthy, even." Juliette says as George walks out. 

 "Well I'm not ashamed cause I wasn't doing anything. I don't have to. I have a girlfriend." George replied. 

 "An imaginary girlfriend?" Juliette asked. 

 "An actual girlfriend." George said. 

 "You know what? It's no big deal. You don't have to lie. I get it. You have needs." Juliette replies as Meredith comes out of her room.  

 "What is going on out here?" Meredith asked. 




 "He's freaked out cause I caught him playing with little Jimmy and the twins." Juliette says. 

 "I have a girlfriend." 


 "This sounds like fun out here." Derek says walking out. 

"it is, you got any surgeries I can get in?" Juliette asked. 

"Maybe" Derek replied as his phone bussed. 

 "Aren't you gonna get that?" Meredith questioned. "It might be the hospital."

 "It's not." Derek replied.  "Breakfast?" 

 "Hey, syph-boy." Cristina says, as her and Juliette walk up. 

 "You told them?" George questioned. 

 "Just them two." Izzie replied. 

 "Syph-boy." It's got a nice ring to it, it's kinda like Superboy, only diseased." Alex says. 

 "Izzie didn't have to say a word. Around here, the only thing that spreads faster than disease is gossip." Cristina said. 

"That's not true. Just cause Izzie can't keep her mouth shut doesn't mean everyone knows.'' George replied as Meredith joins.

 "Hey, George." Meredith greeted. "How are you feeling? Sorry about the syphilis."

 "Everyone in this hospital knows?" George asked. 

 "Knows you're a player." Alex replied. 

 "You're disturbed." George said. 

 "True. Everybody's got a secret. Just be glad yours is out in the open." Alex replied.

 "Oh, yeah, Alex? What's yours?" Cristina says.  

 "You show me yours, and I'll show you mine." Alex replied.  "I bet you've got some seriously kinky skeletons in your closet." 

 "What's in my closet is none of your business." Cristina said. 

 "Well, I don't have any secrets. My life is boring." Izzie says.

"Same, I can't even have a sex life or a regular life since I only go out once a week or not at all" Juliette says.

 "Everybody's got something to hide." Meredith replies. 

 "Meredith, go away!" George shouted as Meredith and Juliette walked in.

 "Oh, George." Meredith replied.  "We thought you could use some moral support."

"Yeah because you'll need it" Juliette says. 

 "NO! No, moral support. I'm indisposed here." George said. 

 "George, it's not a big deal. And you have a cute butt." Meredith replied. 

 "I have a cute butt too." Alex says.  "You want to see?"

"No, god no" Juliette said. 

 "Oh, get out." Meredith replies.  "You're doing it wrong." 

 "Be my guest." Alex says. 

"What...?" George questions. "Alex. Alex. Wha...?" 

"Hey!" George yelled, as Izzie walked in. 

 "What are we doing here?" Izzie questioned. 

 "Breaking George's spirit." George muttered. 

 "Curing George's syph." Meredith replies. 

 "I don't like needles." George said. 

 "Good thing you became a doctor." Meredith replied. "Other side."

 "Izzie?" they heard Cristina yell out.  

 "Yeah?" she called back, causing Cristina to open the curtain, joining them. 

 "Uh, Mr. Franklin's procedure's been scheduled for after lunch..." she cuts herself off seeing George bent over. "Oh, what are we doing?" 

 "We are saving George from a future of festering sores and insanity." Juliette says. 

 "Oh, cute butt." Cristina said. 

 "Told ya." Meredith replied. 

 "It is cute, like a baby's." Izzie says.

"don't say that" Juliette replies. 

 "You know, I have spent hours, days, years, imagining myself half-naked in a room with three women. The reality is so much better." George says pulling his pants up, leaving the room without another word. 

 "I think he's gonna cry." Cristina says, causing everyone to laugh. 

"Three interns, four residents and six nurses on this surgical floor have been diagnosed with...syphilis." Richard tells the interns and nurses while having a safe sex demonstration. 

 "There are over 70,000 new cases every year." 

 "Undiagnosed, syphilis can lead to blindness, insanity and death." 

 "If you are having unprotected sex with another member of the staff, get tested." Richard tells everyone.

 "This is not a request."

 "Patricia will now give you a safe-sex demonstration." Richard says. 

"When the time is right, and, gentlemen, you'll all know when that time is, carefully open the condom packet and roll it onto the banana." Patricia says. 

 "Open communication is essential to a healthy relationship. In a responsible relationship..." 

 " Poor George." Meredith whispers to Cristina and Juliette. 

 "Yeah. You know, I think he really likes Typhoid Mary." Cristina replies. 

 "Well, not many budding relationships survive a good dose of VD." 


 "When the banana is finished..."


"ok, I'm leaving there's no point in me being here when I'm not having sex" Juliette tells Meredith and Cristina, leaving. 

Since Juliette wasn't in the save sex demonstration area, she decided to walk the hallways until she Dereks voice in a MRI room. 

 "You see that right there?" Derek asked.  

 "Mm-hmm." Richard replied. 

 "It's a tumor, and it's pressing against your optic nerve." Derek says. 

"Wow thats a nice tumor. Whose tumor is it?" Juliette asked walking into the room. 

"Why aren't you at the meeting?" Richard questioned.

"really no point in me being there" Juliette replied. 

"It's mine" Richard says. 

"oh dang, sorry to hear that sir" Juliette replied. 

 "Is it operable?" Richard asked. 

 "Oh, definitely." Derek replies. "It does have its risks." 

 "You mean I could lose my sight?" Richard questioned. "Just what I need, a syphilis outbreak and a tumor."

 "Well, it's probably unrelated." Derek replied. 

 "All right, Derek, let's see how good you really are." Richard said. 

" All right. I'll put a team together." Derek says. 

 "All my people only. And I still want this kept under wraps. The vultures will be circling soon enough." Richard ordered, then turning back to Juliette. "Not a word of this to anyone, you hear me, Stark"

"I promise"

 "How goes our special super secret silent sunset surgery? We've been practicing that." Derek says, as he and Juliette walk up to Bailey and Meredith. 

 "You have too much time on your hands." Bailey replied. "Uh, tell the chief I'll be there. Just let me know when and where. I'm in."

 "Ok. Are you nervous?" Meredith asked Derek. 

 "It's a complicated surgery." Derek replied. "I make one mistake, I end a fellow surgeon's career, my mentor's career. Oh, no, I'm not nervous."

"I'll see you guys later, can't wait for our special super secret silent sunset surgery" Juliette says walking away. 

After the chief's successful surgery, Juliette, Meredith, Izzie, and Cristina head to the locker room to get changed and head home for the day. When they all walked into the locker room they see the girl who gave George syphilis nervously talking to him in the center of the room. 

"George" Olivia sighed. " I want you to understand, when we started dating, I was already kinda seeing someone. I didn't know how much I'd like you, and when I realized, I broke it off with the other guy...." 

"Other guy?" George frowned. "Who's the other guy?"

Olivia looked sheepishly behind him, causing George to turn around and see Alex standing there uncomfortably. 

"Oh shit, this is gonna be bad" Juliette whispered. 

"You and Alex!?" George screamed, immediately jumping at Alex and attacking him with punches. "You gave me syphilis?!"

"George!" the girls shouted, trying to pry him off of Alex. 

"I think this calls for a drink at joes." Juliette tells Cristina. 

"I agree, lets go" 

Here's chapter 7. I hope you enjoy. 

Season one is done!!! I'm excited to get to season 2.

Thanks for readinggg. 

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