The Golden Fox

By ShinobiNexus

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This story is about Naruto Uzumaki who traveled back to the past. But naruto and kurama are not gonna be in t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

335 10 0
By ShinobiNexus

Naruto is lying down on the ground, his left waist torn apart from his body. A lot of blood has leaked out of his body, turning the ground below him into a small pond of blood. He unconsciously started to bring his hand to his left eye where you can see a rinnegan with 6 tomos. This rinnegan was given by his best friend, sasuke who died much earlier.

Beside naruto, madara's corp were lying down right beside him. His chest has a huge hole that anything can pass through with ease.

Naruto was looking at the stars with his other eye. He then smiled. "Rest in peace everyone, rest in peace. I have taken all of your revenge. Now, it's finally my turn to rest." He said before slowly closing his eyes and drifting to eternal slumber.

Unbeknownst to naruto, the tailed beasts that were sealed inside him decided to take the matters into their hands and used a forbidden jutsu called: (Kako-no-tensei, transmigration of the past.)

All of the tailed beasts started to use rapid hand seals and finishing up with a serpent seal. They quickly called out the jutsu and immediately, naruto's body faded from the existence like a ghost.

Drip. drip. drip.

The sound of water drops echoed through a familiar mindscape. Naruto was lying down on the ground until. "Arg, where am I?" He asked himself before slowly taking a seat on the ground and started to look around. He almost gasped when he saw that he was surrounded by the tailed beasts who were surrounding naruto in a circle.

"Hey guys, what are...?" He paused mid sentence when he heard his own voice which sounded like when he was 4 or 5 years old kid. He then slowly started to examine his hands which looked very small considering that he is 16 years old.

He then stared at the tailed beasts with a questioning look. Kurama was trying his best to not burst out into laughter. When he saw kurama trying to hold his laughter, he narrowed his eyes and asked. "What the hell just happened? What did you do?" He demanded an answer for his question. Isubu took pity on naruto and created a mirror to show him what's going on.

When naruto looked at himself through the mirror, he immediately froze in his spot and just stared at his 4 year old body with horror.

When kurama saw naruto's reaction, he couldn't hold anymore and burst out into a roaring laughter. Soon, everyone also joined the laughter.

"Oh god, Kid you should take a look at your face it's so priceless hahahaha!" Kurama is now banging his fist on the ground while holding his gut in pain after laughing so much.

Naruto's face slowly got red in anger and annoyance. "Shut the hell up you stupid fox! It's not funny!" He shouted at kurama who finally stopped laughing but gave 1 or 2 snickers before stopping completely and looked at naruto with amusement. The other tailed beasts did the same but didn't snicker and also looked at naruto with amusement.

Naruto then grew a tick mark on his forehead. "Let me guess, you all have a hand on this don't you. He didn't ask, it was more like a statement. All the tailed beasts just nodded which made him sigh in frustration. "Alright guys, how did you do this and what exactly happened?"

Matatabi came forward and simply answered. "Naruto, the reason for your appearance is actually very simple. You're now in the past."

Naruto gave her a confused look. "In the past? what do you mean by." He suddenly stopped and widened his eyes when he realized what she meant when she said past. He then pointed a finger at himself and asked "Do you mean, i'm actually in the past." Matatabi simply nodded.

When he saw her nod, he immediately fainted which made some of them sweat drop and some of them laugh, including shukaku and kurama who are currently holding their guts while laughing their ass off.

Isubu just shook his head in amusement before spraying water into naruto's face which causes him to wake up. He spit some water from his mouth before standing up and gave isubu a glare which the beast simply ignored.

Kokuo used his boil release to dry naruto and his clothes which naruto later thanked the beast for drying him up.

He then coughed and gained their attention. "Um, in case I didn't hear it properly, I ask again. You said that i'm now in the past?" The beasts nodded.

"Yes exactly brat, as we said you're now in the past. Although, we have no idea where nor when exactly we are right now." Shukaku said which caused naruto to look down on the ground with many emotions going through his eyes: sadness, grief and doubt.

When matatabi saw his expression, she grew concerned and asked if he was okay? "Naruto, are you alright?" She asked, which naruto slowly nodded and kept staring at the ground while tears coming from his eyes.

Kurama also grew concerned for the blond and asked himself. "Kid, what's the matter? You don't look happy." Kurama asked which caused naruto to look at him. When he saw naruto's eyes, he flinched. His ocean blue eyes hold emotions that made even kurama's heart break. Emotions that only a shinobi hold who saw too much in their lives and lost people that were precious to the shinobi.

Kurama was going to ask him one more time before naruto wiped his tears with his hand and looked at kurama with doubt and uncertainty. "Kurama, i have a really good idea why you guys did this, but." He then looked at the side of his shoulder and dropped a tear from his eyes. "But how am I supposed to protect everyone now when I couldn't do it in the future."

Kurama gave a sigh before speaking. "Kid, first of all, don't blame yourself for what happened in the future. It wasn't your fault, it was all that bastard madara's fault." He said with venom in his voice before continuing. "And second of all, you didn't had any idea what would happen. But now look at this way, you have fought all the akatsuki members including madara himself. You know what they will do and what they are capable of." Kurama paused for a few seconds to see if his partner understood where he was going with that.

When kurama paused, naruto started to think where his partner was going with this before widening his eyes in certain realization. "It means i can predict their every move and counter them without letting anyone die." Kurama nodded. "Exactly kid." Naruto couldn't help but wanted to facepalm at himself.

"And beside kid, you're not doing this alone." Kurama said which gyuki nodded with agreement. "Yes naruto, you're not alone. You have us with your side. Isn't that right everyone?" Gyuki asked which he got nods and shouts: "Yeah" from many tailed beasts.

Naruto shedded some tears from his eyes which weren't the tears of sadness but the tears of happiness. But before naruto could say anything, every tailed beast suddenly started to fade from the existence except kurama, who was looking at them with a straight face. "So it's time, huh?" He asked which he received nods from the tailed beasts. "Yeah, it seems so." Son goku said and looked at naruto who was very confused and kept staring at their fading form. He then extended his fist forward, and told the others to do the same except kurama who knows what they are going to do. When everyone brought their fist together, son goku asked naruto to give him a fist bump, which he did and suddenly gasped at feeling pain through his body and passed out right at the spot.

They then looked at kurama which kurama simply nodded with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, this brat is under my protection and i will not let him die this time." Everyone gave him a smile and nod before they completely faded from existence.

A few hours later.

Naruto finally woke up from his sleep and widened his eyes when he realized that he is lying down on his apartment bed. He then remembered what happened in the mindscape and quickly tried to talk to kurama through mental link. "Hey kurama can you hear me? He didn't get any answer for a moment and thought that kurama might also disappear but luckily, he did answer but with an annoyed growl. "Don't shout like that kid, i'm not going anywhere." Kurama said which naruto sighed in relief. "Thank goodness, I thought you." Before naruto could say, kurama beat him to it. "Disappeared? Kid, I am the strongest tailed beast among all nine and there's no way i would disappear like that." He said with a chuckle. Naruto just rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah mister immortal furball, i get it. You are the greatest." Kurama just huffed in response. Then they both shared a chuckle. During the 4th great ninja war, naruto and kurama got very close and became best friends.

"So kurama, what happened with the others? Why did they suddenly disappear like that?" Naruto asked which kurama responded immediately. "Simple, it's because they have sacrificed their chakra to perform the jutsu (Kako-no-tensei, transmigration of the past). And also not to mention, they have combined their chakra with yours which created a new kind of chakra inside you."

When naruto heard that, his eyes widened as big as a dinner plate. "What!?" He mentally shouted.

Kurama gave another growl. "You stupid brat, how many times do i need to tell you to stop shouting like that!

Naruto immediately shut his mouth mentally which kurama was very thankful for. "Damn, finally you stopped shouting. Now, listen carefully this is important." Naruto raised an eye brow but nodded anyway. "Alright now listen. Your chakra is fine, there's nothing wrong with your chakra. They have just added something extra in your chakra that's all."

Naruto blinked before forming a questioning look. "What did they add to my chakra?"

Kurama thought for a few moments before speaking. "I'm not sure myself but i think you can use the six paths sage mode without having all the tailed beasts chakra if that makes any sense."

Naruto raised an eye brow. "And why is that?" He asked. "It's because in every tailed beast, there are some properties that allows not only demonic and dense chakra but also allows the user some abilities like kekkei genkai or some other abilities that can also be called as a kekkei genkai. Also don't forget, the 10 tails is nature itself and we all 9 tailed beasts are a part of him. Which means our chakra is also nature chakra but with different abilities. Although, it's a bit confusing since your body should have turned into nature just like the ten tails but it didn't." After hearing kurama's explanation, naruto's jaw dropped to the ground after hearing the end of the explanation.

He then rapidly started to shake his head in disbelief. "What!? Kurama, if i understood correctly, then according to your explanation, I should have turned into a tailed beast!?"

Kurama gave an amused chuckle. "More like a tailless tailed beast with other changes which can be anything to be honest. Maybe you might get a tail or 2 like us."

kurama gave a huge grin when he saw naruto's pale expression. Before naruto gets a panic attack, kurama reassured him that he won't turn into a tailed beast. "hahahaha don't worry kid I was just joking. You won't turn into a tailed beast. Even though it would be very funny to see you as a fellow tailed beast, you still won't turn into a tailed beast and definitely won't get a tail."

Naruto gave a huge sigh of relief. "Damn you kurama, don't scare me like that. You almost freaked me out." Kurama just chuckled. "It was fun though." Naruto just scoffed. "It wasn't funny furball. I'm dead serious." Kurama gave another chuckle before reminding him about something.

"Naruto, you need to hide that rinnegan or else people will get suspicious." Naruto nodded and decided to just close his eyes for now since he doesn't have anything to cover his eyes with. When he realized that he dosen't have much money to buy anything, he decided to meet his surrogate grandfather so he could spend some time with him and ask him for some money.

Naruto quickly got out of his house and rushed towards the hokage tower. He is very excited to meet his gigi after a long time since his death. Naruto got sad at remembering the day but he quickly covered it with determination. "This time, I won't let gigi die if that's the last thing i do." He thought before he suddenly noticed something wrong going on the corner of the streets. He narrowed his eyes before deciding to check what was going on.

In the corner, some bullies around 8 years were cracking their knuckles while smiling sickly towards a small girl around 4 years with light lavender eyes and with dark brown hair which were tight in a ponytail. She was wearing a pink kimono with a red belt made of soft fabric tight around her waist. She is standing in a corner against the bullies with the gentle fist stance which indicates she is a hyuga. Also not to mention her lavender eyes which is a byakugan, also indicates her heritage.

One of the bullies recognizes the gentle fist stance and couldn't help but feel jealous and decided to do something. "Hey look at that white eye freak. Her taijutsu looks so sloppy. Maybe their clan teaches them these sloppy stances. I think their clan is an absolute loser." When she heard that, she felt many emotions built up inside her: Hurt, anger, and fear. Hurt because they said her eyes makes her a freak, anger because they said her clan is a loser, and fear because she doesn't know what they would do to her if they get close.

The leader of the bullies gave her a very dirty grin which caused her to flinch and take a step back. When the leader saw that, his grin grew even more sinister. "Alright, maybe we should show her how to do a stance properly, what do you think guys." The other bullies also grew a sinister grin and nodded to their leader. "Hey boss, why don't you do the honor of teaching her the proper stance." One of the bullies said. "Sure, why not?" The leader said before rushing towards the girl who widened her eyes in fear before quickly closing it, waiting for the pain to arrive.

When the leader came a few inches closer, a yellow orange blur suddenly appeared and planted an x-kick into his jaw, causing him to fly towards the other bullies. She was still closing her eyes and didn't look up, waiting for the pain. When she didn't feel any pain, she slowly opened her eyes and widened it when she saw someone standing in front of her and shielding her with his hand while glaring at the bullies with his one eye and kept closed the other one. It's naruto with blond hair and whisker marks on his both cheeks.

"You bastards really like to bully others so much huh?" The bully who caught the leader glared at him. "Stay out of this you brat, or else."

"Or else what?" Naruto asked with a glare of his own. The other bullies flinched when they saw his cold glare.

Naruto walked one step forward while glaring and the bullies gulped and took one step back. He then took one more step and the bullies took another one step back. Then suddenly, naruto rushed towards one of the bullies and gave an uppercut to his jaw, sending him flying into a trash bin. When the other bullies saw that, they grew angry and dropped their leader to the ground and rushed towards naruto who's grinning and took his own fighting stance. One of them thrusted his fist towards naruto's face and the other one went for a sweep leg kick. Naruto seeing the fist few inches from his face, quickly blocked by grabbing the fist and jumped at the top of the bullies head, causing the bully who were about to launch a sweep kick accidentally kicked the other bully, causing both to fall into each other. They quickly stood up and started to look for the blond until someone shouted from above. "Hey bastards look up." When they heard the voice, they looked up and immediately regretted when the blond planted an x-kick to both of their chests, causing both of them to fly to the same trash bin where the other bully was.

Naruto landed perfectly in front of the girl who's gaping like a fish. He looked at the beaten bullies and grinned before looking at the girl who was staring at him with wide eyes. He looked at her and gave her a kind smile which made her blush and quickly looked away. Naruto slowly walked towards her and spoke up. "Hey there, are you alright?" Naruto asked which she responded with a simple nod. Naruto was about to ask another question but stopped when he noticed her crying. His expression saddened and went closer to her, completely surprised her with an unexpected hug. She was hesitant at first but slowly, she also hugged him while sobbing into his white shirt.

He was about to ask why she was crying before she spoke up. "W-why did you save me from those bullies? I'm a freak and so why would you save me?" Naruto widened his eyes for a second before softening it and said. "Freak? Who said you're a freak?" When she heard naruto's question, she slowly looked at naruto with her teary lavender eyes which made the blond's heart break. He then gave her a kind smile which made her blush, but she didn't look away and kept staring at his ocean blue eyes with her lavender eyes.

What naruto said next made her blush even more harder but also made her heart flutter. "I don't think you're a freak. Whoever said that is obviously stupid. I mean, calling a beautiful girl like you a freak. Seriously just how stupid the person is?" While naruto was ranting about the person and unintentionally complementing her beauty, the girl who naruto was hugging suddenly got a huge pink blush on her cheek.

While this was happening, kurama was watching the whole event with a smirk. "Looks like this kid is going to be a lady killer once more. Although, this hyuga looks familiar but i can't put my finger on who she is." He thought before quickly reminding naruto to see hiruzen. "Kid, as amusing as it is to watch you flirting, you still need to see the old monkey." When kurama said flirting, he immediately blushed red and shouted mentally at kurama, telling him that he wasn't flirting.

He then stopped talking and looked at the girl who was blushing at hearing naruto's early compliments. "Wait, why is she blushing? Maybe she is sick." He thought before asking if she was okay. "Hey are you alright? Your face looks red. Do you have a fever?" He asked before putting his hand at the top of her forehead which caused her to get nuclear red and kurama to face palms at his denseness.

She quickly moved back and started to poke her 2 fingers while looking to her feet. "Y-yes i'm alright and i-i don't have a fever." She responded shyly.

Naruto raised an eye brow before shrugging it off. He then gave her a foxy grin before introducing himself. "Anyway, my name is naruto uzumaki and i will be the future hokage, you know?" He mentally slapped himself for the verbal tick. When the girl heard his verbal tick, she gave a cute giggle which made naruto blush. He then remembered about seeing his gigi and told her fare well before jumping towards the roof tops and quickly rushing towards the hokage tower.

She then looked at the place where naruto was standing and thought with a smile and a slight blush. "Maybe we will meet again, naruto uzumaki. She thought before walking towards the park where her mother was waiting.

With naruto.

Naruto was rushing towards the hokage tower with happiness and excitement. He is finally going to see his gigi after a long time and promised himself to spend more time with him to have a better relationship with the old man.

Thanks for reading

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