Auralism - myg

By jxngkookisdaddy

11.7K 1.2K 249

"Why do you need my opinion? Sounds like you've got a little auralism kink going on." She teases before takin... More



494 51 3
By jxngkookisdaddy

"Thank you so much for letting us sit in on the recording session, SUGA." You state as you, Jonghoon, and Jieun make your way out of the studio. SUGA walks behind, nodding his head as he watches the three of you leaving. He guides the three of you out of the building and walks you to your cars.

"Of course, thank you for providing your input on the song, it definitely helped improve it." SUGA states. Once you get to Jieun's car, he opens the passenger door for you to allow you to get in. "It was very nice to meet you, Y/N and Jonghoon. I hope you'll be able to make it to more recording sessions in the future." He says while giving you a small grin.

You nod your head and smile up at him.

As you get into the car and buckle your seatbelt, you stare up at him as he stands by the car door. He gulps as he continues to stare down at you for a few seconds.

"Well," You suddenly speak up, letting out a soft laugh. "Jieun and I should probably get going, we have work tomorrow." You state. He suddenly snaps out of his trance for a second before nodding his head as he slowly backs away from the car.

"Right, Jieun, great work today. I already can tell by the direction that the song is going in that it's going to be a winner." He states while looking over at her. Jieun smiles widely and nods her head, clapping eagerly.

"Thank you so much, SUGA. Your studio is incredible, I'm so honored that you let me use it." She says while smiling. He lets out a soft laugh. "Text me whenever you're free for the next recording session."

"Will do. Have a great night, drive safe." He says before closing the door after giving you one last glance. You then watch as he turns around and says goodbye to Jonghoon, giving him a quick handshake before making his way back into the building.

You shudder as you watch him walking back into the building. Jieun lets out a soft laugh as she sees you doing this.

"Not a big fan of the guy, huh?" she questions while looking over at you. You shrug a shoulder while looking over at her.

"I wouldn't say it like that, he is pretty cute, it's just that he just gives me the creeps a little bit." You state while looking back at the building, shaking your head. She lets out a soft laugh.

"He's just a little quiet, Y/N. He probably just thinks you're pretty or something and doesn't know how to talk to you or something." She says before starting her engine. She then starts backing the car out and starts driving back to the parking garage at work.

"Yeah, well, the staring is still a really weird thing to be doing." You state while rolling your eyes. "It's kind of dumb that he would rather stare than to actually say something to me. He was super friendly towards you so I don't get why he couldn't do the same thing with me." You state. Jieun merely laughs while rolling her eyes.

"Don't you get it, Y/N? Just because you're a confident flirter doesn't mean everybody else is too." She states before shaking her head. "He's just naturally a quiet guy. The only reason he's comfortable talking to me is because he doesn't like me like that, he only sees me like a friend and coworker."

She then pulls into the parking garage at work before driving towards where your car is parked. Once she's there, she smiles over at you.

"Well, thanks for taking me, anyway." You state while grinning over at her. "Definitely better than being at home after work and just watching TV."

She lets out a soft laugh and nods her head.

"Alright, I'll let you know when I'm heading back there for another session just in case you want to join me again." You let out a soft laugh before scratching the back of your neck.

"Eh, maybe not the next time but we'll see." You state before sighing. You then exit her car, grabbing your bag and walking to your car. Giving Jieun a quick wave, you then get into your car and smile over at her.

Once you're safely in your car, she drives off and you sigh while leaning back in your seat.

Finally, you can relax and not worry about feeling weird around that SUGA guy. You feel like you were walking on eggshells all afternoon and now that it's over, you're relieved.

After taking a breather, you start driving to your apartment building so you can go home.

Once parked in your apartment building parking lot, you sigh before making your way into the building.

In your apartment, you start preparing some dinner for yourself, a plate of chicken and vegetables with rice. After you finish setting up your plate of food and place it on the table, you quickly remove your phone from your pocket and take it off of silent mode and sit down with your phone in your hand.

As you do so, you're greeted with a few messages, some you weren't expecting to get.

Eunwoo: Hi Y/N, I was wondering if you'd be free for dinner this Saturday. Let me know what you think when you get a chance.

You sigh as you stare down at the text message. Eunwoo was a very sweet man and very handsome as well, just didn't have the backbone that you had been hoping for.

Honestly, after a good first date, you want a man who knows exactly what he wants and will risk making the wrong move to show you he wants it. You wanted him to grab you in his arms and let his lips collide with yours.

Though you know other women don't feel the same way and you know it was very respectful and sweet of him to ask first, you would have pushed him off had he done something you didn't want. However, the hesitation of him asking made you think he wouldn't know how to give you the physical affection that you crave for in your dating life.

Sighing to yourself, you decide to send a text back.

Y/N: Hi Eunwoo! I'm so sorry but I already have plans for this Saturday. Maybe the weekend after?

You then bite onto your lower lip and close out of that text message.

Using your other hand to use your fork to feed yourself, your other hand continues to hold your phone and scroll through the notifications.

Email confirmations about bills being paid, bank charges that you already knew were yours, and reminders that you made for yourself flash in front of your eyes as you scroll past them, ignoring them. That is, until a new type of notification shows up.

About an hour and a half ago, Yoongi messaged you once more.

You let out a soft laugh as you see this before rolling your eyes.

How obsessed with you could this man possibly be?

Yoongi: I met someone at work today who reminded me of you, her voice sounded like yours.

You arch an eyebrow as you read the message, certain that this is some sort of pickup line or something that he's using on you.

Y/N: Is this some sort of pickup line?

Yoongi: No

Y/N: Sounds like one

Yoongi: It's not, just had me thinking of you during the day.

You smile softly as he says this before sighing softly.

Y/N: I'll go with it and just pretend you're being genuine. That's sweet that you thought of me during the day today.

Yoongi: I am being genuine.

Y/N: I would chat tonight but I'm not really in the mood. I just got home after a long day.

You use your fork to pick up more of the chicken and vegetables on your plate, feeding yourself once you finish sending this text.

Yoongi: That's okay, have a good night.

You smile softly as you read that.

Y/N: Goodnight Yoongi. Hope you had a good day today.

After responding, you log off of the app and lock your phone, placing it onto your table. You then turn the TV on and watch some shows as you eat dinner.

It's hilarious to you that a man you've never seen before and only heard the voice of gives you more butterflies than any man you've been on a date with recently. You're unsure what it is about Yoongi that intrigues you but you know that his persistent nature definitely is a turn on. You can tell he knows what he wants and will do whatever he can to get it.

Yet even though he's persistent, you can tell that he is still polite and respectful in the way that he pursues what he wants. He's one of the few men who's managed to find the balance between persistence and knowing when to give up.

Biting onto your lower lip, you smile to yourself before peeking at his profile.

He tweeted something to his followers right after you sent your last message.

Yoongi: I won't be doing phone calls tonight unfortunately. I have a work project IRL that I have to complete. I will reschedule all calls for tomorrow evening. Thank you for being understanding.

Ah, so he didn't message you for a phone call. He really is being genuine when he said that he's thinking of you.

You close the app once more and continue to watch TV as you finish your meal. After finishing, you then start to get ready for bed by changing out of your work clothes, taking your makeup off, taking a quick shower and then brushing your teeth and completing your skincare regimen.

Once you get into bed, you lay on your back and stare up at the ceiling.

You start to wonder what's up with that SUGA guy. You know Jonghoon and Jieun are definitely right about him liking you or thinking that you're attractive.

As flattered as you are, you can't help but wonder how a good looking guy like him would choose to stare instead of being more like Yoongi in his flirting attempts.

Had that man done what Yoongi does over the phone, you would let him take you out on a date in a heartbeat. However, the creepy staring gave you a weird feeling in your gut.

Shrugging your shoulders to yourself, you decide to close your eyes and meditate for a few minutes before bed to prepare for work tomorrow.

During your meditation session, you end up falling asleep.

Onto what's going on in the world. Greece just legalized same sex marriage a few days ago!!! This is such a big progress with the world being more accepting of all kinds of love and it makes me so happy to see the world moving forward this way.

That was the main thing I wanted to point out that happened just because it gives me hope to the world being a better place.

I hope all of you are doing well. I am not feeling the best right now, I have some sort of cold or something but that shouldn't affect my updating schedule or anything. However, I figured I can use that as a good way to remind everyone to stay healthy and get your vitamin c into your diet to help your immune systems! We're at that time of year where it's easy for things to spread so please take care of yourselves.

I purple all of you
Kim 💜

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