Lyra || Charlie Weasley ||

By TheBlackLegacy

13K 285 283

𝐼𝓉'π“ˆ 𝓁𝑒𝒢𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒 π‘œπ“ƒ, π‘’π“‹π‘’π“‡π“Ž 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 π“Œπ‘’ π“‰π‘œπ“Šπ’Έπ’½, 𝐿𝑒𝒢𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒 π‘œπ“ƒ, π‘’π“‹π‘’π“‡π“Ž οΏ½... More

It's Charlie, alright?
Go on, give her snout a little pat
You know, I wish I could stay.
Oh Charlie, I miss you so much, I simply can't bear us being apart!
If you're here just to annoy me, please leave
Oh, Merlin, We are going to die
You're my best friend too
Don't you dare tell him
Whatever you say, troublemaker.
You are an old wizard with a waistcoat and pipe!
Ow! Ginny, quit hitting me!
All the Weasley boys seem completely oblivious to matters of the heart.
Reckon you want to get up close and personal with that necklace
You're all I think about. I know it's selfish,'re my whole world.
Sounded like you were really enjoying my dear brother's company.
Oh just peachy, considering I'm being held hostage by homicidal relatives
You take that back, I am anything but dramatic!
Oh sure, of course, you'd say that, Mr. Star Quidditch Player
I'll always be right here to catch you
Looks like you've got some competition, cousin
There will be no wooing me or knocking sense into him
The dare was to kiss the cutest boy in the room
β˜†:**:. π’žπ’½π’Άπ“‡π’Άπ’Έπ“‰π‘’π“‡ π’œπ‘’π“ˆπ“‰π’½π‘’π“‰π’Ύπ’Έπ“ˆ **:.β˜†
You sure you don't wanna come to Hogwarts with us? (Charlie's POV)
That was the best part of my day so far. Charlie's POV
Bells wanted to play matchmaker. Annabelle's POV
I am too young to be an uncle
Charlie Weasley! Open this damn door!
Anyone expires on my watch, I'm treating you with Skele-Gro shots!
What, no 'hello darling, so wonderful to see you'?
New Story Alert!

Good surprise, I hope?

564 11 10
By TheBlackLegacy

It's been two weeks since we returned to Hogwarts, and I've been busy with classes as usual. But there's also the excitement of the Triwizard Tournament happening this year, with students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang joining us. I'd like to say I haven't thought about Charlie Weasley at all in the past few weeks, but that would be a lie. Especially since Ron keeps talking about him so bloody much.

"Charlie sent me a dragon scale from the Romanian Longhorn he's been working with." "I wrote to Charlie about the tournament, says he's disappointed it didn't happen during his time at Hogwarts." "Charlie sent me the dragon horn powder I needed for that Strength Potion Snape assigned."

It's always "Charlie this" and "Charlie that" whenever I'm around Ron these days. Which means I can't seem to stop my own brain from drifting to thoughts of Charlie too.

His warm hazel eyes and crooked smile pop unbidden into my mind at odd moments. Like when I spotted a stocky redhead crossing the courtyard, my breath caught for a second thinking it was him. But no, just one of the many Weasley brothers roaming the halls.

Or when Hagrid was showing us the skrewts in Care of Magical Creatures, and mentioned training dragons. I instantly pictured Charlie wrangling a feisty Welsh Green, muscles flexing...okay maybe it's best not to let my imagination run too wild.

Anyway, the champions for the Triwizard Tournament were chosen last night from the Goblet of Fire. And somehow Harry Potter's name came out, even though he's underage. Ron is convinced that Harry found a way to cheat and enter himself without sharing the secret. He's not speaking to Harry now out of jealousy.

So I've been spending more time alone with Harry instead. We took a long walk around the Black Lake earlier while he vented about Ron's accusation.

"I just don't get why he won't believe me," Harry fumed, chucking stones angrily into the water. "After everything we've been through, he really thinks I'd try to steal his shot at glory or something?"

"He's just jealous," I replied gently. "You know how Ron gets, always feeling overshadowed. But he'll come around eventually, I hope."

Harry scowled. "Yeah well, some friend he is. I could die in this tournament you know!"

I gasped, grabbing his arm. "Harry! Don't say that, please. You really should write to Snuffles about all this...he'll want to know."

At the mention of his godfather, Harry's face softened a bit. "Yeah alright, I'll send him an owl tonight." He shot me a grateful smile. "Thanks Lyra. Really glad I can talk to you at least."

I gave his arm a comforting squeeze. We walked in peaceful quiet around the lake for a while, leaves crunching under our feet.

After hanging out with Harry, I decided to take a nice stroll through the courtyard. Draco joined me, complaining bitterly about Professor Moody.

"That mad old codger actually performed the Imperius Curse sent a spider to my face!" Draco fumed. "My father won't stand for..."

"Ly!" Ron's voice cut through the conversation, causing me to halt. "What's up, Ron?"

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out?" Ron asked, and Draco grumbled in annoyance. "She is hanging out with me right now, Weasley!"

"Yeah, yeah. I wanted to know if she wanted to hang out with me later tonight." Ron rolled his eyes.

"Sure," I replied, casting a glance at Draco, who shot Ron a glare. "Cool, see you later, Ly! Ferret!" Ron glared at Draco before departing. As we start walking again, Draco scoffs. "Honestly, his brother? Of all the people in the world, You have a crush on his brother!"

I rolled my eyes. "To be honest, you would like Charlie!"

He huffed. "Me, like a Weasley? No way!"

"Come on, Dray! He was everything you want to be—the Quidditch Captain, Head Boy, best Seeker during his time at Hogwarts. Not to mention he trains dragons now!" I teased. Draco grumbled, "Who cares? Still a Weasel. But I guess I see the appeal for you."

I shook my head. "I don't like him for all that."

Draco looked at me inquisitively. "Oh, why do you like him?"

"He is kind and caring and sweet, and I think I am losing my mind-" I stop short, my heart skipping a beat. No way... a flash of red catches my eye.

There, leaning casually against a tree at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, is Charlie. He looks utterly real and solid - not at all like a figment of my overactive imagination. I barely register Draco asking "What?" as Charlie's eyes meet mine and he grins widely, dimples creasing his freckled cheeks.

I shake my head in disbelief. "I think I am losing my mind! I've been thinking about him so bloody much that I am seeing him now." I confessed, shaking my head to dispel the illusion. However, Draco follows my gaze and murmurs in surprise, "That's Charlie?"  and I realize he wasn't a figment of my imagination.

Charlie pushed off the tree, walking over to us with a wide smile despite my lack of reaction. "Hey, Lyra. I'm Charlie, Ron's brother. We met at the World Cup. Didn't expect to be forgotten so easily, to be honest." I guess me trying to figure out if he is real or not came of as me trying to figure out who he is.

"Oh, she didn't forget y—" Draco began but stopped abruptly with a 'humph' as I elbowed him in the stomach.

"Ha, no! Just surprised, is all. Wasn't expecting to see you at Hogwarts. But I know who you are," I explained.

Charlie chuckles, glancing between me and an unimpressed Draco. "Good surprise, I hope?"

He shrugs, a bit sheepish. "Anyway, I'm here to help prepare for the first task - dragons and all that. Brought some of my team and nesting mothers over from the sanctuary to provide a challenge for the champions."

My heart races wildly but I try to play it cool. "Oh, uh, dragons you say? How...thrilling." I let out an awkward laugh. "Well, we shouldn't keep you from all your, erm, dragon stuff..."

I give him a silly little wave. "I mean, nice chat!" Before I can embarrass myself further, I grab a smirking Draco and drag him away from a confused looking Charlie.

Draco mutters to me as we walk, "Smooth, cousin. Real smooth."

But after a few steps, my brain registers what Charlie just revealed. The first task - dragons! And Harry has to face one? I gasp, whirling around and hurry back over to Charlie, who watches me approach with an amused glint in his eyes.

"Did you say the first task involves dragons?" I ask urgently. "The champions have to get past one somehow?"

Charlie's eyebrows shoot up. "Er, I probably shouldn't have mentioned anything just yet," he admits. "But since you know already then...yeah, dragons are the first challenge. I brought over a Chinese Fireball, Swedish Short-Snout, Welsh Green, and a Hungarian Horntail from Romania."

My eyes widen in alarm and I lower my voice to an anxious whisper. "A Hungarian Horntail? But those are really dangerous! Harry could be killed!"

Charlie puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "The champions will be fine. We've got dragon handlers standing by just in case. No one's actually died in this tournament for awhile now..." At my horrified look, he winces. "Sorry, not helping. But honestly, we'll take every precaution."

I bite my lip hard. Harry's still so inexperienced with magic compared to the others. How can he possibly get past an enraged dragon? Unless...

My eyes snap back up to meet Charlie's concerned gaze. "You have to help him," I blurt out. "Teach Harry some spells or something. Anything that could help defend against a dragon!" I grab Charlie's arm, imploring. "Please, Charlie. You've worked with dragons for must know some tricks!"

Charlie studies me for a long moment, clearly conflicted. But finally he sighs, "You know I can't do that Lyra. I shouldn't have mentioned this to you let alone help Harry. I am really sorry."

My face falls in disappointment. I know he's bound by rules not to interfere, but I had hoped...

I give him a sad smile. "I understand. I just worry about him, you know? He's my brother and he's only 14. Going up against a dragon..." I shudder at the thought.

Charlie rubs the back of his neck, clearly conflicted. "Believe me, I wish I could help prepare him more."

He glances around and lowers his voice. "However, there's a book that might help. I think it used to be on the 5th aisle, 3rd shelf in the library.'s called something like 'Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland' maybe?"

My eyes widen hopefully at this tidbit of illicit help. "A book? On different dragon types?"

Charlie nods. "I remember reading parts of it years back when I still went here. Details physical traits, typical behaviors, and some weaknesses of native dragon species."

He scratches his stubbly chin thoughtfully. "Could be useful for Harry to study up on whichever one he faces. At least know what he's up against. Especially since I already made the mistake of telling you which Dragons are here."

"Charlie, that's perfect!" I exclaim. Then I quickly compose myself to avoid drawing attention. "I mean, sounds helpful. I'll be sure to pass that along, thank you!"

Charlie smiles, though there's still a hint of guilt in his eyes. "Wish I could do more. But the judges would have my head if I directly helped him." He chuckles self-consciously. "Kinda need it, being a dragon handler and all."

I touch his arm in understanding. "Yeah, I am sorry I put you in a bad position. But I know Harry will be grateful for any edge against the dragons." Impulsively, I lean in and plant a swift, grateful kiss to Charlie's cheek. He looks surprised and chuckles nervously

"I better go before Hagrid wonders where I wandered off to," Charlie says, a new spring in his step as he walks off. I turn back to where Draco stood with his hands folded and a smirk plastered on his face. As I fall into step beside him, he teases, "Already kissing him, huh?"

I feel my cheeks flush hotly. "Oh shut it! It was just a friendly peck on the cheek, as a thank you." Though even I can hear how unconvincing I sound.

Draco snorts. "Yeah right, Black. Your face looks like a tomato. Merlin's beard, you really are so far gone for him!" He shakes his head, looking torn between disgust and amusement.

I shove Draco halfheartedly. "Don't be such a prat." But I can't resist glancing over my shoulder to where Charlie disappeared around a hedge, smiling a bit dreamily.

Draco follows my gaze and fake gags. "Ugh, bad enough you're making mooneyes at a Weasley, now I have to watch it too?"

He links his arm through mine and declares imperiously, "Right, it's my duty as a good cousin to get your mind off that ginger lout. Let's sneak into Hogsmeade, I could use some chocolate."

I roll my eyes but allow Draco to steer me off towards the secret passageway. Maybe an illicit sugar rush would help distract me from daydreaming about Charlie's least for a while.

☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

The Slytherin common room is my favorite place to relax. I love watching the merpeople swim by the glass windows, especially on nights when I wake up startled by a nightmare. But tonight, the familiar comfort isn't working.

I sigh, standing up from the leather armchair. A walk is what I need. I grab Harry's Invisibility Cloak that I borrowed for a prank and sneak out to the forest.

I'd been walking for maybe twenty minutes when a voice startled me.

"It's dangerous in these woods, you know."

I turn to see Charlie leaning casually against a tree, hair endearingly mussed and eyes heavy with sleep. But he smiles upon recognizing me.

"It's called the Forbidden Forest for a reason," he points out, pushing off the tree to walk alongside me.

I roll my eyes dramatically. "Well I could say the same to you?" I tease.

Charlie just smirks, pride glinting in his hazel eyes. "Ah, but I'm a dragon wrangler. Nothing in this forest poses much threat to me."

I quirk a questioning brow. "Oh really? Not even the giant spiders or angry centaur tribes?"

"Piece of cake," Charlie boasts...then ruins it by yawning widely, not really. I have to giggle as my heart clenches in my chest at his cuteness.

"If you say so, Mr. Tough Guy." I nudge him playfully with my shoulder. "But since you're out here too, want to walk with me a bit?"

"It would be my pleasure, m'lady," Charlie replies gallantly, offering his arm with a wink. "I can protect you from the scary things in the woods." Charlie's steady presence is comforting after my earlier nightmares. I'm suddenly very grateful to have stumbled upon him out here.

As we meander through the quiet forest, Charlie glances at me curiously. "So what brought you out here tonight anyway? Bit odd to be wandering the Forbidden Forest alone after hours."

I give a small shrug, not wanting to admit I had nightmares. "Oh, just couldn't sleep I suppose. Thought a walk might help tire me out."

Charlie nods in understanding. "Ah, I get it. Being back at Hogwarts has made me a bit nostalgic and sleepless too."

Charlie asks, once more "Aren't you worried you'll get caught sneaking back inside though? I assume you don't have permission to be out here?"

I wave the question off breezily. "Oh I borrowed Harry's Invisibility Cloak, I'll be fine."

At Charlie's surprised look, I add with a sly grin, "What, you think I just brazenly strut around the castle after hours without taking precautions?"

Charlie barks out a laugh. "Humph, I should know better than to underestimate a Slytherin's cunning by now." He winks playfully. "Especially one as clever as you."

I feel my cheeks grow warm at the compliment. Luckily the darkness hides my blush. Linking my arm through Charlie's again, I give his forearm a light squeeze. Charlie glances down at me, lips quirked up in a crooked smile. "So I don't suppose you'd want a glimpse of the dragons we brought for the tournament? Since you're clearly not afraid to break school rules and all."

My eyes widen with excitement. "Really? You'd show me the dragons?" I bounce a little on my toes, unable to contain my eagerness.

Charlie chuckles at my reaction. "I'll take that as a yes." He gently steers us off the path, venturing deeper into the shadowy woods. "We cleared out a space not far from here to house them, the handlers are camped there too. Just mind your volume, we don't want to wake any restless nesting mothers."

I quickly smother another squeal of delight, pressing my lips together as I nod. We soon reach a wide clearing filled with large cages, each occupied by a fantastical, dangerous-looking dragon. My eyes are wide as saucers taking in the thrilling sight.

Charlie grins proudly watching my reaction. He leads us closer to peer at one enclosure housing a dark, spiky-scaled creature.

"That beauty is the Hungarian Horntail," Charlie informs me quietly. "Meanest of the lot, she is. But isn't she a glorious girl?"

The way his eyes glow with admiration makes my heart stutter. I tear my gaze away from the incredible creature to smile up at Charlie. "She's amazing." Charlie smiles back softly looking at me. For a moment we just stand there grinning at each other. Then I hastily averted my eyes back to the sleeping dragons, hoping the darkness would disguise my furious blush.

A thunderous roar suddenly splits the night air, making me jump. One of the dragons - the Hungarian Horntail - stirs restlessly in her enclosure, jaws parted threateningly.

Charlie reacts instantly, grabbing my wrist and yanking me back behind him. I stumble into his solid frame just as a jet of flames bursts from the Horntail's mouth, singing the ground where I'd stood moments before.

Charlie's broad shoulders block my view as he positions himself between me and the agitated dragon. I clutch at the fabric of his sweater, peeking out from behind his protective stance.

"Easy girl, easy now," Charlie murmurs soothingly to the restless beast. He keeps one arm held firmly across my body, shielding me from harm.

After a few tense moments, the Horntail settles back down with a rumbling snort. Charlie sags in relief, the danger passed. He turns to face me, hazel eyes dark with concern.

"You alright?" he asks urgently, grip tightening on my wrist.

I let out a shaky breath and manage a nod. "Yeah...yeah I'm okay."

Charlie scrubs a hand over his face. "Merlin's beard, that was close, I shouldn't have brought you here." He murmurs rubbing the back of his head "Come on, let's get you out of here. I don't think my heart can't take another scare like that," he mutters as he steers us away.

As Charlie steers me away, I can't resist taking one last awestruck glance back at the dozing dragons. Their massive, scaly forms seem to shimmer in the moonlight.

I stop abruptly, tugging Charlie to a halt as well. He looks at me in confusion as I bite my lip nervously.

"Do you think I could come back here again sometime?" The request bursts out before I can think better of it.

Charlie's eyebrows shoot up. "You want to come back after nearly being burnt to a crisp just now?"

I shuffle my feet sheepishly under his incredulous stare. "Well, I didn't actually....get burnt. And dragons are just so wicked...who knows when I'd get another chance to see them up close?"

I know how ridiculous it sounds asking to visit dangerous beasts again after nearly becoming their midnight snack. But Charlie's obvious passion for the creatures is contagious.

Charlie scrutinizes me for a long moment, brow furrowed. Then he shakes his head with a rueful chuckle. "You're one of a kind, Lyra Black. Completely mental, but one of a kind."

I bite my cheek to hide a hopeful smile. " that a yes?"

"Against my better judgment, yes," Charlie concedes, rubbing the back of his neck. "I can bring you back tomorrow evening after they've been fed and settled for the night. Less chance of becoming a dragon's dinner that way."

I have to stop myself from bouncing on my toes in excitement. "Brilliant! Thank you, Charlie!" Unable to resist, I throw my arms around him in a quick, impulsive hug.

Charlie lets out a soft "oof" of surprise before his arms come up to briefly return the embrace. As we continue walking back, I chatter happily about all the dragons I hope to see again up close. Charlie just shakes his head, laughing under his breath at my unfathomable enthusiasm.

☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

Hello Everyone

I am so loving the kind of supporting Draco!!!! Lyra is so Annabelle's daughter remember how she used to behave around Regulus once she realised she had a crush on him, thats how Lyra is being around Charlie and I am so enjoying this. 
To be honest I am not much of a digital artist but I made this Charlie X Lyra picture because why not?

Have fun Charlie's Angles <3


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