Sweet Temptations

By pmjc88

7.5K 564 159

Boring Useless Stuck up Weird Pathetic Words her boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend used when she caught him fucki... More



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By pmjc88

Tony filled Fury in, on the jet about what had happened, and it was clear the director was pissed... 'Turn around, and find them..'

'Did you not hear what I just said, or is your hearing affected along with your eye?..'.. Tony folded his arms, but felt the jet bank, and he looked over to Hill at the control knowing she just turned them around... 'Hydra could be crawling all over the place, and you want us to run back in?..'

'Stark, if Hydra finds the agent before you do, you know what they'll do to them..'... Furys tone was hard as he spoke... 'I'll find our mole, you find the agent, that's your mission now..'.. He hung up the call and Tony looked around at the others.

'Is he serious right now? One agent, who could be dead, isn't worth putting the rest of us at risk..'.. Tony could see the others didn't agree with them.

'She saved my ass..'.. Nat stood up from her seat, feeling better after Loki healed her... 'Bringing her back, dead or alive is worth it..'

'If it wasn't for the agent Tony..'.. Steve sighed, shaking his head and glancing over to Nat... 'Nat would be turned into the next winter soldier, and who knows what with me. I owe her my life too..'

Everyone turned to Nat, and Tony noticed her look down, her face a paler dhade than normal. Bucky had walked over to Nat, putting a hand to her shoulder, as though understanding how she was feeling.

'Ok, we go back. Someone got a plan?..'... Tony asked them all.


She remained where she was, in the rubble, hearing shouts above her. She could get out, that wasn't the problem. When she kicked Rogers through the window, she knew she had to stop the Hydra lot from shooting at him, so she took a few out with her remaining bullets and then dove to the side, pulling a metal table down, to cover her.

When the missile hit, she was to the north-east of the base, second floor. She was sure she wouldn't survive, when the floor went beneath her, but the table fell with her, and bent as rubble rained down, as though shielding her from it all. She knew she was lucky, she was always lucky, never any serious injuries, in fact, she never got any cuts or bruises, just exhausted.

Carefully wiggling out downward where her feet were, it was narrow but she could get through it all. With no light, and her goggles offline, her night vision wasn't working either. She felt around with what little light that seeped through the cracks, trying to get out of it all, without drawing attention to herself. She didn't know how many of Hydra were there, and her alone against many, it wasn't really a fair fight, for them anyway. That thought alone made her smirked beneath her mask.

Hearing more shouting, this time closer, she crawled through the gaps in the rubble, away from the voices, and then she heard static in her ear.

'Yeah, that's a great plan Stark, why not just blow the place again..'.. She heard Barnes, and got pissed off. If she could hear them, then they were within range. They were meant to be on the jet, going back to New York, not hanging around.

She wanted to say something, shout at them to fuck off home, but she couldn't let them know who she was. Gritting her teeth, she no longer cared about being stealthy, she was pissed off, and right now, she would take it out on Hydra. If she could kill them before the team came back, then they wouldn't even need to step off the jet.


'Uh, woah..'..

Steve frowned and moved to the front of the jet, to see what caught Hills attention, while Tony and Bucky argued. He stood to Hills left, leaning to see out the window and he could share her sentiments exactly.... 'Is that..?..'

'Yeah, agent isn't dead..'... She swung the jet around to aim and fire at the Hydra agents.

Steve watched, and he could see one person standing amongst the rubble, fighting what looked like at least 3 dozen Hydra men, while more converged on them. The agent was taking them down, they moved swiftly, dodging attacks and gunfire.

'Wait, the agents alive?..'.. Nat moved to Hills other side, watching the scene below.... 'Holy shit. How'd she survive that, and how can she fight like that?..'

The others came forward, all squashing closer to get a look... 'Back up..'.. Hill tells themselves huffing in irritation at being crowded.

'Where's Loki?..'... Wandas question had them all turn, looking around the jet but they couldn't see him.

'Shit..'... The jet swung left, taking almost everyone off their feet.

'Hill set us down..'.. Steve called to her.

'Do not land..'.. Lokis voice rings through the comm... 'There is a cliff edge, half a mile east, meet us there..'

'What? Loki where are you?..'.. Nat touched her comm and moved to the window again.

'With the agent..'.. They could hear him grunting, and Nat saw two fighting in the middle, and then a blast of green, knocking Hydra down. The two below started running, and she could see them skid to a halt, at one of the jeeps, and get in. Seconds later, it took off, heading east.

'Hill, go!..'.. Nat patted the woman on the shoulder, and the jet took off.

'What the hell are you doing down there?!..'.. Nat asked Loki.

'The agent needed assistance, and to communicate in some way..'.. Loki grunted again... 'It would seem we have company..'.. Nat heard shots down the comm... 'I suggest you open the back the jet, and the agent wants a rifle ready..'

Nat turned to Steve... Get the rifle. Everyone, sit down!..'.. Nat held on as Hill swung the jet around, and hit the switch to open the back up. Nat watched everyone but Steve take a seat and strap in, while he took a rifle from the armoury locker, and loaded it ready.

She could see out the back of the jet, they were a good 50ft from the cliff edge, and vehicles come closer... 'Don't think that's gonna fit in here Loki..'... Nat could hear a slight panic in her own voice, as she watched. Something was happening, and then it clicked.

She could make out movement, as though they were climbing out of the jeep, and onto the front of it... 'You won't make it..'

'Oh, little faith agent Romanoff..'.. Loki chuckled, and the jeep hit the edge of the cliff, the two launching themselves off the front of it, and towards the jet. Nat held her breath, unable to take her eyes off what was happening. The jeep tilted down, and the two looked as though they just missed the edge, but Nat breathed out a sigh of relief, when they pulled themselves up off the edge and inside.

Loki had rolled to the side, but the agent quickly got to her feet, and took the rifle from Steve, moving back to the ramp, and going to one knee, taking aim.

'Hold steady..'.. Loki called out, and they all watched as she took the first shot, hitting one jeep that slid to a stop at the edge, and it exploded. The agent cocked it, and took a second shot, hitting the second vehicle, and that went up into a ball of flame.... 'Go!..'.. Loki got to his feet moving out of the way, as the agent stood, stepping back, and the ramp closed up.

'Damn that was awesome..'.. Pietro grinned... 'Can we have the agent on the team? I mean, that's badass..'

Nat watched as the agent moved to the side, setting the rifle down on the weapons bench, and turned to face them, standing at ease... 'Uh, ok then. Hill, back to the compound. Everyone good?..'.. She looked around the team, seeing them glance at the agent.

'Yeah, I'm good. Starving though..'.. Sam patted his stomach... 'Think the agent has powers or something? How'd they survive that?..'

Bucky kept silent, watching her over in the corner, hands at her side. No one could survive that, no one human anyway, not unless they did have powers of some kind.

'Uh, if I ask you what happened, does that mean I'll get shot?..'.. Tony gestured to Loki, who just shrugged.

'I do not know, but ask and we will find out..'.. Loki wanted nothing more than to sink into a seat, and take a moment. He thought he'd lost her again, but the fact she survived such a thing, only fuelled more questions he needed answers to.

'How did the agent survive? I mean, you can hear inside her head, right?..'... Tony asked him.

'I can yes, but I am not getting any answers at the moment. For now, they are wanting to tear apart the one who caused this..'.. Loki stole a glance to her... 'Whoever is working with Hydra, I highly doubt they will be alive for much longer, once the agent knows their name..'

'D-does she have any injuries? I mean, she must be hurt..'.. Bruce asked, keeping his eyes off the agent.

Loki turned his head to her, hearing her thoughts... *Not injured, I'm fine, but me and you need to talk. Once we land, you better come find me. Your behaviour is giving too much away, so stop acting like you give a shit..*

Loki cleared his throat... 'No injuries, though I suspect if we continue to ask questions, we may all end up with an injury..'

They all understood what he was saying, and changed the conversation, all trying to ignore the agent at the back as they headed to the compound. Tony though, he was more intrigued to know about their passenger on board, as weird as it is, he hoped the agent had some sort of injury that resulted in and kind of blood seeping into the jet somewhere, just so he could run tests.


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