4NEMO | Genshin Impact onesho...

By reader_simp09

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^[Requests are open] ^ ~|Male Genshin characters x fem!reader |~ . . . . . . Just some random fantasies bc I'... More

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Request page
(Not a chapter) Genshin 2nd anniversary wishes + scenarios
۵Tighnari۵|| rely on me
༺Kazuha༺|| Frozen Maple Leaves
✧Albedo✧|| Future wifey
༺Xiao ||Christmas Spirit༺
♛Zhongli♛ || New Year's blessings
❦Alhaitham❦|| Drunken Accidents
♡Valentines headcanons/ 1.5k special♡
Platonic oneshots (1)||✨Reincarnated as a Seelie✨
SFW alphabet #1 || 🍃Xiao🍃
('∀`)April Fool's Headcannons('∀`)
༺Xiao༺|| Sweet Protector
SFW alphabet #2 || ⚡️Cyno⚡️
☆Aether☆|| Second rate, second choice
??? || Thank you, Cinderella!
Not a chapter but...
♚Genshin Men as Dads?|| Headcannons♚
༺Xiao༺|| Hate?
Happy 3rd Genshin Anniversary 🎉
✐Kaveh✐|| Writings on the Wall
Genshin characters vs. the Cold
Christmas special ||Santa... Archons?
♡Various Characters♡ || Valentines Dessert (Part 1)/ 24K?!
♡Various Characters♡ || Valentines Dessert (Part 2)/ 24K?!
༺Xiao༻ || His Angels
❥Gaming❥ || Sleeping Lion

◈Liyue◈ || An Auspicious year of Zodiacs...?

458 11 44
By reader_simp09

Started: 22 January 2024

Published: 15 February 2024


AUs: None

Genre: Fluff

Warning(s): Most of things I mention about Zhongli/Rex lapis in this chapter are 100% NOT lore-accurate, it is purely for the context of this chapter :D, each of these are kinda the length of their own chapters ... oops, ⚠️A RIDICULOUSLY LONG CHAPTER ⚠️ you have been warned.

Note: Only the male Liyue characters are in this chapter (romantic), I'll do a platonic (and way shorter ) one with the female characters in a separate chapter

A/n: for those who doesn't know about the Chinese Zodiac, it consists of twelve animals that is one for every year, and this year is the year of the dragon. For those who are interested, here:

There are more legends surrounding these but I won't be elaborating it now-

Anyway, HAPPY LANTERN RITE 🏮and a prosperous Chinese New Year to all that celebrate <3


Ah yes... Lantern Rite. The most anticipated and loved festival in Liyue. Even the travelers that come to Liyue will say that the Lantern Rite is the most memorable and beautiful festival that they had ever witnessed. 

This festival is held every year to celebrate the illustrious adepti that protects the land. And this year specifically, is a special one. Why, you ask? 

Well, it is because it is the year of the dragon. This year, the people of Liyue will make the festival bigger than ever, to celebrate their beloved deity. 



In the lofty heights of Jueyun Karst, the former archon sat at a table, sipping tea all by himself while reminiscing his memories of his former comrades.

"Rex Lapis. It is that time of year again." A familiar deep voice of Moon Carver approached.

'Rex Lapis' sighed. "Yes, it is, old friend. Come, join me for a cup of tea."

The adeptus nodded, settling himself in front of the former archon. "Hm. Is it time for that already? 12 years always goes by too fast."

"Yes, it is. Though I am no longer Liyue's archon, I must continue to pass on my blessing to the land for as long as I live."

"I see."



Morax, or better known as Rex Lapis, is a great adeptus, most often in the form of a mighty dragon. Once every dozen years, on the year of the dragon, he gives a fraction of his power to the land, blessing his people for years to come. As an expert storyteller would put it, "Oh Mighty Lord of Geo, such benevolent ruler is he, blessing the land for peace. His power he shall give, rid the land of vile and feed his kin."

(A/n: I tried :/)

Unlike the years before, Rex Lapis donned his draconic form in the quiet of the night, careful to not get spotted as he is supposed to be dead.

Nestling below the heart of Liyue, a golden glow seeped from his body to the soil, blessing the land with the power of Geo.

Above ground, a gentle rain fell upon the land, chilling the air and dissipating the heat of the day. However, this rain wasn't like normal. A mysterious power was contained in it, to no one's knowledge.


The next morning, Liyue harbor was abuzz with activity, with the festivities starting the very next day.

However, something was... off. Not with the ordinary people, no. 

But with the vision holders.

Baizhu (sry if he's ooc; idk him that well)

"Hey! Why are you in such a hurry? Guiiiii!" You exclaimed, having your cousin, Herbalist Gui, drag you away from your garden first thing in the morning.

"Just come with me! It's an emergency!" He shouted back, pulling on your hand and running even faster.

When we arrived at our destination, Bubu Pharmacy, he shoved me into Baizhu's office in the back. 

*huff huff* "What... what's going on?" You pant. 

He pointed at the bed inside the room.

The sight that greeted you wasn't what you had expected. Instead of your Jade-haired lover and his serpent familiar, there were two snakes resting on the bed now, one of which you know oh-so-well, Changsheng. 

"Changsheng? Where's Baizhu? And what's that snake doing here?" You asked the ruby eyed serpent.

"He'sss right here." She pointed to the other snake that was looking at you intently.

"What?" You turned to Gui, then back at Changsheng, seeking an explanation.

"We don't know either. He wasss like thisss sssince morning. It could be the work of an adeptusss." She sighed. "He can't talk like me either."

"I-I see." You approached the Jade colored snake with your lover's amber eyes. "Baizhu? Is that you?"

It nodded, slithering towards you and brushing against your hand. You yelped, jumping back slightly. 

Well, the ironic thing is, you're scared of touching snakes.

Yes, even though your lover always has a snake on his shoulders, you just can't bring yourself to touch them. Just looking at them is fine, but the feeling of their scales just gives you goosebumps.

"S-sorry!" You looked at Baizhu guiltily. He nodded his head in understanding, knowing about your situation.

"Sorry Y/n, but can I please ask you to look after Dr. Baizhu for today? I still need to open up the pharmacy for the festival." Gui clasped his hands together in a begging motion.

"Okay..." you agreed. "But what about Changsheng?"

"I will jussst hang around Qiqi for the day, don't worry." She hissed, slithering off the bed, going off to find the zombie child.

"Thank you Y/n!" Gui bowed, leaving to go open up the pharmacy.

"Now... what do I do with you?" You mumbled to yourself, looking at your snake lover who was staring at you intently.

He flicked his tongue, slithering down from the bed to an empty herb basket by his desk. He pointed at it with his tail then back at himself.

"Oh! Okay." You gathered some soft cloth and a small cushion to put inside the basket. "Here you go!"

Baizhu slithered carefully into the basket, making himself comfortable. 


For the rest of the day, you had to walk around Liyue harbor with a snake in a basket, which obviously, gathered a lot of attention. 

You did try to find your adeptus friend Ganyu but she wasn't around. Throughout the day, you had developed somewhat of a strange ability to understand what your snake-like lover was saying.

Now, you were taking a stroll along the foot of Mt. Tianheng, collecting so herbs and pretty flowers along the way. 

You settled down in a field of flowers and put the basket carrying Baizhu down.  He slithered out of the basket, silently observing your movements.

Within a few minutes, you had produced a tiny flower crown big enough to fit on Baizhu's tiny snake head. "There! You look so cute!" You cooed.

He smiled, giving you an affectionate hiss, saying thank you. (A/n: Can snakes even smile...?)

Continuing on your little adventure, you just had to run into some trouble. In fact, it's weird that you weren't ambushed until now.

Well, unluckily for you, you don't have a vision. Even if your combat skills were subpar at best, these pesky treasure hoarders will always try to get what they want.

You had contemplated on running away... just, you were surrounded. 

Baizhu sat helplessly in his basket, thinking of how he could help the two of you escape.

Just then, the pair of treasure hoarders backed you up against the wall, threatening to kidnap you.

In a moment of impulse, Baizhu slithered out of the basket and curled around your arm, hissing aggressively at your perpetrators. They backed away slightly in caution but didn't run away. 

One of the treasure hoarders suddenly spoke, "H-Hey! That snake's poisonous! And those eyes...! Don't they look like a snake adeptus?"

"What are you? Five? Just get them!" The other one snapped.

When they got close enough, Baizhu reached out, biting the treasure hoarder that had just spoken.

"AHHH!" He screamed.

His partner looked at Baizhu in fear, dragging the 'poisoned' man away. "We'll get you next time!"

When they were out of your sights, you sighed in relief, the adrenaline leaving your body. Just then, you realised... 

Baizhu was still curled around your arm. You flinched, getting his attention.

He still didn't notice, instead, he turned his head around, silently asking if you were alright.

"Y-yes. I'm fine. B-Baizhu..." you stuttered. "My arm...!"


He quickly unwound himself from your arm. Releasing you from your misery. He lowered his head, as if saying: "Sorry dear..."

"It's okay! Y-you were surprisingly warm..." you whispered. You reached out your hand to him, wanting to try and pet his head.

He immediately knew what you were trying to do and stood as still as possible.

This time, when your fingers brushed against the crown of his head, you didn't flinch, petting him gently.

Baizhu looked at your small smile, his heart turning warm. He tilted his head, flicking his tongue at your fingers affectionately.

You smiled as warm as the sun in return. You really do love him, no matter in what size or shape.



Wuwang hill. The place in Liyue famous for its ghost stories and supernatural happenings. Not many people visit this place because of that.

However, little to everyone's knowledge, a plethora of rare and high-quality herbs as well as foodstuffs grow there. 

How do you know this you ask? Well, it's because you often accompany your exorcist boyfriend here in search of evil spirits (doesn't go well all of the time).

Speaking of Chongyun, you haven't seen him all morning. You had expected to bump into him on Wuwang hill but it seemed like he wasn't around.

Just then, a rustle sounded from behind you, making you turn towards the noise in alarm. Deciding not to investigate, you backed away slowly.

When you had finally thought you were in the clear, a tug was felt at the edge of your shirt.

"Huh?" You turned around to see a... goat?

"What?" You blinked owlishly. The goat felt familiar... somehow.

It bleated, as if addressing you. 


It pointed to a talisman that Chongyun had given you then back at itself.

"You? Chongyun?" You asked in disbelief. A part of you wanted to believe that a naughty spirit was playing tricks on you when the goat nodded and bumped you slightly with its head.

"Well, that's just ridiculous." You mumbled, staring at the goats begging gaze. Its sharp ice blue eyes was like your lover's... and you had the nagging feeling that it was really him. "Fine. I believe you. Why are you like this anyway?"

He bleated and shook his head, saying: "I don't know."

You sighed. "Let's go back to the harbor first. We'll figure out what to do then."


Back in the harbor and at your home, you went inside to put away your stuff, leaving goat-Chongyun trailing behind.

"Wait... does he still have his Yang energy? Shit..." you dropped the radish that you were holding onto on the table.

When you made your way to your doorstep, there was a commotion. A bunch of kids were crowding around something. When you got closer, you saw a pair of horns amongst the children.

You quickly ran towards them, separating the giggling kids. "Chongyun!"

Surely enough, it was him, barely holding himself up on his feet. You pressed your palm to his forehead. It was warm. 

You hadn't expected him to heat up so quickly, even if it was kind of sunny outside. 'It must be his fur...!' you realised. Without wasting more time, you carried Chongyun inside, setting him on the couch and turning your automatic fan towards him.

"I-is Mr Goat going to be alright?" One of the kids whom you recognised to be Little Meng asked.

I smiled. "He is. I'm going to make medicine for him now."

"Can we help?" Little Meng and his friends asked.

You laughed. "Sure. Go get a bucket of cool water and a towel. We need to cool him down."

"Okay!" The saluted, setting off.

Meanwhile, you went back into your kitchen, preparing to make some animal-friendly popsicles with fruits.


A few minutes, later, the popsicles were ready, thanks to a Fontainian machine that froze the mixture extremely quickly.

The kids had returned a while ago, and were tending to Chongyun. 

"It's ready!" I said, carrying a tray of the cool treat. The kids' eyes brightened. "Ice cream!"

"You can have some later! This is for Chongyun!" I held the tray out of the kids' grasp.


I bent down, brushing my fingers against his soft fur. "Chongyun... wake up... I have some popsicles."

He opened his eyes slightly, attempting to push himself up. I helped him get into an upright position, handing him one of the popsicles.

He immediately bit into it, his expression relaxing with each bite.

"Is he feeling better?" Little Lulu, one of the kids, asked.

"Yes, he is." I replied, Chongyun starting to regain consciousness and standing up.

"Yay! I'm so glad you're okay, Mr Goat!" She jumped excitedly.

I giggled at the children's cuteness. "To thank you for your help, I made some more ice cream!" 

"Yayyyy!" They cheered. 


After the children had cleaned off all of the ice cream, they started to crowd around Chongyun again. "Mr. Goat! Can you understand us? Can we play with you? Please?" They asked excitedly.

He nodded, looking slightly uncomfortable with the amount of people around him.

"Now now. Please don't crowd around him too much. He'll get sick again." I reprimanded the kids gently.

"Sorry..." they hung their heads. "Can we still play hide and seek with you and Mr. Goat?"

I patted their heads. "Yes, you can."



After a few games, the kids had to go home and we were left in silence again. 

"It's so quiet when they're gone..." I joked.

Chongyun nuzzled into my side affectionately. 

"Yeah... it's still kind of noisy here. Let's go somewhere more quiet, okay?" 

He nodded, starting to walk out of the city gates. 

When we had reached a secluded spot away from the hustle and bustle of Liyue Harbor, we settled down beneath a tree, admiring the sunset.

My hands instinctively rested on Chongyun's body, my fingers running through his soft fur. "Should we go find Aunt Shenhe tomorrow? She might know what happened to you."

He huffed in agreement, enjoying your gentle caresses. 

A few moments of silence passes.

"Yunyun." You mumbled his nickname softly. "I'll always love you no matter what form you take, okay?" You yawned, unconsciously leaning your head onto his warm body.

When he turned his head to look at you, you were fast asleep. His heart swelled with love and affection for you. He's so lucky to have you by his side.


GaMing (Don't really know him well yet but yea... I love him)

(A/n: for the first and final time, it's 'Gah-Ming/ Jia-Ming (Chinese pronunciation)', NOT 'Gay-Ming' istg I get so oddly pissed when someone says his name like 'Gay-Ming')

"Hm hm hm~" you hummed to yourself as you laid some newly dyed cloth out to dry in your garden. There was an increase in demand for red cloth as Latern Rite is near. 

*rustle rustle* something passed through the bushes near your home on the outskirts of Qiaoying village. Then, a familiar chime of a small bell followed.

"Man Chai?" You called out to the little Suanni that always followed your boyfriend, GaMing.

It leaped out of the bushes, tackling you down while licking your face affectionately.

"Hahaha! That tickles!" You pushed the cute fluffball away. "Where's GaMing?" You asked, since Man Chai was almost never apart from him.

It turned to the bushes again, where a larger form emerged.

It was a tiger. 

"AHH! Man Chai! Run!" You shouted, grabbing the little Suanni and ran.

The tiger chased after you, making you run even faster.

Meanwhile, Man Chai tried to wriggle out of your hold, as if it's trying to tell you something. He escaped from your hold, biting on the edge of your shirt to stop you from running.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" You yelled, trying to run away.

In no time, the tiger caught up to you. You closed your eyes, bracing for impact.

But... the hit never came. You opened your eyes, the tiger sitting obediently in front of you.


Man Chai released its grip, trotting over to the tiger and jumping on it like he would usually do to GaMing.

You looked at the tiger intently, only now you noticed that the tiger somehow resembled your boyfriend a little. Brown fur, red stripes and golden brown eyes.

"Ga...Ming?" You muttered in disbelief. 

The tiger nodded excitedly, making you even more confused. "How- you know what? Nevermind." You sighed. This situation is weird, but since adeptus art and magical things exist, you weren't too concerned. 

"You gave me a scare, y'know! Don't do that ever again!" You scolded tiger-GaMing.

He looked away apologetically, his ears drooping. 

'So... cute...!' You blushed. "L-let's go back..."

Back at home, GaMing lied on your porch while watching you work. After a little bit, he got bored, and decided to paw at one of the lanterns you had hung up for Lantern Rite. This action fascinated him so, maybe it's the feline instincts.

"Hey...! GaMing! Stop that! It's going to fall!" You exclaimed once you caught him in the act.

He ignored you, continuing with his mischief.

You huffed, going up to him and knocked him slightly on the head. "Come on. We're leaving."

He tilted his head in questioning. Where were they going?

"Did you forget? You had to guard a caravan to Fontaine today, remember? Also, I need to deliver these fabrics to Chiori." You gestured to the rolls of beautiful fabric.

GaMing perked up, remembering his job. He began to panic, knowing full well of the form he was in.

You sighed. "I'll go with you. Besides, your scary form will be useful, right? Man Chai is here to protect me, don't worry!" 

Upon hearing its name, the little Suanni jumped on your shoulder. 


When we got to the place where the caravan was waiting for us, GaMing's colleagues and the merchants gasped in horror at the tiger prancing beside me.

They were about to raise their weapons when I stopped them and explained GaMing's... situation.

Other than that, the journey went well... sort of. 

Anyway, once that was done and dusted, GaMing suddenly roared.

"Whoa! What was that for?" I jumped.

He suddenly covered his eyes with his paws in distress. 

"What happened?" You asked, concerned.

He jumped up and began to dance and jump around in a series of very familiar movements.

You connected the dots. "Oh! Your Wushou dance practice! But... you can't go in this state...." 

He nodded, whimpering and slumping in disappointment. 

Your heart broke at his sad expression. You knew how much he loved Wushou dancing.

Thoughts swam through your head, trying to think of something to cheer him up.

"Ah! I know!" You exclaimed. "Since you're in this form, you might be able to think of more unique movesets for your performances!"

GaMing perked up in interest. He roared, as if in agreement.

At home, Gaming began to leap and dance, moving so majestically that one would assume he was an adeptus.



I spoke too soon.

Not long after GaMing began practicing, people came knocking at your door, saying that they  had heard of a tiger adeptus residing here, and came to pray to said adeptus for prosperity in the coming year. (A/n: For those that don't know, the tiger is also an auspicious animal often associated with the dragon.)

I rubbed my temples, annoyed at these people just walking up to other people's doors based on gossip. "There is no adeptus here. The rumors are wrong." I shut them down and sent them away.

Back in the house, GaMing approached me, curious as to who was at the door. "Nothing. Just some people that had heard rumors about you and thinks that you're an adeptus."

He just shook his head, also flabbergasted at people's foolishness. He then pawed at your legs, gesturing toward the kitchen then gently growling.

"You're hungry?" You asked, somehow gaining the ability to understand him.

He nodded furiously, his tail swaying back and forth eagerly.

"You're so cute. Okay, I'll go make lunch." You patted his fluffy head, heading off to the kitchen.

GaMing opted to just rest and wander around your house while waiting, until... something caught his attention.

Something stirred within him. It was so tempting. Just... one touch. Just one taste. His mouth watered and his body instinctively moved towards it. 

It was catnip. 


You heard it right. 

Even though he is very much a tiger right now, the temptation was too much to resist.


30 minutes later, you had emerged from the kitchen, blissfully unaware of the events that had happened in your living room.

"GaMing! Lunch is rea- OH MY ARCHONS! Wha-What happened here?!" You exclaimed in horror at the state of your living room and boyfriend.

Said tiger was out cold on the floor with a blissful expression on his face, laying amongst fallen furniture and vases. 

Your eyes zeroed in on a vase once planted, now barren. 'Ah... I see.' You sighed. 'Isn't he a tiger though?'

"GaMing? Darling, wake up." You nudged the beast. 

He only growled, staying asleep.

"Haih... when will you turn back to my cute human GaMing?" You whined, grabbing him by his front paws and dragging him to your bedroom.

In the corner of your vision, Man Chai sat there silently, observing you struggle. 

"Don't just sit there! Help me!" You grunted, GaMing's weight being too much for you alone.


Once we finally got him into the bedroom, I flopped on GaMing's body, tired and spent. "So... *yawn* tired... I want my GaMing back..."

You trailed off, your eyes starting to close from tiredness.

Sleep began to overtake you, nuzzling into his warm body.



(A/n: I don't know if Cloud retainer/ Xianyun has a real vision or not so just go with it-)

You were worried. 

You have not seen Xiao for the past two days, even when you had waited on the top balcony at Wangshu Inn with Almond Tofu.

Now, it is very common for Xiao to be constantly away for his job as a yaksha but what got you even more worried is that he wouldn't appear when you called out his name. 

You did ask around for his whereabouts but no one has seen him. Of course, he is one of the more elusive of the adepti.

Sick with worry, you made the trek up Mt. Aozang to consult Cloud Retainer, one of the more approachable of the adepti. You did try to find Madame Ping in the harbor but oddly enough, she wasn't there.

"Hello? Cloud Retainer? Are you there?" I called out to her domain.

"Who dares to disturb one's work? One will not accept trivial requests as one is incredibly busy." The smooth voice of the bird-like adeptus echoed.

"Sorry to disturb you, Cloud Retainer. It's Y/n." You replied, wanting to chuckle at Cloud Retainer's manner of speaking.

"Ah, if it isn't the guardian yaksha's lover. One welcomes you to one's abode. Come in." The seal to her abode unlocks, giving you access. 

Once inside, Cloud Retainer was in her human form, sitting at a table, pondering something.

Before you could speak she spoke up first. "You must be here for Xiao, am I correct?"

You blinked. "Yes... how do you know?"

She sighed. "The guardian yaksha is currently in my abode. Something happened two days ago and came to seek one's help. Didn't he tell you?"

You shook your head. "Is he okay?"

"Come see for yourself."

In another space, a lone creature perched atop a tree.

Was it a bird? 

"Guardian yaksha. You have a guest." Cloud Retainer said, the creature atop the tree turned to look at the both of you.

You walked closer to the tree, getting a closer look at the creature. It was... a chicken...? 

It wasn't like an ordinary chicken, no. It had teal feathers, and striking golden eyes. "Xiao...?" You said instinctively. Somehow, this chicken reminded you of your lover and his illuminated beast form.

"But why a chicken? His illuminated beast form isn't usually like this, right?"

"No... a fluctuation and disturbance had happened when Rex Lapis was giving his blessing to the land. It caused vision bearers to turn into one of the zodiac." She said, crossing her arms. "Do not fret, he will turn back in time."

"I see." You turned back to Xiao. "Why didn't you tell me?"

He looked away.

You sighed. "Let's go home, Xiao. We shouldn't disturb Cloud Retainer anymore." I reached my arms out for Xiao to jump down.

He huffed and jumped down but instead of into your arms, he started walking off in the opposite direction of the exit. 

"Xiao." I called out his name sternly, causing him to freeze. "Come."

He obediently trotted over to you, with a sour expression on his face. 

"Good." You picked him up, turning back to the bird adeptus. "Thank you, Cloud Retainer. Sorry for the trouble. We'll be taking out leave now."

She nodded. "Safe travels."


Back at home, you're left with a brooding chicken that refused to be within 5 meters of you.

"Xiao, I know what you're thinking. Your karmic debt won't hurt me. In fact, I can barely sense it in you now." I said without turning towards him. 

You could hear a shift of movement, and some small footsteps coming towards you. A flash of teal entered your line of vision, the owner perching atop the kitchen counter beside you, watching you intently.

A comfortable silence passes as you put trays of peanut and pea cookies in the oven, and a few 'nian gao's in the steamer. (A/n: Those are some Chinese New Year snacks. Trust me, the pea cookies are delicious 🤤 )

You headed towards the fridge, taking a container filled with a white jelly-like food and a jar full of golden syrup.

Xiao perked up, looking at the things in your hands.

"I made Almond tofu. Since you're back, should we enjoy some together?" I asked, knowing very well that he will agree.

As expected, he nodded as I began plating the delicate and sweet dessert. 

I took the plates into my garden, wanting to enjoy the sweet treat in the warm breeze. 

Xiao followed closely behind me, eager to have his favorite dish (as much as he wants to deny it). 

You sat under a large shaded tree, setting down Xiao's plate on the grass as you began to take a bite of your Almond Tofu. 

A clinking sound was occasionally heard from Xiao as he constantly pecks at the plate accidentally.

Why were you acting so normal about this? Uh... I don't know. When it comes to adepti, just about anything goes, so you're probably used to it.

What you weren't used to or even expecting was Xiao's odd behaviors after that. It was subtle, but weird nonetheless.

Shortly after you stood up after eating the Almond Tofu, Xiao began to circle you while some of his feathers fluttered. 

Was he... dancing?! You blinked at him owlishly and began to laugh uncontrollably. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! O-OH MY ARCHONS- X-Xiao? Is that really you? PFFT...!" You gasped and wheezed.

Xiao froze suddenly, realizing his own behavior. It seems like the chicken instincts were kicking in and he wasn't aware. He immediately turned away, running off to hide himself.

Meanwhile, you were still laughing your ass off and unable to chase after him. 

After you got your breath back (which was difficult), you found Xiao sulking in a bush, him hiding his head beneath his wings in embarrassment. 

You told him that you won't laugh anymore, all the while chuckling. Yeah... very convincing. 

For the rest of the day, Xiao didn't dare to meet your gaze, but his strange behaviors didn't stop there.

Every time you would glance at him while baking treats for you to sell during Lantern Rite, he would be sitting in different spots, specifically spots where the sunlight was brightest. 

It was quite amusing, though.

Halfway through setting the treats into their containers, a loud shout and... squawk? Was heard outside your front door.

You wiped your hands on a damp cloth and headed to the door, opening it to find out the commotion outside.

"OW OW OW! STOP-! AHH! WHY IS THIS CHICKEN ATTACKING MEEEEEE?! HELP! Y/N? YOU IN THE- AHHHH!" The voice of your Fontainian friend, Dvorak, yelled while being attacked by... a teal chicken.

You gasped, running towards them, grabbing Xiao by his sides and pulling him away. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" You asked the musician. 

"Y-yeah... I'm... fine. It's okay, really. Here's your new equipment and newly made flute." He held out a package, wincing.

"Thank you... but please come in! Let me tend to your injuries at least!" I gestured to the door.

"Thanks, haha."

You glared at Chicken-Xiao in your hold and proceeded to set him in the garden, away from further trouble. "Why did you do that?! He was just here to deliver a package!"

He looked away again. 

"It's okay... I'll let you in once I've tended to his injuries."

You sighed, heading back inside. "Sorry again, I don't know what's gotten into him." Grabbing the first aid kit, you sat down in front of the injured musician.

"Haha, it's fine. I would have never expected to get attacked by a chicken." Dvorak joked. "Is it your new pet?"

"No... he just wandered into my garden..." I fibbed, the real situation a little too complicated.

"Really? From what I've heard, chickens tend to attack people that they deem as enemies. I guess it doesn't like me very much." He chuckled, wincing when I rubbed a little too hard.


Some lighthearted conversation and catching up later, Dvorak set out again, presumably to Liyue Harbor. Of course, I sent him off with some treats as thanks (also as an apology). 

When I went back into my garden to find Xiao, he was just sitting outside the window, glaring at the spot where Dvorak sat just a few minutes ago.

I picked him up, going back into the comforts of my home. "Sorry, Xiao. Are you angry?" You peered at his face but he just won't look at you. "Please don't just randomly attack people like that again, okay?"

No reaction. 

"Were you jealous?" You asked, earning a flinch from him. 


"Hey... Look at me, please? Xiao~" you pouted playfully. He turned slowly towards you, making you smile. You leaned forward, landing a small kiss on his beak. "My heart is always yours, Xiao. And... Thank you for protecting me."

Xiao's feathers shivered, and his expression told you that he was very embarrassed. 

You chuckled and held him closer. "My handsome protector~"

At that comment, chicken-Xiao seemed to short-circuit. 

You laughed slightly. 

You were so going to tease him when he turns back to normal.


(A/n: I just thought that it would be funny to turn Xiao into a chicken :p (my brain ain't working properly help))


Well, isn't this quite the dilemma. Our boy Xingqiu here was so looking forward to showcasing his new outfit to you, his dearest, but look where he is now. 

To be honest, he is actually weirdly calm about his situation despite his servants pacing back and forth in panic. Why were they panicking, you ask? Well, their 'Young Master' had disappeared (again) but this time, his clothes and sleepwear was still there.

Xingqiu had heard their panicking and burrowed out of the heavy bedsheets that he was trapped under and raised his little paws up,  squeaking a loud as he could, getting their attention. They froze, his maids screaming in fear. 

Well of course, a rat (mouse) was on their young master's bed. Why wouldn't they panic?

A bunch of broom dodging later, his servants were panting heavily, wondering how this little pest could avoid their attacks so cleverly yet not dashing out the door when it got a chance.


"What's with all this commotion?" The gentle yet stern voice of Xingqiu's lover call from the doorway, looking at the disgruntled group of servants.

"Lady Y/n! Master Xingqiu is missing! A-and this rat was on his bed!" A maid pointed to the navy furred rodent sitting innocently on the ground, it's golden-amber eyes boring into your figure.

"Now, don't be so harsh to the little one. It looks like it has something to say." You looked at the rodent and nodded.

Leave it to his clever and intuitive lover to catch his message. You are his partner in crime, after all.

Little mouse Xingqiu climbed up his desk, pulling a piece of paper out from its stack. He then scampered over to his bottle of ink, dipping a tiny paw into it.

Then, to everyone's surprise, the mouse started to write.

"I am Xingqiu. An adeptal power has turned me into this form. Please do not fret, I am still myself." The words, albeit a little messy, stated. Xingqiu looked up at his servants the way he would normally, hoping to convince them.

The maids look at him like he was crazy, while his butler (babysitter) nodded. "It is indeed Master Xingqiu. Ms. Y/n, can I entrust the young master to you?" He said curtly.

"Sure!" You smiled, reaching out your palm for little mousy Xingqiu to climb on.

"You have my gratitude. The rest of you, go about your other activities." He dismissed himself and the other servants.

Once alone in the quiet room, you looked to the adorable rodent in your palms. "Well, aren't you a cute one." You teased, using your finger to pat his head.

Xingqiu squeaked proudly. 

You can already see him running to his desk to write a novel about his experience as a little mouse the moment he turns back. "So? What do you want to do now? I guess this is a free ticket out of your paperwork huh?"

Xingqiu went silent for a few minutes, thinking of his next action. He had thought of going to find Chongyun but then remembered that he was busy with his family today.

Thinking back to his new Fontainian outfit that he was planning on showing you today, a fun idea sparked in his little head.

Tapping his paws on your palm and pointing to his personal library, you understood that he wanted you to take him there.

In the room filled to the brim with books, he led you to a specific shelf and gestured to a red book.

"This one?" You asked, taking the book.

He nodded, hopping onto a table while you opened up the book. It was a picture book. It was a Fontainian fairy tale that depicted a girl falling into a strange and illogical world, her adventures astonishingly strange.

In the story, there was a mouse that was very smartly dressed, whose companion loves tea parties.

(A/n: excuse my horrible description of Alice In Wonderland, I had to make it work for the chapter)

Now, it just so happens that he was a mouse and you were the daughter of a famous tea merchant. 

Xingqiu flipped onto the page with the mouse and its companion then pointed to himself and you.

You immediately understood, smiling at the little rodent. "Sounds fun! Although it's the wrong holiday for costumes, it should be fine. We'll just make it more Liyuen!" 

Xingqiu squeaked happily.



Some intricate sewing and tailoring later, little Xingqiu was adorned with a dapper suit and a handsome top hat.

To top it all off, a tiny monocle adorned his little face.

"You look so cute! What a dashing gentleman!" You joked, taking your Kamera out to snap some pictures of him. "Now it's my turn!"

After digging through your closet, you found a Fontainian outfit that your friend Chiori had given to you. "Perfect." All you had to do was to integrate some Liyue style into it.

Fixing the teacup shaped hat on your head, you called out to Xingqiu who was outside, waiting. "I'm done!"

You swung open the bathroom door, posing like the famous Fontainian celebrity, Furina. "Tada! So? How do I look?"

 Mousey Xingqiu froze in place, a blush starting to spread on his little snout.

"Oho~? Have I charmed the handsome mousy into silence?" You smirked, peering at his cute little face.

He shook his head aggressively, leaping into the teacup on your head.

You giggled, grabbing a parasol and proceeded to head out to Liyue harbor.


Numerous people were looking at us as we walked around the city. Well of course, who would expect a stylish young lady to have a mouse in a suit in her teacup-shaped hat? 

The two of you were headed to Wanmin restaurant to find Xiangling and possibly Chongyun when a man with a familiar voice approached you. "Miss! Hey! You over there with a teacup hat!"

You turned around. It was Xavier, a Fontainian filmmaker that you were acquainted with. "Xavier?"

"Oh? Aha, if it isn't Mademoiselle Y/n! My apologies, I didn't recognize you. Ah, where are my manners? Happy Lantern Rite!" He beamed.

I laughed. "Haha, it's alright. Happy Lantern Rite to you too! By the way, what brings you to Liyue Harbor this time around? Looking for new talents? I heard your new film did exceedingly well."

"Thank you! And... well, not exactly. I am looking for some inspiration for my next film. In fact, thanks to the success of 'The Two Musketeers', I have a nice budget for the film! I also already have things mostly prepared for the production of the new film!" He ranted excitedly, stars shining in his eyes. You could tell that he is very passionate about his work .

"Wow, aren't you a busy one? Didn't the Fontinalia Festival end just a while ago?" 

"Exactly! I am using the momentum from 'The Two Musketeers' to keep my success going! Oooh... it's going to be BIG! ... Ah. Oops, I got carried away." He paused, scratching his neck nervously. "A-Anyways! About the film... would you like to star in it?"

"Huh?" You blinked, surprised at his sudden offer. I had always wanted to try my hand at Fontaine's entertainment industry. It was like a dream come true. "Me? Are you sure? I-I have no experience whatsoever..." You waved your hands.

"Of course! In fact, it HAS to be you! Trust me, I know a diamond in the rough when I see one. Oh, and your little friend here can join too! It fits perfectly with the story! It's like the archons were guiding me to this very opportunity!" Xavier exclaimed.

You looked at Xingqiu, silently asking for his opinion. He nodded, encouraging you. 

You took a deep breath, nodding. "Okay. I'll try it out."

Xavier cheered. "Thank you!" 

"Umm... what is the film about anyway?"

"Ah- haha, I got a little too excited. The new film is actually a romance story. A humble girl who is childhood friends with a noble girl and boy. The two girls both had a crush on the boy. As they got older, the noble girl got engaged to the noble boy. But one day, the boy disappeared, and a small mouse appeared in the humble girl's home as she grieved about her love. The catch was that she had to kiss the mouse to turn him back. Only, she didn't know it was him." He explained. "If you want to know the story in more detail and its ending, perhaps you could go take a look at its original novel. It is titled 'The Princess and The Romeodent'."

(A/n: Get it? Romeo? Rodent? Coz it's a mouse?- ok I gotta stop with these puns wwwwww *whispers* I'm not gonna stop)

Mousey Xingqiu squeaked excitedly. 

"The Princess and the Romeodent... ah! I've read that before. A very romantic story, almost like a fairy tale. But given that you'd approached me in this outfit must mean that I'll play the role of the noble girl?" I deadpanned. 

"Well... yes." He laughed nervously. 

Xingqiu laughed, earning a glare from me. 

"Hmph. Might as well have some fun with this..." You smirked, your evil side coming out.

"Perfect! Now, if you have the time... Could you please follow me to our base? The setting of the film is in Liyue so it's not that far away." 




After being introduced to the team, a friend of Xavier's started to give you some directions on your role, and a bunch of the staff were crowding around Xingqiu at the same time, gushing about how intelligent he was. 

'Well of course, he's actually a human.' I thought to myself, and a realisation dawned on me. 'If he turns back before the filming, how would we explain it to Xavier? Oh no...'

"X-Xavier?" You called out to him, asking for a break from your instructor. 

"Yes? How are you doing so far? From what I can see, you're a very talented one indeed!" He turned around.

"Yeah... thanks. About my little mouse... he actually isn't mine. He's actually my grandmother's... I'm sorry I forgot to tell you this but he would have to go back to Inazuma tomorrow morning...." You fibbed, glancing at Xingqiu from the edge of your vision. 

"I see..." Xavier muttered, sounding a little disappointed. "Hmm..." 

"Thank you for telling me, Y/n. It is a shame but I think he can still be in the film. The mouse actually doesn't have many scenes so we should be able to make it if we focus all our attention on his scenes today." He muttered, coming up with a solution very quickly. "Okay. I'm going to relay this to the team. Go practice some more, okay? Cameras starts rolling in 30!"

He ran off, busy as ever.

You sighed in relief, and a small tap was felt on your boot. 

It was Xingqiu. 

"You heard that, right? Since we don't know when you're turning back, it's better to be safe." You whispered, picking him up.

He nodded, looking extremely excited.


The rest of the day went by in a frenzy. Shooting scenes here and there, traveling all over Liyue for the shots. 

You got to know the main actress, Dulphy who was acting as the humble girl. She was really nice, and she showed you some pointers while acting. 

For Xingqiu's final scene, it was the kissing one. As the staff were doing the final check, you realized something.

You didn't think much of it until this moment since you were busy with acting well. But... Xingqiu was going to kiss Dulphy.

You knew that he was a mouse but still...! He was your lover, no matter in what form. You tensed up, the thought of them kissing made your stomach stir in jealousy. 

But you can't just stop them! They didn't know that the mouse prince they were working with was actually a human! 

Perhaps sensing your anxiety, Xingqiu climbed down from your hat, and patted your cheeks. 

"Squeak!" Xingqiu exclaimed, as if saying, "Don't worry, my love. I wouldn't be intimate with anyone else but you."

You still looked at him in doubt but you decided to trust him. Xingqiu is smart and loyal. He doesn't always speak of chivalry for nothing.

He pressed his snout to the edge of your lips, the version of a mousy kiss.

You smiled, feeling calmer.


"Aaaaand... CUT! That was amazing, Dulphy! No need for retakes, that was perfect!" Xavier shouted from his director's chair. "Okay everyone, that's a wrap for today! Good work everyone! Go and get some rest."

Everyone cheered and started to clean up.

I looked at Dulphy, her costume extremely pretty.

She noticed my gaze and explained that it was common for actors to 'fake-kiss' in these kinds of situations. Meaning, they only make it look like the characters were kissing on camera when actually they're not. 

You nodded, and she left. Feeling a little sheepish now, you picked Xingqiu up and said your goodbyes to the crew.


Once alone at home, you collapsed onto your bed, exhausted. Xingqiu crawled up to your face, still squeaking animatedly. 

Somehow, you could understand him but decided to cup him with one hand to stop his rambling. 

"You can tell me about it later... I'm so tireddd..." You groaned. "But... today was so much fun... hmm... if I were to pursue in acting, what would my family say?" You mused.

The little rodent in your hands wriggled out, patting your cheek with his tiny paw. 

"Really...? Thank you, Xingqiu. I'll... think about it some more... later..." you yawned, sleep beginning to overtake you. 

Xingqiu looked at you fondly, proud that an initiative had been made for you too pursue your dreams. He would support you all the way, no matter what anyone says.

It's just that... he's a little reluctant to share his beautiful muse with the world but at the same time he wants to show her off to the world, to let them behold in your magnificence.

Whatever what comes in your way, he will be there to land a hand, or... a paw.


Something was amiss. He could sense it. An uncomfortable shiver went down his spine, causing the former archon to wake from his slumber. 

He sat up on his bed, expecting a familiar warmth of his lover laying peacefully beside him. Only, there wasn't anyone there. 

His vision adjusted to the darkness, to be met with a large creature slumbering on the floor around his bed. 

It was... a dragon. 

A dragon that greatly resembled his lover, to note. 

"Y/n!" He rushed to the sleeping dragon, to check if his lover was alright. 

Upon closer inspection, it was indeed his lover. It was just that she was in a different form. Nothing else seemed amiss, which further confused the archon. 

He noticed something, however. 

Her vision was nowhere to be seen. He searched throughout the room, to no avail. Then, he glanced back at his lover, and a (vision color) was glowing in her chest.

He reached closer to inspect it, and the element of her vision pulsed through. 'Come to think of it, isn't she a Gyokuto(rabbit) yokai...?' 

(A/n: a little reference to last year's chapter 😉)

Pondering on the current predicament a little more, the slumbering dragon began to wake. 

Zhongli immediately rushed to her side, gently coaxing her out of her sleepy state and calmly explained to her the situation at hand. It could have something to do with the 12 Zodiac, he speculated.

She nodded, growling softly in response. "rrr?" She growled, as if asking a question.

"Ah... about that... I do not know why did you turn into a dragon instead of a rabbit. It may be because you're my mate." He said plainly, proceeding to put on his regular suit. 

She squeaked, embarrassed. 

"Now... it was raining while I was performing the Blessing, right?" Zhongli asked, opening the bedroom window. 

Before the dragon could reply, Zhongli's eyes narrowed. "This energy... the Hydro Sovereign." 

He sighed in exasperation. It made more sense now. 

The rain... was caused my none other than Neuvillette himself. Now, the prospect of whether it was accidental or not remains uncertain.

During the Rite of Blessing for Liyue, Rex Lapis's power courses through the entire nation, including the skies above it. The presence of the Hydro Sovereign's power must have messed with his own, causing the flow of elemental energy to behave weirdly.

"Xiao?" Zhongli called out, attempting to summon the Yaksha.

No response.

'Huh...? Hm... does this apply to vision holders only?' He mused.

"Rex Lapis. Pardon my intrusion." The echoey voice of Cloud Retainer rang from a communication device she had gifted him a while ago. 


"A disturbance... has spread all over Liyue. The effects seem to effect only vision holders. One's disciples have also been effected. One suspects that it is the work of a foreign force..." she said solemnly.

Well, there was his confirmation.

"Yes. I too, have surmised that." He replied. "Send the others to investigate the situation in further detail. Liyue will not be threatened during this time of peace."

"Understood." She answered, her voice disappearing.

Just then, a knock sounded at the front door. 

Zhongli cleared his throat, composing his thoughts and went to open the door.

However, the person standing on the other side of the door wasn't who he expected. It was none other than the Hydro Sovereign himself. 

"You...!" The former Geo Archon narrowed his eyes. Why was he here? How did he know of his human home?

Neuvillette raised his hands, attempting to show that he wasn't hostile. "Do not be so alarmed, Morax. I am here in light of another matter today."

"And what might that be?" Zhongli asked, still on his guard. 

"The rain. You must have noticed it too, correct?"

"Yes. It has caused quite the issue here in Liyue." He looked at the Iudex carefully, trying to sense any kind of malice and keep the civility in his voice.

"I understand your caution towards me. However, I would first like to extend my apologies for causing such a complication." He bowed slightly, his hand to his chest.

Zhongli remained silent, and Neuvillette continued. "I do have a solution for this, and I would like to request your assistance." 

"Very well."

"ROARRR!" Y/n called out from inside the house, wanting to come along too.

"Hm?" Neuvillette peeked inside, curious.

The former Geo Archon cleared his throat, turning around to enter his home. "Apologies, do excuse me for a minute."

The door shut in the Iudex's face, causing him further confusion.

A few long minutes later, Zhongli emerged again, now having a small (h/c) dragon slung around his neck. "This is my partner, Y/n. She too, has been effected by this incident."

She crowed in greeting to the white-haired man, and he nodded back in response.

Neuvillette proceeded to relay the plan to the former Geo Archon and but they waited till nightfall to carry out their plan. Rex Lapis is supposed to be dead, after all.

When the time came, Zhongli and Y/n made their way to Qingyun peak while the other dragon made his way to the sea. 

Summoning their powers, the area around them glowed in response. 

To put things simply, Zhongli had to channel Geo energy into the land once more, to overflow the elemental energies and push the hydro energy out. 

Meanwhile, Neuvillette extracted as much of his excess energy from the environment as possible.

The reaction crystallized just above Luhua pool, and the land rumbled a little while a light rain fell on the land. (Don't worry, it's normal rain this time)

Zhongli sighed, relieved that this predicament was resolved before it got any worse. By worse, I mean a significant increase in monster activity.

Y/n, who was just watching the 'purification' happen, came up to lick at her lover's face, as if reassuring him that all was well. 

The effects of the transformation would take at least another day to completely subside but at least everything is back as it should.

"We should go collect the crystal before it attracts monsters. Xiao already has a lot on his hands around this time of year." He started walking towards Luhua pool.

There, the Hydro Sovereign was waiting for them, apologizing once again for the trouble before setting off back to Fontaine.

"What would you like to have for dinner, darling? You must be starving." Zhongli stashed the crystallized hydro shard into his pocket, beginning to make his way back home.

"Rawr!" She roared.

He chuckled. "Alright, meat it is. How about Tianshu meat with some bamboo shoot soup?" 

She nodded, snuggling into his neck as a thank you.

Lantern Rite this year had a little of a rough start but hey, we will always have our loved ones with us, am I right? 

The End 🏮🎇~


I think this is my longest chapter yet lmao-

I think I'll refrain from writing such long chapters in the future because I have noticed that I will become increasingly delirious the longer I write them 🫠... (you can probably tell by the later half of Xingqiu's section and onwards)

Also, I already finished the Lantern Rite quest and... HOLY F*CK I LOVE GAMING SO MUCH MORE😍☺️ (C6 btw)

Idk why I love that lil cutie so much but I'll DEFINITELY write more of him in the future 🫡

I'll also have more time to write because I'm on my school holidays yayyyyyy 🥳

And yes, I am going to work on the Valentines chapter right after this so... yea *busy busyyyy*

(I haven't started yet btw)

I'll definitely get that chapter out within February so... wish me luck 

Speaking of luck...

C2 in the bag 🥹😃


I still got the C2 Nahida I wanted dw (140+ primos down the drain :D)

Okay enough complaining.

Just hope that all of you had better luck than I did  :)

(Genshin hates me istg)

On a more delulu and simp (and own fanart) note,

I love Xiao sm 😍

Ok that's all from me for this year's Lantern Rite chapter 👋🏻

Bai bai and Happy Lunar New Year Everyone 🎉🎉🎉

Kazuki chan🌸~

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