How Could You? (Souyo)

De personamo

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Kanji was just a decoy; Yu knew that. He also knew he had no chance with Yosuke. Even then, he couldn't let g... Mai multe

It's Not Love
Purely Platonic
On The Case
The Same
False Hope
Love & Affection
Each Other's Company
This World
For The Team
Catch Me If You Can
Out of The Loop
It Was Nice While It Lasted
A Call
Bon Appétit
Big City
We're Friends, Aren't We?
Stepping Stone
Funny Feeling
Peace of Mind
Nowhere Else
Best Friend & Girlfriend
Hold You
Someone Else
Old Friend
Light Being Shed
Lonely Together
Can't Keep Checking My Phone
Welcome Home
Another Guy
Real Man
Wannabe Detectives
Where Are You Now?

Won't Go

52 1 1
De personamo

Yosuke's POV:

"Why don't you come join us for dinner, Yosuke?" Mom asks, peering her head through the doorway.

"I'm busy," I mutter, texting Yuna back.

"You've been holed up in here for the past three days," she groans. "Your father told me that the sampling was a success, by the way."

"Uh-huh..." I nod, half listening, half ignoring her.

She sighs, holding onto the door. "I hope she's worth it, Yosuke."

"What?" I lift my head up.

"Teddie told me."


"You're a good boy, Yosuke," she says. "Don't let her take advantage of you."

"I'm not a... 'good boy'," I scoff.

"You always will be in my eyes," she smiles.

"A-and... She's great," I breathe. "She's sweet and kind, and..." I close my eyes. "She would never hurt me."

"I'm glad to hear that," she nods. "I'll bring your food up."


Yu's POV:

Seven already?

I purse my lips, getting off the couch.

I really ought to make dinner before Dojima-san comes back.

I leave my cell on the countertop as I grab out a few pots and pans.

I can't help but smile a little as I hear it ping.

JunezPrince2000: skool starts
again in a week

JunezPrince2000: i cba

JunezPrince2000: wish it wuld
jus burn down tbf

JunezPrince2000: wby

JunezPrince2000: when do
u go bk?

Yuna18: The same day as
you, I presume.

JunezPrince2000: damn

JunezPrince2000: that suks

JunezPrince2000: was kinda
hopin u wuld send me lewd
pics when im in class

My hands cramp up and my stomach turns in the most uncomfortable way.

What the fuck...?

He must sense my hesitation.

JunezPrince2000: kidding lol

JunezPrince2000: unless u

I swallow hard, my fingers hovering over the keyboard.

I know he's like this, so I shouldn't really be surprised.

But... asking Yuna? Really? I thought he respected her way too much for that...

Some sort of void fills my stomach. Maybe that's the hunger, but I can't be sure.

JunezPrince2000: u ther?

Yuna18: Sorry, I've got to go.

JunezPrince2000: huh

JunezPrince2000: why

JunezPrince2000: is it cause of
wht i said??

JunezPrince2000: im sry alr??

Yuna18: I just need to prepare
dinner, that's all.

JunezPrince2000: oh lmao

I can practically feel his relief.

JunezPrince2000: 4 ur uncle?

Yuna18: Yeah.

JunezPrince2000: well i bet hes
expectin gr8 things from u

JunezPrince2000: ill leave u
2 it ig

Yuna18: Talk later?

JunezPrince2000: fs


Yosuke's POV:

Fuck. I've done it again. I've weirded her out.

I just thought that... I dunno... We could talk about stuff like that. I thought... we were on that level of intimacy. I didn't think she'd be opposed to it..

Please, don't leave again...

I get too cocky. That's my problem. If Yu were in my shoes, he'd know what to do. He'd understand her. He'd know to take it slow. He wouldn't pressure her.

...But there never will be a 'her' for him, will there?

I bite my tongue.

Just... Just me.

I blink rapidly, holding my breath.

I can't help but think about what it would be like if I asked something like that of him.

...No doubt he'd be down for it. Weirdo...

I turn my cell over.

...Nah. Yu's... a good guy.

He just... Fuck, I don't know.

I give up on him. On trying to understand him, and everything else.

Because it's impossible. He told me to my face: he can't be himself around me.

Is that my fault..?


Yu's POV:

I'm cutting up the veggies when I hear the front door open.

"Welcome back—" I begin.

But he slams the keys down on the table, fist to the wall. "I'm only gonna ask you this once."

"...What?" I drop the knife, turning to face him.

"Where the hell are they?"

"I don't understand."

"The files, Yu," he yells, pounding the wall.

I shrink back against the counter. "I- I don't know."

"Don't fucking lie to me," he snaps, whipping his head around. "I know you have them."

"I swear, I—"

"Give me them now, Yu," he grunts. "Final warning."

"Uncle, I swear—"

He storms towards me, hands raised. I try to move, but he's too quick. He wraps his hands around my neck, squeezing hard.

"Tell me where the fuck those files are!"

"P-Please..." I splutter.

My heart is racing like crazy, and all I can think of is that time I was in his position. The time I had my hands around Yosuke's throat. Only now can I imagine the pure terror he felt. ...The terror I made him feel.

"I could lose my fucking job for this!" He screams.

His breath is light with booze, so I can't quite make out why he's acting so aggressive towards me. I try to wriggle free, but with no avail.

"I will lose everything," he shouts. "My entire career is riding on that file! Just give it back, for fuck's sake!!"

I try to preserve as much air as I can. "I... I didn't touch—"

His hands get tighter. So tight that I'm off the ground. And my vision is starting to go.

And all I can think about is Yosuke.

How I made him feel. His fear.

...And the one time he asked if I carried my knife on me.

I blink back the tears in my eyes, craning my neck ever so slightly to the right. I stretch my hand out, curling my fingers around the veggie-stained blade.

And I swing it.

He yells in pain, falling back.

U-Uncle!" I splutter.

I reach down to him now on the ground, wrapping my fingers around the knife again.

"Don't," he snaps, pushing me away.

I blink.

It's in his upper arm, and it's deep, from what I can see.

"C-Call an ambulance," he whispers. "Please, Yu..."

His eyes are rolling back in his head.

"O-On it."

"D-Dad!?" Nanako yelps.

I turn around to see her standing at the bottom of the stairs, eyes full of worry.

"I'm okay, Nanako," he mumbles. "Just go upstairs for me, okay?"

"B-But, you're hurt!" She snaps.

"Be a good girl, Nanako, and do as I say."


"He's gonna be fine." I force a smile. "I promise you."

She seems reluctant, but eventually decides to go.

She trusts everything will be fine.

Everything better be fine.

I call an ambulance, and then I call Adachi. I don't know why I do, but I do.


"Narukami?" He scoffs. "Is everything alright?"

I start to hyperventilate.

"H-Hey, just wait there, alright!?" He says. "You're at home, yeah? I'm on my way."


"Holy fuck," he breathes.

"I- I didn't mean to hurt him," I whisper.

But his eyes don't leave Dojima's body.

"What... What happened?" He says.

"H-He got pissed over some missing files," I mutter. "He thought I had them, and..."


"He strangled me," I swallow. "I- I didn't know if he was going to stop or not. I just... I didn't mean to—"

"It's alright, okay?" He sighs, pulling me into a short hug. "It was self-defence."

"Against an officer?" I scoff. "You really think they're gonna buy that?"

"Sure they will," he nods. "Because I'm a witness."

I furrow a brow. "But, you're—"

"I'm a witness," he says again.

"...You can't lie."

"It's a small lie," he shrugs. "In order to see the truth."

"...What will happen to him?"

"Well, hoping you haven't cut any essential veins, he'll be okay. But I'm no expert."

"...You're sure he'll be alright?"

"He should be," he says. "He's breathing, after all."

"...What if he takes me to court?" I whisper.

"You're family," Adachi sighs.

"And I don't mean shit to him, we've figured," I mumble.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," he says. "I won't let you go down for this." He turns to face me. "It was self-defence."

"Was it, though?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I feel like I've been dying to have the upper hand for so long," I whisper. "What if I was waiting for the opportunity to—"

There's a knock on the door, sirens almost drowning the noise out.

"...It was self-defence," he says again.


Yosuke's POV:

"Damn," I whistle, pulling back my curtains as an ambulance zooms by. "Hope they're alright."

JunezPrince2000: think sum
shit has gon down

I'm halfway between typing my next message when Chie calls.

"Hello?" I mumble.

"I think something's happened to Narukami."

"Th-The hell do you mean?" I snap.

"I- I was just out walking Muku and I saw an ambulance stop outside his house."

"Is he okay!?" I splutter.

"I don't know..."

"Dammit, Chie!" I scoff.

I end the call, grabbing my jacket and running out the house.


The door's open, so I dash in.

"Are you alright!?"

"Y-Yosuke," he breathes.

I can't help but notice his bloodied hands. That, and the knife lodged in Dojima's shoulder.

Holy shit.

"C-Come here, man."

He runs into my arms and buries his face into my neck.

I can't even hate him right now. And I don't care about his fucked up feelings for me at this point.

He needs to be held. And I need to protect him.

"Can you please make a path for the stretcher?" The paramedic says.

I pull apart from him, but he seems unwilling to let go. I can't blame him.

We each move to the side and I notice Adachi.

I was so focused on Yu and his safety that I hadn't even noticed him.

...He called Adachi over me?

He's a detective, sure, but... I'm his best friend. At least, I was. I... am...?

Fuck if I know anymore.

I turn back to Yu, ready to ask questions when I notice the bruising on his neck, and I zip my mouth shut.

How could he do that to his own nephew?

"You saved me," he whispers.

"What?" I scoff.

"I'd never have had the courage to do it without you."

I don't quite understand, but I nod anyway.

"Hanamura, take him upstairs, will you?" Adachi says.

I hate being bossed around, by him of all people, but I do as he says.


First thing, I take him to the bathroom. He can hardly move himself with the shock.

I have to force his hands to rinse under the water. I have to rub them together; I have to clean them thoroughly.

And I'm not even mad.

I'm not even glad, actually, that I can do something that he can't.

I just wish I could understand what he's feeling.

He hasn't spoken since we were downstairs and I'm afraid his mind is eating him alive.

"Here," I say, turning off the faucet and tossing him a towel.

He just sorta stares at it.

I lick my lips, moving to dry his hands for him.

"I'm sorry," he whispers.

"...Yu," I sigh.

"I'm so, so sorry," he mumbles.

"It's alright, man," I say. "Do... Do you want me to call Kanji?"

He shakes his head. "I just want you."

And I can feel the rush of hurt at how broken he sounds.

"Come on, man," I say. "Let's get you to bed."


Yu's POV:

"...I should go see Nanako," I mutter, sitting down on my futon.

"Yeah," he agrees, closing my door. "I imagine she's pretty shaken up."

"Yosuke, she..." I breathe. "She saw it. She saw me; she saw him."

He doesn't say anything. He just sits down beside me.

"What if she hates me?" I whisper.

"How could she hate you, man?" He scoffs. "You're amazing."

I can't even let the butterflies fill my stomach anymore, because it's too full of nausea.

"...Do you want me to speak to her?" He asks.


"I wouldn't mind, Yu," he shrugs. "I think you need a rest, anyhow."

I contemplate the idea before agreeing. "Thank you."

"Anytime, man."


JunezPrince2000: think sum
shit has gon down

I wipe my eyes, ready to reply.

Yuna18: Are you okay?

Yuna18: Please, put yourself

Yuna18: Don't worry about
whatever happened.

I quickly close off my phone, biting my nails.

I don't want this to be his issue, too. He's done nothing to deserve this.


Yosuke's POV:

"Are you alright?" I gently push her door open.

She jumps up at my arrival. "Is Dad okay? I saw the ambulance outside."

I sigh. "Your dad's fine, Nanako-chan."


"Really," I smile.

"...What about big bro?"


"Is he okay?"

"He's fine, too," I chuckle softly.

"...What happend?"

I hold my breath.

I can't tell her the truth. It'll crush her... But what else can I say...?

"It was an accident," I say.

"An accident?" She frowns.

"Dojima-san tried to scare Yu in the kitchen. He panicked, and... accidentally hurt your dad."


I can't quite tell whether she believes me or not.

"Please... Don't blame Yu for this," I whisper.

"Huh?" She cocks her head to the side. "Why would I? It was an accident. I know big bro would never mean to hurt Dad."

"Exactly," I sigh.

"...I'm gonna go sleep in Dad's room tonight," she smiles.

"...Don't you want to stay with Yu?" I ask.

"That's okay," she giggles. "He has you."

He has me.

...I have importance. He needs me.


I head back in his room, but he's already asleep, his cell on his chest.

I smile a little.

I doubt he'd want to be alone.

I sit down on his couch, pulling out my own phone.

Yuna18: Are you okay?

Yuna18: Please, put yourself

Yuna18: Don't worry about
whatever happened.

JunezPrince2000: sry cant tlk

JunezPrince2000: sum1 needs me

JunezPrince2000: ttyl

Yu jolts awake when his cell buzzes on his chest, he takes a good look at it before turning it over again.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"O-Oh, yeah," he nods. "You should... get home."

I shake my head. "I won't leave you."


I settle myself down on his couch, pulling out a blanket from his cupboard.

"Night, partner."

It takes him a moment to respond. "N-Night."


thanks for reading:)

word count: 2354

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