Only Firends.... Rigth?"Luffy...

By molleop

4.3K 173 53


Chapter 1. past of Y/N
Chapter 2. I guess this is the end of our journey.
Chapter 3, preparing for your new life.
Chapter 3 part 2 new friends? Sabo and Ace
Chapter 4 Where is Shanks?
The Letter
Chapter 5. Mad at Luffy
Chapter 6: The truth? About y/ns past
Luffy apologizes?
farwell Ace/the scar
the Evil withing you
a piece of y/n's past.
The promise
The contract
The distance/ is Luffy sick?
a new friend?
The Suprise
What just happened
chapter 17
Early journey
Reunion at last


48 1 4
By molleop

A/N: I am sorry for not uploading for like 6 months! But I've been so busy with school lately and just haven't gotten the time. (I am writing this in the middle of math class) I am going to try to release more chapters, but my motivation has just been so low I'm falling behind on everything.

I looked at Shanks while he was telling his crew to retrieve. "How long has it been?" Naomi asked me. "Some years" I replied. I was so shocked for a second i really thought that I would be stuck on that ship forever. I did not know what to do. I was so happy to see Shanks again and i was also so relieved to be far away from that ship but what was I was not able to move I just stood there and looked around.

After a few minutes we had made it far enough from the celestial dragon's ship and everyone relaxed. A hand waved across my face that made me step out of my trance. "HUH?" I yelped not understanding what was happening. "You look cold in those clothes-" Shanks said as he gave me a coat "Here take this I sent Benn to find some more fitting clothes just wait a moment." "Thank you" I took the coat and wrapped it around my body. "Let go inside, come on" Shanks said to me as he grabbed my arm.

I sat on a couch, Shanks sat on the couch parallel to me. He looked at me. "You, ok?" He asked in a muffled voice. "Don't know" I replied. "You don't have to talk if you don't want to" Shanks gave me a small reassuring smile "Thanks" I returned the smile. "After a little while Lucky Roo walked in. "Anyone hungry?" Shanks heard my stomach growl at the thought of food. He chuckled "She sure is" I smiled at Shanks "Sure am."

It had been a few hours since I stepped foot on The Red Force. I blew on the hot cup of tea "Thank you Roo." He smiled at me "Any time" Shanks sat next to me, and he seemed more serious than before. "You do know that we do have to talk about it at some point" He sighed at my quietness "Fine then. Why don't i start" He mumbled. "I got a call from Makino that the Celestial Dragons had taken you, she said that you told them you would be fine, but I knew that Celestial Dragons are up to no good. I hadn't really planned on saving you, but I could not let you suffer all over again" He stayed quiet for a moment. And patted my head. "Thank you, Shanks, I really thought I could manage myself but clearly I was wrong." I looked in my cup seeing steam fly up. "Don't say that-" His voice trailed off "You can't control how you feel." He continued his sentence and began to pat my hair again. "I'm proud of you kid" he smiled at me. "For what? I asked, "For trying to save the village, which takes a lot of courage" "I learned from the best." A small chuckle escaped my mouth. "ALRIGHT!" Shanks stood up proudly and placed his hand on his waist. "I have decided that I am gonna train you. Well at least for a while" He smirked and looked at me. "You in?" Shanks tilted head a bit when he asked. "Yeah" I smiled.

Even if I am strong, I can always get stronger "We can start tomorrow if you want to." "I think I'd like that." I mumbled as I drank the last few sips of my drink.

The rest of the day went on went slow I talked to everyone to catch up. They told me about their adventures, and I told them some of the stupid things me and Luffy had done together. It was great catching up It made me forget everything that had happened earlier that day.

It was getting late, and some were getting ready for bed while some began to start their night watch.

"Y/N!" Lucky Roo shouted trying to find you. "Yeah, what is it?" I asked and walked up to him. "We have a spare room for you." He smiled at me and took a bite of his food. I chuckle at the sight of him still eating even after it was midnight. "Does this guy ever stops eating" Naomi said. "nope" I replied.

"Well thank you Roo, I'm happy to know I don't have to share a room with the stinky men on the ship" I clapped my hand together and stood on my tippy toes and giggled a bit "We are not stinky" roo got all defensive "Whatever you say" I grinned "Anyways it straight down the hall and left at the end. So, when you get tired just go to bed." He said and walked away. I yawned "guess I will go to bed...

"Danm Y/N I have a bad feeling about this."

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