
By PlusSizedPrinxess

13.8K 542 198

Robyn Fenty is a sheltered child, she is also a Pastors kid, always in church on Saturdays and Sundays. She i... More

Attention 👋👋
Chapter one.
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five.
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen

chapter fourteen

503 22 18
By PlusSizedPrinxess

Dante Johnson
Roseys boyfriend
All around good guy.

Saveline Fatu
Wife, aunt and mother.

Rosey Reigns.

Taylors daughter.

All I need in this life of sin
is me and my girlfriend.
Riding out til the bloody end
is me and my girlfriend. 

02:30 am
Valentines Day.

Early morning wind hit the faces of the young lovers as the waves on the beach flowed peaceful. Her hair all over the place as her lover stared at her in awe. He still couldn't believe how beautiful she was. Three years in and he still hasn't gotten used to her beauty.  

All her troubles seemed to go away when she was with him. She knew that she promised her brother that she won't date but she did. Her brother bribed her with a McLaren, expensive designer bags, shoes and clothing as  long as she could hold off dating until she was twenty one but with rizz from her lover no female wouldn't fold. Today marks three years since they started their relationship and she was happier than ever. She sneak out just to see him. To Rosey Dante Johnson was worth getting in trouble with Roman.

"I love you, " Dante said looking at her eyes. "I was stressing bad when I found out about your cousin. How is everyone, most importantly how are you doing? "

"Everything was a mess at first. My aunt accused Roman of killing Jey, fought my mom. She came around a few days later and we are now good." Rosey replied.

"Thank god. Didn't you get sick or anything? " Dante asked her.

"Nope, Roman made sure I get more shots in case I went in shock. " Rosey replied.

Dante looked into her eye before kissing her with passion. "Happy Valentines day Rosey Reigns. Thank you for giving me a chance baby. Thank you for being my girl. " he said getting serious. There wasn't a thing under the sun that he wouldn't do for this girl.

"Happy anniversary Dante Johnson. "He said with his forehead on hers. "I promise that this year I will tell my family about us. I wouldn't have given anyone else a chance. I think I'm the one that is supposed to be thankful. You are a good guy, always collecting my meds for me, taking care of me when I'm sick. Even when I feel a little bit off, I know I can always count on you. Don't think I don't appreciate that cause I do. I love you Dante. " Rosey said getting emotional.

Dante swiped the tears off her face kissing her. "I don't mind and I'm not rushing for you to introduce me. Whenever you are ready I will be there. "

"Ok. " Rose said, undoing her dress. "No one is here so we can do this. " she said wiggling her eyes and Dante licked his lips with lust. "Yeah we can. I missed making love to you. "

They made love right on the beach with the waves hitting both their naked bodies. Also in the water before it was time to go.

"One last kiss. " Dante pulled her to him before she can get in her car.

"Dante, Roman is going to be up before I get home if you don't hurry. "

They kissed before she got into her car, pulling out of the dark parking lot. "Happy valentines baby, " Rosey whispered waving bye as Dante watched her drive away.

"HAPPY VALENTINES BABY, " Dante yelled as her car was getting out of sight wishing they could spend the entire day together. Rosey caught that and smiled looking at the review mirror back at her man.

05:30 am.

Roman clutched his gun when he heard movement downstairs. It was too early for anyone to be up this time. He looked at Robyn asleep peacefully before leaving their room locking her in.

He slowly made his way downstairs with his gun ready to shoot. He was ready for anything, when it came to someone messing with his family, he wasn't gon' play around.

"ITS ME ROMAN! "Rosey screamed as she saw Roman drawing the gun at her.

"ROSEY? "Roman asked.

Romans Pov.

I woke up at the sound of the door opening and I look at the clock seeing it's around five in the morning. No one wakes up this early in my family so that left me convinced that we were being robbed. Whoever thought is was a good idea breaking into my house was meeting his fate today.

I take my gun from my drawer, kiss my beauty, lock the door and go hunting. I didn't bother switching the light on as I listen to any and ever movement. I slowly examine every room while going downstairs. I try each and every door to see if they still lock, starting with my mamas but it was opened and she was sleeping peacefully. I went to Roseys and it was locked. Nothing strange, she always locks her doors.

I moved with intention when I heard a sound right under me and I know that is the kitchen. I cock my gun ready to shoot when a voice I know to well speaks up.


My finger was ready to pull the trigger and my whole body just went numb. "ROSEY? "

I switched the light on to find her cowering back. "Rosey what are you doing lurking in the darkness, you know well that you cannot do that ?" I almost yell .

"I wanted some water," she replied.

I take in her body language and something is not right. She is no making eye contact. She is also shaking like a leaf with her eyes on my gun. I slowly put it away not wanting to scare her more. I pull her in a hug. "I didn't mean to scare you. Are you feeling any pain? " I start to panic thinking of her heart.

"I'm not in pain. "She whispers back in my ear. Breathing high. "I need to go back to bed. "

"Okay," I let her go.

After some time alone, I prepare to head back upstairs when something catches my eye. The door leading to the garage opened agar, I go to the garage and the cars were still there. I placed my hand on their engine to check if they still cold. Most were until I get to Roseys McLaren and it was warm.

"What is the meaning of this? " I asked myself. This is strange. God is trying to tell me something.

"Was Rosey out of the house without me knowing? " I asked myself. "Hell no. " and answered my self.

My phone rang as my mind was going through it. "JD? " I answered.

"Pierce is gone just like you asked "he said. I was beaming with joy. Pierce introduced my cousins to Bobby so he knew what was up so he needed to go.

"What about the rat ? " I asked meaning Seth freaking Rollins. My former business partner and allie. We use to be close until we caught a case and he turned state on me.

"Just like Montez, he is no where to be found so is that man he calls a wife. "

"Bianca? " I kept mentioning everyone on my hitlist.

"I'm afraid, she vanished too. Everyone on that party seems to be cautious about their locations. They are on to something and my gut is telling me that. " JD is not a man to be over -thinking  shit so I don't take this lightly.

"Thriple the bag on Montez and Bianca. The streets seems to talk when the money is right. Tell the guys to keep their ears open. " I say.

"One hunnid. " he agreed hanging up.

Bianca - New body arrived at the morgue, thought you might be interested in this. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.

To Bianca - Make sure I don't catch you. Stupid ass bitch. You think it is funny messing with my families state of mind?

Bianca - No I don't think it's funny. I know it's hilarious. 😛

Just make sure you have a strong stomach when you get at the morgue cause I heard it's not looking great. 😢

I wanted to break the phone on the fucking floor. I'm going to kill this bitch. I swear,  I promise on my unborn baby that I will make it slow as hell.

06: 30 am

I guess Jimmy got the call from Detective Wade too cause when I pulled up at the morgue, his car was already there. I parked beside him and was shocked to see aunt Saveline here, I thought it would be just us men.

"Morning, " he shaked my uncles and aunts hand. "As promised that if anything happens you will be my first call. A body came in last night and it is not looking good in there. I want you to be sure that you can stand viewing the body Mrs ?" He seemed hesitant, his words were just not coming out.

"I want to see him. " my aunt said sternly.

"I'm going to be honest ma'am. No mother deserves to see their child like that. " he said as he led us inside.

The mortician explained what needed to be done, giving us gloves. "Only two at the time. Whose going in first ?"

"Me and my husband. " my aunt replied.

After a few minutes of them getting inside the room they were led into, I began to feel my heart pounding fast, extremely fast. I expected my aunt to scream at any second now. I didn't dare look at my cousins cause I didn't want to see the look on their faces or them seeing the look on mine.

The door opened, I was on my feet immediately. Curiosity was killing me, looking at my aunt she was red as a tomato, crumbling like a leaf but my uncle held her in place. Tears on her face.

I looked at my uncle for some sort of answer but he just shook his head. I could see he was overwhelmed by emotions.

"I could... die noooowww ." My aunt struggled trying to her words out.

"I'm going in next." I said going in followed by Jimmy. We walked into the cold room. The same mortician stood over the closed body on the table. "When you ready, I remove the cover." She said.

"I'm ready. " Jimmy said with his voice thick.

She revealed the body halfway and I choked on my vomit. It was nothing but decaying unrecognisable flesh and some crawling unwanted guests. Jimmy looked turned away from it with his hands on his head.

I breathe in and out, counting to ten. I removed the rest of the cover. The body was battered and bruised.  Looking at each and every detail I could get. Closely looking, I knew instantly that it wasn't him, the height, the person here was tall and his tattoos didn't match Jeys. "Its not him. "

"What ? " Jimmy asked not bothering to look at his body.

"Its not him. Lets go. " I said leaving with him following behind me.

09:30 am.

"It wasn't him. " I told my mom, sister and Robyn as I got home. By the look on my face, I guess my mom knew what to do cause she got her keys and left along with Rosey.

I was numb as fuck beyond drained for the day. I threw myself on the couch. "Was it bad ? " Robyn asked and I nodded.

She cuddle on my lap. "Talk to me. " she said pecking my lips.

I tell her everything, I always do. I told her things I wouldn't tell to anyone that is how open I am to her. She knows my deepest secrets and that is fine cause she is my soul mate. "I pray the day we find him that it won't be this bad. " I say.

"If you pray it won't be. " she says.

"Help me pray  " I said. Right now I was fucked up mentally and emotionally.

"Close your eyes than. Say what is in your heart. Manifest and just trust the Lord. He will hear you, you are his child. " She says.

"No, you pray for me. " I said badly wanting to depend on someone for once. I was tired of being strong, hard and carrying the world on my shoulders. Robyn shows me that I don't have to be so hard all the time. She sees me as more than the tribal chief. She accepts me for me.

"Okay. " she said before proceeding to pray for me.


"Whatever you guys do, I just want to make it clear that Robyn is not in the firing line when shit goes down . "I said as they wrapped up the plan they had about bringing the bloodline down. The brotherhood couldn't hold it in anymore. Tension were running high not only did Roman put a bag on Montez ford's head who was their certified member but my dad was convinced that Jey wasn't dead, that the bloodline was hiding him somewhere. The brotherhood didn't take disrespect lately and right now they were all aching to get in there.

"Nothing is going to happen to her, " Gunther assured me.

"But everyone else its open season. " Bron said aiming his gun.

"Not everyone else. We can make a lot of money out of this too you know, the women there can be good donors to our organisation. Not just that but I learned something very important too," Ludwig said, he was always too smart for his own good. The group needed someone as business minded as him. We all had turned our attention to him.

"Remember Rusev from Bulgaria? " I could tell her was in his zone right now, ready to deliver his business presentation to us. Yeah, I remember Rusev, powerful son of a bitch all around the underworld. To have ties with the man is like air in our world.

"Yeah, Rich as fuck Rusev who made a holiday specially dedicated to himself. " Seth said.

"Come on, everyday is Rusev day in Bulgaria. He has the luxury to fund that. I have been to his Yacht parties, never seen such luxury in one place. " Montez said.

Gunther appear to be bored with this conversation and Bron was just confused as to what this had to do with anything. "Enough of this small talk, what about Rusev? " I asked.

"His wife Lana was diagnosed with a sickness that is uncurable, the sickness is slowly making her organs weak. She is bedridden at the moment, in simple speech she is dying slowly. " Ludwig said.

"Rusev has all the money in the world why doesn't he help her ?" Montez asked in a bored tone .

"There is the catch. Lanas blood type is a one in a billion match all over the world. Jesus stuff, one of one type shit. Rusev is desperate with each passing day. "

"And ?" Gunther asked.

"We have the match he needs. " he said and I was confused. "We about to be international rubbing shoulders with the big boys. "

"What match are you talking about?"

"The past week we have been tailing the Reigns'. Roman was in and out of a pharmacy picking up medication. I thought who was sick and I went to the pharmacy, put on the charm on the lady that was working there, skip details but she ended up telling me more than she should. That Romans has a sister, that his little sister sick as hell and depends on her shot to live. What causes her to be sick ? She has low-blood, needs blood donations at times but there isn't cause, guess what ? She has a rare type of blood too. she is an RH. " Ludwig said raising an eye brow.

"She is Lanas match? " I asked getting excited. Do you understand what that means for us. The connections, the money and an alliance with the real big dog . I could see the excitement on the guys face as well.

"Lady and Gentlemen that is right. " Ludwig wrapped up his presentation and the room erupted in sounds of celebration.

"We have just made it big, " Seth said.

"Thats for sure, " Da vinci said hugging Ludwig.

Thank you Robyn for fucking up with this guy. You led me to the mountain top, my ultimate goal baby. Daddy is going to be so proud of me. But sit tight darling, I am coming to get you.


Chermain was in tears after Ray confessed to cheating on her years back. She was a woman of faith but this was to much for her. She tried to pray about it but there were questions she needed to ask her husband.

"Why are we here? You tell me to lie to Dylan everyday. I call my son to tell him that we on vacation, everything is good and Robyn is recovering just fine but it is all a lie. "

"We had to get away from Edward Chermain, that is why we here. " Ray answered.

"What does Edward have to do with it? " chermain asked.

"It has everything to do with him. He is not what we think he is. He is a monster. "

"Tell me about it, how I wasn't good enough for you. " Chermain was defeated. She couldn't believe her husband of many years would say this to her.

"I was young back than. You didn't do nothing wrong, it was all on me. You have been the perfect wife and great mother to our kids. I was just selfish."

"Who is she, do I know her ?"

"No, you didn't. " Ray replied. "She died. "

"Died? " Chermain asked confused.

"I killed her. " he confessed running his hands on his head.

"Blood of jesus," Chermains body jumped in shock. She couldn't believe the only man she ever known in and out would tell her this. He was the father of her children for Godsake. "I rebuke that in the blood of jesus. The father of my children can never be capable of such an act. The man I married can never be a cheater, Jesus if this is a bad dream allow me to wake up. Adultery and murder are sins that we don't talk or committ in my household. My family is under your leadership, we built our everything in your kingdom. Father, please gather my family in your arms. I need you to say a prayer for my husband. The vows I made before you I'm keeping till I die. Pleas... " Chermain lost her voice, tears filling her face again. Ray realised that hurt that he brought her and cried too. He joined their hands wanting to be her strength. He knew that losing him or their children was Chermain worst nightmare. This was going to do her in but not before she gave her best fight. "We going to get through this. I'm sticking by your side." Chermain told him.

"Thank you but I have to be honest with you. Tell you how it all happened cause Edward still has evidence against me."

"What happened for you to kill her ?"

"We were in a hotel. She brought wine and I remember taking a few glasses, after that I don't remember much but waking up next to her and she was cold. Eyes bulged out, just laying there not moving. I knew she was dead so I called Edward. I remember him coming to the hotel real fast, he said he was in the area but it was so quick, like real quick. He helped me get rid of the body but not for free. He had a price. " Ray stopped realising there was no way this conversation was going to end well. "He wanted Robyn for Jeremy as some sort of insurance, well Jeremy loved Robyn but it was all... " Chermain slapped him . "You used our daughter as collateral. " she said.

"It wasn't the plan." Ray said feeling overwhelmed. He has been thinking hard since he got here. Asking himself questions about how Robyn got mixed up with the people she was involved with now. Was Jeremy abusing her and she wanted to protect herself ? "I am a failure, I know. I put my daughter through a lot Chermain. " he admitted. "Maybe Robyn was trying to protect herself getting involved with such people. I destroyed my daughters future. "

"What kind of guy is she really involved with? " Chermain asked.

Ray didn't even have the energy to drop anymore bombs on her. He got the information he gathered about Roman Reigns and gave it to his wife.

"Ray, I'm going back to New York. " Chermain said after taking in the long rapsheet Roman had. "My daughter isn't going to waste anymore of her time with this dirty, lowlife, small-time criminal. I will make sure of that. " Chermain said packing her stuff. She was on a mission and nothing was going to stop her. There was no way she would accept a person like Roman in her family.


St . Lawrence.

Taylor answered the door to a man in uniform. The man introduced himself as a man of the law and was here to perform a neighbourhood routine check. "So you said you live with your daughter only? "

"Yes sir, " Taylor replied nervous.

The officer moved around the house while asking questions.

"What about your husband? "

"He died years ago from cancer. " Taylor replied.

"Sorry for your loss.  " the officer said.

Taylor got nervous as she walked behind the officer. "What did you say this visit is about again officer ? "She asked when they got to close to the room the man she was hiding was.

"Just a routine check the station is working on to ensure that we maintain a safe neighbourhood. " the officer replied.

Taylor nodded. "We fine. Nothing strange has ever happened here. No burglary has took place here plus I have the cameras installed around the house. Sir, my daughter will be getting off school soon, we need to wrap this up. " Taylor said.

"Ma'am, step aside." The officer said sternly opening the door.

Getting in the room, the bed was empty and the man was no where to be found. Taylor let out a sigh of relief when the officer didn't waste anything in the room.

"Last question, do you take out the trash every Tuesday? "

"Depends on the the load. " Taylor replied taking the officer out. She watched him drive away before going back inside.

"Jey? " Taylor whispered.

"In here, " he replied from the walk in closet.

"I thought you were asleep. "Taylor said when he came out limping. Walking was still a struggle but he was trying.

"I heard voices than I decided to hide. I couldn't sleep, " Jey said dropping to the bed next to her.

"You still in pain ?" Taylor asked.

Jeys eyes met hers and she froze. She always seemed uncomfortable when that happened. His eyes were cold and penetrative. "No, " he replied without looking away.

He was admiring her features. He got closer to her, checking for any signals that he shouldn't do this but there was none. There was sexual tension between them and he wanted to just put that part to rest so that he knows its just that. He captured her lips in kiss

Jey pulled her on his lap.  his hands under her skirt, cupping both her ass cheeks. He was feeling on her. His finger rubbed on her clit through her panties. Her body stiffened at the feeling that rushed her whole body.

Jey broke the kiss. "You don't have to be afraid of me. " he said.

"I'm not. " Taylor said.

Jey's hands invaded her private area and she gasped at the introduction of his finger inside of her. He went at a slow pace. "Damn your tight as fuck. " he said.

Taylor moaned when his finger reached her g-spot. "Oh my god. Don't stop. Please don't stop. " she cried out, her nails digging on his arm. He circled her clit while fingering her and she lost it. Arching her back, toes curling. "C'mon don't be forget to call me daddy when you cumming. " he said.

Taylor tightly closed her eyes. Leaning back. "I'm going to cum. Daddy I'm cumming. " she moaning filling his hand with her juices.

"Thats a good girl. " Jey said withdrawing his finger from her and sucking on them. "Taste like heaven. " he added .

Taylor was beyond turned on watching him suck his hands of her juice. She liked the masculine energy that he possessed. She has seen the scars on him while he battled a fever, she knows he was a bad boy but she was drawn to him for some reason. When she saw the erection on his shorts, she took her clothes off one by one. "I want more. " she said meeting him for a passionate kiss again.

Jey turned her over and he was on top of her. Kissing on her neck and biting on her ear. "Your sexy as fuck." He said on her ear. His shorts came off and it was hammer time. This was the longest he had to go without it.

He messaged his dick head over her clit. "On the pill? " he asked and Taylor nodded.

Jeys Pov.

I could see her afraid as I prepared to stretch her and that I was going to do because I was frustrated, sexually. She was walking around me with some tight ass shorts and leggings knowing that she pretty as hell.

Her daughter was a spoilt meany who called me 'black man' and I doubt her mother has ever had any 'black man' dick since she living in an all white area. Even though her daughter was mean but we formed a connection, she was looking forward to seeing me after school, doing little bracelets for me, drawing me and Taylor in her art class and I didn't want that for her or her mom. I don't want them involved in my world.   Don't get it all mixed up, I appreciate her help, a lot but me, I'm a hoe so I'm definitely smashing.

With one big push of my body forward, I'm already buried on her and she has her hand on my chest breathing hard on my face. She was so tiny and it felt like I was towering over her. "Jey, I... "

I get down to her face, still buried in her, I place my hands behind her head. "Address me as daddy when I'm buried inside of you. " I commanded.

"Yes, daddy. Just don't move yet. "She begged, kissing my chest. That touched my heart and I easied up a bit. "I'm not gonna until you comfortable. " I said. My hands explored her body while I waited for her to adjust. I messaged her tits,  sacked on them before I went down on her clit circling it causing her to moan.

I slowly moved in and out her tight pussy. Her pussy gripping me effortlessly causing me to groan. I give her fast, deep thrusts wanting to stretch her wall as she moans my name.

"Right there, " she moans as I was fucking her with her legs on my arms.

"You so wet baby. " I said as her pussy did the talking.

"You fucking me good daddy, oh that is so deep. " she moaned and honestly she had some good pussy. "But I need you deeper."

Placed both of the pillows under her, which drove me deeper into her. "U ugh shit. Do that again. " I groaned still hitting it, pulling her tiny body into me until she was on her arms, high-pitch moaning. "I'm cumming. " she said.

"I know. " I said feeling her cumming on my dick.

I go on her like a caged animal feeling my own release coming. The veins on my body tightening. That is how I know that I had a good fuck. I release while relentlessly knocking her walls down and she squirts on my dick.

"Fuck, " I said withdrawing myself from her but I still ain't shrink. I'm still hard. "My back is killing me. Hop in it. "

She sits on it and right now I just want to get nasty. I grab both her arms putting them behind her. Pounding her as she is on top of me. She meets my trusts and just like that I'm going crazy enjoying the ride. She bounces on top of me as I grip her tighs cumming.

"I have to get Mindy from school, " she said leaving. I think we have got rid of the sexual tension between us.

Without her in my sight, I use her laptop wanting to do my research on what I got myself in working with Bobby and his guys. I type the name of the organisation he made me join.

Authors Pov.

The search of the organisation led in straight to the home page of the organisation, requesting his password. Jey entered his password and he was shocked to see what this was all about.

"What the hell? " Jey asked himself.

Going through list of underage girls working as sex slaves around the world. A long list at that and they were all making money from that. Jey wanted to vomit thinking that he spent money made from this.

"Organ trade ? " Jey clicked that option to see profiles of people who had their body parts stolen.

Incoming donor...

The screen loaded as he was busy going through each and every person.

Gender - female
Age - 21
Residing - New York
Blood type -RHnull
Organ to donate - Multiple ....

The information kept filling the screen. Jey frowned, this information loading on the screen was familiar to him.

      Attachment loading....

Already sold to Bulgaria.

Jey knew that he was leaving right now. He didn't think it would be this soon but as soon as Taylor gets home, he was telling her goodbye. He paced, looking at the clock.

"What is happening? " Taylor asked as she closed the door. Mindy ran to Jey hugging his knees. "Mindy, how was your day princess ?" Jey asked lifting her on his arms.

"Good, " Mindy said excited. Telling him about everything that she did today.

Taylor sensed something was wrong and told Mindy to go to her room. "You seem tense, what is wrong? "Taylor asked him.

Jey couldn't look at her. "I have to leave now. I was just waiting for you to come back so I could tell you goodbye. " He said.

Taylor didn't know what to say. She felt all sorts of emotions but used and betrayed were the strongest. She thought after the passion they shared he was feeling they same way towards her but she was wrong. She had caught feelings and he just wanted inside her pants. "You coming back? " she had a little bit of hope.

"Its best if I stay away. I'm not what you need or want. "Jey told her honestly.

Taylor had her hands on her head. She felt like a fool, thinking she could change a man who was for the streets into a husband. He was as cold hearted as how he was described on the papers when he was alerted as a missing person. "Why now, why today? " Taylor asked.

"Because now more than ever my family needs me. " he said pulling his hoodie over his head. "Tell Mindy I said bye. "

"YOU LEAVING, WHY? " Mindy yelled behind them.

Jey bent down to her level. Wiping her tears. He wanted to beat himself up for making himself a part of their lives and living them. "I have to. Don't cry princess. I was never good enough for you and your mother. " He tried consoling the little girl.

"But I want you. Your good for me. " Mindy said.

Jey shook his head. "I'm not. Believe me when I say this and I don't speak no lies. If I continue to stay here I am going to hurt the both of you or bring harm to you. "

"How ?" Mindy asked.

"I'm trouble. " that is how he can put it to a little girl. Mindy wrapped her little arms around his neck. "I DON'T CARE. DON'T GO. "

Taylor was crying watching this. She pulled her daughter to her.

"I'm sorry. " Jey said.

"DON'T LEAVE PLEASE... DON'T LEAVE US. I DON'T WANT HIM TO GO. " Mindy cried reaching for him.

"Take this. Its my late husbands car. " Even though she was mad she still wanted to do something generous, that was how she was. "... and money for anything you would need. "

"Thank you. " he said without looking at Mindy.  He wanted his heart cold as a freezer before knowing he would kill somebody.

"I'd rather have money than feelings." He said his personal motto over and over again.


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