Again | See You Sequel โœฎ ๐‘ฏ๐’–...

By pinktormaline

3.6K 228 117

๐€๐ ๐š๐ข๐ง- ๐’๐ž๐ž ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐’๐ž๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ฅ Some people don't know what they have until it's gone. But what abou... More

โ™กAuthor's Noteโ™ก
CHAPTER 1 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 3 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 4 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 5 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 6 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 7 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 8 -Kame Island-
CHAPTER 9 -York New-
CHAPTER 10 -York New-
CHAPTER 11 -York New-
CHAPTER 12 -York New-
CHAPTER 13 -York New-
CHAPTER 14 -York New-
CHAPTER 15 -York New-
CHAPTER 16 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 17 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 18 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 19 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 20 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 21 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 22 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 23 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 24 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 25 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 26 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 27 - Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 28 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 29 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 30 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 31 -Devil's Sea-
CHAPTER 32 -Devil's Sea-

CHAPTER 2 -Kame Island-

151 9 3
By pinktormaline

Third person POV

Shocked by the sudden disappearance of Rin's doppelganger, Gon's bewilderment morphed into a determined quest to find her. His amber eyes darted through the dispersing crowd, searching for any trace of her distinctive presence.

'She has to be Rin! There's no other way to explain it!'

Gon attempted to trace her scent through the air. Yet, to his growing astonishment, her scent seemed to have dissipated, leaving him with no tangible lead.

'Her scent stops here? Did she disappear or...?'

The once-familiar fragrance that lingered during their arm wrestling match now eluded him, as if she had become an ephemeral presence, slipping through the cracks of reality. Undeterred, Gon continued to navigate through the crowd, his determination fueling each step. Suddenly, a familiar voice called out his name.


The sun cast a warm glow on the approaching silhouette, and as he drew closer, the features became clearer. It was Killua.

Killua approached with a casual swagger, his hand nonchalantly tucked into his pockets. His sapphire blue eyes lit up as they met Gon, and a familiar grin played on his lips while his unruly silver hair danced in the sea breeze. His once-boyish features had matured into those of a handsome young man. 

"Gon!" he called out. He closed the distance with a few quick strides. 

"Hey, it's been ages! I can't believe we finally managed to meet up." Killua's  pulled Gon into a heartfelt hug.

"It's good to see you, Gon," Killua said, patting Gon on the back as they pulled away from the embrace.


The jovial atmosphere of the greeting was quickly overshadowed by the realization that something was amiss. Killua, attuned to the subtle shifts in Gon's demeanor, could sense the something was amiss.

"What's going on? You seem a bit... off. You looked like you've seen a ghost." Killua studied Gon's expression, a shadow of concern flickered in his eyes.

Gon took a deep breath before broaching the subject. "Killua... I think I just saw Rin."


Killua regarded Gon with a skeptical furrow in his brow. The name Rin echoed with a quiet reverence, a memory etched into the fabric of their shared past.

"Gon, we've talked about this before. You promised you wouldn't bring this up again." Killua said with a sigh as he raked his hair to the back of his head.

"Killua, I swear, it's real this time! I saw her. The girl at the arm wrestling match looked exactly like Rin!"

Gon, undeterred but acutely aware of the incredulity in Killua's gaze, pressed on. "I know it sounds crazy, but I swear, it was like seeing a ghost. The same smile, the same eyes, the same scent!"


"I'm not making this up. It's like she was standing right there in front of me. We even had an arm wrestling match! Her strength was even the same!"


"I felt her presence. It was like a punch in the gut. You've got to believe me!"


"Killua, Rin is still alive--!"

"Gon, that's enough!" Killua snapped.

The abrupt outburst left Gon surprised, his eyes widening at the sudden shift in Killua's tone. Seeing the look on Gon's face, Killua softened, his anger dissipating into a heavy sigh.

"Gon, I get that you miss her. Rin meant a lot to both of us, but it's been years. I know it's tough, but hanging on like this won't bring her back. You need to move on, Gon. We both do."

The weight of Killua's words settled upon Gon like a heavy fog, and for a moment, the port seemed to echo with the unspoken sorrow of their shared history. Gon, overwhelmed with a surge of emotion, felt a lump form in his throat, threatening to betray the stoicism he was trying to maintain.

For a moment, the port held its breath, the sound of distant waves and the creaking of docked boats providing a backdrop to the unspoken understanding between the two friends. Gon, despite the emotional tempest within, nodded.

"Yeah... You're right."

The awkward residue of the emotional exchange lingered between Gon and Killua. The once easy camaraderie now carried the weight of unspoken words, and the air seemed to hum with the tension of unresolved emotions.

Sensing the palpable discomfort, Killua, with a measured smile, broke the silence. "Hey, Gon, it's been five years. Let's just enjoy our time together, catch up, and leave these thoughts behind, okay?"

"You're right, Killua." Gon managed a hesitant smile. "But um... I thought you came here with Alluka, where is she anyway?"

Killua, momentarily taken aback, turned to glance over his shoulder, half-expecting to find his sister in tow. "What are you talking about? She's right here--"

To his surprise, the spot where she had stood just moments ago was now vacant.



Alluka, with a sense of exploration in her blue eyes, strolled down the narrow street flanked by stalls and vendors, each one a treasure trove of island delights. Colorful fabrics billowed in the breeze, and the scent of exotic spices mingled with the briny aroma of the sea. Handcrafted trinkets adorned the stalls, catching the sunlight in a dazzling display of craftsmanship. The call of hawkers promoting their wares, the distant hum of boat engines, and the laughter of children playing nearby created a symphony of island life.


Mesmerized by the array of goods on display, Alluka's steps slowed as she indulged in the sensory feast. She marveled at the intricacies of handmade jewelry, traced her fingers along the textures of woven fabrics, and savored the rich colors of the tropical fruits piled high in baskets. The vendors, with warm smiles, shared stories of their creations, adding to the enchantment of the seaside market.

"Hey there, young lady. You alone?"

Turning her gaze to the source of the voice, Alluka caught sight of a group of sinister figures.

"Who are you?" Alluka asked with her bright innocent blue eyes.

The air became charged with tension as the group of thugs, clad in worn leather and wearing expressions of trouble approached.

"Why don't you play with us for a little while?" One of the thugs snickered.

"Onii-chan wouldn't like that. He told me not to play with strangers."

"I'm pretty sure Onii-chan wouldn't mind if you play with us Nii-chans." The other person chimed in. 

Alluka's innocence remained as the thugs closed in. Just as their hands reached out to grab her, a sudden eruption of action disrupted the impending danger.


A swift punch cracked through the air, catching the lead thug square in the face. The unexpected assailant, a girl with long, flowing black hair in a ponytail, stood resolute with her vibrant red cultural outfit that billowed with each assertive movement. Her eyes blazed with determination as she faced down the would-be assailants.

"Enough!" she commanded, her tone laced with authority. "This is not the place for your games."

The lead thug, nursing the aftermath of the unexpected punch, scowled but hesitated. The air hung heavy with the unspoken challenge between the defiant guardian and the would-be troublemakers.

"Think twice before you try messing with someone on this island," the girl in red continued, her gaze piercing through the dimming sunlight.

"Hey, boss, isn't she the disciple from the arm wrestling competition?"

"Y-you mean she's the infamous--"

The other thugs exchanged uneasy glances. The atmosphere shifted, the once-threatening presence now subdued by the unexpected force of the girl in red.

With a final warning glare, she watched as the group begrudgingly retreated, their menacing postures diminishing with each retreating step.

"Jeez, way to be a tourist-friendly island. I can't believe these things keep on happening. Now the port needs more patrolling." The girl rolled her eyes as she grunted under her breath.

The girl in red turned back to Alluka, her stern expression softening into a reassuring smile.

"You're safe now," she reassured as she patted the top of her head.

Alluka stared at the girl in red with wide eyes filled with stars. As the mysterious girl was about to leave, Alluka's hand automatically grabbed her sleeve.



"I-I got separated from my brother," she stammered.

The girl's expression softening with empathy as she nodded with a smile. "Don't worry, we'll find your brother. Can you describe him to me?"

As Alluka described her brother's characteristics with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, the girl in red reached into her pocket and pulled out a small notepad and a pen.

"Okay. We'll find him together," she declared, offering a reassuring smile. "What's your name?"

"I'm Alluka."

"Well, Alluka, just give me a second."

However, as the mysterious girl started sketching, it became evident that her artistic talents were not as refined as her courage. The lines on the notepad formed a rather comical rendition of a face, complete with exaggerated features that seemed to defy the description Alluka had provided.

"Great! Now, we can find your brother with this!"

Alluka had a blank face on upon seeing the sketch.




"Yeah! It looks exactly like Onii-chan!"


Killua POV

Frantically weaving through the crowded port, I felt the weight of panic settles in my chest. My sister, Alluka, was missing, and it wasn't even the first time this happened! I swear to god, sometimes she can be so elusive! Where the hell did she learn how to use Zetsu, anyway?!

I had promised myself I wouldn't let my eyes wander from Alluka, especially in this lively and potentially overwhelming port. The reunion Gon had momentarily drawn my attention away, and in that brief lapse, she had vanished. Guilt gnawed at me, and I couldn't shake the fear that gripped my heart.

Worry propelled my steps as I quickened my pace, dodging vendors and shoppers in my desperate quest to find Alluka. The vivid tapestry of island life became a blur as I navigated through the maze of stalls, my senses heightened. I can sense her! She's close!


Just as the knot of anxiety tightened in my stomach, my momentum came to an abrupt halt. I collided with someone, the impact sending shockwaves through my body. The world spun, and I found myself sprawled on the ground.

'What the hell?! Did I just bump into a boulder?!'

The collision was sudden, and I couldn't suppress the burst of annoyance that escaped my lips. "Hey, are you blind?! Watch where you're going!"

"You're the one with eyes on your toes! Watch where YOU'RE going!" the person's voice retaliated, her voice matching my irritation.

As I lifted my gaze to meet hers, ready to continue our heated exchange, my words caught in my throat. My eyes widened in shock, and time seemed to freeze.

"....!" My annoyance transformed into a gaping void as shock and disbelief coursed through me.

The girl before me bore an uncanny resemblance, a haunting reflection of someone who had once been immeasurably precious to me. A person I had watched being consumed by flames, as the merciless flames of the cremation pyre claimed her. A person whose ashes I had collected, whose remains I had held in my trembling hands.


It was her—the one I mourned, the one whose departure had left a void in my soul. The sight of her doppelganger, alive and standing before me, shattered the carefully constructed walls around the grief I had buried deep within. My throat tightened as I struggled to breathe, and my hands trembled, betraying the emotional storm raging within.

"Y-you--" I whispered, the word escaping my lips like a desperate prayer.

The past, the pain, and the haunting memories converged in the gaze I exchanged with the girl in red. She, who shared the characteristics of the one I thought I had bid farewell to forever, stood as a living contradiction to the grief that had once consumed me.

The girl in red, still caught up in the confrontation, paused, studying my face. A flicker of recognition crossed her features.

"It's you!" The shock in my eyes mirrored hers as the realization dawned on her face.

"You're exactly like the person in my sketch! You're Alluka's brother!" she suddenly pointed at me with a triumphant exclamation.


Her enthusiasm was palpable, and she eagerly grabbed a piece of paper with a poorly drawn sketch. "Look!"

My bewilderment transformed into incredulity as she waved the sketch in the air. The absurdity of the situation struck me. The lines and curves seemed to dance haphazardly on the paper, creating a caricature that bore little resemblance to any human, let alone me. A vein-popping mark formed on my forehead.

"What part of that crap looks like me?!" I yelled.

Just as things were about to escalated, I could hear Alluka's voice.



The sight of her brought an immediate warmth to my heart, dispelling the lingering shadows of worry. Alluka rushed towards us, her small figure weaving through the bustling crowd until she collided with me in a tight embrace.

"Onii-chan!!!" her eyes wide with a mixture of relief and joy.

"Alluka! Oh, thank god you're safe." The weight of the world lifted as I held her close, reassuring her that everything was okay.

"Yeah, that Nee-chan just helped me." Alluka pulled away from the embrace, her eyes twinkling as she turned to look at her mysterious savior.

"Huh? Where did she go?" her voice trailed off as she noticed the empty space where the girl had stood.


Third Person POV

Just as Killua and Alluka exchanged speculative glances, Gon walked into the scene, his timing impeccable.

"Killua! Thank goodness you found Alluka." Gon exclaimed as he gained closer to the siblings.

"You know, I could've tracked her scent if it wasn't for you frantically running through the port before I could--"

'This smell...'

A familiar scent wafted through the air, captivating his senses. Gon's eyes widened with recognition, and an understanding smile played on his lips.

"Gon... Remember the girl you were talking about."

Gon's eyes, deep pools of contemplation, met Killua's. The mention of that encounter seemed to stir something within him.

"I don't know what you mean." Gon said with a mischievous grin, pretending not to grasp the gravity of the situation.

"Oh, come on! The girl you said that looks like Rin. I think... I think I just bumped into her." Killua said, still not trusting his eyes.

"So, you believe me, now?" Gon raised his eyebrow.

"Ugh. I'm sorry I didn't believe you earlier! Gosh, you're getting stingier by the year." Gon burst into laughter, the tension momentarily lifted as he confessed to the ruse.

The joyful atmosphere, however, took a serious turn as Killua's expression shifted. "But we can't make any assumption just yet, she... might be someone that just looks like her."

Gon, with a determined look, met Killua's gaze.

"There's only one way to find out."


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