Dead or Alive (One Piece x Re...

By coco_plays_196

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(one piece various x reader) Isekai reader! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (y/n) some how whines up in one piece Now she gott... More

.:*โ˜†DEAD OR ALIVEโ˜†*:.
wishes and worlds
New life and a Blind man
Meeting the warlord's !
Star's in the sky's
The spring's of bad news
Goodbye old friend and hello new
Rememberable Adventures! Part: 1
Rememberable Adventures part:2

Lier's, thief's and father's fear's

893 44 13
By coco_plays_196

key info:

(y/n) - Your name

(n/n)-  Nickname

(h/c) - Hair colour

(S/c) - Skin colour

(F/c) - Fav colour 


wealth. Fame. Power. The man who had everything in this world... The Pirate King, Gold Roger. The great treasure he left behind, One Piece has opened the curtain on a grand era! It is a time when eager pirates set sail, battle, and become great! The Great Age of Pirates! Words he spoke drove countless men out to sea. And so men set sights on the Grand Line, in pursuit of their dreams. The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!


The young girl stood frozen, her chest jumped from a hiccup of breath that she had held and books fell to the ground with a thud load ageist the quite of the library. The Two stay lock in eye contact for what seemed like forever before a smile quirked its way onto the girls face.

"CROCY !" she ran and jumped into the tall mans arms. 

y/n pov:

I had remembered the time I met all the warlords, I also remember how worried I made Fujitora and I remember all the other times I spent with them, The Warlords, be it make overs with Hancock and girls trips, being taken on trips (being kidnapped) to Mihawk's island or naps with Kuma!  once there was a time where doffy ran away from the admirals and crocodile with me on his shoulders, I spent some great times with them, it was so fun! 

crocodiles arms wrapped around me "hello to you too miss (y/n)" he spoke in his deep voice. "I missed you crocy ! what you doing here !" I smiles up to him sat on his lap in his arms. He released a small chuckle and replied "just sight seeing nothing for your small head to worry for"  moving my hair out my face for me with his finger, "I wasn't worried I know your strong a croc!" I giggled out "what are you doing here little miss? run away from big old blindy again?" crocodile said reaching for a cuppa tea by him "nope ! he's around front, I'm picking out some books!" I said stealing the tea from him and sipping it my self, "you know stealing bad for a little girl like you especially from a warlord like my self" he said taking the tea and placing it down with a smirk before sending sand to pick my abandoned books from the ground "what books are you interested in ?" he said examining the floating book quietly before placing all but one down. As he dose I played with the floating sand causing him to playfully brush some on my cheek. I giggled "I like info book and skill based books! I also love history! " I said referring mainly to the books on navigation and craftsmanship. "And yet still a child at heart, even with a smart head you still love a good fairy tale" holding up 'The story of Noland the Lier' I puffed my cheeks out and trued away from crocodile as he chuckles "here let read it together" turning back to crocodile I go comfy in his arm and he read..

 A story over four hundred years ago...

In a certain country in the northern seas,
there was a man named Mont Blanc Noland.
Noland the Explorer's stories were always grand adventures that sounded like lies.
But the people of the village could never tell if they were true or not.

One time, Noland went on an expedition,
and came back to report to the king.
"I saw a mountain of gold on an island across the great seas."
To see for himself, the brave king took two thousand warriors
and crossed the great seas in his ship.
He fought powerful storms and huge sea monsters.

Finally, the king, Noland, and one hundred soldiers landed on the island.
But what they found there was nothing but jungle.
Noland was sentenced to death for his lies.
These were his last words.
"That's it! The mountain of gold sank into the ocean!!!" The king and the others were shocked.

Nobody believed Noland anymore, but he never stopped lying until he was dead

" so do you think Noland lied ?" crocodile asked me "No! I don't if I know enything about this world it's that strange thing happen all the time ! I believe Noland" I said pouting at Noland's death. "Well you'd be the first in 400 year" crocodile said patting my hair, we continued to talk for a while before his den den mushi went off causing him to sigh "It was a pleasure as usual miss (y/n) but I have work to do " patting my head a final time "(y/n) you'll make a great marine" he said before using his sand to hand me 2 more book and then disappearing out a window in him sand form leaving me alone "But I want to be a pirate..." I looked down at the 2 books 'the Poneglyphs' and a book with no tile, did crocodile really just give these to me! I decided to look in the untiled book. 'no way!' it was a book on all of the world governments cover ups ! I skimmed to a chapter called 'buster call of Ohara' 'no fucking way, I wanted to know about this! did crocodile know?' I closed to book and stuffed it into my rucksack along with 'the Poneglyphs' and grabbed my 3 books and ran to where Fujitora was 'I'll look at them later!' leaving crocodiles tea and a gust of sand behind unnoticed.

narrator pov:

Making her way to the front of the store (y/n) jumped up and down Infront of Fujitora holding the 3 books up " Dad! Dad! Here theses 3 please !" she held the books up to Fujitora. Fujitora took the books genially from the girl "(y/n) I though we agreed only 2 books at a time?" Fujitora trued his head down at the girl with a fatherly disappointed look "Don't worry about it sir! one can be on the house!" the old shopkeeper said "It's not every day a get a Young'un in here with a passion for books anymore!" the shopkeeper said cheerfully, only checking 2 of the books for the price this caused Fujitora to sigh "I'm trying to keep her on a only two book diet because she manage to swindle one of our commadores to buy her 107 books, so no one else goes with her but me now" Fujitora shook his head and turned to (y/n) "you always somehow get what you desire eh?" (y/n) puffed her cheeks out and grumbled turning away from Fujitora "Rosi wanted to buy them all for me" Fujitora paid for the book and bid the shopkeeper goodbye before turning back to (y/n). They walked out the shop, (y/n) leading the way "well Rosinante also got in trouble for it and you had 2 of our crew lug the books on to the ship, honestly it's like your the captain and not me, they listen to you imminently. they do adore you." Fujitora said with a chuckle. "once again not my fault " (y/n) smirked and slowed to skipped by Fujitora "I can sense your sass missy, don't need to see it to hear it " Fujitora handed (y/n)  her books and she took them and slid her rucksack of her shoulders and  placed them in her rucksack. (y/n) and Fujitora continued making there way though the crowded market big hand in small hand, cheerfully talking about anything together always content in each others presents. After wondering shop to shop they made there way to a cloths store "okay here" Fujitora handed her a small bag of Beri's. the small girl excepted the bag already knowing Fujitora's plan "you go buy some cloths and I'll be back in 10 okay little one no wondering off" Fujitora wave (y/n) off  and left the girl who made her way into the shop. Fujitora had left her for short periods of time for ages now always returning back shortly and waited out side for her to finish. (y/n) made her way into the shop as Fujitora left. As (y/n) entered the shop she greeted the lady at the front she was a young lady and the lady greeted her back cheerfully. (y/n) wondered the shop, aisle by aisle looking at all the outfits and cloths and finally landed on a rack that had a large dark purple jumper hanging from it, (y/n) was only a size 9-10 being a little tall for her age but the jumper was a large in adults it looked like a dress when she held it up to her self but she found it so cute so she put it in her backet she grab earlier from the front as she greeted the lady at the till. It had been about 15 mins and Fujitora wasn't out side then shop, (y/n) choses to ignore it he always came back for her. (y/n) continued to stroll the shop grabbing essentials she needed when she heard the shop bell ring, paying to mind to it but then she heard a scream.

"Q-QUITET AND GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY NOW!" (y/n) froze for a moment realising what's happening. she quietly placed her basket and rucksack down and crouched down slowly. 

y/n pov:

I crouched down quietly and made my way to a hided spot so I could see the commotion. there stood a shacky man with a bag and a knife pointed at the shop lady, the lady looked terrified her eyes where wide and hands up shakily. I didn't like it no I hate it, she innocent why do this, the man looked to be a common thief and no pirate why is he doing this ? I felt my first grow pale I didn't even realise I'd been holding my fist so tight I stared at my first for a second as they shock before hearing another scream from the lady, my head snapped up he had his hand gripping her top pulling her to him "give me the fucking money!" he held the knife to her neck I could see a faint red line form and a single drop of blood fell, I watched as it fell and hit the counter top that separated them everything felt like it was in slow motion...

I didn't even feel my body move It was like I wasn't in control but when I finally realised I was on top of the man punching him ...hard...there was blood on my first from his no broken nose.

"OH MY GOD" the lady screamed as I got off him. the lady made her way from the other side of the counter rapidly and stumbly till she was on her knees behind of me and she grabbed me turned me around "Are you okay?!" she pulled me close to her, she was shacking alot and tears fell down her cheeks one after the other and we held each other as she cried on me. I was in shock I couldn't move. I turned my head back as I watched the man struggle to get up and run but as he pushed the door open I watched get knocked down by a giant bird 'giant bird? oh yeah I'm in alabaster then because that's pell wait PELL!' I snapped out of it for a second as he shifted and waked towards up "are you ok yuki? and young girl?" I manage to just nod as the shopkeeper 'yuki' explain what happened and my bravery "I see" pell said as he got down and one knee Infront of me and held one of my shoulders and 'yuki' held me "what you did was brave little bird but dangerous , now where's your guardian?" 'yuki' spoke up for me "she came with an marine and he dropped her off I don't know where he is but he headed to the food side of the market pell" I shook my head to snap out of my thoughts and finally found my words "My name is (y/n) I'm the daughter of vice admiral Fujitora, he dropped me off to buy cloths and he went to do his own thing, I always wait for him in the shop he left me in he's only been about 30 minutes now" pell nodded and stood up helping 'yuki' up and me I took his celeste dry hand as he pulled me to my feel. "I will tie this man up and wait with you (y/n) till your father returns to explain the situation to him with you" I nodded and turned to 'yuki'  "I have some shopping for you to scan and for me to pay for" I watched 'yuki' shack her head and smile" on the house for saving my life, pell's right what you did was brave for someone so young at that but now knowing your the child of a marine I guess for you its second nature" she smiled at me brightly "now go get the cloths and I'll bag them for you!" I had a feeling in my chest 'is this pride or am I happy for free stuff? ' I quickly nod with a smile and when to grab my stuff. 

Just as she finished I seen Fujitora basically run toward the shop with 7 of our crew with him.

Fujitora swung the door open and beelined to my presents "Are you hurt I herd what happened and came eminently , (y/n) are you okay?" he crouched down to me and held me, he placed a hand on the back of my head and held me close ' what is this feeling ? relief ? some how I've never felt so loved before till right now... why is it so odd to believe someone cares about me?"

narrator pov:

Fujitora held the girl worry clouding him, when he herd from whispers that the shop had been almost robbed. He had almost sent building in the air with his devil fruit before running to the shop, a few of his men seen him run and assumed (y/n) was in trouble so followed to make sure she's okay. as soon as Fujitora had the girl in his arms the grip he had on her never wavered and tighten as she cried. A girl with never but a smile on her face, cried on Fujitora. Everyone assumed it was because of the events but little did everyone know its because of the love she felt. With all the marines worried for her asking if she was okay it over whelmed her so much everyone of the marines asked if she was okay or hurt or if they could do enything to help her. Fujitora's grip on her is what broke her with a hand on her head and other arm around her, she felt safe and she'd never self this safe before. "I'm okay! just shaken up !" she said with a teary bright smile. pell came forward and explain what happened as Fujitora stood up with (y/n) in arms "she save my life" yuki said with a teary smile her self "you raised a beautiful strong young girl sir truly" Fujitora let out a breath he didn't realizes he was holding. pell then spoke "sir if you don't mind ill be taking this man into custody now" pell grabbed the thief and through him over his shoulder and before pell could take his leave he was stopped by a small hand grabbing his pant leg, pell trued his head to see the little girl who saved the day "thank you pell  he would of got away if you didn't come flying in !" (y/n) bared a teary but large smile at the zoan man, pell then patted her head softly letting his fingers run though "no problem" he said in a soft hushed voice smiling softly at the girl before flying of into the endless sky.

Fujitora came and picked the girl up as she watch pell fly of into the sky's "come now (y/n) you we will head back to the ship, we'll go to the spring's tomorrow" Fujitora held the girl in a soft grip afraid that she'd break in his arms like a willed flower, he directed his men to grab the bags and follow on with a simple node.

The men and small girl walked to the ship as the sun was setting in the distance and golden Huw painted the world around. Fujitora placed the girl down on deck as the crew rushed to her asking if she's okay and that he was so very brave.

Fujitora's pov:

'She is yet but a child but everyone who come to meets her, love's her with there whole heart,... Sengoku was right if I am to look after her any truther I will not be able to let her go , I-I must leave her soon...but I can't, it only been almost 2 years and yet her I am calling her my daughter as if I was the one who truly raised her... this will trouble her in time people will come to hurt her to hurt me just like with zephyr... I will wait till she's 10  then I will have to give her up... for someone so young she so strong I wish not to hurt her but if I am to let her grow, I have to let her learn on her own' I look on at her as I can sense my men hold her and hear there kind word '...they love her to... just like everyone who come to meet you (y/n) my daughter my strong beautiful daughter...where we always meant to say goodbye? where we meant to meet in the world? it's as if fate called me to be your father...and you my you know that I so love you so, that love you enough to let you go.. be strong be brave my precious daughter please for this old mans heart that couldn't be around to watch you grow into a young woman.' I sigh to my self as I watched her figure run to be and hug my legs "dad! dad! then men want to frow a feast for my fight can we? can we !" I petted her hair 'I wonder what shade of (h/c) you have' "of course little one" I could sense her joy 'if I am to leave you I'll leave you with memories you'll never forget little one , my little daughter oh so brave yet so young, may your heart never waver from the path you choses to take. I just wish I could see that smile of yours I bet it's so bright....'

narrators pov:

As the dusk settled at the end of the day and all the crew had there share of the feast many went to bed and allowed dream to welcome them to the lands of lumber ,all but one girl who sat in her bed not allowing sleep to welcome her as she sat reading the mysterious book she was gifted allowing her to work out her age in this and events and times, the pirate king died 6 years ago meaning ace is only 2 at this time. many secrete where in this book many to yet to be told.

The girl placed her book down as she heard a knock at her door "come in" she said quite enough not to wake other but to allow who knocks to hear. the door cracked open as the man she knew all to well waked in and sat by her "you should be asleep (y/n) but I guess fate spites me tonight" Fujitora say softly, (y/n) tilled her head confused "spites you ?" Fujitora chuckled sadly and took a breath before speaking "we will have to part one day, you know this right?" (y/n) paused before slowly nodding " you will have to grow on your own, would you want this?" (y/n) did not respond "what I am trying to say is when we finally have to part will it upset you?" with out a miss of beat " of course it will , ill be upset I love you and would miss you but your my dad you always say you know what's best for me, right?" a simple nod was all Fujitora could muster. Fujitora picked up a book "The story of Noland the Lier, huh? let me read this to you" Fujitora started to clear the bed for the girl to sleep before a little hand stopped him. "can we sleep in your bed tonight ?" the small child said quietly almost up heard with the sound of waves crashing against the ship, Fujitora smiled softly "of course my daughter" he picked (y/n) up in one swift sweep and turned her light of as they left to Fujitora's equators. placing (y/n) in his bed Fujitora got comfortable in the other side. (y/n) moved to lean against Fujitora's chest and they sat in bed, Fujitora began to read "A story over four hundred years ago..."

The night was warm and stars shined bright, all in land was in peace in the quiet of the night, the bustling of the market silent now with in darkness but just as a father and daughter sat in bed reading a story together another father and daughter in the castle of alabasta did the same. two family completely different yet the same, two daughters the same yet different, one in the future will stay with her father only leaving to protect her home and another left and never got to sit in peace with her father ever again become what the father had to fight for justice and that justice is what broke there family apart ...

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