Should've Stayed Away- Joseph...

By wilting_dahlias

59.4K 2.4K 523

In a small city in 1963 France, the idea of mixed schooling was a heavily controversial action amongst the pe... More

shouldve stayed away
twenty one
twenty two


2.5K 120 14
By wilting_dahlias

The issue wasn't that Dupin was necessarily unattractive. He had a decent enough face and well I mean he had good hair. The problem was every time I saw him, he was right next to Descamps which was unfortunate for Dupin because Descamps was significantly more attractive. I had been trying to talk to Dupin for a few days now, ever since Annick introduced the plan but every time he was with his stupid friends.

Like today, he was sitting across the library from us with Descamps, pretending to work on homework. I sighed in frustration as he once again chose to try and put Descamps in a headlock instead of actually doing his work. And he needed to too, he failed almost every test.

"What if you actually fall for him?" Simone asked from my right. Annick and I looked at her in amusement, our own studying long forgotten. I patted the girl's shoulder and suppressed a giggle.

"You're too much of a romantic Simone," I said and glanced back at Dupin who was now loudly eating chips, "I think I'll somehow resist his charm.." I muttered. Annick laughed softly and nodded her head in agreement. It honestly surprised me she was so on board with the plan, it was a little manipulative.

I wasn't proud of the levels I was stopping to but my complete hatred for Descamps over took me. He had done nothing but tease and then humiliate me, all while wearing that little smirk.
I stood up and scooted the wooden library chair back, smiling at Simone and Annick as I did so.
"I'm going to do it" I said bravely and the two girls gave me surprised yet amused grins.

I began walking over, trying to hide the nerves suddenly taking over me as the reality of talking to Dupin sank in. Everything I would rather be doing flashed through my mind but my feet kept carrying me closer towards the sitting pair. Descamps raised his head and we made eye contact, his smile dropping, he sat up straighter. I looked away back to Dupin who was doodling a pair of boobs on his homework.

I stood for a moment before speaking, "Hi Dupin". My voice was slightly sweeter than usual, a charming little grin on my face. His head shot up and Dupin looked back at me with a confused look on his face. I could see Descamps lean on the table in interest, his hand moving to hold his chin.

"Hi," Dupin began before clearing his throat and responding in a deeper tone than before, "Hey Lydia". I resisted the strong urge to laugh at his attempt to seem more masculine, moving to sit down in the chair directly across from both of them. I looked at Descamps, glancing to his prominent Adam's apple before I averted my eyes to Dupin.

"I've been struggling so much in Chemistry and I heard you were really good at it", I began charmingly, adjusting the collar of my shirt slightly. I wasn't surprised in the slightest when Dupin's eyes quickly darted to my chest despite the complete lack of exposure. I stifled an eye roll and continued, "Do you think you could me a big favor and tutor me sometime soon?" I asked, biting my bottom lip softly in an attempt to appear nervous.

"I thought you got the highest mark on the last test?" Descamps interjected, his eyebrows furrowed in a fake curious expression. He wasn't hiding his emotions well though, I could see right through his feigned concern, jealously was reeling its ugly head. I gritted my teeth at his question and my mind raced for a plausible lie.

I leaned closer to him, "Yeah but the homework for this unit is more difficult than last time" there was a slight bitter edge to my voice as I responded to the one boy I didn't want to talk to. Descamps leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest, I did my best to avoid watching how his broad and muscular chest flexed. Not looking was my own form of torture.

Dupin nodded quickly, "Yeah, yeah of course we can do it tomorrow at my house" he volunteered and his brown eyes glinted with excitement. I was in for way more than I planned for, I never actually intended to spend any time alone with him. A glimpse of panic must have been evident on my face because Descamps smirked from across the table. I turned to him and felt like a predator's prey the way his eyes were narrowed, my plan was beginning to unravel before my very eyes.

"What's wrong Lydia? I thought you just so desperately needed the genius Dupin's help?" Descamps inquired teasingly. I had to very careful, if I messed up Descamps could completely figure out this was all a ploy but if I went too far I would be in Dupin's room.

"I do," I said as I gave Descamps a tight smile, "tomorrow works great for me, can we walk there after school?". Once again Dupin nodded in response and Descamps just shook his head in disbelief at me. I didn't look at him again before I walked away, feeling less victorious than I had anticipated. The seeds had been planted, my plan was in motion yet all I could feel was disappointed. Descamps hadn't interjected.

But then again why would he?

My scheduled tutoring session came far too quickly for my liking. All throughout the school day, I had been focusing on my work in an attempt to calm my growing nerves. It would be my first time hanging out with a guy alone ever. It didn't help that I was well aware of the fact that Dupin had his own strong attraction to me, most likely just because I was a girl and he was a sex crazed teenage boy who was used to only seeing girls on holiday breaks.

I bid farewell to Annick and trudged somberly over to a waiting Dupin, perched keenly by the school gate. To my unexpected dismay, Descamps wasn't anywhere around him for once. He saw me and clasped his hands together excited, "oh my god.." I thought, there was no way this plan was worth it.

The walk to his town house was luckily short and he droned on and on about how he and Descamps had once punched a whole in his family's wall. I nodded along, feeling my brain slowly turn to mush as he struggled to explain even the simplest of details.

It was a relief when we reached the expensive oak front door, he opened it for me and I walked in. I took in the nice decor and pricey flooring, he no doubt came from a well off family. Something else caught my eye though, my mouth dropped at the sight.

Joseph Descamps stood there in all of his glory, sloppily shoveling cereal into his mouth as he paced in the kitchen. He lifted his head to look at us and a drop of milk dripped from his smirking mouth. I quickly turned back to Dupin.

"What is he doing here?" I asked quietly, my hands drifting to fix my hair that had undoubtedly gotten messed up by the wind. Dupin looked at me with uncertainty before he himself noticed the tall boy in his kitchen, eating his food.

"Oh hey Descamps, you staying?" Dupin asked in amusement as if this was no big deal, walking past me and towards his friend. I bit my tongue and turned back to face Descamps who was smiling at me though it didn't reach his cold eyes. It was that dense mischievous smile he just loved to have, the one only appeared when he was making someone's life very miserable.

He nodded, setting the bowl down, "Yeah I figured if Lydia here was struggling, it's the least I could do," he lowered his tone, "you know she struggles so much... poor girl" Descamps murmured to Dupin and his friend nodded in sympathy.

I stood there across the kitchen counter with my eyes narrowed and mouth open slightly in shock, "Oh thanks so much for your concern Descamps but really, you didn't have to show up here. Really, you didn't."

He chuckled and walked over to me, arm moving to rest lazily around my shoulder, I glared at him and forced myself to ignore the way he warm and smelled of cologne. Dupin was too invested in finishing Descamps bowl to give us the time of day.

"Lydia, don't mention it. I know you need all the help available" He said condescendingly, moving his arm away from me. My neck felt oddly cold as he walked towards the table, sauntering away like he just loved to do. I followed begrudgingly, mentally kicking myself for thinking my idiot plan wouldn't find a way to backfire.

I sat across from him, opening my Chemistry book and staring at him. My patience with him was already long gone and he just continued to push it, sitting there all wide legged smirking at me. My eyes narrowed and he tilted his head challengingly.

"So are you going to help me or just sit there?" I asked annoyed. Descamps stretched and let out a yawn before grabbing his own textbook. He came prepared? Dupin walked over, sitting next to me to the delight of no one. He hadn't bothered to grab his own book and simply leaned over me to look at mine. I slowly turned to the chapter and began reading, to my dismay Dupin still insisted on reading right over my shoulder.

When he leaned in, I felt a long leg and foot nudge my own legs. I swiftly looked up, Descamps sat across from me, the only sign of guilt on his face was the small smirk. He kept reading as if he wasn't playing footsie with me like a child.

My own leg moved across the space separating us, stopping when my foot felt his pants leg. I then kicked his shin as hard as I could muster at that angle. He clenched his jaw and looked up and me, sporting me a death glare. I returned it with a smile before going back to the book, though I let his foot and leg stay against mine. The soft fabric of his pants soothed my cold bare legs, his body warmth radiating off of him just like it did earlier. I hated to admit it but it felt so good to be close to him. Only physically though, I hated when he opened that mouth.

Descamps skimmed a random page before he quickly forced the book shut, he looked at me blankly. I slowly closed my own book, I was rereading the chapter we were on that I'd reread about five times now.

"You know Dupin, it's getting a little late" Descamps said, ignoring me and adressing Dupin. Dupin looked at him confused, we'd been at his house for barely half an hour.

"It's hardly six" Dupin responded. Descamps stared emotionless at his friend and Dupin sighed, nodding in agreement. It seemed like he just did whatever Descamps wanted. Dupin cleared his throat and turned towards me, "Yeah it's getting late so I mean we can always reschedule this?" he asked and I cringed at the hopeful tone he possessed.

"Oh no it's fine, I think I've learned everything I can" I lied, smiling at him before I stood up. I began walking towards the door, glad that all of this was coming to an end when Descamps interrupted me.

"Lydia I'll walk you home".

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