Favorite Lesson (Slam Dunk Fa...

By Yel_lue04

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"I think, wherever you go, people will throw rocks on things that shine. I just want to blend in this time ar... More

一:春(Spring, New Beginning )
二Lesson 1: Happenstance
四Lesson 3: We're Humans, We Make Mistakes
五Lesson 4: Attention and Affection
六Lesson 5: When it Rains, It pours
七Lesson 6: Rewards and Consequences
八Lesson 7: Subtleness
九Lesson 8: Not Just Enough Yet
十Lesson 9: Back on our Feet
十一Lesson 10: Perfection
十二Lesson 11: Honest to the Self
十三 Lesson 12: A Little Bit of Everything
一四 Lesson 13: Not The Lucky One
十五 Lesson 14: A Line That Can't be Crossed
十五Lesson 15:Everything I Ever Wanted
十六 Lesson 16: Courage to Stay True
十七 Lesson 17: Back to the Center Stage
十八 Lesson 18: On Our Way
十九 Lesson 19: Of Our Endings
二十終わる Final Lesson
Prologue: Within Those Two Years

三Lesson 2: Line Without A Hook

102 3 0
By Yel_lue04

Back then, I watched people throwing their fishing lines and pulling them with a fish attached. That's why I also threw a line, I waited for an hour but caught nothing. He saw me and laughed hard saying that there should be a hook at the end of the fishing line. 

Now, I watch people throw themselves for their goals, for their dreams. Hooks are easy to buy and people can give it to you as a gift. But then, desire are motivation are something you find on your own. 


Amane woke up and was startled to see tall students from another school. They're all wearing their uniform and it rang a bell in her memory. It is Shohoku's uniform. She grabbed on her bag and covered her face. She has the instinct to hide from someone she doesn't even know. The lady stood from her seat and was about to move to the next carriage. There was a tremor and there were no nearby pole to hold on to. Someone grabbed on her hand. "Thank-", she lifted her head and saw Sakuragi. "Oh, red-head", she recognized. "I know you. I've been using the lunchbox you gave. It was sturdy", he praised. "It's rude calling you red-head. What's your name?", Amane asked. The two continued having a conversation. 

"Eh. Hanamichi is having a casual conversation with a pretty lady", the other second years are furious. "He looks like he's about to mug her. Go and save him from being stopped by the train guards", Akagi instructed. 

"Oh, so you play basketball. I actually have that impression since the first time I saw you. Well, you're quite tall", Amane nodded. "Are you visiting someone in Kamakura? We're going to have a practice game in there. This genius needs to spread his name all throughout Japan", Sakuragi gave a loud laugh making Amane also want to burst into laughter. She thought that the lad is interesting and amusing. If she could, she would invite him to collect as much bugs as they can. 

"Moron. We're near the stop", Rukawa called him. The train door opened. "See you around, Hanamichi-kun", Amane was rushing to get out of the train. Someone from her middle high might see her. 

Ryonan High

Amane wore a hoodie, sunglasses, and mask. "Someone seems suspicious", Takamiya tilted his head while eating snacks. "Hmmm, she looks familiar", Ohkusu hummed. "Then, are you spying for someone in Ryonan?", Mito removed her sunglasses. "It's the goddess", Noma had nosebleed. The two also felt being blinded by the light. Mito already adjusted that fast. "Wearing these things will make you more outstanding", the lad commented. "You're right", Amane gave a nervous laugh and followed the group. 


"You kept looking around as if someone will stab you", Mito noticed. "Well, I came here unannounced", Amane forced a laugh. "Don't worry. This group will be your personal guards", Takamiya assured. "I'm still keeping the mask", the lady wore her mask. 

After sometime, both teams are playing neck to neck with each other. One of the players from Shohoku felt leg cramp. It was that time that Amane shifted her gaze at the person and felt like he was familiar. "Rukawa", Haruko said his name with a worried voice. 

I think I heard his name somewhere. 

"Rukawa! Rukawa! L-O-V-E Rukawa!!!"

"That's quite a cheer from Shohoku", she commented making Haruko also embarrassed. "They're always like that, even during practie", Haruko informed. "And he seemed unbothered", Amane watched the calm expression from Shohoku's player. He wasn't purely ignoring them but he just have a hundred percent attention and focus to his game. Everyone was started when Sakuragi landed a successful shot. 

Still, the game ended with Ryonan winning the practice game. 

"Pass!", Sakuragi shouted. "The game ended", Akagi patted his head. The lad kept insisting for the game to continue. 

It makes you feel jealous to see people yearn for something and to keep wanting it. Even in the expense of looking like a fool. You don't need a hook to catch your dreams. There's no bait for your dreams to bite into. It's because you'd be the one to grab on your dreams with your own hands. 

The ball that Sakuragi was trying to grab was pushed towards Amane's feet. She picked it up. "It was a good game, Hanamichi-kun", she commented. 


"Who knew that you'd be giving a surprise visit?", Sendo chuckled and threw a canned juice in the air. She caught it perfectly. "Were you trying if I lost my reflexes? It's still with me", Amane boasted but it didn't feel condescending. "It just broke my heart that you were on the other bench. You should be cheering for my name", the second-year student and star player of Ryonan leaned on the wall. 

"You seemed to have fun. When I watched your games last year, you don't have the same brightness in your eyes", Amane commented. "I'm touched that you were actually watching me", Sendo opened the juice. "Where else should I put my eyes? In that Rukawa-someone. Those girls are cheering on him like crazy. By the way, he looks like yo-", the lady finally realized something. Why did she hugged someone back then? The sound of his voice was familiar. That student was from Shohoku. She knelt down. "Are you alright?", the man straightened his back. Amane signaled him to stay where he is. "I just want to disappear", she bit her lip and wondered how she will be avoiding any encounter with Shohoku. She can imagine Rukawa telling everyone that he was hugged by a random lady and was tickled, not to mention shoving her hands inside his shirt. It's all sexual harassment. 

"I don't know what you are thinking of right now but I am just happy that you traveled an hour to see me", Sendo smiled. "Who said I came here because of you", Amane sat and pouted. "I know. I am just a side trip to visit your grandmother but that makes me still happy", the lad walked close and patted her head. "You mentioned about Rukawa. Don't tell me you're interested in him because he looks like me", Sendo hummed. "Who is interested with who? You're still arrogant as ever. Let's go do some fishing", Amane invited. "I'll just go and change", left. 


"I was wondering why it seems that the air suddenly turned murky". 

"Ah, Miu-sama. A rat finally came back". 

"I saw him with Sendo-sama in the rooftop". 

"Are you here to bother him again?".

Amane heard voices behind and froze on the spot. "So, what game you playing again this time?", Miu, a first year and a former schoolmate in middle high raised her chin. 

"What if she went to other school for Sendo-sama to try and run after her? You have the guts to think that he'll follow after you. Basketball is more important to him". 

"Maybe, she's showing off again in her current school". 

Miu walked closer and pushed Amane's shoulder. "You're taller now but you're still lesser, Clown", she whispered. 

"Why did you follow me?!", Sakuragi's voice interrupted the girls. "I did not. You're just at the same place as mine, moron", Rukawa clicked his tongue. The red-head looked ahead and saw girls surrounding Amane. "Oh, Mizutani. Did you come to watch our game?! I knew it, you're interested in watching how a genius like me play", Sakuragi continued bragging. 

"I knew it. Show-off wherever you go. Way to go bewitching some idiot. You slu-", Miu wasn't able to finish her words as she felt someone looking down on her. "What?", the female student gulped but couldn't help but feel awe at Rukawa's handsome face. At that moment, Miu felt like Rukawa doesn't like the next word that will leave her mouth. 

School Gate

The three are near at meeting the group. Sakuragi saw Haruko and separated with the two.  Amane gulped and slowly looked at Rukawa. "I hope you don't get offended but you have the same height with Sendo-san the last time I saw him. Also, you emit the same aura", Amane said sheepishly. She saw the lad furrow his brow. The lady made a distance feeling the irritation from Rukawa. Did she say something that worsen the situation? "I will make sure not to make the same mistake. My apologies. Also, back in the clinic. I thought you were my brother", the lady continued and Rukawa just gave a nod. 

"Brother said that you're healthy inside but if you fell ill or what, you're free to visit the clinic", Amane continued walking behind him. 

"Rukawa Kaede, that's my name", he introduced himself. 

Amane was startled and wasn't sure how to react. 

Rukawa just don't like the idea being compared to Sendo so he wanted to make sure the lady knows his name. 

Chapter end. 

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