十七 Lesson 17: Back to the Center Stage

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Tokyo University

"Sorry I'm late", Amane bowed low as she approached her upperclassman. "Don't mind. It was also just a late notification. We should be thankful that you agreed at the last minute", the adviser of the group waved his hands. "So you came", Riku smiled as she crossed her arms. 

Riku-senpai is smiling. 

The cold-hearted president curled her lips upward!

Shhh, she can hear us. 

Riku cleared her throat. "It was a short notice but I was able to compile some materials you can read before the debate", she passed a pocket notebook. "Thank you, President. You're really reliable", Amane received it. 


Sports Center

"Mizutani is not here with us", Matsui looked around. "She said she'll be here on the next day. There was a last minute summon by her school", Haruko informed. "They have to win so that her travel won't be put to waste", Mito joined their conversation. "Of course, brother and the rest will pull it off. I am confident", Haruko smiled. 

Locker Room

Rukawa's phone received a notification. "What?! Did you receive a good luck message from Haruko-chan?!", Sakuragi tried to peek in his phone but the lad was quick to stand and lift it on the air. They've been playing tag with the phone. "Cut it off. You might get injured before the game starts", Kogure tried to calm the two. "Come on, help me", Sakuragi whined. 

"It's a message from another girl", Mitsui happened to read the name of the sender. "Eh~ So you're dating someone. I should inform Haruko-cha-", Sakuragi stopped imagining Haruko being heart broken. He is now having a dillema. "Is it Mizutani? She told me that she cannot make it for this game but will be traveling tonight. We have to make sure to win this", Ayoko chuckled. "Aren't you going to respond?", Mitsui looked at his fellow player. Rukawa sighed and went out of the locker room . 

He called Mizutani. 

"Rukawa-kun. I guess you're still not in the game since you have time to call". 


"As always, I wish the best for your game. Your eyes is not yet fully healed so don't remove the patch. You should reserve your full strength for the next games". 

"The cream your brother gave was helpful. It doesn't sting or even itch like before". 

"He'll be thrilled to hear that. I really wanted to watch this game. The debate ends after an hour so I might be able to watch it live on my phone. I hope I can pull this. I am so happy that the upperclassmen are cheering on me but I don't think I prepared enough". 

"You just have to do it". 

"You're right. Rukawa-kun, you know what to say. They're calling for me. Have fun then". 

"See you". 

The call ended. He turned and saw Haruko standing in front of the locker room. "I have to give my brother the honey-lemon slices", she knocked and was opened by Miyagi. Haruko gave a last glance at Rukawa before leaving. She wonders who he was conversing with but she was sure there was a resting smile in his face, something that she sees rarely. 

Train Station

"Yo", Sendo waved and patted the chair next to him. "Brother won't allow me to go alone and so he called you. Sorry, he still thinks of me like as if I am a child", Amane apologized and joined the lad. "Why not? I also want to watch the match and learn more about our opponents for the winter games", the ace smiled. "That's the attitude", Amane nodded and looked outside the window. Their group won and the upperclassmen were so thankful that they gave her tons of snacks that she brought along in the trip. 

"What? Are you going to bring souvenir for someone in Nagoya?",  Sendo pointed at the bag of snacks. "From my upperclassmen", she answered. The man patted her head. "It's good to see you being more involved to more people. I won't mind sharing you with them", he chuckled. Amane just allowed Sendo's hand on her head. It was still the same warmth. 

Why don't you look at him in different light?

"Sendo-san. Can I talk to you about something?", the lady's expression softened. Sendo lets go of her head and leaned on the chair. "Go ahead. I will be listening", he nodded. 


Hotel Lounge

"Then, see you around", Sendo waved his hand and joined his teammates. "Amane, it must be tiring to travel for three hours", Haruko ran to her direction. "Is it me or the atmosphere just a while ago was quite heavy?", Fujie turned to the direction where Sendo is heading. "It will be fine, eventually", Amane nodded in agreement with her own words. 

Shohoku players paraded back to the hotel coming from their jogging. "Sup", Rukawa greeted as he passed through them. "Uhm", Amane just nodded and lifted her head. She stepped back seeing that Rukawa stopped and raised his hand. Amane tilted her head. "High five", the lad clarified. The girl gave him one and gave a short laugh. "Brother instructed me about your eyes", the lady informed. "You can drop by my room later", Rukawa gave permission. Haruko watched the two have a casual conversation. Ayoko braced the girl's arm and invited the rest of the girls for a bath. 

Sakuragi stole the spotlight and continued narrating about how well he did in the game. Akagi punched him in the head and dragged him. "You need to sleep. I also have additional homework to do", Akagi lectured on the red-head to save his energy for the game. 

Hotel Room

"I'm with Mitsui-san and Kogure-san, they're both at Captain's room", Rukawa informed. "My apologies for my intrusion", Amane looked around and saw that they're alone. The lad turn the lights on. "You've got a good view from here", the lady was astonished as she went out of the balcony. "In the morning, you'll see the port", Rukawa informed as he removes the eyepatch. 

Amane took it as her signal to check on him. "It's good that you can already open your eyes. Brother said that there will be some irritation but the eyepatch is no longer necessary. Here is an eye drop just in case. You can play at your best form tomorrow. Then, I'll see you tomorrow", she gave a thumbs up. "Are you leaving now?", the lad asked making Amane cough. "Well, Kogure-san and Mitsui-san might be back anytime soon", she scratched her nape. "Uhm", Rukawa nodded and lied down the bed. "But if you have spare energy, maybe we can walk around? I saw a nearby park. Are you nervous for tomorrow's game? It's with the long-time champions", Amane pointed out. Rukawa flinched and turn his head to Amane's direction, still lying on the bed. "Might as well walk to clear my mind", the lady stretched and started walking towards the exit. "Wait. I'll just put on some jacket", the lad climbed down his bed.


"That's why I apologize if I make it sound like I was bounding you to me. Though, I wasn't lying when I said I hope you'd stay close to see me become a better version of myself", Amane stood on the train and bowed to Sendo. The lad patted on her head and gave a friendly smile which Amane saw as she lifted her head.

"Now that you were able to give me a proper rejection, let me also tell you that I didn't take care of you because you brother said so. It was because of an obligation of an upperclassman as well. I think I am now able to make sense of the reason behind my actions. I just like you, Amane", Sendo said with a calm voice. Amane stood properly and nodded. Sendo broke into laughter. "The order is wrong. It should have started with me confessing. Sorry for making this a little awkward", he breathed deeply. "I don't have confidence with matters such as relationships and matters on romance. I don't think people around our age are experts to know what comes first, what happens next, and what was the better decision. That's why, there is no need to apologize. We will figure it out as we grow older", Amane held out a handshake. 

Chapter end. 

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