一:春(Spring, New Beginning )

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It happens that when we start another stage of our lives, the season goes with it. With the opening of her palm, a couple of petals from the cherry blossom fell. The smooth sensation made her smile and look in front of her. Just a few months ago, the cold weather was sipping deep into her bones and she rarely saw plants thriving. Everyone has their seasons as the plants remind her of summer's playful adventure, fall's reflective morning and noon, winter's dozy and sleepy nights, and spring's new beginning. 

Thoughts were disturbed by the sound of the camera's shutter. 

"It's disrespectful to take someone's photo without permission". 

"I can't help it. My hand just moved on its own". 

A dark brown haired female student bowed and apologized for her friend's action. "My friend is from the Journalism Club back in middle school so she carries her camera around. I will make sure she deletes the photo she took a while ago", Shimamura Yoko assured. "Yoko, look! Her photo gained two thousand likes with just ten seconds. You might be Takezono's next muse", she showed her smartphone. Yoko scolded her friend and made her delete the post. She kept bowing and apologizing to the lady who kept saying that she wasn't offended. 

"Good morning, Yoko", a male student, freshmen as like the three of them, waved his hand and gave a wide smile for his girlfriend. "Oda-kun", Yoko emitted such radiant aura as she saw the lad walking towards them. "Oh, are you Yoko's friend? My name is Tatsumasa Oda. Nice to meet you", he introduced himself. "Well~", Yoko wasn't sure how to introduce the lady so she just gave a worried look. "I met them along the way and I wouldn't mind being their friend. My name is Mizutani Amane", she answered. The four of them continued walking to their school. 

"Yoko! Look, there are so many new faces", Nishihara Sachi felt excited. "Of course, we're at a new school", Yoko chuckled. "Do you think they'll give to  the Journalism Club lots and lots of news?", Sachi gasped to see male students staring at Amane and Oda having a casual conversation. "Now, I have to write a controversial incident between the next basketball star of Takezono!", the ever ready journalist took a photo of them. "You don't have to make everything such a big deal", Yoko sighed and slapped the back of her head. 

Takezono High

Class 1-1

"You're also part of the preparatory class. Let's have a great year together", Yoko turned to have a conversation with Amane behind her. Compared to the female students, she's the tallest of them. The lady nodded and gave a friendly smile. 

"I know its the first day of class but you are to choose what club you want to join. It's optional, though. Even as part of the preparatory class, you should still be honing your individual skills". 

"Hmmmm~ How about the drama club? I heard there's a handsome third-year upperclassman".

"I already have my eye on the arts club. A cute freshman like us with large ribbon invited us this morning". 

"How careless. I will just be in the book's club. I need to be this year's rank one". 

"Do they have bugs club or maybe spider collectors club?"

"Are you sick in the head? Who would actually have that hobby?!"

"Have you already picked one?", Yoko noticed Amane looking outside the window. "I still doesn't have anything in mind. How about you?", she threw back the question. "Well, Oda usually have practices until around 6pm and I don't mind just watching him if I have time", the lady gave an embarrassed smile. "How supportive of you. I'll tell you if I already thought of one", Amane shifted her focus on the board seeing that the teacher is ready to discuss. 

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