Boys (Stranger Things imagine...

By buttercupmaisie

76K 1.2K 57

Just simple boys More

Joe Keery
Joe Keery
Joseph Quinn
Joe Keery
Joe Keery
Joseph Quinn
Billy and Steve
Dacre Montgomery
Joseph Quinn
Joseph Quinn
Joe Keery
Jamie Campbell Bower
Joseph Quinn
Dacre Montgomery
Joseph Quinn
Jamie and Joseph
Jamie Campbell Bower
Jamie Campbell Bower
Joseph Quinn
Joseph Quinn
Joseph Quinn

Joe Keery

250 9 0
By buttercupmaisie

Joe and Y/N had been dating for roughly four months, they had been able to keep their relationship private and out of the magazines and other news outlets but today they both agreed that they were going to go public with their relationship— Y/N was an actress much like Joe and had been since the age of ten now she was twenty six and she had done so many things and been in so many different movies, tv shows and done a whole bunch of other stuff. Joe and Y/N met through a mutual director who they had both worked with a couple of times on their own projects, when Y/N saw Joe for the first time it was on a red carpet that she had been invited too, he was there promoting the movie he had just been in and having his picture taken, she watched him from afar as he smiled and waved to people and he just looked so nice and pleasant to be around. It was actually Joe who was introduced to Y/N first by the director who they had worked with and Joe was a little star struck he loved Y/N's work he thought she was amazing and beautiful and kind he thought very highly of her.

The two of them became very close at the after party, the whole point was for Joe to be introduced to new screen writers, producers and directors so they could see how amazing he was and book him for other things but he just didn't care— he was drawn to Y/N it seemed every time he looked up from talking to someone she was there mixing with people and every time they both caught each others glances and it made the young girl blush.

Y/N was going to the premier of her new film Saltburn, she was so proud of this film and being given the chance to star in it along with so many other great actors and an amazing director who she had loved in other things,

"You really want to do this today? Are you sure because we can stay quiet for as long as you want to." Joe said to his girlfriend as she ran her hands down her dress while they were in the car being driven to the premier

"I want the world to see what you mean to me." She smiled and so did he, she kissed his cheek leaving a light tinge of pink lipgloss on his skin which made her laugh a little, she used her finger to rub it off gently until the mark had completely gone. Y/N was wearing a floor length tight fitting dark blue velvet dress with sleeves, the cut of the dress showed off her bust and she looked elegant, her hair was done beautifully she had a braid going down her back and a small fringe going across her forehead that fell just above her eyes she looked phenomenal.

When she and Joe arrived he said she should step out of the car first and have her pictures taken before they made themselves known as a couple. When Y/N saw the director Emerald she smiled and rushed over to her to give her a hug.

"You look incredible Y/N!" She praised as the two of them had pictures taken together

"Thank you so do you! I'm so excited for tonight it's going to be incredible and fun." Y/N replied, she saw Joe mingling with other celebrities that he knew which put Y/N at ease knowing he wasn't on his own while this was meant to be her big night

"Have you seen Jacob and Barry? They have been dying to see you." Emerald asked the girl and she shook her head

"No I've only just arrived but I'll go and find them." Y/N said as she parted from Emerald as the photographers called out the young actress' name everybody wanted pictures of Y/N she was a house hold name everybody knew who she was. While she was posing for pictures on the red carpet Jacob came over to her with a bright smile on his face and she cheered as she saw her friend she hugged him tightly and the two swayed side to side as they embraced each other— shortly after the encounter Barry came over and Y/N was over the moon to see him she adored Barry she had been a fan of his work before they worked on Saltburn so to Y/N— it as an honour and a privilege to get to work with him on a great film like this. The three of them had multiple pictures taken together and then the whole cast came over along with Emerald and everyone had a group picture.

Joe watched on with smiles at the attention his girlfriend was getting, seeing her smile and laugh with her costars made his heart burst, even though she had been in the industry longer than he had he couldn't think of someone who deserved this attention more than Y/N. When everyone headed inside to watch the film Y/N took Joe's hand and got him to sit with her and the cast of the film. Joe held Y/N's hand throughout the whole film as she leaned her head on his shoulder— there was a particular scene that came up in the film which Y/N did explain to her boyfriend about before hand because when it was filmed Joe and Y/N weren't together. Y/N's character Venetia received oral from Barry's character Oliver while she was on her period, of course it was an awkward watch for Joe to see another man do that to his girlfriend but he knew it was just work.

"Are you okay?" She asked him as she glanced to her left to look at her boyfriend
"I know it's not great to watch that bit." She said

"It's okay Y/N, we spoke about it before it's fine I promise it's just work." He reassured her as he kissed the back of her hand and then leaned down and kissed her neck softly which sent shivers across her whole body, Barry saw the couple from a couple of seats down and he smiled at them to himself— Barry was the first person to find out about Y/N and Joe she told him how they met and how much she really liked him he couldn't have been happier for his friend. When the viewing was over Y/N and Barry were taken with Jacob to do some interviews together for different magazines and live tv interviews.

"So Y/N what was it like to film with Barry?" She was asked as she stood beside Barry who was admiring his friend

"Oh it was amazing! I have loved Barry's work for a long time so getting to work so closely with him was like a dream come true, him and Jacob are just mesmerising to watch on screen and I feel extremely lucky to call them both my friends." Y/N smiled as she hugged her friends

"I'll ask the same to you two what was it like to work with Y/N? Admittedly it must have been amazing considering she is a house hold name." The interviewer said to the boys

"Y/N is so professional but she also knows how to have a good time, as soon as it's called to film she can switch off instantly and go into work mode and that's amazing, she's an incredible girl to work with I think both Barry and myself feel extremely privileged to have worked so closely with her for this past year." Jacob smiled down at his friend

"Now we have to talk about it— that specific scene between yourself and Y/N Barry how was that to film?"

"I think I can speak for us both saying it was nerve wracking considering we had only known each other for about two weeks. But we both eased each others nerves and just got on with it." Barry spoke and Y/N nodded along with him in agreement,

"Yeah I agree it was a bit awkward at first but once we got the giggles out the way we got it done and I'm so happy with how it turned out. It was awkward to tell my boyfriend about when I invited him to the red carpet because I was single when I filmed the movie I wasn't expecting to meet anyone so the only people I was expecting to explain the scene to was my parents." Y/N laughed a little bit

"You're in a relationship? How exciting is he here with you today?" The interviewer asked and Y/N nodded her head.

"Yeah I'm not sure where— oh I can see him, Joe!" Y/N said quietly before calling out her boyfriends name but he didn't hear so Barry and Jacob called out his name as well and then he heard so he excused himself from being photographed and be lightly jogged over to his girlfriend and her friends and stood between her and Barry.

"Joe Keery, wow I don't think anyone was expecting this pairing." The interviewer said in shock as they looked between Joe and Y/N who was smiling at his girlfriend.
"You must be proud of Y/N and her costars Joe."

"Oh of course. The movie was amazing I throughly enjoyed myself and to see Y/N do what she loves and what she does best is just a bonus I couldn't be prouder of her." Joe smiled. Joe and Y/N then had some pictures taken together on the red carpet as that now made their debut as a couple to the world,

"You've been amazing, I know I haven't seen or been with you much but thank you for understanding." Y/N said while having her picture taken

"Of course, I know what it's like Y/N and I don't want to be anything but supportive of you. I am so proud of you." Joe looked down at Y/N and they both smiled at each other loving as Y/N had her hand placed on the side of her boyfriends face while she admired him, Joe then bent down a little and kissed her cheek before whispering in her ear
"I love you." This was the first time he said that to her and her eyes lit up with happiness

"I love you too." She beamed brightly

"I can't wait to show you how much I love you when we leave here." He whispered into her ear sending shivers all over her body yet again.

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Well, I write some stranger things's one shots on Tumblr and I decided to post some here too.