『A Blessing Even A Puppet Wou...

By -Scaranation-

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This is a Kazuha x Scara story, many other characters will appear, no smut but trust me, read it its actually... More

『Vacation on Sumeru』
『Unwanted Mission』
『Aye Miku!?』
『Quick Shoutout!!』
『Prophecy of Destruction』
『Aranara Power!!』
『The Kamisato Estate』
『Getting Ready』
『First Meeting』
『Insert the title cuz i cant think of any』
『Back Home』
『( ^▽^)』
『Merry Christmas!』
『Embarassing Situations』
『Drunk Archon』
『An annoying arrival』


41 5 45
By -Scaranation-

Kazuhas Pov:



I whispered sliding down a table while avoiding bullets going my way.

I threw him a gun under the table and it skidded over to his shoes.

He gave me a thumbs up and picked it up.

"Just in case!"
I whispered.

He nodded.

A guy from behind me said.

"Oh f-"

I quickly ducked and threw the man across the table.

He coughed up some blood.

A guy said.

"Who me?"
I said pointing at myself.

"Nah, the goddamn fucking TABLE!? WHAT DO YOU THINK!?"

O- He's a rather angry one.

"My apologies, now.. what do you want."

"Put your hands up"


"What else!? To kill you."

Straightforward indeed.

I sighed and took a step back. He has no weapons on him.

I tilted my head.

"How are you going to fight..?"

"With my fists.."
He said.

"Mm..? Oh...Well then.."

I pulled out the gun from my pocket and pointed it at him.

"I am capable enough to kill you with my finger if I pull this trigger you know."

"Oh? You think you're the only one? Well I think..."

He pulled out another gun from his pocket and pointed it at me.

"-i have the power to kill you with a single flick of my finger.."


I shouldve known...and I thought he was dumb...

"Not if I kill you first "

I looked up and Scara was right behind the guy with a gun pointing right at his head.

The man froze.

"Drop it. The gun. Drop it."
He demanded.

"I-i please..i-"

Scara sighed.

"God you're annoying.."


He pulled the trigger.


The bullet hit the man's head and he dropped to the ground instantly.


I sighed.

"Scara...Well done but...that was reckless..we could've used the man for intel..."


"Kazuhas right...we need to know alot of stuff still.."
Venti said.

"He pisses me off"

"I mean...who knows? Maybe Kazuha would've died.."
Aether said.

Scara agreed.

Venti muttered.

"I think Kazuha is more than capable to survive a shot rather than this guy."
Xiao pointed out.

"Guys...it's fine..I still have this guy.."

Most of the people were dead but Heizou pulled out one from under the table who was barely alive.

"Oh so now you pull out bodies from nowhere? How handy..."
Xiao said..

"Mm for real..anyways....because im not...as good as fighting as you guys...I managed to not kill this guy but hurt him enough for him to feel agony.."
Heizou explained..

"Wait that's actually smart!"
Venti said.

A wispy voice came out of the man.

"Shut up you musty old rat!"
Heizou kicked the man.

I almost felt sorry for him..

"Who are you?"
Scara asked.

"My name is Alb-"

"No not your fucking name I mean your little group..."

"O-oh..we are just normal treasure hoarders! Please don't hurt me!"
He begged.

"No wonder they're so weak..could kill one in my dreams."
Xiao pointed out.

These three...

"How exactly did you get the Intel?"
Venti asked him.


"How did you find our location?"

"I-I don't know...my boss just received information from this strange woman...."


"I-i don't know!"


"P-please believe me!! S-pare my l-life!"

"Stop stuttering."
Xiao said.

"Oh I believe you alright."
Scara said-

The man smiled.

-before slashing his head in half.


"Scara what the hell!?"
I yelled.

"He was useless"

"I know I know, but..."

"It was a quick death."

Oh what am I going to do with him!?

"Alright, alright...just...uh..."


"Ugh..you know what it's fine.."

I can't believe I slept with this guy...where did soft Scaramouche go!?

"Alright guys!"
Venti announced.

"Time for our favourite part! Clean up!!"

Everybody else groaned and looked down.

"Clean up? What do you mean..?"
I asked.

Venti gestured at all the bodies on the ground.


We all sighed and began to work.

I grabbed gloves and turned to the body closest to me.

It was the guy that Scara killed..


I looked down.


A note seemed to stick out of hid pocket and it was all crumpled up.

I took it and flattened it out.

It read

To the leader of the Treasure hoarders.

I hope that you have the worst sleep and no I do not care about your pet goldfish who choked on weed, please stop telling me stories about him.

I trust one of the Fatui Agents brought you the location safe and sound.

Once you kill them all send me the promised resources or ill send my fellow agents to kill you and your team and let them fetch it themselves.

Remeber our deal.

-Her Highness

Her highness? Who is that...whoever it was is the one that gave the information to them..

Too bad they are dead..

How could she possibly know our location...

"Got something there Kazu?"

Scara was walking over to me.

"I found a note on this guys pocket.
Read it."

He picked it up and read it.

"Her highness huh? Fatui-"

Scara stopped talking.

"Anything wrong..?"

"Nothing...it's just that...I'm not fond of the Fatui.."


I took the note and neatly folded it.

"I'll keep this for a while.."

"Hey Kazu..were you okay earlier today..?"

"Huh? Me..?"

"Mm, you seemed kind of insecure.."


"Oh! It was nothing..I was just thinking.."

"About what?"

He sat down and looked at me.

"I uh..."

Truth is...I was thinking about..



I was thinking on why on earth I slept with a murderer.

Why he's so dangerous but nice to be around with.

Heizou was right. He's always right..maybe im not safe after all, but..he understands me..

"-zuha, Kazuha!"


"You good? I've been calling your name for quite a while..."

"Oh..I'm sorry..its just..its.."

"It's okay don't worry about it.."


Without thinking, I hugged Scara just because...well, I needed it..

He said.

He smiled and hugged me back.

Ugh...there it is again, I've seen Scara, he finds killing pleasure..just like shooting a bullet at that man's head..he was annoyed he said..ripped their limbs..but now..he's hugging me..he makes me feel safe and warm..he's the only one who could ever comfort me like this..

I don't know what to think right now..

He patted my head.

"You ever need anything just tell me alright Kazu?"


I let go and stood up.

"You two! We're done!"


"So...today I guess was an unintentional mission solved! How do ya guys feel?"
Venti started.

"Alright now."



"Mm! So everything good?"


"Right then..I'll show you to your dorms then.."

"Ah! Venti..."

The note..I should probably show it to him..

"I found this letter on the guy who got shots pocket."

He took the letter and read it.


He muttered.


"The fucking woman.."

"Who? Do you know who it is..?"

"Yes..Xiao..show them to their rooms I'm going."

We all watched Venti leave the room as he went into another room, going then to another room after that slammed the door shut.


"He's alright don't worry.."
Aether reassured us.

"Well..I guess I should show you guys to your rooms?"
Xiao said.

"Yep..just us two I guess Xiao.."

We walked out of our room going to another room with 6 rooms inside it.

So many rooms...

"How come you have 6 rooms and not 3..?"

"We always knew there was 6 anemo boys in existence..we just waited for them to come.."

"Mm..how touching."
Heizou said bluntly.

"Uh..well anyways...here are your rooms, it will have your name on it so just go in and make yourself feel at home. Stuff are already included on there do don't worry."

"Alright...thanks..thank you for everything guys!"
I said.

"Anytime, well..see you later bye!"

They went into their rooms and I went into mine..

I wonder what made Venti so angry?

Oh well..

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