The Aftermath of Callie and A...

By Coleslaw8

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The continuation of the first book, this volume details the continuing lives of Callie and Arizona. While the... More

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Don't Provoke An Angry Bear Or A Dutiful Wife Part II
Love, Lust And Lobster
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Summer On The Shore
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Summer On The Shore Part III
Summer On The Shore Part IV
Summer On The Shore Part V
Summer On The Shore Part VI
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Life Goes On When We Least Expect It To...

Dashing Through The Snow... Part II

101 7 1
By Coleslaw8

Callie's POV:

It was our last night we were spending in Leavenworth, Washington. Arizona and I had enjoyed a wonderful day together with tons of good food, a sleigh ride through the picturesque mountains and shared lots of laughter. The time we had spent had been incredible and a much needed break from our everyday lives.

We were finally back in our hotel, sitting in the bar near the massive stone fireplace, when Arizona went to use the restroom. (We had decided to have a nightcap before going to our room.) 

As folks often do when they are alone in a restaurant, I suddenly became fascinated with looking around the space in order to occupy my time. It's strange how most of us unconsciously do this, but in that moment, I wanted to look busy.

The room was decorated to look like a traditional German pub. From the floor, to about 2/3rds the height of the ceiling, was dark, wooden wainscoting that surrounded the entire room. The remaining exposed wall was painted a complimentary light, brown color and had pictures, tin panels and logos of different brands of German beers. 

Scattered in between the beer decor were some cuckoo clocks, a couple of deer heads and a variety of other things that looked like artifacts one might find in the Black Forest region of Germany. The room gave its visitors a sense of warmth and felt like a solace from the outside world.

"Callie, did you see the grandfather clock in the corner of the room? It's gorgeous and must be worth a fortune. It looks like someone carved most of the embellishments by hand."

Arizona had returned and plopped down on the couch, right next to me.

"Actually, I did notice it, but only because of its deep, rhythmic ticking sounds. When the noise level drops in here, the clock ticking seems to echo." We were sipping our glasses of wine as we made small talk.

"This bar is just so cozy, but then again, most of this town has that exact same feel. I'll be sad to leave here tomorrow, but know we'll come back at some point in the future and visit. I really miss our girls though and can't wait to hold them both when we get home."

"I feel the same way too, Arizona, and can't wait to hug and kiss them again. Although, I sense Sophia will be disappointed when we whisk her back to reality. Something tells me she's had one indulgent weekend with my sister and Renee as her guardians."

We both laughed when Arizona said, "You mean her weekend with Renee, since I'm pretty sure the large child that lives within Renee, had a playmate in Sophia this weekend. It's an endearing quality Renee has and why our oldest loves her so much."

"Well, that and the fact she pays for so many things when they spend time together doesn't hurt either! I wonder just how much they blew at the arcade since my sis was home with Madelyn."

"Knowing Renee, money probably wasn't an object when it came to winning a prize. I'm sure Sophia has a whole new collection of stuffed animals after their outing, especially since Ari wasn't there supervising. 

We both shared another laugh about Renee's childlike nature and our daughter's ability to play right along with her.

"Arizona, what do you think about getting another glass of wine and taking it upstairs to our room? We can slip out of our clothes and into a hot bath. Sound good to you?"

"Callie, I can't think of anything better after spending time in the cold outdoors today. A hot bath will warm us up and give us time to... you know!" Arizona seductively winked at me, popped up from her spot, grabbed our glasses and headed to the bar. In under a minute, we had our refills and were upstairs in no time.

Once we were in our room, I made a beeline for the bathroom and started running water in the tub. The hotel had left a packet of bubble bath I added to the steaming water that was pouring out of the faucet at a rapid rate. I always love a hotel that has good water pressure!

While the water level continued to rise, Arizona slipped behind me and turned me around to face her. She gently started pulling off my shirt, which made me giggle. I immediately took the hint and took off her shirt. One by one our clothes, then bras and finally underwear was strewn over the counter top the sink basin resided within. The water had just gotten to the level we wanted, so I turned off the faucet and we slipped into the hot, sudsy tub. Arizona was behind me, as I sat down in between her thighs.

"Ahhhh...Calliope, this feels so good." She encircled her arms around me and squeezed me for a moment. " feel so good."

I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear at my wife's loving adoration of me and my body. I adjusted my head so we could share a very charged kiss when I felt Arizona slide her hand up the inside of my right thigh. In seconds, she had found my clitrosis and had begun softly stroking it.

"Mmmm... you're the one that feels good, Dr. Robbins. Please don't stop what you are doing."

"No need to worry Callie because the only way I'll stop is when you come..."

I felt my body completely relax as Arizona's fingers worked her sexual magic. Between the wine and the warm water, my body must have been primed and ready for sex because my orgasm was not hard to come by that night. As the waves of pleasure washed over me, Arizona continued to hold me and kiss my neck.

"Sweetie, that felt amazing my love. Thank you, thank you, thank you." I leaned my head backwards into her chest so we could share a passion-filled kiss.

"Oh Dr. Torres, no need to thank me as I expect you'll to do something similar for me once we're out of the bath."

I laughed at Arizona's flirtatious witticism as she wrapped her arms around me and held me tight. After that, we lounged there for maybe another ten minutes while we talked, but mostly just peacefully soaked. 

That was about the time that the water had dramatically started cooling off, so we decided it was time to get out. I got out first and wrapped a huge, white towel around my body before assisting Arizona up and out. I helped her towel off while she held me tightly so she could stay upright on her right leg. 

Once she was dry, I spontaneously scooped her up in my arms as I carried her over the bathroom threshold and into our bed. She giggled as we kissed and then once she was in the bed, we really started kissing. Things quickly escalated as I began kissing down the length of her torso until my mouth and tongue found her clitoris. My orgasm in the bathtub must have gotten her turned on, because she was an easy lay that night and orgasmed hard and fast.

As she laid with her head on my chest (I had stripped off the towel before getting into the bed) I held her in my arms.

"Callie, have I told you how much I love you? We are sooo good together in so many ways, but especially when it comes to sex."

"I love you too, Arizona, and we were both wanting that tonight by how we both came." I was softly stroking her back as she nestled closer to me and hugged me.

"You know I always want you, Dr. Torres. I know some people say that their sex lives get boring the longer that they are together, but I feel like ours keeps getting better!"

We shared a kiss before I said, "I feel the same way and think the more we get to know each other, the better it gets."

We both sighed and laid there for a quiet moment before Arizona said, "Do you have any plans for us before we leave tomorrow? If not, I was hoping we could stop at a couple of the winery tasting rooms before we hit the highway? It's been forever since we did a wine tasting."

"I have no preconceived notions for our Sunday and think after breakfast, that would be fantastic. And, you're right, it has been forever since we have gone wine tasting. Maybe we should plan a trip next Spring and visit some of the places we like in Oregon?"

"That sounds good to me Callie. Hopefully we can find some time over a long weekend like this one. I almost feel spoiled with how easy it is for us to find childcare this day and age. Between my parents alone, Aria and Renee, even Meredith on an occasion, I can't think of the last time we couldn't find someone to babysit the girls."

"I've thought about that too, but I don't ever take that privilege for granted. I remember when it was just you and I, after Mark died. We rarely had anyone to watch Sophia, so we ended up not traveling as much. It's been incredible to have the village we do. Speaking of which, Ari and Renee are taking the girls to our house tomorrow afternoon. They thought that would make life easier for us if we could just drive home and not need to worry about picking them up."

"Well that is a very generous and kind gesture. We really need to have them over for dinner, as a thank you next week if they're free."

"That's an excellent idea Dr. Robbins! We'll talk to them when we see them tomorrow and figure something out. It would be fun to make something we don't often have, provided we have the time. Worst case scenario, we can always order in."

"I agree Callie. Well, I don't know about you, but after the bath, the wine and the orgasm, I'm ready for bed. I'm also too lazy to put on clothes, so I hope you're okay with me sleeping naked tonight?"

I laughed and said, "Like I wouldn't be! Hope it's okay I'm too tired to get dressed either." She giggled as we deeply kissed and then rolled over on our sides. I was to be the big spoon as we started our slumber, but as always, knew our roles would change throughout the night as we switched which sides of our bodies we were laying on. Mind you we don't always cuddle when we sleep together, but that weekend we did.

The next morning, we found a restaurant that served a variety of breakfast foods, but with a Bavarian focus. Since we had one last day to immerse ourselves in Bavarian culture, we decided to order from their traditional food menu.

Arizona selected a weisswurst, which is a Bavarian veal sausage that is warmed up in a clear soup. Along with sausage, she ordered a couple soft boiled eggs to accompany the protein. I decided to join her and ordered the same thing. We were also served Brötchen, which are little bread rolls that came with various jams, orange marmalade and butter.

The meal was incredible and a good start to our day. Arizona even showed me the proper way to eat the sausage. She said in Germany she was taught to cut the sausage down the middle, lengthwise, and to remove the casings. Apparently the casings made the sausage taste terrible and made them chewy. She ate her sausages with a sweet mustard that I had to admit after trying it, was delicious.

After breakfast we ended up stopping by a couple winery tasting rooms that were located in downtown Leavenworth, and close to our hotel. We didn't try a lot of wines since we were headed home, but managed to find a couple bottles we liked. But, like all good things, our trip was coming to a close and we needed to get back to our room and check-out. We had planned ahead that morning and already had our bags packed and ready to go so we could wait till the last minute to leave.

Once we were on the road, it didn't take us terribly long to get back. I think the traffic we hit in Seattle was probably the most frustrating aspect of the car ride, but when is traffic in Seattle not a pain in the ass?

And while we loved our time away, there was something magical and comforting about pulling into our driveway and seeing our home. Especially knowing our daughters and family were waiting for us inside.

After pulling into the garage, we grabbed our things and headed in to the house. We were immediately greeted by an exuberant Sophia.

"Moms! You're home!" As if we already didn't know, but our daughter had definitely gotten bigger and taller that Fall judging by the force of her impact when she hugged us both.

"Hey Bug, we missed you!" We both took turns hugging and kissing her as Arizona spoke. "How was your weekend with your Aunt and Renee?"

Ari and Renee had joined us by now, as Ari handed Madelyn over to Arizona so we could hug and kiss her. Maddy let out a series of squeals and started babbling when she saw her moms. It was adorable and melted our hearts she was at that age, for the last few months, that she was able to recognize us and would respond to our presence.

Arizona had said we should cherish this age for as long as we could, because soon, she'd have the ability to act unfavorably when she saw us. I had to laugh, but it was very true as I remember the first time Soph scowled at me when she didn't want to do something I had asked of her.

"How did everything go this weekend? Looks like everyone survived." I was smiling as I joked, but was genuinely inquiring about the last few days.

"Everything and everyone was fine. Although, I didn't see much of these two for most of Saturday. That's okay though because it gave Maddy and I time alone." My sister was motioning at her girlfriend and Soph in reference to the ones that had disappeared. 

That's when I saw my wife, while holding Maddy, slowly and curiously look over to Renee. I saw Arizona silently raise her eyebrows at Renee as she waited for some kind of response.

"What? Why are you looking at me, that way, Arizona? Sophia and I were busy downtown having a fun day. We went to the public market, the Lego store, had lunch and then went to the arcade. It was just a typical day."

That's when Ari said, "Yes, if a typical day consists of buying everything that looks fun, eating badly and being mesmerized by video game screens. At least I got to have breakfast and dinner with you two that day. Maddy and I should count our blessings for that."

All of us laughed at the banter between Ari and Renee, as Sophia hugged Renee for what looked like reassurance. Too cute she wanted to "try," and protect her buddy and partner in crime.

"Moms! I want to show you all the new stuff I got!" Clearly Soph was on a sugar high given how animated she was. 

"Sophia? Can we look later when your Aunt and Renee leave? I promise you we will look then, okay?"

Sophia looked disappointed at my comment, but not too much as she said, "Okay, I can wait. I'm going to go arrange everything for when you're ready!" And off she went, skipping down the hallway.

"Renee? Exactly how much "stuff" does our daughter now have that it needs to be arranged?" Arizona had the same curious but judging look on her face she had flashed to Renee minutes ago.

Before Renee could answer Ari said, "Enough that it can be arranged!" Arizona and I chuckled in response.

Renee turned red as Ari immediately said, "This one did show some restraint, even without me policing them." I watched my sister lean over and affectionately kiss Renee's cheek before rubbing her back a few times.

"Despite the windfall Soph has, in my defense, I had a good night on the arcade claw machine. I swear I was trying to be careful about what I bought, up until that point."

I watched Arizona reach over and give Renee a one-armed, sideways hug as Renee continued to blush, and say, "We give you a hard time Dr. Schafer, because we love you so much."

Renee gave Arizona the same type of half-hug back and said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah," as she smiled at all of us.

"Ari, we should probably get going, as I've got a couple things I've neglected this weekend that need to get done before work tomorrow. Plus, we need to still make dinner." Ari nodded back in agreement.

"Hey, speaking of dinner, we were hoping you ladies might be free one night next week to have dinner with us? We wanted to thank you for looking after the girls and spend some time together." Callie looked back and forth at their faces as she spoke.

I saw the two women quietly look at one another inquisitively and then nod when Renee said, "That sounds great! We can figure out which day over texts tonight and go from there."

"Good, it's settled.," I said, as I gave each one a hug and Arizona did the same. After saying goodbye to the girls too, our babysitters left. So, with Madelyn in my arms, we headed to go see the haul of "stuff," Soph had scored over the weekend.

Turns out Arizona was right and Sophia had about 10 new stuffed animals, courtesy of the claw machine. She had two new Lego sets and some trinkets from Pike Place Market, like inexpensive jewelry and toys. All in all, Renee had actually shown restraint, at least by her standards.

"Bug, what do you want for dinner? Wait a minute, after thinking that through, maybe I should rephrase my question. What haven't you eaten this weekend, Soph?" 

After talking, Arizona was trying to suppress a laugh that had manifested as a huge smile. Which in turn, made me smile.

"Let's see, I had chicken fingers and then pizza on Friday. On Saturday we had pancakes, then cheeseburgers with fries and Pad Thai noodles, with extra peanut sauce on mine. Today I've eaten waffles and then had macaroni and cheese."

"Obviously they didn't have you on a starvation diet while we were gone!" All of us giggled at my comment as I started trying to tickle Soph's stomach. 

"Oh my gosh, I don't know if there's any other options left! Sounds like you've had everything and then some!" Arizona grabbed Soph and gave her a hug and a kiss, but then continued to hold her.

"I know what we can have! How about grilled cheese sandwiches and soup? I think that sounds good."

"Bug, I think that sounds more like mine and your Mom's speed too, tonight. Not unlike yourself, we ate lots of very filling meals this weekend and need something on the lighter side tonight. We are going to go unpack and then I'll make our dinner." Arizona finished speaking and squeezed Soph one more time before letting her go.

"Okay Mama. Can I start one of my Lego sets at the kitchen table?"

"Sure, Bug. We'll be in our bedroom with your sister if you need us. Oh, and after dinner, we have something for you we got on our trip." I leaned over and kissed her cheek after responding to her question.

We watched as she grabbed one of her Lego kits, and ran down the hallway saying, "Yay! I got another snow globe!"

We both shared a laugh when Arizona said, "Lord, have we become that obvious? Thank goodness we got her that cute Alpine cardigan and a bracelet."

"No joke, Arizona. Maybe it's time to stop buying her snow globes?"

"Callie, she still seems excited at the prospect of a new one, so I say we keep buying them. Maybe as she gets older she'll be annoyed with them, but she strikes me as too much of a collector to not like them. Even when she does truly hit her teenage years."

"I think so too, Dr. Robbins. Someday she might roll her eyes when we give her one, but she'll always enjoy putting it with her growing collection. It's an aspect of her competitive spirit I love and I know it will take her far in this world."

"That's so true, Callie. I think having a healthy competitive nature is what helped drive me through medical school and my residency. I love that Soph shares that same aspect of both of our personalities." 

We shared a quick kiss before we stood up from Sophia's bed.

"Well, Dr. Torres, guess we should unpack and embrace our day-to-day reality again. Thank you again gorgeous girl of mine for such a wonderful, romantic weekend. I love you with all my heart."

"I love you too, my beautiful wife. It was nice to just be us this weekend and have some fun. At least if we need to go back to reality again, I have you by my side to help me through it all."

We shared a much more passionate kiss before the three of us crossed the hall and headed into our room.

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