Lesbian Lust

By Gemini_29

1.2M 3.8K 3.1K

A one-shot compilation of pure lesbian smut. More

And so what is this?
Morning after
A change of plans?
A Friend Indeed
A Friend Indeed 1.2
Her best friend for Christmas 1.1
Her best friend for Christmas 1.2
Her best friend for Christmas 1.3
Her best friend for Christmas 1.4
Her best friend for Christmas 1.5
The Last ****, Goodbye
Stripper's move 1.1
Love thy neighbor 1.1
Love thy neighbor 1.2
Love thy neighbor 1.3
Love thy neighbor 1.4

Stripper's move 1.2

42.3K 179 107
By Gemini_29

Comanche came out and while she smiled at all of the men around, she gave Tori a wink before she began to bump and grind to an old Motown hit. Tori was watching, spellbound when Comanche passed very close to her.

"Tilt your head back," she whispered.

Tori didn't even think not to and she was stunned when the girl leaned forward and rested her tits on either side of Tori's head and shook them. They were so soft and the skin was so silky, Tori felt a contraction in her deep muscles. It was only then that she realized how aroused she was. Her nipples were poking out and she could feel her pussy twitching.

Comanche was looking down at her and Tori colored furiously at she men hooted and made cat calls.

"Stand up and put a dollar in your mouth," the girl whispered.

Tori did so, feeling foolish, but not caring. Her blood was pounding in her temples as Comanche reached back and grasped the gold pole that stood upright through the stage. Her hips were right in front of Tori's face and they sensuously undulated. Comanche smiled, leaned back up and caught the back of Tori's head with one hand, while pulling her g-string aside with the other. She pulled Tori's head between her thighs, until the bill was lying flat against her skin. As the song ended, she let the g-string snap back, trapping the dollar.

"Thank you," she cooed, before collecting the few bills on stage and darting back behind the curtain after a quick bow.

Tori could feel the men staring and pointing, but she floated back to their table without her feet ever once hitting the floor. At least, that's how it felt. She had barely sat down when the waitress showed up.

"Can I get you girls another?" she asked.

Tori nodded while the others placed orders. She noticed Joann ordered a diet coke and again wondered about her friend's strange behavior. Jo usually drank them all under the table. When the waitress returned with the drinks, she took everyone's second ticket, but when Tori tried to hand hers over, the blonde just shook her head slightly.

"Keep it, honey. I go off in ten and you can use it to get something from Tara," she whispered.

"Well, seems like you're making a lot of friends," Monica said.

"Monica, stow it," Jo said.

Jo's voice was soft, but it carried that deadly edge Tori recognized as the calm before the storm. The dark haired girl was taken aback, but managed to laugh it off.

"Sure, sure, I was just joking."

"No, you were being a bitch."

"Jeeze, calm down, I was..."

"You were being a bitch," Jo said in that flat tone.

"Well, excuuuuse me!"

Tori was afraid there was about to be a fight. She pitied Monica if there was. Jo would kick her ass soundly, of that she was certain.

"Jesus H. Christ, we're here to have fun. Knock it off, both of you," Candice shouted.

Jo smiled and took a sip of her coke while Monica managed not to put her foot in her mouth and let it go.

Tori barley noticed the next two girls on stage. She was in her own little world as Shauna came over and plopped down in Jo's lap.

"What did you think?" she asked excitedly.

"Great! How much did you make?" Veronica asked.

"Almost fifty, but at least half of it was from you guys," she said, taking a swig of Jo's coke.

She stayed and they all talked while a girl named Raquel danced on the stage. As the song was ending she stood up.

"Gotta get to work, be back later," she said as she hurried over to a guy waving to her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, on center stage it's Strawberry. Dixie and Raquel are on the side stages and all of our girls are available for table and private dances. Two for one beer specials are available at the rear bar or through your waitress and remember to tip these girls."

A new waitress came by and everyone ordered drinks. Tori wasn't paying a lot of attention to the girl on stage, a trim black girl with fire engine red hair. She was half watching Bunny, bumping and grinding in a big black man's lap and half watching Strawberry when Comanche suddenly plopped down in her lap.

She had changed outfits, now sporting a blue satin bra and blue micro mini with matching stockings and black stiletto heels. Having this incredibly sexy girl in sitting in her lap was the strongest sexual thrill she had ever known. It would have been perfect, except for the laughter and comments of her friends.

"Feel like a dance?" she purred in Tori's ear.

Tori was shocked, embarrassed as could be and utterly at a loss. The others were all laughing, and urging her to do it.

"How much for a private dance?" Jo asked.

"Thirty bucks for three songs."

"Come on, everybody kick in," the tall girl said, tossing a twenty on the table.

The others quickly tossed bills in the pile and Tori felt herself flush, though she wasn't sure it was all embarrassment.

Comanche scooped up the bills, stuffed them in her bra and stood up. Grabbing Tori's hand she led the nearly petrified girl back past a grinning bouncer. Comanche held her hand firmly while trying the first two doors they passed, the third one opened and Comanche stepped in, pulling Tori along behind her.

The room was painted a dark green and lit with subtle lighting. Tori was astounded to see one wall was composed of a two way mirror that looked out on the main room from behind the center stage. Comanche gently pushed Tori down into the single furnishing, an overstuffed chair.

The music from out front was being piped in over speakers concealed in the floor.

"Get ready, baby, I'm going to knock your socks off," Comanche said as the song faded and another began.

She locked eyes with Tori and her hips began to sway to the music. Tori couldn't move as she watched Comanche remove her top, letting her breasts bounce free. She moved closer and turned, bending at the waist as she pushed the short skirt down. Tori wanted so badly to touch that silky expanse of golden skin, but she was too afraid to move.

Comanche stood, turned around, placed her hand on her hip and cocked her head.

"I come in here ten times a night usually, with guys that make my skin crawl. I don't begrudge them their little fancies, but I finally come in here with a cute little fox and you sit there like a statue. What gives?"

"I don't know what I can do," Tori said at last.

"Whatever I decide you can," Comanche laughed.

She put a knee on either side of Tori's hips and slid into the chair, until their pelvises were pressed together. When Tori didn't move, the tall girl placed her hands on Tori's wrists and gently guided them to her behind.

Tori was still unsure, but her hands seemed to know what they were doing as she stroked and squeezed the soft, yet resilient skin of Comanche's ass.

"Yessssss," the girl hissed in Tori's ear.

Her hips were working in time to the music, and her breasts were pressed into Tori's. She had her head down and was nibbling on Tori's neck. She sat up quickly and again looked into Tori's eyes.

Tori couldn't break eye contact. She saw amusement in those eyes, but also compassion or concern or something. It was so hard to think.

"You're like a kitten," she said softly.


"Yeah. Soft, small, curious but scared and so very cute."

Tori blushed. This whole evening had been so strange and now she couldn't tell if she was being complimented or insulted. The drinks and grass obviously had something to do with her state, but she knew this beautiful girl's attention would have rattled her wits even without them.

"Well, kittens love milk, so lets try this," Comanche said, catching one of her breasts and guiding the nipple to Tori's lips. She gently rubbed the hardened nipple over Tori's lips. Tori was beside herself. She didn't know what to do. All of her secret fantasies and even her imaginings from her reading hadn't prepared her for the moment when she could act on them.

"Come on, all babies love nipples. You look hungry and Mommy's here with your dinner."

Tori shuddered as her desire spiked wildly. She hesitantly parted her lips and Comanche pressed her torso forward, pushing her nipple and areola into Tori's mouth.

"Mmmm," she growled, when Tori cautiously rolled her tongue around that thick, golden nipple.

Her skin was salty, but sweet and it just got sweeter as Tori pulled at the nipple in her mouth. Her hands were still stroking the soft skin of Comanche's ass as the girl rotated her hips in Tori's lap. She could have just stayed there forever, but Comanche pulled back. The nipple leaving Tori's mouth made an incredibly sexy popping sound.

Tori looked up at the girl quizzically, causing her to laugh.

"Other one is feeling neglected," she said in that sexy whisper, before guiding it to Tori's lips.

This time they parted unhesitantly and she greedily sucked, rolling the nipple and puckered areola under her tongue as she sucked.

Time lost all meaning as her world shrunk down to just her and the soft, salty, sexy girl in her lap. Comanche's mound, bumping and rubbing against Tori's pussy was driving her crazy. She barely noticed when the girl sat back and slowed her pace.

"Just about out of time, kitten. Be a good little girl help mummy get those jeans down."

Comanche's hands were already working on her fly as she was speaking and the only help she needed was Tori raising her ass. Comanche left the jeans around Tori's ankles and slid back into her lap. She pushed her hand between their bodies, burrowing under the waistband and into the steamy confines of Tori's red panties.

Comanche expertly found her entrance and curled two fingers into her tight passage. Tori was so wet she experienced no pain, only a wild thrill. Comanche pressed her mound to her wrist and began that rolling motion Tori has so loved earlier. Except now, with each stab forward Comanche drove her fingers into Tori's molten sex.

Two thrusts and Tori was moaning. In ten she was biting her lip and fighting back the rising tide. Comanche seemed to be taking her cue from the driving rhythm of the music. Somewhere between halfbeats, Tori's body stiffened and on the downbeat she felt her pussy quiver in delight.

Pure bliss raced through her system like a runaway freight train and slammed into her mind in an explosion of sparks. She saw starbursts and heard a rushing wave like the ocean in her ears as the pleasure carried her away. Her cry of pleasure was eclipsed by the shriek of a guitar and the pounding blast of the drums as the musicians reached their crescendo.

Comanche slid down her body, pushing her legs wide. She wrapped one hand around Tori's thigh and used it to pull her pussy open. Tori opened her eyes in time to see Comanche push her nose into Tori's pubes. At the first contact of her tongue on Tori's exposed clit, she came again.

It was unreal, the explosions of pleasure from her pussy coming again and again, seemingly timed to match each swipe of that silken tongue over her clit. Her back arched, she whimpered and found it impossible to breathe as her body convulsed again and again. When she felt a long finger slide into her passage another blast of unreal euphoria tore through her already quivering body. Again and again and again the waves of pleasure assailed her mind, until she lost all connection with reality. She was totally absorbed in it, oblivious to all else.

When she regained some semblance of reason, she found Comanche already had her top and skirt back on. The dark headed girl helped her to her feet and watched in amusement as Tori tried to get her pants refastened.

"Thanks babe," she said, taking Tori's face in her hands.

Comanche kissed her then, not a peck but a deep, tongue swirling, toe curling soul kiss. When it broke, she opened the door and escorted Tori back to the main room.

Tori's legs were like rubber bands and she stumbled towards the table. Jo was at her side instantly, with a strong arm around her waist.

"Must have been some dance," Veronica laughed.

"You okay, Tor?" Jo asked, the concern in her voice cutting off further comments.

"I'm a little dizzy," she managed.

"Gimme the keys," Jo said theatrically.

Tori looked into her friends eyes and knew with certainty that Jo knew. She knew, too that Jo was covering for her, giving her the out of letting the drinks explain her flushed face and disorientation. As she handed them over, a secret smile passed between them. The kind that only the most intimate friends ever shared.

"Waitress, another round!" Monica hollered.

"Yeah, Tori's getting blasted!" Veronica enthused.

Tori decided she couldn't fight it, so she gulped down another drink as her friends egged her on. It would be okay. Jo would look after her.

"Oh god, please," Tori groaned after another round of dry heaves passed.

Jo laughed as she picked her smaller friend up and deposited her in the shower. Jo turned the taps on hot and closed the curtain. Tori groaned as the hot water hit her skin and feebly tried to crawl out of the shower. She gave up when her stomach lurched and just laid down at the back of the stall.

After several minutes, her stomach calmed somewhat and the pounding in her ears subsided to a dull throb. Jo helped her out and dried her off with a big fuzzy towel. Tori was used to Saturday mornings doing this, but she was used to being on the other side of the towel.

Back in the room, Jo had coffee made and Tori managed to choke down some ramen noodles. She slept most of the day and when she awoke, the room was dark and still. Jo was sitting at her desk with only the computer screen casting a weak glow on her face.

"How do you feel?" she asked when she realized Tori was awake.

"Awful. I won't ever do that again."

Jo laughed softly while closing her laptop down.

"We all say that. Hopefully, you'll be like the rest of us and break the vow before too long."

"I don't think so," Tori said, feeling her stomach lurch when she tried to sit up.

"Best get a move on, we're already late for the party at the Alpha house."

"Take my keys. I'm not up for anything right now."

"Ya sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Jo was watching her and Tori felt herself blush. She knew something needed to be said about last night, but words failed her. She knew Jo knew and she regretted not telling her sooner. Best friends didn't keep such secrets from each other.

"Jo, I..."


"Don't what?"

"Don't tell me you're a dyke. I know you feel the need to, but don't. It's all good."

"You sure? I mean..."

"Let it drop please," Jo said, standing quickly and grabbing Tori's keys.

"All right," she whispered as her friend breezed out of the room.

Tori cried then. The hurt in Jo's voice and posture had been so evident. She felt terrible, but had no clue how to fix things.

Jo stayed out Saturday night and all of Sunday. She came in long after Tori had fallen asleep and left before the crack of dawn. Tori spent all day trying to figure out how to make things right. She finally decided she would have to brave the storm and say her piece, even if Jo tried to stop her. It was a daunting prospect, but when she saw the light was on in the room when she got in from her late lab she was determined to do it.

"Jo, I..." she began as she opened the door to her room and walked in.

When she saw Comanche sitting there with Jo, she froze. Jo laughed, stood up and walked out the door. She paused in the hall and looked back in.

"You two have fun, fuck, whatever. I'll stay out till you give me a ring," she said before pecking Tori on the cheek and firmly closing the door.

Tori just stood there until the silence became awkward.

"You might as well sit down, Kitten," Comanche said in that same soft voice she had used in the private room.

"What's going on?" Tori managed.

"Well, it's a long story. Can I get you a beer? Or better yet some wine? I brought a bottle of Chardonnay. Jo said that's your favorite."

Comanche rose and turned her back on Tori, taking a chilled bottle out of the small fridge she and Jo shared.

"How do you know Jo? I'm so confused."

"I met Jo in her freshman year. I was TAing one of her classes."

"You're a student?" Tori asked incredulously.

Despite her confusion, she could feel tendrils of desire coiling in her tummy as she watched Comanche moving. It wasn't the calculated eroticism of a dancer, just a naturally sinuous and fluid motion, but when paired with such a gorgeous body, it was highly erotic.

"Grad student. Working on my masters in social anthropology, with an emphasis on Native American customs and religion."

"Why do you work at a strip club then?"

"I do come from a reservation," she said as she sat back down and handed Tori a glass of wine, "that isn't bullshit for the crowd."

She took a swallow of her beer before continuing. Her eyes locked with Tori's.

"It pays good, for one thing. For another, it's a night job and I make more two nights a week there than I would at any other job in town. I've got a grant, but it leaves very little to live on, much less money to send home every month to help my folks out. I've got three sisters and they're all sharp as tacks, but finding the money to send them to college is tough for my folks, so I get by on my grant money and send what I earn back to them for the girl's college funds."


"Surprised?" she asked with an enigmatic smile.

"Why didn't Jo act like she knew you?" Tori asked, not feeling comfortable answering the question.

"Well, Jo knows I'm a dyke. I put a move on her before she told me she didn't swing that way. Embarrassing, to say the least. We laugh about it now though. She knows my steady graduated and took up with some guy in Hollywood who promised to help her advance her acting career. I'm pretty sure he'll get her into porn and I hope she chokes on all that dick." she said vehemently.

When she noticed how Tori flinched, Comanche blushed.

"Sorry. I guess you can tell I'm still hurt, huh? Anyways, I've been down in the dumps and Jo was worried about me. She was also upset that Shauna was considering dancing. That girl ain't the brightest bulb in the chandelier and Jo was worried she would end up at one of the real dives. So when Shauna decided she was going to go through with it, Jo asked me to put in a good word for her with Maurice. No sweat, he's always looking for new girls and I picked up a fifty buck bonus when she started work. Arabia ain't the best club in town, but Maurice is retired and just runs it for something to do, so he isn't out to fuck anyone over and he's a nice old fellow. Kinda gets sweet on his girls and looks after us well."

"All right, but that still doesn't explain..."

"Patience, kitten, I'm coming to that. In between worrying about me and worrying about Shauna, Jo's been worrying about you."

"Me? But why?"

"You don't go out. You don't date. You're depressed a lot. She's a really great friend and she really cares about you."

"I know."

"So she started to wonder if you were les or bi and just afraid to approach anyone. She found your stash, by the way."

"Oh my god," Tori exclaimed, blushing beet red.

"I'm her only dyke friend, so of course she came to me for advice. I'm not going to lie to you, after she told me all about you and showed me some pictures, I was determined to meet you, but things just never worked out. Jo was afraid I was too hard assed for you."

Tori was still blushing, imagining Jo going through her collection of lesbian books. She thought she kept them in a safe place, but apparently not. Especially embarrassing was the knowledge that the bindings would fall open to her favorite passages in most of them.

"That changed when she saw some of your porn," she said, grinning when Tori shook her head.

"She still wasn't sure though, so we came up with getting you to the club. If you showed an interest, great, it was up to me to land you. If not, no embarrassment for Jo or hurt for me or you."

"So if I hadn't shown an interest?"

"We wouldn't have even met, except for maybe me trying to get you to get a table dance. Of course Jo was going to pay for a private dance when I did, that was part of the plan."

"That stinker!"

"Go easy on her. If you aren't interested, I'll walk. She's just your best friend and she was a little hurt you had never told her. I told her just a few minutes ago you were cherry, probably having a lot of issues with it, so she felt better."

"I'm not angry. I love her even more for introducing us, even if it was sneaky."

"I'm glad to hear you say that. You're hotter than hell, but damn, you sure made me work for it."

"I've never been so nervous," Tori admitted.

"You're cute when you're nervous and shy is very sexy on you. It was all I could do not to throw you over my shoulder and take you home."

"I wish you had."

"Well, don't know you well enough to do my Conan routine on you," she said with a smile.

Tori didn't know what to say to that. For a long while they just sipped their drinks and looked at one another.

"Now what?" Tori asked.

"Depends on you, Kitten. I won't lie, I'd love to get into your pants, but I'm not too caught up in sex. If you need time, we can go slow. I'd like to date you, not just be fuck buddies. I've had enough of that shit."

"I don't know what's best, but I know I've been dreaming about you and I'm dying for you to fuck me again," Tori said, blushing madly.

"I haven't fucked you yet darling," Comanche said with a crooked grin.

"You haven't?"

"No, but I will, if you want me to. I came prepared," she said, standing again and thrusting her hips forward while sticking her fingers in the belt loops of her jeans and pulling them tight.

Tori's eyes got big as she stared at the large bulge where she would expect to see a camel toe. In her imagination she could see the exotic girl between her legs, fucking her silly like her favorite characters in her books did to their girlfriends.

"What ya say, Kitten?"

"Coman...say, what is your name?"

"Linda Smith, believe it or not," she said with an ironic cocking of an eyebrow.


"My ancestors were civilized," she said, holding up both hands with two fingers to indicate quotes around the word, which came out so full of disdain Tori could feel it.

"I'm sorry," Tori said.

Linda laughed deeply and moved around the desk, pulling Tori to her feet.

"No need for you to be sorry. You didn't do it. I'm long past blaming people, though I'm still an activist for recognition of the wrongs done to us. That doesn't bother you does it?"


"Good. Now, are you ready for Conan, cause I'm just about to go crazy wanting you," she said seriously.

"I've been wanting you since we left the club," Tori replied after a moment's hesitation.

She didn't know what to expect, but the next thing she knew she was upside down, thrown over the tall girl's shoulder. Tori squealed in surprise and again when Linda tossed her onto the upper bunk. The tall girl climbed up and threw herself on top of Tori with a sexy growl.

Tori felt Linda's hands rip her blouse open, the spray of buttons making hollow sounds as they hit the floor. Linda's mouth was on her neck, sucking so hard it was sure to leave a mark and occasionally nipping. She pulled Tori's bra down beneath her breasts and began to roughly massage them, pinching the nipples and pulling them out from her body.

Tori made a noise that she had never made before. It was part moan, part groan and part whimper. It seemed to set Linda off as she slid down Tori's body and captured a nipple in her mouth. Her teeth were small and sharp and send shivers through Tori's body as the dark headed girl nipped and sucked. Linda's hands found Tori's belt and quickly undid it. In short order, Tori felt her button and the zipper yield to those nimble hands. Linda sat up suddenly, pulling Tori's jeans and panties down her legs.

Tori raised her legs and allowed Linda to pull the jeans off. She lost a shoe in the process and kicked off the other as Linda tossed her jeans to the floor. While still on her knees, Linda opened her fly and pulled out a wicked looking dildo. It was black and fat and drooped under its own weight. Tori felt her insides go all quivery at the sight of it.

Linda fell back onto her then, her mouth again licking and sucking Tori's sensitive nipple while her hand roughly massaged her pussy. Tori groaned when Linda thrust a single finger deeply into her, it was joined almost immediately by a second. Sparks of pleasure shot into her head as those fingers sawed in and out. She arched her back and mewled in pleasure as Linda chewed on her left nipple.

The tall girl sat up abruptly, and caught one of Tori's legs. She heaved it over, forcing the smaller girl to roll over onto her tummy. Linda's hands grabbed her hips and pulled upwards.

"On your knees, bitch," she commanded.

Tori readily complied. Her whole body was quivering with desire and the rough words seemed to twist the knife of desire she felt in her tummy. Linda pushed Tori's legs outwards with her knees and grasped her cock. She rubbed the head up and down Tori's lips.

"Tell me you want it, you hot little bitch."

Tori wanted to speak. She wanted to parrot the words like her fictional heroines did, but she couldn't make her mouth work.

"Tell me you want this big fat toy jammed up into that sweet cunt," Linda demanded.

The sound of Linda's hand smacking her ass was like a shot in the small room. Tori yelped as the hot pain flared and subsided to a penetrating warmth that suffused her cheek.

"See? You can talk. Now tell mummy what you want in that filthy little fuck hole of yours."

The words! They were killing her. Setting her blood on fire and fueling an all consuming need in her pussy. She had no idea how Linda could know, but she didn't care anymore. She just had to get fucked.

"Ohhh, please," Tori groaned.

"Tell me, do you want this nice fat cock?"

"Yes, please" Tori whined.

"Take it!" Linda barked, driving the dildo into Tori with a strong thrust.

She was so wet and ready the toy met little resistance. Tori felt stuffed, and her body jerked as more and more of it was jammed into her. Linda had her hands digging into the flesh of Tori's hips and she was soon pounding into the shuddering girl with abandon.

Tori was in heaven. Her body was responding to the stabbing thrusts, her hips throwing herself back onto the thick toy. Her mind was fogged by a lust she had only dreamed possible. When Linda's hands left her hips and wound into her hair, Tori's breath caught in her throat. The Indian girl pulled back hard, raising Tori to her hands and then bending her back. She used Tori's hair like reins, pulling her back to meet the thrusts as she picked up speed.

The only sounds in the room were the slap of Linda's hips on her ass and the juicy, squishy sounds of the big toy methodically sliding in and out of her sopping pussy.

Tori's body was so tense she felt like every fiber of her being was being stretched to the limit. Tension built in her stomach and lower back until she felt she was about to explode.

"Cum you little slut," Linda gasped.

Tori just fell apart as a massive contraction in her pussy was followed by rapid fire tensing and releasing. Each pulse sent signals to her brain that were so impossibly sharp and pleasurable she had trouble coping. She heard a screeching scream of animal pleasure, but couldn't reconcile that feral sound with anything she could make. Another blast from her pussy sent her reeling off into a place of fantastic shapes and colors and sensations.

She wasn't sure how, but Linda had rolled over on her side. She was holding Tori's leg up and still driving into her pussy. Her free hand had slid to the top of Tori's slit and was grinding on her clitoral area in time to the thrusts. Another orgasm took her with even greater intensity than the first. She was barely coherent when another massive contraction blasted her with pure bliss.

The room was warm and dark. Tori had been lying on her back, her head resting on Linda's arm as she contentedly suckled from one of Linda's big breasts. Linda was smiling and gently stroking her head, brushing stray hairs from her eyes.

"That was incredible," Tori managed at last.

"Better than your books?"


"Good. I wanted it to be the best for you," Linda said softly.

"I had no idea you were so butch."

Linda laughed softly and gently pulled Tori's head back to her nipple.

"I like it hard sometimes. I like it soft, too. It depends on my mood and my partner's needs. So I can play the top, the big bad butch, or the bottom, it's all good."

"You were just perfect," Tori said dreamily.

"I should think so. I got Jo to show me your stash," she replied, laughing when Tori sat straight up.

"Relax, baby," Linda said, gently pulling her back down to the bed.

Tori was mortified, but Linda held her close and smiled.

"There's nothing wrong with liking it hard. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone has their own little kinks, I'm just glad yours was one I could accommodate."

"It's strange," Tori said finally.

"What's strange?"

"Well. This was perfect, I mean just like I had always imagined it would be. But..."

"But what?"

"But, I really enjoyed it at the club too. I've never had any fantasy like that."

"There's a whole world of variations, kitten. Some you'll like, some you won't, some will be take it or leave it. You never know till you try them. Don't set limits without giving things a try. Just stay honest with me and I'll stay honest with you and we can explore any you wish."

"I'm just..."

"You're just afraid you'll want to try something and I'll think you're a freak," Linda said with a grin.


"Baby, we're all freaks, every one of us, in our own way. Now I need to go."


"Because you and Jo need to talk and I don't want to get in the way," she said as she climbed out of the bed and stuffed the toy back into her jeans.

"When will I see you again?" Tori asked.

"Tomorrow, if you want to go to dinner with me, I'd love to take you out."

Tori was sitting on her bed, when Jo let herself into the room.

"Have fun?" she asked as she took her jacket off.

"She knocked my socks off," Tori replied.

"Good for you," Jo said as she laughed and got a beer out of the fridge.

"Thanks Jo," Tori said quietly.

"If you had told me, you could have been having wild monkey sex all semester."

"I didn't know for sure and it was so embarrassing, ya know?"

"Sure," Jo said.

Tori could feel the discomfort slipping in and she wasn't going to allow it.

"I really didn't know."

"It's cool."

"No, it isn't cool. I hurt you and I'm sorry."

Something in her words made Jo look up and their eyes locked. Jo searched her face and then a smile split her lips.

"It's okay, Tor. You don't have to say anything else. I don't need it. I was hurt, but I really didn't have any right to be, I just assumed there was nothing we couldn't say to each other. I just now realized there were some things you couldn't say to yourself and I should have known that. Friends forever?"

"Forever," Tori said, smiling as she lay back on her bunk.

Colleen Thomas

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