Christmas advent calendar ||...

By strawberrymochi2468

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|| COVER MADE BY ME || This is an advent calendar leading up to Christmas! (mostly just to cure my boredom :P... More

• Introduction •
Dec. 1 - Settling In
Dec. 2 - Shopping
Dec. 3 - Decorating
Dec. 4 - Getting a Christmas Tree
Dec. 5 - Shopping || pt. 1
Dec. 5 - Shopping || pt. 2
Dec. 6 - Pillow Fort
Dec. 7 - Winter Festival
Dec. 8 - Blizzard
Dec. 9 - Snow day
Dec. 10 - A/N
Dec 11 + 12 - Skating References
Dec. 11 - Ice Skating
Dec. 12 - Ice Skating pt. 2 (again???)
Dec. 13 - Visiting
Dec. 14 - Hot Chocolate around the Fire
Dec. 15 - Visiting Alan
Dec. 16 - Secret Santa
Dec. 17 - Shopping (Red & TSC)
Dec. 18 - Shopping (Yellow & Blue)
Dec. 19 - A/N
Dec. 20 - Shopping (Green & Purple)
Dec. 21 - Exchange
Dec. 22 - Cookies
Dec. 23 - Gingerbread House Competition
Dec. 24 - Movie Night
• 𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎 •

Dec. 25 - Christmas

106 3 4
By strawberrymochi2468

TSC's eyes sprang open unlike any other day of this month.

Today is Christmas!! ✨

He swung the covers off himself and pulled open curtains to see it gently snowing outside.

Oh bro, no way! A white Christmas?

He pushed the door to see Red and Green singing that annoying song by Mariah Carey (all I want for christmas is.. YOU!!!)

Huh, nostalgia much? TSC thought, trying to shuffle between them towards the downstairs. Green grabbed him back and put an arm on his shoulder.

♪  All I want for Christmas... is.. YOU!!!! ♪ 

"Ugh Green, I've already heard enough of that song," TSC mumbled, trying to shove him away. They followed him downstairs where they saw Purple and Mango making some waffles.

Purple waved them over.

"Morning! And merry Christmas!!" Purple smiled and handed them all a plate of warm, delicious waffles. TSC took a good whiff of them.

"These look great, Purple! Do you have any whipped cream to go with these too?"

"Yeah, of course! Heck I might've made too much whipped cream.."

As Purple gave TSC some of the whipped cream, Blue and Yellow came into the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas!!!" Blue exclaimed brightly, pouring a kettle of boiling water into a mug. He gingerly placed a tea bag in there, and let it cool.

Yellow prepared himself some tea too. "G'morning."

"Wow, took you guys long enough," Green said, leaning on the edge of the counter. "Finally sick of coffee?" he asked Yellow.

Yellow glared at him.

"No, we just ran out."

"Guys, guys!!! We can't forget about the presents! 🤩" Red called, already rushing to the living room. Everybody followed suit and was greeted with a bright glowing Christmas tree in the corner of the room.

A neat stack of presents sat just below it.

TSC picked up a present with his name labeled on the tag.

"To TSC, from Red." TSC looked up at Red, but he was already tearing open one of the gifts.

"Oh. My. God. TSC, you got me a Squishemallow? It's so cute!!!" Red hugged the squishmallow tightly before putting it on the couch beside the other pillows.

TSC smiled at him before getting back to his on gift. He shook it next to his ear before ripping it open too.

"A sketchbook? How'd you know that I've been trying to find a decent one??" TSC looked at Red suspiciously. Red chuckled.

"Just a lucky guess," he said, then his eyes lit up. "You should look at what Blue got you too! It goes really well with the sketchbook."

TSC peered curiously at Blue's gift for him, and unwrapped it.

"Oh, woah. I love ink pens! You're the best, Blue!!"

Red smiled at TSC, then moved onto the present from Green, and carefully removed the silver bow that was glued on top. He lifted up the hat. "Aww, Green, where'd you find this? A Pikachu hat? I wouldn't have thought I needed it until now!"

"I knew you'd like it!" Green said from the couch. "The ears move up and down too."

"Really? That just makes it even better!!" Red replied, gently smiling.

Green looked down at the gift from Purple and grinned.

Of course Purple would get him a plushy of a duck with a knife.

"You're such a big goof," Green chuckled, shoving Purple lightly.

"Dude shut up!" Purple exclaimed, opening up his own present. He peered down at the stuffing. "Ooh, cat toys? Thanks so much, Red!" he called over.

"You're welcome!!!" Red called back.

Purple inspected another one of the gifts. "Oh wow, what fancy packaging. You know you didn't have to go all out, Green." Green shrugged as Purple opened up the gift.

Purple laughed.

"An otamatone? I'm going to learn how to play this faster than the violin!"

Green grinned, then unwrapped a gift that said To: Green || From: Yellow

He gaped at the glossy new CDs.

"Pigstep, Scott Buckley remix? This song is so good!" He looked over at Yellow. "Thanks!"

Yellow just nodded, then glanced down at the puzzle that Red had gotten him.

"Thank you, Red! I'm definitely going to be solving this tomorrow." Red beamed at him. Yellow looked around the base of the Christmas tree and found the gift for him from Blue, and gently took off the lacing.

He inspected the rose polaroid.

"Blue!! This is the exact one I had when I was friends with that Ghast. I've been trying to find a replacement forever," Yellow said, putting on arm on Blue's shoulder.

Laughing, Blue slid the top off the package from Yellow.

In the center of the fluffy white stuffing was new crochet hooks and yarn!

 "AHHH!!! Thanks so much Yellow," Blue said happily, tackling him with a hug. Yellow beamed. "And the yarns perfect too, isn't it?" Yellow asked him.

"Yeah!!" Blue agreed. Even though Blue was really excited to crochet, he moved onto the gift TSC got for him.

"An apron! I was trying to find a new one after all those ramen stains," Blue said, putting it to the side. Red strolled over to Blue, crouching next to him.

"Did you open my gift yet?" he asked warmly.

"Oh! No, not yet. Where is it?"

"Over there! Here I'll get it for you." Red walked over to a small box and handed it to Blue. "Here ya go!" Blue took off the wrapping paper and looked at the inside.

"Ooh, dinosaur plant pots! I should put mini succulent plants in here." Blue smiled up at Red. "Thanks, Red! This is awesome!" But Red was already looking at the insides of another box.

"Blue!!! These bunny earmuffs are sooo soft!" Red exclaimed. "And it goes perfectly well with the bunny keychain I got from Purple!!" He held up a fluffy bunny keychain.

"Hmm, I need to check if Purple opened the gift I got for him," Red continued. "Wait here!"

As he walked over to Purple, he noticed that he was playing with Midnight. Purple looked up.

"Hey, Red! Midnight loves the gift you got for him," mentioned Purple.

"Yeah, thanks for the green otamatone!!" Green added. "Purple got an otamatone from me. I guess both of us went to the same music store."

"Oh yeah, I guess we did! Great minds think alike," Red quoted. Green laughed. "Yeah, I guess so!"

Green started unwrapping another gift, and held up the plushy that kind of looked like Bob.

"TSC, where'd you find this?! It's a masterpiece!!" Green chuckled. "You're such a goofball."

"Not as big of a goofball as you! You got me a sleeping mask that says 'bitch I'm sleeping,'" TSC called from the other side of the room. [credit to EAT (on twitter) for the idea :)]

Green shrugged. "I guess that just means we're even."

TSC looked over at the lava lamp beside him. "Thanks for the lava lamp, Purple!"

"No problem!" Purple called back. "Thanks for the snow globe!"

Purple looked at the things around him; a moon lamp from Blue, a flower light from Yellow, a snow globe from TSC, an otamatone from Green, fluffy penguin socks from Mango, and cat toys from Red!

"I'm going to go put these in my room," Purple decided, getting up and trudging through the mountains of wrapping paper to his room.

"Okay." Green nodded, wrapping the crochet scarf from Blue around his neck. Green turned to look at Blue.

"..I thought you lost your crochet hooks?"

"Yeah.. I just used chopsticks instead," Blue answered nonchalantly.

"Chopsticks?" Green asked skeptically.

"Don't worry, they were clean!!" Blue turned back to the box in his lap. Green watched him unwrap the present.

"Do you like it?" Green asked, peering over Blue's shoulder.

"What–? Yeah! Of course, of course," Blue set the chicken egg separator on the floor. Blue tilted his head. "It.. kinda looks like it's barfing in the picture."

"That's exactly what I thought!!" Green said, putting on arm on Blue's shoulder. Blue laughed, reaching for the last gift beside him.

"Ooh, a terrarium!! From Purple. Thanks Purp– hey, where is he?"

Green pointed with his thumb at Purple's room. "I think he's putting the gifts in his room." A moment later, Purple came strolling out.

"Hey guys!" He looked over at Blue. "Do you like the terrarium?"

Blue nodded, then glanced down at the small soon-to-be garden.

"I think some mini orchids would look nice in here," he said, thinking out loud. "And I could put some moss at the bottom, too!!"

Purple sat down next to Blue.

"That would be perfect!!" Purple said. "I'm glad you like it."

"Purple, did you really get me a book on the 'Art of Coffee'?" Yellow asked, trying to hold back a laugh. Purple smiled.

"Of course! Even though we ran out of coffee," Purple replied.

"Don't worry, I'll just have to drink tea instead." Yellow held up a mug that said '#1 engineer'.

Green leaned back to look at Yellow. "Hey, that's the mug that I got for you!"

Yellow nodded.

"Yeah, thanks for admitting that I'm the best engineer out there, Green."

"What? No. It's just that there weren't any mugs that said '#2 best engineer', so I had to get you that instead."

Yellow just shook his head, grinning, as TSC came over, shuffling about in his brand new slippers.

"Guys!! Look at these awesome new slippers!!" he said, walking around.

"Woahh!!!!! Those look sick!" Green said, grinning widely.

TSC smiled. "They're from Yellow." TSC looked at Yellow but he was watching Midnight play with the plasma ball.

TSC walked over to him.

"These shoes look nice on me, don't they?" TSC asked him.

"Yeah, they look amazing!" Yellow agreed. "Thanks for the plasma ball, I think Midnight likes it more than I do." He chuckled.

Red came over, wearing a bee headband. He carefully placed a bee headband on Midnight too– so they were matching!!

"You guys look so good!" TSC exclaimed, giving a mini applause.

Red bowed, the antennae springing everywhere as he picked up Midnight and made him bow too.

"Thank you, thank you." Red straightened himself and Midnight, then placed him back down again.

Everybody looked up as Mango entered the room, holding a tray of hot chocolate. He passed one around to everyone.

"Thanks!" Purple noticed the golden beanie that Mango was wearing.

"Isn't that the beanie that I got you?"

"Yeah, it is!" Mango replied, taking a sip of hot chocolate.

"You look great in it, dad," Purple gushed. He turned back to look at everybody else.

TSC put his mug of hot chocolate up.

"Cheers to Yellow for those awesome slippers!!"

Yellow looked at him amusingly.

He stood up. "Cheers to Blue for the new polaroid!"

Blue grinned. "Cheers to Red for the new plant pots!"

"Cheers to Purple for the bunny keychain!!" Red looked over at Purple, and whispered, "Thanks."

Purple smirked, "Cheers to Green for that otamatone!!"

"Cheers to TSC for the Bob plushy!" Green beamed.

TSC cleared his voice.


"Cheers to a merry Christmas!!"

    ° ° °

1725 words <33

thought I was going to be able to finish this earlier so you could read it earlier but guess not .-.

I wrote 700 words the first day then 1000 words the next [𝕨𝕠𝕨] :0

(started Sunday dec. 24 || finished Monday dec. 25)

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