The Devil May Cry

By Shattered_Realms

17.3K 226 47

RWBY x male son of vergil reader More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Vergil)
Chapter 24 (Dante)
Chapter 25 (Y/n)
The Final Chapter

Chapter 6

740 7 2
By Shattered_Realms

Summer POV

I wake up expecting to be in the same dungeon Salem kept me in but I was instead in a bed in what looked like the medical bay. I was also in hospital gowns so either I was in a coma for a long long time or someone rescued me from that damned place. Before I could exit the bed the door opened and a familiar face walked in.

Ozpin: Ah, Mrs. Rose, you're finally awake.

Summer: Ozpin? H-how am I back at Beacon?

Ozpin: I had a certain someone break in and retrieve you.

Summer: Alone?!

Ozpin: He's something different than you might expect. If you wish to come meet him he is training within the amphitheater.

Summer: I would like to meet him, please.

Ozpin nods and helps me out of bed which felt nice. We both walk out of the medical building and into Beacon's nightly appearance. We both walk into the amphitheater where a purple creature with wings and a katana in hand was.

(purple instead of orange and red and The Yamato in the right hand)

The creature was fighting holograms of my old team and some teams of newer generations and he was doing it with ease. Once the creature had bested every hologram it looked directly at me and I felt my blood run cold and shivers run down my spine. The creature flew up and landed infront of Ozpin and I and even Ozpin was frightened which says something, but the aura of this creature is something I have only ever felt once and that was when Vergil was nearby. The creature then turned into a young boy who looked very similar to Vergil to the point I believed this to be his son.

Y/n: It's good to see you well. Y/n Sparda, and as you may have guessed, son of Vergil Sparda. My grandfather was a demon who was wedded to a human who gave birth to my father and uncle. They were both orphaned around the age of eight and have had to live alone ever since, me on the other hand, I was orphaned at two or three years old where my uncle raised me until I was ten. Your daughters miss you, I recommend speaking to them when they return to Beacon. Yes, it is much to take in but you will understand in time.

I was completely lost for words. He had been through so much and so has his father and uncle. Vergil's lust for power might be just to be able to protect the only family he has left, his brother and son.

Summer: You've been through so much and you're so young. I'm sorry for all that has happened to you.

Y/n: It is fine. Well, I must prepare to confront my father when we meet aga-

Before he could finish his sentence a loud siren echoed throughout the whole school. We all run out of the amphitheater and see smoke coming from the center of Vale. Y/n transformed into that creature again which must be his semblance.

Y/n: Get Summer inside. Something's happening.

Before I could protest he shot up into the air and flew toward Vale while Ozpin guided me to the dormitory building where I'd wait for my daughters and Y/n to come back.


I fly toward the smoke in Vale with the feeling things aren't going to go well. I make it to Vale and see that there are Grimm flooding the streets of Vale and trying to attack civilians so I dive down and kill the ones that were chasing the fleeing civilians before flying to the source of the smoke where I find RWBY surrounded by all sorts of Grimm.

Y/n: *sigh* How do you get yourselves into these kinds of situations?

I soar down and land on the ground causing the concrete to shatter from the impact and all the Grimm to turn their attention toward me along with RWBY. I grab the hilt of the Yamato before unsheathing it and transferring more power into it creating Devil Sword Y/n.

(blue is purple like everything else)

Suddenly a large demon Grimm creature rose from the ground and starred at me.

It raised its sword and pointed it at me before speaking with a cold deep voice. I recognized this Grimm to be an Executioner.

Executioner: Give me the Yamato.

Y/n: If you want it, you'll have to take it. But you already knew that.

I stand ready with Devil Sword Y/n while the Executioner also stood in a ready stance. The other Grimm were about to attack but the Executioner raised his hand which stopped them so they all looked at the Executioner and I stare each other down. We both charge toward each other and both strike at the same time causing the blades to clash with such power it caused the ground beneath us to crack.

Executioner: Such power. You truly are the kin of Sparda.

Our blades separate and we both strike again causing our blades to meet again. I move Devil Sword Y/n downward causing the Executioners blade to slip off Devil Sword Y/n but it spun around and slashed at my head but I used my sword to block the strike. I teleport behind the Grimm and kick it forward but it dug its sword into the floor which slowed it down until it stopped. The Executioner ripped its sword out from the ground and starred me down before running at me so I preform a Judgement Cut which heavily injured the Executioner but didn't kill it. It stood up and ran at me again so I slash upwards sending the Executioner to fly into the air where I began slashing away at it but it also began slashing back so we started trading blows while suspended in the air but after I preform a powerful combo I slash downwards on the Grimm cutting it in half before falling to the ground followed by both halves of the Executioner. I deactivate my SDT and Yamato returned to its original form. Suddenly, team JNPR fell from the sky and landed next to RWBY while all the Grimm charged at me but before they even got close I preformed multiple Judgement Cuts killing many of the Grimm but more rose from the whole followed by things I'd hoped Vale would never have to face. Demons. Death Scissors, Empusa, Hell Caina, Pyrobats, Hell Antenora and Hell Judecca to be exact.

Weiss: What are those things?!

Ren: I've never seen these types of Grimm before!

Y/n: These are not Grimm! These are demons! Most likely followed the Grimm here!

Suddenly a bullhead arrived and a team of second years were inside along with Professor Port. They all jumped out and began fighting the surrounding demons and Grimm to which I followed as did RWBY and JNPR. I began slashing at a large group of Hell Caina and Empusa while RWBY took on two Death Scissors and JNPR fought a Hell Antenora. Slowly, everyone was being pushed closer and closer together by the demons which just proved to be too much for everyone else so there is one thing I think will work to kill the remaining enemies.

Y/n: Everybody, down!

With that said, everyone got down on the ground and covered their heads while I move around at ungodly speeds to preform the Judgement Cut End. I teleport to the middle of the group while there were visible slashes in time and space that slowly closed as Yamato was being sheathed and once the click of the sheath was heard all the demons and Grimm were hit by the Judgement Cut End and died almost instantly. The demons slowly shattered into pieces while the Grimm turned into black particles that blew away in the wind. Everyone stood up and looked around at the deteriorating enemies before looking back at me with shocked expressions on their faces.

???: Nice hustle, sexy.

Ruby: What was that?

Y/n: Judgement Cut End. A technique I locked away because it was too powerful and dangerous.

Nora: Well what about that... thing you just were?

Y/n: My semblance isn't like everyone else. My semblance is called Sin Devil Trigger. Something my grandfather possessed and it had gone through my father and uncle and now to me. Another thing I locked away until last night.

Yang: Well, how'd you unlock them again?

I look down at my sword before looking back up at her and she instantly knew what I did and judging by the look in her eyes she wasn't very pleased.

Yang: You stabbed yourself?!

Y/n: It isn't the first time I had been stabbed. I'm... I'm a devil which means I have an incredible healing factor. I am the grandson of a devil named Sparda.

Oobleck: Sparda?! The same Sparda who single handedly bested both the light god and dark god and shattered our moon?!

Y/n: The one and only. It's something I wished I would never have anyone know about me.

I unsheathe Yamato and slash a portal open before turning to everyone.

Y/n: Ruby, Yang, there is a surprise for you in your dorm I got you. And don't follow me.

I walk through the portal and end up in the amphitheater where I activated the holograms and prepared to train until my body gives out.

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