Deceiving the Viscount

By PhoenixP01

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If you've been waiting for Garrett's and Frederica's story, here it is! Garrett has given up pining for his s... More

Chapter 1A
Chapter 1B
Chapter 2A
Chapter 2B
Chapter 3A
Chapter 3B
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8A
Chapter 8B
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11A
Chapter 11B
Chapter 11C
Chapter 12A
Chapter 12B
Chapter 13A
Chapter 13B
Chapter 13C
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (Bonus Chapter)

Chapter 14

284 14 0
By PhoenixP01

"Mrs Brookfield? Mrs Brookfield? Are you well?" Frederica blinked out of her daze and saw the concern in Thomas's light brown eyes.

"Yes, yes." She shifted in her seat in the drawing room. "I'm quite well, Thomas. What is the matter?"

"A Miss Julia Marlowe is here to call. Shall I send her in?"

"Yes! Yes, of course." Frederica stood up to receive her friend who breezed into the room and they hugged. "Julia, what a pleasant surprise. Come, you must meet my son." And pulled the young woman over to where William was lying down while staring out the window.

"Oh, he has the handsomest look I've ever seen!" Julia exclaimed as Frederica lifted her son out of the bassinet. Julia reached out to touch a finger to William's plump cheeks. He gurgled at her, kicking his legs in excitement and she cried out. "He's such a delightful little boy! What's his name?"

They spent several minutes fawning over William who happily drank in all the attention. "Would you like to hold him?"

Julia stared at her. "I...I'd love to but what if I drop him?"

"No, that will not happen because I will teach you how."Frederica sat Julia down and directed her to move her arms into a cradle position. "Just imagine him as a big heavy pillow," she said as she lowered William into Julia's waiting arms. "Do not stiffen your arms or shoulders. It will be uncomfortable for him, like lying on a wooden floor, and then he will cry to indicate his unhappiness and discomfort."

It took Julia but a few moments to get used to holding William. Frederica grinned at the wonder she saw on Julia's face as William waved his hands and legs. And even though his fingers became entwined in the chain of the necklace she wore and he'd tugged hard enough for Julia to let out a painful "ah!", she only gently shook her head in a bid to dislodge his grip even as Frederica leapt up to help her.

When all was well again and William back in his bassinet, Frederica said, "you will be a wonderful mother, Julia." The skeptical look thrown at her had her laughing. "It is not mere platitudes. I used to suffer from the same ideas about myself, that I wouldn't enjoy the notion of being a mother simply because it is something expected of me. I used to say that I was looked upon as nothing more than a broodmare.

"But after William was born, when I held him in my arms for the first time, something in me changed. I had to do right by this tiny person whom depended on me for everything, and there'd be nothing I couldn't sacrifice for his happiness. And I'm certain you'd do the same for your child."

Julia ducked her head in obvious embarrassment. "Thank you for the absolute faith you have in me. I will remember this day if I ever marry and have children."

"If? Is it not a matter of time before I read of the announcement of your marriage to Mr Shearing?"

Julia sent her a scolding look. "You know very well that he has neither explained himself nor properly apologised for his actions!"

"Not even last night when it was just the two of you?"

Frederica frowned at her friend's agitated head shake. It looked like an afternoon call to Shearing's residence was in order.

"Speaking of which, his lordship and you disappeared as well." Julia wiggled her eyebrows at Frederica suggestively. "Just the two of you. Did something occur between you?"

Frederica fought to maintain her composure and not let her cheeks heat in memory of her explosive reaction to Garrett's fingers. She knew she should regret her actions for it gave him an opening, a foothold in her life. But having resisted her own desires for so long, it'd been all but impossible to continue to deny herself in the face of his overwhelming hunger for her. "No. Nothing. Zero occurrences. He was the perfect gentleman and escort. Nothing happened."

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Frederica scowled at the toothy grin Julia flashed her. "I simply cannot bring myself to discuss what'd transpired between the two of us with you. It would be...unseemly."

"Unseemly because it involves sexual relations between a man and woman?" At Frederica's stony silence, Julia giggled and clapped her hands. "It worked! Oh, I can't tell you how pleased I am for you, Frederica!"

"What worked?" At the woman's horrified and guilty look, Frederica narrowed her eyes. "Did you conspire with him, Julia?" Fury turned her words into a near growl.

Her visitor shook her head vigorously. "Never! Lord Healey was unaware of my plan! I only told Shearing, and that was because having his assistance would ensure I wouldn't be unnecessarily thwarted."

"And what did you plan to happen, Julia?"

"Only that the two of you might have the opportunity to resolve the unrequited love you feel for each other."

"Oh, Julia." Frederica couldn't keep her ire in the face of Julia's earnest innocence. "It did nothing of that sort. There are too many insurmountable barriers between Healey and I."

"I-I don't understand. What barriers could there possibly be?"

"I won't explain myself. You only need know that a union between Healey and I is nigh impossible." She reached over to pat Julia's clenched hands. "Thank you for trying."

"No!" Julia captured Frederica's hand in hers. "Tell me. Please." She turned pleading. "I wish for your happiness, Frederica. Surely a marriage with the man you love will result in that."

Frederica shook her head gently. "He is a viscount and I'm a widowed navy lieutenant's wife. The ton will not like it. They will think me reaching beyond my means and refuse to acknowledge me. And he needs their support to achieve what he hopes to achieve in Parliament."

"But you are still gentry! Your connection to Sir John's baronetcy is-"

"Tenuous at best. I'm a distant relation."


"No more, Julia." Frederica's firm tone and gaze brooked no quarter. "Let us end this discussion here. There shall be no more attempts on your part to interfere in this business. Promise me."

At Julia's reluctant agreement, Frederica smiled. "Thank you. Well, enough of this gloom. Let us talk of happier things."

Julia departed from Frederica's house in a mood. As she set off for home in the carriage, she mulled over the other woman's words. Frederica had made her background sound like a death blow to Healey's political ambitions. Was it really that dire? Did Healey not possess any power of his own that marriage to someone not of their set would immediately result in his inability to achieve his goals? Surely not. But she could only be certain if she asked him about this. She'd write him a note when she returned home.

Her mind occupied planing what she might say to him to convince him to support her cause, she hadn't realised she'd arrived at her house. The carriage door opened and the steps unfolded. As she made to descend, her fingers were gripped in an unexpectedly firm hold, very unlike that of a footman's. Her gaze flew up to meet familiar green and brown orbs. "Shearing!" Startled, she stumbled and would have fallen had he not managed to catch her but she ended up plastered against him for all the world to see.

They must have stood like this for nary a heartbeat yet she felt she'd lived a lifetime while looking into his eyes. "Julia," her name a whisper on his lips and her world upended.

Belatedly realising she was still in his embrace, she hurriedly pushed herself away from him. She pulled at her dress and quickly entered the house, silently berating herself for her clumsiness while her insides churned and flipped around like acrobats performing for an audience. What was wrong with her?

"Ju...Miss Marlowe." She turned at her name. "I apologise for startling you earlier. I shouldn't have done what I did."

She felt her mind in a scatter. "No,'s no matter." Why had she turned into this simpleton in front of him? She was his mistress and he her servant! She commanded all the power. Yet, she felt helpless as a newborn babe now. "I...I must...I have something to do. If you will excuse me."

"Wait! I..." Glancing about him, he pulled her out of the main hallway and into the drawing room. "I rather our conversation not be heard by all the servants. I wanted to ask if your plan succeeded. Did Lord Healey and Mrs Brookfield reconcile?"

Julia shook her head morosely. "Something happened between them, that much Frederica confirmed. But there will be no marriage between them."

"Did she give a reason?"

Julia repeated their conversation to Shearing and her subsequent thoughts on the matter while in the carriage. "Do you think Lord Healey might agree to meet with me again considering he'd been duped once by me?"

"Will you invite him to Vauxhall Gardens again?"

"Certainly not! A walk along the Serpentine maybe. Or a ride in Hyde Park."

"Then it is unlikely he will decline."

She worried her lip. "Are you certain?"

"Or I could issue the invitation. I can invent a plausible enough reason to induce him to come."

"Will you? Oh, thank you!" She flung her arms around his body and hugged him. "Thank you for assisting me, Arthur! I mean, Shearing. Mr Shearing." Stepping away, she turned to one side and covered her face in embarrassment. How could she have committed such an erroneous act? She needed to remain removed from his attempts to win back her heart.

At his soft chuckle, she winced, "I beg you not to laugh." And then felt his entire body pressed against her back and his arms come around to hold her to him. "What are you doing? The servants will see!"

"They can't, not where we are standing." He spoke into her hair. "I've missed hearing you call me 'Arthur'."

"It was an aberration. Do not get used to it. I'm still furious at you."

She felt him place his lips against her temple. "I'm well aware, Mistress Marlowe. But I will take any small scrap of affection you deign to throw my way."

She looked at him over her shoulder. "Even if it takes the rest of your life for you to earn my forgiveness?"

He nodded gravely. "Especially so if it does. Because then it'll mean you will be by my side until the end."

Julia turned away quickly as she scrambled to cover the hitch in her breath and the uneven beat of her heart at his words. Willing herself to calm down, she tried to rebuild her crumbling defences. But deep down, she knew she was fighting a losing battle. She didn't know much more of his assault on her heart she could take.

And whether she truly wanted to win this war against him.

The sky was gloomy and the grey clouds hung low, threatening rain. However, the members of the beau monde were not deterred by the impending inclement weather. The fashionable hour was now and they were determined to be present and be seen along the Rotten Row. As such, there was a crowd no matter where one turned one's head.

Garrett was thankful that Shearing had selected the quieter part of Hyde Park to meet. He was seated in one of the ancient Roman-styled pavilions that dotted the path along the North side, directly opposite from where the majority of the ton promenaded. Though there were still people present, they were far fewer, giving them a measure of privacy to discuss matters. Though what that would be, he hardly knew. The man's note had been brief and vague, a vexing situation. Garrett liked to possess as much information as he could before he engaged in any discourse.

Suddenly, rain began to fall, first as a drizzle then it became a steady downpour. A few shouts of surprise were heard as the park visitors hurriedly sought shelter where they could, especially those who hadn't any umbrellas with them.

A pair ducked into the pavilion he was in and Garrett stared at them. "Miss Marlowe," he lifted his hat in greeting. "This is an unexpected surprise. Though the venue for our meeting makes all the sense in the world now. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"Do not blame Shearing here for not informing you earlier. He offered to help me set up a meeting. After the subterfuge of last night," she trailed off, the guilt and contrition evident on her face, "I was uncertain if you were pleased or angry at what I'd done, and whether that would induce or dissuade you from agreeing to meet me once again. My apologies on duping you yesterday. And today."

"Think nothing of it. In fact, you have my heartiest thanks for your duplicity yesterday. I finally had the opportunity to clear the air with Mrs Brookfield."

"Oh, that's wonderful! But why the forlorn look, my lord?"

"Because I..." He realised then that he owed Miss Marlowe an explanation and an apology. "Shearing, could I speak with Miss Marlowe privately? Please?" The man was reluctant to let go of her arm and step aside but at her urging, he moved a few paces away, out of earshot.

"What is it, my lord?"

"I..." he cleared his throat, unsure how to proceed with the matter of breaking his promise and retracting his proposals to her. "That is to say...I wish to inform you that I-"

"I release you from your promises, my lord. And the marriage proposals. You have no further obligation to marry me."

Garrett blinked at her. "Truly?" Her nod and accompanying smile eased the tightness in his chest. "And you harbour no ill will towards me?"

"None at all. You have my blessing, my lord, to marry Frederica."

"If I can persuade her to, that is." Frustration had him running his hand through his hair repeatedly.

"Then you and I are of the same mind." She waved Shearing over and when he joined their tiny circle, she said, "let us think of a way to convince Frederica that the unassailable is not as it seems."

"What did she claim was unconquerable?" At the end of Julia's narration, she asked worriedly. "Is it really as dire for you as she claims? Will marriage to her be the death of your political ambitions?"

Garrett found himself frowning. "Certainly it is not the most ideal for me, but marrying her isn't the end of everything."

"She seems to think otherwise."

"I could convince her that her beliefs are flawed. But that is not the only thing preventing her for accepting my suit. Does the name "Frederica Milbourne" mean anything to you?" Things began to fall into place when they shook their heads. "There is a secret she is keeping regarding this person. And the fact that she kept it even from you, her closest friend, has significance. She even reacted badly, claiming that I was destroying important relationships of hers when I said I'll write to my sister, who is her bosom friend, to enquire about this."

"But what could be so terrible a secret that she'd need to keep it from people who love her?"

They were silent for many moments. Finally, Julia snapped her fingers. "Is it an identity she doesn't want to make known?"

"But what sort of identity needs to be kept a secret?" Shearing wondered.

"Illegitimacy!" Julia and Garrett all but shouted it at the same time.

"She's someone's by-blow. Her hesitancy last night hadn't only been about her lack of connections. And her extreme reaction to others finding out about Frederica Milbourne is not unsurprising in the least now." Julia in agreement with Garrett's words. "But whose?"

"Could it be related to her search for the Earl of Brackley?" Shearing interjected. "For a man who is almost a recluse, it would hardly make sense for Mrs Brookfield to possess something of his, especially something valuable, if there was no prior connection between the two."

"So Lord Brackley could be her father?" Julia piped.


Julia tapped her chin. "But he seems a little too young to be her father, if what I read in Debrett's is accurate in my memory." She saw Shearing's wide-eyed gaze and swatted his arm. "Do reign in your shock. It is not a good look on you."

"No, I am in awe. Did you have the whole book memorised?"

"No, just the unmarried ones." She let out a long-suffering sigh. "Mama was quite determined."

"Is he not married?"

"He is newly widowed and with no issue. But he should be out of mourning by now."

"Lady Welles thought to make a match of you and a man nearly old enough to be your father?" His incredulity was second only to Garrett's own. "I wasn't aware that her ladyship was..."

"Desperate is the word you want." She looked at Shearing. "You know how unladylike I was growing up. Mama despaired of me ever making a match. I used to think that if she were cold-hearted enough, the age of my potential husband wouldn't be a barrier to our marriage." She shuddered and Shearing took her hand in his so he could rub his thumb along the back of it.

"There are many eyes about at the moment," he murmured in a low voice though Garrett was still able to hear every word. "If we were alone, I would take you in my arms and-"

Garrett cleared his throat loudly. "Shall I have the two of you packed into a carriage so that you might have some measure of privacy?" He eyed the pair, and red stained Julia's cheeks as she muttered an apology. "Back to the matter at hand. How will we resolve this matter of Frederica's birth?"

"My uncle previously mentioned that he might have acquaintances who know Lord Brackley. And if so, he'd kindly make the introductions."

"But will Lord Brackley openly acknowledge her as his daughter? Only when she is accepted as a member of the ton, will she have less of a reason to refuse my hand."

"Then his lordship will have to be persuaded."

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