This Wish

By izzysalt

21.3K 507 114

Meet Olivia who is king Magnifico and queen Amaya's daughter. She is Asha's close friend and wants to help he... More

Welcome To Rosas
Seven Friends
King And Queen
The Wishes
What Everyone Deserves
Can't Stay Silent
Star's Magic
Keeping Secrets
First Impressions Matter
A Forgotten Dream
Forbidden Spells
What We Know Now
Ready For This
Eyes In A Reflection
A Villainess Princess
Love Vs Hate

Won't Be Speechless

1.2K 23 13
By izzysalt

Star used his magic to make the stick glow

Olivia: what did you-

Magic came out of the stick and made a apple bigger

Asha: Whoa!

Olivia: it's magic... I would be a lot happier if...

Asha: I know but we can do this!

Olivia: thank you Star but now you have to do your part

Star nodded and flew away

Asha: you know how to use that right?

Olivia: I think so-

She zapped a firework into the sky

Olivia: Well that's new... let's go

Asha and Olivia both run off deeper into the forest and magnifico was able to see the firework

Magnifico: challenge accepted


Meanwhile Dario, Safi, Hal, Bazeema Gabo and walked into the room with the wishes

All: Whoa...

Dario: through the heart we understand the world

Gabo: Huh?

Dario saw all the poisons on a table

Dario: Oh! Hot drinks!

Gabo: those aren't drinks!

Then Star flew through the window and up to the group

Hal: Star! Your here!

Star giggled

Gabo: How's Olivia? Is she safe? And what about Asha?

Star nodded

Gabo: Phew...

Dario: Aww!

Gabo: C-Can we just focus?!

Hal: right first we open the roof and then Star returns the wishes!

Safi: the queen said we need to look for giant pulleys

Valentino already climbed up to the pulleys

Valentino: maybe these pulleys? start climbing! As my mother always said 'if someone falls... leave them!'

Gabo: are you sure that's the only way?

Valentino: Yes!

Gabo: Fine... how do we get up there?

Star made books float and created a set of stairs


Back with Asha and Olivia they hid behind bushes when king magnifico arrived

Olivia: alright let's see-

Magic shot out of them stick and moved the bushes apart

Magnifico: big mistake

They both ran off but magnifico ran after them

Asha: try again!

Olivia: third times the-

She tried to blast Magnifico but a dress appeared on a mouse

Olivia: Charm... why is this so hard?

Then Asha and Olivia jumped into a big wagon

Olivia: please work this time!

Olivia hit the wagon with the stick and the wood started moving like legs

Asha: Haha! You did it!

Olivia: barely...


Meanwhile Asha and Olivia's friends couldn't pulled open the roof

Safi: it won't move!

Hal: I'm trying my hardest!

Dario was just making different knots with the rope

Gabo: hey Dario buddy! It's called a pulley for a reason!

Dario: this is no time for riddles!

Valentino jumped on Gabo's head

Gabo: get off-!

Valentino: come on! It's as obvious as my baby beard! You must pull together! You to Gabo! For your one true love!

Gabo: I don't even know if she feels the same!

Valentino: just pull on my count!

Gabo: Alright! Alright!

Valentino: one... two... nine fifty! Twenty alphabet!

Gabo: Wait what?!

Valentino: I can't count

Gabo: yeah you've made that pretty obvious!

Hal: Now!

Everyone pulled at the same time then the roof started to open

Valentino: that's it! Give it all you've got!

They all let go and the roof closed

Gabo: we need more weight!

Valentino: well it's not falling if you jump!

Gabo: alright fine! For Olivia and everyone in Rosas!

Gabo was the first to jump

Hal: everyone!

Everyone else jumped to, the roof opened and all the wishes flew into the sky

All: woohoo!


Asha and Olivia saw the wishes from the forest

Olivia: the wishes are free!

Asha: haha! They did it!

The wagon bumped into a tree and they both fell out of it. Then magnifico crushed the stick

Olivia: No!

Magnifico: Hahaha...

Asha: it doesn't matter. Your to late

Olivia: you've finally lost

Magnifico was just Simon in disguise

Simon: Magnifico has never lost

Asha and Olivia: Simon?

Simon: now do you really think you can take me-

Suddenly John the bear attacked Simon

Olivia: Whoa!

Asha: Thanks John!

John: anytime girls!

Asha and Olivia started making there way back to Rosas


Meanwhile Amaya Dahlia, Dario, Safi, Hal, Bazeema Gabo and Valentino joined the crowd to watch the wishes float into the air

Amaya: it's beautiful

Suddenly Magnifico trapped Star and all the wishes in a giant green bubble and lifted the floor. He was standing on even higher

Magnifico: surprise! Good evening Rosas! Wow the stars are out tonight except for one. What can I say? I really don't like being betrayed BY MY OWN DAUGHTER!!!

Amaya stood in front of the crowd

Amaya: it is you who betrays your people!

Magnifico: your little trick didn't work Amaya! I still got what I wanted!

Gabo couldn't just stand there anymore

Gabo: You still stole from everyone in other to get it! Including Olivia!

Magnifico: enough talk! The wishes are mine!

Magnifico drained all of the magic from the wishes, and they fell to the ground. Then Asha and Olivia arrived to stop him

Asha: Star get away from there!

Olivia: Let him alone!

Magnifico: you don't give orders!

He created a giant green hand that made its way towards Olivia


Gabo pushed her out of the way and was grabbed instead

Magnifico: I have no use for a peasant child

Magnifico let go of Gabo, finally grabbed Olivia and brought her all the way up to his face

Magnifico: how's the whole protecting the wishes working out for you? Oh wait...

He pushed her onto the ground

Magnifico: I don't actually care. Now let's do this...

Olivia: No...

Magnifico trapped Star in his staff

Magnifico: Yes! HAHAHA! Who is the handsomest?! Me! I WIN!

Olivia got back up and tried to grab the staff

Olivia: you don't deserve this magic!

Magnifico: I told you I decide!

He pushed her onto the ground again and covered the sky with clouds

Magnifico: there will be no wishing on stars ever again! In fact there will be no more hope no more dreams and no escape!

Magnifico used his magic to tie everyone to the ground. Olivia just watched it happen

Magnifico: no one can challenge me ever again!

Olivia: you can't do this...

Magnifico: how many times to I have to tell you Olivia? STAY SLIENT!

Olivia realized something

Olivia: just stay in my
place better seen and
not heard... but now
that story is ending!

Magnifico: What?!

Olivia stood up

Olivia: let the storm in
I cannot be broken no
I will not live unspoken
cause I know that I will
not go speechless!

Magnifico: you will be!

He blasted Olivia with magic but she wasn't hurt

Olivia: try to lock me
in this cage no I won't
just lay me down and
die I will take broken
wings and watch me
burn across the sky!

Magnifico: No! NO!

Magnifico tired the spell again but it still didn't work and Olivia's chest start to glow. All the wishes floated back into the sky

Olivia: and it echoes
saying I will never be
silenced! you will not
see me tremble when
you try it all I know is
I won't go speechless!

Star was freed from the staff and magnifico was pulled inside of it. Then the clouds cleared and the wishes were returned including Olivia's

Olivia: Star is this...

Star nodded

Star: it's your wish!

Olivia noticed she could understand him and absorbed her wish

Olivia: Courage

Star hugged Olivia and they both made it back to their friends

All: Olivia!

Everyone hugged her tightly but then Simon walked up to them

Valentino: oh this guy

Simon: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I don't expect anyone to forgive me... I was just so scared I would have to live without... well all of me. And I wanted so badly to believe in him

Amaya: so did I

Olivia: me to

Asha: we all did

Then Olivia walked up to Gabo but he didn't see her at first since he was talking to Safi and Dario

Gabo: never trust a handsome face! That's why I hang with you guys!

Safi was confused by that

Dario: Aww! That's so sweet!

The three of them saw Olivia standing there

Dario: Oh! now's your chance Gabo!

Gabo: Huh?!

Dario and Safi walked away then Gabo looked at Olivia

Gabo: are you uh... Ok?

Olivia: yes you saved me

Gabo: not very well! He still hurt you!

Olivia: it was still very brave. And I never told you how I felt

Gabo: right... look if you don't feel the same I completely understand! Love is a strong word anyway! And why would you like a dwarf like me? Besides your the-

Olivia kissed him on the cheek

Olivia: I do feel the same

Gabo: ...T-That's great!

Olivia simply smiled but then Amaya saw Magnifico inside a small mirror

Magnifico: hello? This is your king!

Amaya: Magnifico?

Magnifico: Oh Amaya! Thank goodness! Do you see what they've done to me?

Amaya: well you love mirrors

Magnifico: that is not funny! Tell Olivia to get me out of here at once!

Amaya: ...No

Magnifico: What?! After everything I've done for you for Olivia and for Rosas?! This is the thanks I get?!

Amaya picked up the mirror

Amaya: this is the thanks you deserve. Someone hand it on the wall... in the dungeon

Magnifico: No! Please the dungeon smells really bad!

A knight took the mirror and brought it to the dungeon. Then Olivia hugged her mother

Olivia: Mother!

Amaya: I am so proud of you Olivia

All: Long live the queen!


A few weeks later Rosas was better then ever

Asha: this is more then I could've ever dreamed possible

Olivia: you can just feel the happiness around you

Gabo walked up to Olivia holding the heart made out of yarn

Gabo: Olivia I made you this!

Olivia held the heart

Olivia: it's beautiful Gabo. thank you

Gabo: don't mention it. Star showed me how to do that. Poked myself a few times but turned out pretty well

Star nodded happily and then flew off

Asha: wait where did you-

Star came back holding the broken stick

Olivia: Oh I'm sorry I broke it...

Star shock his head and made each broken piece into two different magic wands

All: Wow!

Gabo: Whoa are those magic wands?

Olivia: for me and Asha?

Star nodded again and gave one of the wands to her

Asha: oh thank you but no thank you! I've never used magic!

Gabo: I can take yours instead!

Olivia: I think Asha deserves it

Asha: well what am I supposed to do with mine? You'll be queen eventually!

Dario: be our fairy godmother I mean what else!

Asha: Haha! I couldn't be that!

Olivia: you really could

Asha: you think so?

Star nodded and gave the second wand to Asha

Asha: thank you!

Olivia: we should test this first-

Olivia used magic by mistake which hit a chicken making it the size of a human

Safi: *sniff* Clara!

Safi hugged the chicken which laid a big egg on top of Gabo

Gabo: ...And you wonder why I'm grumpy!

Olivia: sorry Gabo!

Gabo pushed the egg off of him and stood up

Gabo: well I know you'll work on it right?

Star looked sad

Asha: we know you to well now... your going soon aren't you?

Olivia: so you can be there for others to wish on

Valentino started crying

Valentino: oh I will miss you! And my voice gets really high when I cry!

Asha: soon doesn't mean tonight

Olivia: we can still spend time with Star while he's still here

Valentino: oh thank goodness!

Saba: Oh star how can we ever thank you?

Asha: that's easy...

Olivia: just keep wishing on the second star to the right

Everyone cheered, Star flew up to the sky and created fireworks

The End

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