I Am The Chloe Bourgeois

By Maijlas

32.1K 1.3K 403

Justice for Chloe Bourgeois in my fanfic. Since the author is mad enough to think about killing her in season... More

anti Marinette
10 years
Lady wifi
Dream or reality?
still friends?
Not a ch


2.1K 97 33
By Maijlas

<< Chloe pov:>>

Currently, I am in the school, sitting in my seat and thinking about what Tikki said to me this morning. I came a little early today because I felt like it.

< Flashback:>

Tikki:" Good morning, Chloe. I have something important to tell you about last night. "

Chloe:" Good morning.. what happened?"

Tikki:" The thing is.. you forgot to lock the balcony door and.."

Chloe:" What? Ah. Dont worry.  Nothing will happen to me. And if something happens... I am ready to die willingly to be free from this rotten world. "

Tikki:" Don't say that, Chloe!! "

Chloe:" Hahhaha, what? I am just telling the truth.  And.. many people may hate me now, but not till the point of killing me, right? "

Tikki:" Oh Chloe.."* sad*

Chloe:" And continue what you were saying. "

Tikki:" Nothing just... don't forget to lock the door, ok?"

Chloe:" .... Fine."

< Flashback off.>

' Tikki was hiding something from me... but what? Did someone... enter my room? That's it. Otherwise, how would Tikki know whether my balcony door was locked or not?'

I was about to call Tikki, but then I suddenly noticed someone was in the class other than me.

It was the redhead. Nathaniel. Someone who had a secret crush on the baker* rolls her eyes*

I remember his personality. Shy, quiet, teamed. Very.... cute?

Wait, cute? * looks at him*

I guessed he sensed my gaze and looked at me. Our gaze met, and he immediately turned his head away with a slight blush.

' Ha ha, look at that. Is he scared of me? It will be fun to tease him a bit.'

I went near him and said

Chloe:" Hey you."* bossy tone*

He jumped in his seat, scared, and looked at me nervously.

Nathaniel:" Y-yes? "

Chloe:" Your name is Nathaniel, right? And you are an artist?"* sits beside him *

Nathaniel:" Y-yes, that's my name. A-and I can't say e-exactly that I am an a-artist for now."* avoids eye contact*

' He is stuttering a lot. Am I scaring him that much?'

Chloe:" Show me your drawings. Now."

Nathaniel:" W-what? N-no i-"* surprised*

Chloe:" Are there any other drawings than that baker ?"

Nathaniel:" Huh?"

Chloe:" I know you have a crush on that baker. And if you like her, you will automatically draw her. Don't ask me how I know. "

Nathaniel:" Was it that obvious?"* sad and lowers his head*

Chloe:" Nah. It's just that I am too smart and other people are dumb. Now show me some drawings."

Nathaniel:" B-but, why do you need to see them?"

Chloe:" Just remember, I only do things that benefit me. There's always a reason behind every action I take. "* snatches his drawing book*

Nathaniel:" H-hey wait!"

I looked through the drawings, and I have to say one thing .... it's impressive. More than the baker's. I don't know how Dupen-Chen's work was more popular than him.

Suddenly, a beautiful drawing of Ice Queen caught my eye. It was magical. Here, he showed how snowflakes were coming out of my hand as I was flying through the sky. As if someone has taken a moonshot of me. My smile was gleaming, and you could see the detailed galaxy stars in my eyes.

Chloe:" Wow.. this is so beautiful... so magical.. so eternal.... "* admired his work with a slight smile*

He stared at me for a few seconds and then turned his face to hide his embarrassment.

Nathaniel:" T-thanks. "

Chloe:" Is this how you see me?"* whispers*

Nathaniel:" Excuse me?"

Chloe:" I said you are hired."* change the subject*

Nathaniel:" Hired for what?"

Chloe:" You will know later. And you can't go home today, you will have to accompany me to a place.  Call your parents and say you will go out with Chloe bourgeois today so you will be late."

Nathaniel completely turned red this time and began to shake.

Nathaniel:" I-is T-that a-a date?"

From where did he get the idea? Well, why not have some fun?

I brought myself close to him and showed a sly smile.

Chloe:" I didn't mention anything about a date. Or do you want to date me?"* flirtatious*

Nathaniel:" N-NO I-"

He was interrupted by a slam on the desk, which jumped at us. And that slam was made by none other than Agrest. Who was smiling with his eyes closed but... that smile is fake.

I also noticed that we weren't the only ones present in the room, and everyone was looking g at us. Some were confused, some were suspicious,  some were worried, and one of them was jealous (kim).

Adrian:" Good morning Chloe.. and you too, Nathaniel. What are you talking about?"

Why did he make such a strange 
Sound when he pronounced his 
name? Or did I have a hallucination?

Chloe:" Agrest, there's nothing of interest to you. And Nathaniel... remember what I told you, and if you dare to disobey me..."* gets up and looks threateningly at Nathaniel*

Nathaniel:" I- I won't forget. Rest assured."* sacred*

I walked past Agrest to my seat, and after I sat down, Sabrina whispered to me something.

Sabrina:" Um Chloe.. aren't you forgetting something?"* whispers*

Chloe:" Forgetting what exactly?"

Sabrina:" It's.. It's Adrian's birthday today."

I immediately looked at her with wide eyes in confusion.

Chloé:" Today.. what is the date?"

Sabrina:" It's xx/xx. "

Chloe:" shit.. I am doomed."* pales and looks at him from the corner of her eye*

He looked sad.

' Great, Chloe.  You had one thing to do, and you ruined it. Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.  I have to make it up to him somehow, but.. it will not be today, I guess. '

Chloe:" Whatever.  These things don't matter to me."

I heard the baker say that I have no heart.  Sabrina was about to argue, but I stopped her.

Chloe:" Don't waste your time on nobody like her, Sabrina.  It's not worth it. And Miss Baker, I may be heartless, but I am not a coward like you to talk behind others' backs. "

Bakers was embarrassed, and Kim cheered for me.

Alya:" Watch your words, Chloe!"

I glared at her, took out my phone slightly, and asked.

Chloe:" I think I miss hearing you... care to repeat that? "

She flinched and shook her head.

'Hump. Dare to forget her place in front of me.'

I looked forward, and Miss Caroline came in and started her class.

' I know that Agrest is sad, but... I have no choice. '

During the break time, everyone was talking about Queen Scarlett/Ice Queen.  And the look on the baker's face was hilarious.  Even Agrest had a worried face. Alya was praising Ice Queen for her fashion sense, and Dupen-Chen was denying that Ladybug was better. Bla bla bla.

I decided to embarrass her.

I pretended to walk past them and hear their talk.

Chloe:" I may not have an interest in this new heroin called Ice Queen, but I have to agree on the fact that Ice Queen has more fashion sense than Ladybug. "

The school ended, and I grabbed Nathaniel and directly went towards my car. I heard someone calling my name, but I ignored it.

(Inside the car)

Nathaniel:" S-so.. where are we going?"

Chloe:" Sigh, we are going to Paris Orphanage.  Yesterday, I took the Paris orphanage under my name for certain reasons and today.. honestly, it will be my first time interacting with the kids."

Nathaniel:" T-than.. why do you want me to go with you?"

Chloe:" I want you to draw a logo for the orphanage.  And kids love to draw, so I thought they could get some inspiration if they see your drawings.  They are great."* looks at him with blank face*

<< Nathaniel pov.>>

With her blank face, it's difficult to think she's honest, but hearing this from Chloe Bourgeois, the girl who only talks about herself, is...unbearable.

' I wonder what made her change? Her eyes, which had an innocent shine and her lips with a proud and ignorant smile, can no longer be seen. As if.. she is a walking corpse. And she is bolder than before. like a true queen.'

Chloe:" Quit starting, will you? I know I have changed and no longer wear that stupid makeup. "

I didn't realise that I was staring at her too much.

Nathaniel:" S-SORRY SORRY! I-I DIDN'T HAVE ANY BAD INTENTIONS!!"* face turns red*

Chloe:"... when did I say you have bad intentions?"* raise an eyebrow with a confused face*

Nathaniel:" i-i.."

I want to dig a hole and Barry myself in it.

'God, this is embarrassing.'

Chloe:" Forget it, and we are here."

We got out of the car and stood in front of the gate. I saw that construction was going on.

Chloe:" You must be wondering about the construction, right? Well, the previous owner was a thug and utterly irresponsible, so now that it's under me, it's my responsibility to fix everything. "* mature voice*


'This is not the Chloe I know. This Chloe is far too mature, much
 like the adults who discuss duties. '

Chloe:" Are you planning to stand there all day? Follow me."* walks ahead*

Nathaniel:" Ah ah yes!"* follows her*

But what I saw next was a stunning scene in front of me.

<< Chloe pov:>>

I opened my mini skirt belt, and that transformed into a long and beautiful black skirt.

I looked back and saw Nathaniel with his wide eyes and gasping mouth.

Chloe:" Shut your mouth. Or should I shut it for you?"* went near him and looks down *

' I am taller than him. I noticed it now. Well, it feels great if the guy is shorter.'

He snaps out of his dream world and backs away with a red face.

Nathaniel:" N-no you - you don't need to. "

Chloe:" Good. Let's go."

We entered the orphanage building and saw many children of different age groups together. As soon as we entered,  all the attention was on us.

' So how do I communicate now.. this is awkward.  Clam down, Chloe .'

I looked at Nathaniel, and he just shrugged.

'You are not helping at all!'

Suddenly a small girl with brown hair and green eyes walked up to me and said

?:" Who are you miss? You are really pretty!"

Chloe:" I uh.. sigh, I am Chloe Bourgeois.  The best owner of this orphanage. Umm, what's your name?"

?:" My name is Lola! And I love to draw!"

Nathaniel:" Ahem."

Oh, I almost forgot about him.

Chloe:" OK Lola, this is Nathaniel. An aquatint of mine."

I looked at him again, and he frowned at me.


Chloe:" OK, children! Attention! Is anyone other than Lola interested in drawing?"

Many children should [ me, me]

Chloe:" OK, so Nathaniel here is an artist.  Do you want to see his drawings?"

All the children cheered, so I told them to form a line and see one by one.

Nathaniel looked nervous at first, but seeing the children smile made him happy.


Kid 2:" I want to be able to draw like you, brother Nathaniel!"

Kid 3:" Yeah!"

Nathaniel was embarrassed and emotional.

Nathaniel:" Thanks.. work hard for that, ok? "

Kids:" Yes!"

One small girl, about the age of two, with black hair and beautiful yellow eyes, approached me, lifted her arms, and said.

?:" Up. Up."

'Ehhhhh???? What should I do now?? Uh, is she asking me to carry her?'

I carefully lifted her and placed her in my arms. She observed me with her beautiful round eyes and grabbed some of my hair strains.

Lola:" Wow, little Suzie hates being carried by anyone in the orphanage! You are the first person who has carried her without any problem. She likes you."

Chloe:" Is that so? Little Suzie hates to be carried?"* smiles and looks at Suzie*

Suzie:" Umm, umm."* pouts *

Chloe:" Ha ha ha."* closes her eyes and laughs*

Kids dragged Nathaniel with them to play, and I sat near the fountain outside the building with Suzie in my arms.

A group of girls came up to me and requested.

Girl 1:" Um, sister Chloe.."* shyly*

Chloe:" Yes? Is there anything you want?"

Girl 2:" We.. we wanted to see your hair down."

Girl 3:" Your hair looks just like the golden silk threads! Umm, LIKE RUPANZLE!!"

Chloe:" Really? Sure, why not?"

They were amazed when I let my hair down.

'Now that I think about it, it reaches my waist. It just reached my mid-back, 
according to my last inspection.'


Girl 4:" Can we do some hairstyle on your hair? Please??"

Girl 5: "Yes, yes, please!!"

Chloe:" Hahaha, of course. Just be careful. "

They started to braid my hair excitedly, and I just played with Suzie.

' I have experience of taking care of children of her age. * remembers the assistant's kid*- sigh, it's peaceful here.'* smiles*

After a few minutes, the girls said

Girls:" We are done!!!"

Chloe:" So quickly? Let's go inside and check it out, shall we?"

Girls:" Yeah!! Let's go, let's go!"

We went inside, and this time, I was stunned.

Chloe:" This is so gorgeous! Do you all want to be a stylist?"

Girl 2:" I want to be a makeup artist! "

Girl 3:" I want to be an event manager. "

Girl 4:" I want to be a Model!"

Girl 5:" I want to be a fashion designer!!"

Girl 1:" Umm. I don't know what I want to be, but I love to help people."

These children are ambitious. Good.

Chloe:" It's sweet of you, Lisa."* cares her head*

She looked at me surprised and asked me excitedly.

Lisa:" How did you know my name?!!"

Chloe:" Hahaha. I know  everyone's name -

?:" SO THERE YOU ARE CHLOE BOURGEOIS!! AND NATHANIEL! I have been finding you everywhere and the party has already started. Oh, and look! Are are completely dressed up already!"


I pushed the children behind me and asked. And Nathaniel ran towards me.

Chloe:" Let me guess, you are Nino, right?"

Nathaniel:" Nino??"

Bubbler:" Nino, who? It's Bubbler! Let's go!! "

He carried me in his arms and trapped Nathaniel in a bubble.

Chloe:" Nathaniel!!"

Children:" Sister Chloe! Brother Nathaniel!!"


He took us directly to the Agrest house. And thankfully, he landed us safely there.

I saw that everyone was present, even Agrest.

Everyone looked stunned at my appearance. But I choose to focus on Nathaniel.

Chloe:" You ok?"

Nathaniel:" Y-yes I am. You?"

Chloe:" I am. "

Bubbler:" What are you all waiting for? DANCE!!"


We were forced to dance in a lame beat.

Agrest came up to me dancing and asked.

Adrian:" Where were you? And you look absolutely beautiful. "

Chloe:" Thanks for the comment. "

Agrest:" Were you.. on a date?"* narrows his eyes*

Chloe:" Nah, I don't have time for that. Now, what's going on? Why is your friend akumatize?"

Adrian:" I guess he was upset because of my dad. He refused to have a party for me when Nino requested it."

Chloe:" Hump, a typical old man living in the 18th century ."

Agrest laughed hard at it.

Adrian:" Hahaha, no one dares to say that to him, not even me."

Chloe:" Whatever,  we need to come up with a plan to escape from her. I have a plan. I will pretend to faint and you will take me to your room, ok? "

Adrian:" Then what about others?"

Chloe:" Ladybug will arrive in a -"

Suddenly, the song changed into a romantic one.

' What the? Who told him to change the song? In the past, it was me who requested it, but now who?'

I looked around and saw... it was Sabrina.


Suddenly, Adrian grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the center to dance.

I looked at him confused.

Chloe:" Hey, why are you dragging me?? I don't want to dance!!"

Adrian:" Well, for your plan to succeed,  you need to put up a show, right? "* innocent smile*

Chloe:" No, we don't?"

Adrian:" We do!"

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

'If it had been the past, I, Chloe, would have been above the nine clouds till now. But not the present Chloe. I have no desire to be near Adrian Agrest at all.'

I wasn't looking at his face, and I frowned all the time.

Agrest didn't like it and spun me around.


Adrain:" You were not focused, so I had to."* shrugged innocently with close eye smile*

Suddenly the music changed and I pretended to faint in his arms.

'Plan start. '

Adrian:" Oh no! Chloe has fainted! I will take her to my room and will be back soon!!"* carries her like a princess and goes to his room*

After we were in his room, he gently put me on his bed, and I immediately opened my eyes and sat up.

Chloe:" Ladybug is here."

Adrian:" Hum? How did you know?"

Chloe:" I saw her reflection. I need to go to the bathroom.  Bye and stay safe."

I didn't wait for his response and immediately entered the bathroom. I heard his voice from outside.

Adrian:" Take care, ok? And don't come out unless I say so!!"

Chloe:" Fine!!"* Transforms*

After a few seconds, I told Tikki to check out to see whether he was still there or not. She checked and told me he wasn't there. I made a snowclone of myself and went outside.

I saw that the Bug and Cat were about to fight the Bubbler. In the meantime, I decided to ensure the safety of the students, but... I again made a clone to handle that matter.

Chat Nori:" Oh! You are finally here, my queen!!"

Ice Queen:" Of course! Sorry if I was late. You know  personal business."* Quitos*

From the corner of my eye, I saw that Bubbler shot a massive amount of bubbles at us, and I created a giant ice block to prevent it.

'Yawn.. that was boring. But.. this is not over.'

He snapped his fingers, and the bubbles turned green. They revolved around us like a tornado.

Ice Queen:" DO YOU THINK THIS IS ENOUGH TO STOP US? NEVER!!!!"* creates an ice barrier and then blasts away the bubbles.*

Bullber:" What? No way!! How is that possible!"

Chat Nori:" Wow, that was awesome, my queen!!"

Ladybug:" Show-off. "* whispers*

Ice Queen:" Haha, if you wanna know how that is possible,  then you will have to be reincarnated 9 times. Hahahhaha... loser."* says the last part darkly*

That made him angry and made him shoot another massive amount of bubbles towards us.

Ice Queen:" Uhh, this is getting boring.  HEY LOSER! DON'T YOU HAVE ANYTHING SPECIAL??"* launches an ice block towards him*

Bubbler:" WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP AND GIVE ME YOUR MIRACULOUS?? "* he was about to shoot at us again, but then he stopped and aimed towards Alya and Alex*


Ice Queen:" GET INSIDE!! "

I launched an ice blast towards Bubbler but it was too late, he already shot it. And the ones who were caught were not Alya and Alex but. THE BUG AND CAT??? OH, NO, NOT AGAIN!! Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.

Bubbler:" HAHAHAAH Now give me your miraculous before you run out of air."

Ice Queen:" uh-"

Ladybug:" Dream on Bubbler!"

'This bitch. Dare to cut me off.'

Bubbler:" You are a party pooper just  like those adults."

Ladybug:" Kids need adults."

Bubbler:" False! Kids need fun and freedom, and who needs those adults? They are selfish, controlling, and bossy. This world is better off with adults. "

Ladybug:" But Adults keep their children safe and protected. They are there for the kids, and they love them."

Chat Nori:" Most adults do anyhow. "


Ice Queen:" I have to disagree in that matter, Bug. Not all adults are the same and will be there for you."* cold eyes *

Bubbler:" Hahaha, look! Even your partner agrees with me!"

Ladybug:" You tr-"

Ice Queen:" I never agreed with a loser like you. Adults have great responsibilities for themselves and are important to this world for their development.  After all, the children you're referring to will grow up and become adults someday.  You can't stop time or nature from doing its course. - says calmly (like Raiden shogun)- Now ... Let's end this. KITTY! USE CATACLISM! "

Chat Nori:" Alright, my Queen! CATACLYSM!!"

He used his power to burst the bubble.

Ice Queen:" You two! Chase him and get his stick."

Ladybug:" And what about you? Do nothing?"* ask sarcastically*

Ice Queen:" Don't question me. I have a plan. GO!"

Bubbler:" Do you think you can get me? Haha, in your dreams!"* runs away*

They began to chase him, and I flew high and looked after them. I was waiting for the right moment to snatch his wand and break it.

He went towards the Eiffel Tower and launched bubbles at them. I saw the bug use her lucky charm and told Chat to cover her up.

I saw that Bubbler raised his arm to shoot another bubble...


I swiftly snatched the stick and flew towards Bug and Cat.

Bubbler:" W-what? WHEN? "

Ice Queen:" You are too young to be a villain loser."* breaks the stick and the Akuma comes out of it*

The Bug purified the Akuma and released it.

Ice Queen:" Yuoo hoo!! Umm, pound it??"

Chat Nori:" Pound it!! Umm, my lady?"

Ladybug:" Not with her here. Hump."

Ice Queen:" Oh, don't be so proud now!! I am not that bad now, am I? Right, kitty???"* tinkles his chin*

Chat Nori:" Yeah, m-* rings sound*- uhh sorry I gave to go! See you later!"* runs away*

Ice Queen:" Bye, kitten!!"

I was about to go but was stopped by the bug who grabbed my arm.

Ice Queen:" Now what bug?"* annoyed*

Ladybug:" Form, where did you get the Ladybug's miraculous? TELL ME!!"

Ice Queen:" Wow wow wow chill. I already said when the reporter asked me, didn't you watch the full video? Or were you just too busy to admire' my costume, which was way cooler than yours?"* says sarcastically*

Ladybug:" Just. answer. me!"* grips her arm tightly*

'This bitch.'

Ice Queen:" Listen up, filthy little bug, I acquired these earrings before you even showed up as a hero. - grips her hand tightly, which made the bug release her arm and she yelped in pain  - As I already said in the news, I am a foreigner, and the day I came to Paris was the day I became Ice Queen.  Understand? And what are you scared of? That I will gain more popularity than you? Everyone will love me more than you? Chat Nori won't simp for you? Or that I will become a better Ladybug?"* looks down at her with cold eyes which glowed ( like Raiden shogun) *

Ladybug:" You will NEVER be a Ladybug!"* looks at her angrily*

Ice Queen:" And I don't even want to be one."* says proudly and releases her.*

Ladybug:" w-what?"* looks confused*

IceQueen: "Why would I want to be a 'bug' if I am the queen? Anyways, you should go, 'cause you to know. Bugs out!"*proudly*

If appearances could strangle, I'd be in hell having tea parties with Satan and the devils.

She jumped away from me and I also decided to go.

'Thank god tikki was with my clone. Otherwise, I can't imagine Tikki getting akumatized somehow by listening to this conversation. '

And thankfully, Agrest wasn't in his room. I immediately detransformed and vanished my clone.

Chloe:" Tikki, get inside my bag ."

I chose to sit on the couch. Tikki was about to ask me about the fight when she entered my purse, but suddenly, the door was slammed open by... Agrest.

Adrian:" Chloe!! Thank god you are ok!!"* runs up to her and hugs her.*

I was taken aback by his actions and.. his happy face.

' Why is he so happy?'

Chloe:" Ah yeah. I need to go, bye. "

I pushed him away gently and turned around but he grabbed my hand.

Adrian:" Can.. can you .. stay here for some moment?"* looks at me with puppy eyes *

Chloe:" No. Because I was snatched away from attending an important business so I have to go quickly and finish it. Good buy."* sounded like a robot and ran away *

Everyone is home just like in the past.

'Sigh.. now.. what should I do???.. hmm Ah, I have got an idea! A plan with one stone and two prays. Hehehe.'

I went towards Nino's house and rang the calling bell. And it was him who opened it and was shocked to see me.

Nino:" Wow Chloe? What are you doing here?"

Chloe:" Are you deciding to make me stand here the whole time?"

Nino:" Ah no no come in!"

He lets me get in his house and I settle myself down on the sofa.

Nino:" What's with the sudden visit?"* sits in front of her*

Chloe:" You want a party for Agrest right?"* calmly*

Nino:" Yeah but his dad.."* looks down*

Chloe:" Then we will have a secret party for him."

Nino:" What? But how??"

Chloe:" Did you forget who am I? I am the Chloe Bourgeois.  And noting is impossible for me. I will arrange a grand party at the 'HOTEL RANUNCULUS', and you will be the DJ artist and invite everyone there. And leave the rest to me. Make sure to tell them to be there around 6: 50  Pm today. The party will start at 7 pm."

Nino:" WOW, THATS COOL!! Wait, wait, wait... HOTEL RANUNCULUS??? SERIOUSLY? THAT THE BRAND NEW INTERNATIONAL HOTEL!! No other hotel in the world can be compared to the HOTEL RANUNCULUS. "

Chloe:" Uhh, don't shout. And do you think it will be very difficult for me to book the whole hotel?"* crosses her arms and looks at him annoyed*

Nino:" No no No, no way at all! uhh, but .. why so suddenly? I mean, I don't mind that, but.."

Chloe: "I..sigh, I completely forgot it was his 
birth today since I was
 so preoccupied with myself. I didn't even properly with him, 
but it was the least I could do to 
make him happy for a short period. "* says awkwardly and a little bit sad*

<< Authors pov:>>

Nino understands it. He saw that she was guilty and wanted to make it up to him.

Nino:" Don't worry, I understand you .. but what about Mr.Agrest?"

Chloe:" Don't worry about it. I will handle that matter."


That side hug caught her off guard.
Nino also realized his action and backed away.

Nino:" Sorry. Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to!!"

Chloe:" it's ok. I should be going and preparing for the party. Remember your job and .. please don't select lame songs. " * walks out of the house*

Nino:" Don't worry about it! See you at the party!!"

Chloe:" Oh and don't forget to tell them to bring their summing suits with them."

She said that and went inside her car. ( she secretly messaged her location to Jean to send the car.)

She immediately ordered Jean to arrange a great birthday party for Agrest and for the cake... she was going to the orphanage.

Chloe arrived at the orphanage, and the children hugged her. She was surprised.

Chloe:" Are.. are you all ok?"* nervously*

Lola:" Thank god you are okay, sister Chloe. "* crying*

Girl2:" We were so worried. "

<< Chloe pov:>>

Wow.. they are crying because .. they are worried about me. I never thought that anyone could ever cry for such a heartless and capricious girl like me, but... I guess I was wrong?...

I saw Suzie crying and spread her arms towards me. I didn't hesitate to carry her in my arms and hugged her tightly.

Chloe:" Aww, don't cry, little bunny.  I am here. Big sister is here. Shss."

Finally, she stopped crying, and everyone smiled.

Boy 1:" What about brother Nathaniel? Where is he?"

Chloe:" he went home. He had some urgent business to attend.  He will visit you soon ok? Dont worry. "

Chloe: "Do you want to bake a cake, kids? My friend's birthday is today, and 
I'd like to bake him a cake, so why 
don't we all bake it together???"

All of the children cheered as we made our way to the orphanage's large kitchen. Thank goodness the orphanage was close to the hotel. And since it was around 3 p.m., it
 will be ready until 7 p.m.

The ingredients were already in 
place. Before beginning the task, we all put on an apron and gloves.

Chloe:" OK, so we need to bake a very large cake, so are you all ready??"

Children:" READY!!!!"

[< Time skip:>]

Chloe:" Fuuu, finally, it's ready. It's going to be ready in a few minutes now. Uhh, children,  I need to go now. When the cake is ready you will all be picked up by my men to the hotel for the party. So why don't you all go and wash up? You don't want to go there with flour and cream on your body, right? "*teases them*

The children realized their condition and were embarrassed.  They kissed me farewell and left.

I also decided to go to the hotel and check the arrangements. After a few moments, I reached there and was impressed by the decoration. I checked the time, and there was one hour left till 7 PM.

' This should be enough. The cake will be ready in 15 minutes .'

I called Nino.

Nino:[ Yes Chloe?]

Chloe:[ Did you invite everyone?]

Nino:[ It's done!!]

Chloe:[ Good. The decorations are also completed. We just need to wait till 7 pm. See you later.]

Nino:[ Cool! See you there.]* Call ends*

Sigh.. now what should I do about myself?

I went towards my room and closed the door.

Tikki:" That cake was so beautiful, Chloe!! I am one hundred per cent sure that Adrian will love it!"

Chloe:" I know he will. I guess this should be enough to 'fix' things with him."* awkwardly*

Tikki:" Of course it is. Now what about you?"

Chloe:" I was asking myself this question.  I don't want to change my hairstyle. And I don't want to make a dress which will end up making me the centre of attention."

Tikki:" You are so beautiful that any dress you wear will automatically make you the centre of attention. "

Chloe:" You praise too much, tikki."

'Sigh, I should make a simple green dress. It will be less eye-catching than I guess. '

I used my powers to create the dress. Tikki always loves it when I use my powers on things like this.

I looked in the mirror and. I look like a fairy.

Tikki:" Amazing Chloe!! You look like a fairy!! So beautiful!!"* flys around me*

Chloe:" Thanks. "

I checked the time, and 30 minutes were left for the party.

I got a message from Jean that the cake was here along with the children.  I went outside immediately and was greeted with big smiles from the children. They were all properly dressed up.
And once again, Suzie was in my arms.

'The children are so adorable. '

Girl 1:" You look so pretty, Sister Chloe!!"

Girl 5:" Just like the farirs!!"

Girl 3:" Yeah!!"

A few boys came towards me with flowers in their hands and gave them to me with blushing cheeks.

Chloe:" Thanks a lot for these pretty flowers. "* smiles gently and fixes the flowers on her hair*

The girls glared at the boys along with Suzie, whose faces were red.

I can't help but let out a small giggle.

Chloe:" Let's get inside.  I will introduce you as our little Sheffs when the cake is revealed, ok?"

Children:" OK, sister Chloe!!"

They obeyed me, and I let them wait in my room and provided them with juice, cookies, and sweets.

15 mins left. Nino had arrived along with Nathaniel,  Julika, and Rose.

Nino:" Wow, this place is COOL FOR a PARTY!! And you look amazing too, Chloe. "

Rose:" Wow, you look amazing, Chloe!! JUST LIKE HOW FARIES LOOK!!"

Julika:" You look like a fairy, just like Rose said. "

Chloe:" Hahaha..  Uhh, thanks...??"

They went towards the selfish zone, but the redhead came close to me.

Nathaniel:" Did you manage these all after the attack?"

Chloe:" Yeah. "

Nathaniel:" I thought you didn't care about him."

Chloe:" Sigh, I don't, but I guess I felt guilty for.. uhh, not wishing him properly? And this was a way for me to make it up to him? "

Nathaniel:" Maximum of the students has arrived.  What about Adrian? Who will you call him?"

Chloe:" I have my ways. Just watch."

Just as Nathaniel said everyone was here except the main character. And everyone complimented me except the two people here.

Alya:" This place is so cool!! And look! I even brought my new summing suit!"

Marinette: "I never thought I would ever enter a place like this."

'Of course, you didn't Dupen-Chen.'

Nino came towards me and whispered

Nino:" Uhh hey, no one knows that you arranged this party's

Chloe:" It's ok. The truth will be revealed in a short time."

Nino:" So how will Adrian know about this?"

All the attention was on us.

Chloe:" It's about time. I will call him."

Calls Agrest.

Adrian:[ Hello Chloe!! What happened? Is everything alright?]

Chloe:[ Come to HOTEL RANUNCULUS immediately.  It's an emergency only you can solve. Please come fast. Otherwise, something bad will happen. And don't call the heroes. ]

Adrian:[ WHAT? Wait for me, Chloe! I will be there in a minute. ]

Call ends.

I looked at everyone, and they were shocked.

Marinette:" This isn't how you call a birthday boy!! You will give him a heart attack. "

Chloe:" So you have any better suggestions?"

Marinette:" I- still it was a bad idea."

'Hump. What did you expect?'

I rolled my eyes bored and went towards the kitchen to check the cake.

<< Adrians pov:>>

I didn't care about my father's denial that I went to the hotel, but he didn't deny it. He looked as if he knew something about it. But that wasn't the issue right now. Chloe needs my help. She asked me not to alert the heroes, so I won't be able to go as Chat Nori.

Thankfully, the hotel wasn't far away. It was weird that the guards allowed me to go in without any restrictions.

When I got to the hotel's main door, I pushed it hard and was greeted with a large 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' from everyone in my class.

Adrian:" What? ... is.. going.. on?? Where is... Chloe? "* breaths heavily*

I was breathing heavily, and Nino came towards me with a glass of water.

Nino:" Ha ha, chill, dude. Chloe sure made you run like a train. Haha. Happy birthday, dude."* gives him a glass of water*

Adrian:" It was all planned??"

I was happy that there wasn't any danger here, but there was still something in my heart that wasn't settled yet.

Everyone crowded me and wished me happy birthday and gave me their gifts.

I decided to put them aside, and my eyes looked for Chloe.

'Where is she?'

Adrian:" Nino, I love this party, but who arranged it?"

Nino:" Oh, it was -"

Marinette:" Of course Nino arranged it! He was the one who invited us. Isn't it right, everyone?"

Alex:" Yeah, thanks for inviting us, Nino!"

Kim:" Yeah! I can't wait to swim!!"

I was surprised. There is no way Nino could arrange a party like this here in this International 8-start hotel.

Adrian:" Is it true, nino??"

Nino:" WAIT WAIT WAIT! YOU ALL ARE HAVING A MISS UNDERSTANDING HERE.  It wasn't me who arranged all this. I was given an order by a certain someone to invite you all here and that certain someone is -"

??:" me."

'That voice..'

I looked upstairs and saw.

Adrian:" Chloe..."

'Wow.. so beautiful..'

I can't help but admire her.

As she walks down the steps and 
reaches me, it's as if time has 
stopped. As if there were only two of us here.
Finally, she stood in front of me, looked into my eyes, and said

Chloe:" .. Happy birthday. Adrian Agrest. I'd like to apologise for wishing you so late, and to make amends, I've
 organised this covert party. I hope this brings you joy."

Although she sounded robotic,  she was trying her best not to feel awkward.  I can't help but let out a laugh at this and hug her tightly.

Adrian:" Thanks a lot for everything, Chloe. "* nuzzles his nose against her neck.*

She was rigid for a time, but then she lightly patted my back.
I let go of her slightly, and she took my hand and placed a lovely pendant on it.

Adrain:" Wow.. this is beautiful Chloe!!"

Chloe: "I could only manage this in
 such a short amount of time.Sorry
 if it's not good enough. "* looks away awkwardly*

Adrian:" You made this? You know what? It was already special to me since you gave it to me, but the fact that you made it makes it even more special."* looks gently at her*

Chloe:" Uhh y-"

Suddenly, she was interrupted by Marinette, who came between us and dragged Chloe away from me a little.


I realized that I was holding her in my arms, and that made my face turn red.

Chloe:" How dare you order me Dupen-Chen.  Know your place and fix your habits of interfering in others' business. I was about to start the cake ceremony. "

Adrian:" Now now Chloe calm down. Marinette only wanted to see the cake, I guess. "* holds her shoulders*

Chloe took a deep breath and snapped her fingers, looking at me coldly.

' I screwed up, I guess.'

The other door was open, and the 
servants had delivered a massive
 birthday cake. The designs never cease to amaze me. Not only did I have the same 
reaction, but everyone did.

Adrian:" Chloe, did you make this? Thanks!! "

Chloe:" You shouldn't only thank me here 'cause I wasn't the only one who made it. COMMON KIDDOS."

Suddenly, I saw a large group of children around the age of 2-7 running towards us.

Adrian:" What are they doing here?"

I saw Chloe taking a very cute baby in her arms. She had black hair and pretty orange eyes with pale skin. She was staring at me curiously.

Chloe:" These are the children from the orphanage.  I was helped by them to bake this cake for you. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for me to do it alone. Think this is a gift from them."

Children:" Happy Birthday, Adrian Agrest!!! "* gives him a drawing*

They gave me a drawing of myself on it with the children, Chloe and Nathaniel.

But this... warmed my heart. I wiped away a tear that had fallen from my eye.

Adrain:" Thank you, guys. This is the best birthday ever in my life."* sobs*

Nino:" Ohh, Comon dude! Stop crying and cut the cake!! After that, we also have to have an awesome party, right? "

Everyone cheered, and I launched a little. As I cut the cake, they sang the birthday song.

Alya:" Happy 17th birthday, Adrian!!"

Nino:" Happy 17th birthday, dude! "

Chloe:" Wait... this is your 18th birthday????"

Adrian:" Yes, Chloe. Did you forget my age?"

Chloe:" And no, forget it. I was just confirming it. Carry on."*looks away."

<< Chloés pov:>>

' I can't believe it... IT'S HIS 17TH BIRTHDAY! HE SHOULD BE 15 THIS YEAR. NOT 17. WHAT IS HAPPENING??? That's why some of their appearances seemed different when I reincarnated. '

Finally, the cake ceremony was done, and I guess the first person who would be fed by Agrest would be the Baker since her best friend was pushing her towards him.

Agrest took the piece of cake and came towards me.

' What? Go there, not here.'

Adrian:" What's this little cutie's name?"* ask about Suzie*

Chloe:" Oh her, she is Suzie. 2 years old. She is the youngest among the children. "

Adrain:" Since she is the youngest,  why not let her have this bite first?"

He brought the cake towards Susie's face, and she opened her cute little mouth to eat.


Everyone was awed at the site.

'Of course, why not? Suzie is the cutest. '

I wiped the cream from the corner of her mouth. And Agrest giggled.

Nino:" Wow, it seems like you both are her parents. "

I looked at Agrest, and he turned red. But I didn't show any emotions.

Adrian:" Nino! Don't say things like that, please!!"* embarrassed*

Nino:" Wow, dude, your face is red. Hahaha"


I ordered the servants to distribute the cakes among everyone. And the cake was heavenly.

' Wow. I think I should leave the fashion industry and start baking cakes. Haha.'

I decided to send the children home (orphanage) around 9 p.m. It was time for them to go to bed. They said their goodbyes to
 everyone before being taken away by my guys.


Everyone (-chloe):" YAAAAAA!!"

And everyone began to dance and enjoy the party to the fullest.  Even Agrest.

' Hahaha. I could have made everyone feel 
like heaven...or hell. But I was stupid because I had not 
received the proper education that
 any parent should have provided 
for their child. '

I was sitting in the corner, drinking cranberry juice. The colour looks like blood.

' I love it.'

Anyone will mistake it for wine.

I went to the balcony and looked at the moon.

' They're having a good time. I can't. Whatever I do or who I become. I simply can not be like them. But manipulating and controlling
 them... may I act? After all, I am evil. They want me to be the villain, so 
I'll play one. '

I didn't expect to hear footsteps
 behind me. I didn't even bother turning around. I could feel the person standing 
beside me staring at me.

Adian:" You convinced my father, didn't you?"

Chloe:" You already know the answer. "

Adrian:" But you know,  you shouldn't have scared me like this."* his voice came out a little shakey*

Chloe:" It was to bring you here as quickly as possible.  No option. "

I was suddenly taken aback by a hug from him. And he was shaking.

Adrian:" You don't know how scared I was. I can't forgive myself if something has happened to you. Don't do it again. Don't play with my heart."* was about to cry*


You can't forgive yourself? What will you do if you know that I have already died? Foolish and empty words can't move me.

Chloe:" Why are you a superhero or something?"

He tensed and backed away and turned his face to the side.

Adrian:" No no no hahaha no way, i am Chat Nori!! He is way cooler than me. Hahaha, I can never be a superhero. This is absurd! "

'.. what a great liar... I didn't even mention Chat Nori. ' * lokes at him with a poker face*

After an awkward silence, we hear the music change, and it turns out to be a romantic one.

Chloe:" I think you should go inside and dance.  I will stay here for a few minutes. "

Adrian:" Why don't we dance ?"* offers his hand*

Chloe:" Wha-? With me? Here? Seriously? No. I don't want to dance. Find another partner. "

I was ready to go when he grabbed my hand and twirled me around,
 causing me to wind up in his arms, and he began to move in time with the music. He had one hand on my hips and 
the other on my hand.

Chloe:" What the? What is your problem?"* annoyed*

Adrian:" Why not continue what we started? "

Chloe:" What do you mean?"

Adrian:" We didn't get to finish dancing today since the music was changed. So.. let's continue it."* pulls me closer*

Chloe:" Why don't you find someone else?"

Adrian:" You want to dance with me? Or... do you have a partner already?"* tight his arms around her*

Why did his voice kinda sound dark? Why am I hallucinating so much these days?

Chloe:" No, I don't have. I am not in the mood to dance. "

His face brightened up and showed a big smile.

Adrian:" Then dance with me today."

Chloe:" Only because today's your birthday.  Otherwise,  I would have been gone from here a long time ago."

He was deafeningly quiet, and the
 The only sound we could hear was the 
music. I must confess that he is skilled at

I felt someone glaring at me. I checked from the corner of my eye, and it was the baker.


I managed to laugh a little, and they jolted Agrest out of his trance as he stared at me.

Adrian:" What happened  Chloe? What's so funny?"* smiles at me*

Chloe:" No, nothing. "

Adrian:" You look beautiful when you smile, you know. "

I don't know why, but immediately after hearing my smile disappeared.

Finally, the song ended and dashed out towards the hall. I checked the time and it was around 11:45 pm.

'Time to end the party.'

Chloe:" Everyone. I guess it's time to end this party. Tomorrow we have school to attend and we don't want to be late, do we?"

Everyone agreed and decided to head back home after wishing Agrest again. He was also about to go, but then he turned around and got close to me.

Adrian:" Thanks for arranging this party, Chloe. I will never forget this day. Ever. I thought I'd have to spend this day alone, but you made it unforgettable.
I am lucky to have a friend like you."* gets close to and hugs*

' You won't say that after knowing my past.'

Chloe:" Uh hu. I get it. Now go home safely.  Your bodyguard is here to pick you up."* pats his back and sounds like a robot*

He nodded and proceeded to his
 car. He unlocked the car door and was
 about to get in when he turned 
around , grinned and waved his
 hand at me.

I... just nodded my head.

After everyone was gone, I also decided to head back to the hotel.
The word 'home' has no meaning in my life.

After I reached my room, I took a long bubble bath and got out wearing a nightgown.

'Sigh, today was a long day.'

I looked outside at the moon. And decided to chill around for some time.

I transformed into Ice Queen and flew outside of my room.

Ice Queen:" YUUUU HUUUUUU!!!"

I headed towards the Eiffel Tower 
And took in the sights of the city. Who would have guessed that this beautiful city of love was home to 
nasty people?

Chat Nori:" What brings you out here this late, my queen?"

I looked at my side and saw Chat Nori. 

' What is he doing here?'

Ice Queen:" Shouldn't I be the one asking you this, Kitty? "

Chat Nori:" I just followed you here. Also, I need to clarify something with you."

Ice Queen:" About my Ladybug's miraculous, right?"

Chat Nori:" Wha-? How did you know?"

Ice Queen:" Hahaha, of course, it was a big trigger for both of you for me to have the miraculous of the Ladybug."

Chat Nori: "Both of you. You mean me and my lady?"

Ice Queen:" Bingo!! Sigh, she already confronted me about this. And I don't need to use this stupid power if I have something greater than that. Hahaha, she is afraid that I will replace her as the new Ladybug, but why would I? I love my role as Ice Queen. A queen.  I don't want to be a bug now, right? Haha"

Chat Nori:" Ah haha, I..  I understand.  I saw in the news how you got the miraculous. "

IceQueen:" At least, you are intelligent enough not to focus just on my costume. Hahaha."

Chat Nori:" I have to admit that your costume was mind-blowing, my queen.  Haha."

Ice Queen:" Hmm, you seem to be very happy for some reason.  Why is that?"

Chat Nori:" Well, yesterday was my birthday, and my childhood best friend arranged a super awesome party for me and invited all our classmates! Can you believe it!!??"

Ice Queen:" Wait, yesterday was your birthday? Well, happy belated birthday, kitty.  Uhh, I don't have any specific gift, you know, but hum, I can create one!! Look!!"

I made a tiny snowflake pendant. His reaction was identical to Anna's when she witnessed Elas 
exercising her gift during their

Ice Queen:" Here! This will never melt as long as I am alive."

Chat Nori:" Wow... this is so cool!! Thanks, my queen. Today is the best day of my life. "* happy*

Ice Queen:" Sigh, unfortunately, I have to go kitty. I have school tomorrow.  Bye!!"* flys away*

Chat Nori:" Bye, my queen. "

I went back to my room and detransformed.

Tikki:" His expression was likfavourited who got his favorite candy.  Haha."

Chloe:" ofcourses Tikki. If anyone in the world saw such a gorgeous site enchantment, they would have the same reaction.  Now, good night. "

Tikki:" Good night, Chloe!"



Important info:

1)Frozen was published in the future when Chloe was 20. Thus, they are unaware of it.

2) Chloe threatened Gabrial to let Adrian attend the party. Otherwise, she would sue him.

3) Chloé will have the same personality as Rainden Shogan. I suppose if she's with others. 

4) She is attempting to approach Adriantoo and obtain the peacock miracle.

5) I forgot to add the image of the 'ROYAL PALACE '

Chloé's Hairstyle:

Chloé's party dress:

Chloé's school outfit:

Chloé's short skirt when it was transformed into a long skirt:

Birthday Hall :

Birthay cake:

Chloé's gift to Adrian:

IceQueens gift to Adrian:

And our little Suzie:

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