The Devil May Cry

By Shattered_Realms

17.3K 226 47

RWBY x male son of vergil reader More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Vergil)
Chapter 24 (Dante)
Chapter 25 (Y/n)
The Final Chapter

Chapter 2

1.1K 14 2
By Shattered_Realms


Pyrrha and I stood in the amphitheater where the rest of the class was watching. We stood opposite of the team known as CRDL who I learned to be the racist bullies of the school so I am taking it upon myself to give them each their own ass kicking. We all stood ready with our weapons except I kept Yamato in its sheath for now.

Cardin: So you're the new kid? I guess it's time we show you that team CRDL are the bosses around here.

I smirk and raise Yamato to my eye line.

The click of Yamato unsheathing echoed through the amphitheater causing everything to become silent. 

Y/n: We shall see.

Goodwitch began counting down when the match will start while everyone got into their fight stance. Once the match began Pyrrha and I decided to split them into pairs. She got Dove and Cardin while I had Sky and Russel. They both attacked at the same time which was truly foolish of them, for I parried both of their attacks and swept their feet. I kick Sky into a wall which broke his entire aura while Russel looked in fear before slowly backing away.

Y/n: Where's your motivation?

I walk closer to Russel which caused him to blindly attack out of pure fear. I dodge his attack with such speed it seemed like teleportation for the others before I executed a Judgement Cut breaking his aura instantaneously. I turn to Pyrrha who was taking on Cardin and Sky was about to catch her off guard but I launch spectral swords at him causing him to have to react quickly to block them. Sky turned his attention to me but I dashed at him and slashed multiple times at him before sheathing Yamato slowly and once the click of the sheath was heard the slashes hit him causing his aura to break instantly like the other two. I turn to Pyrrha who had just beat Cardin. He passes out on the floor as Goodwitch walks up from behind him.

Goodwitch: Impressive work, you two. You will both have no issues qualifying for the tournament. I know that's a touch act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match, any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna? You've been rather docile for the past few classes, why don't you-

???: I'll do it.

A man in almost all grey raised his hand.

Goodwitch: Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent.

Mercury: Actually, I wanna fight... him.

He says as he points at me causing everyone to whisper to each other. Goodwitch was about to protest but I stopped her and accepted his challenge. CRDL and Pyrrha exited while Mercury entered. Both our auras were shown on two screens. He stood opposite me while I had Yamato in my left hand. The match begun and we both just stayed in the same spots and I could tell he was waiting for me to attack first.

Y/n: Are you waiting for an invitation?

Mercury just glared before running in to attack. He tried to kick me but I dodge the kick and hit him with Yamato while it was still in its sheath which seemed to take off two thirds of his aura almost instantly. He looked at me amazed but I teleport behind him and kick him away into the floor causing the last of his aura to break.

Goodwitch: Y/n is the winner of the match... again.

He stands up slightly hurt but walks out. I leave aswell just as the bell had run signaling the end of the class. Goodwitch said something about a dance on the weekend but I was more interested in the missions being on Monday. I exit the amphitheater with team RWBY who had Ruby asking millions of questions on how I broke everyone's auras so quickly and easily and how I was able to teleport behind everyone. I dismiss all her questions but I notice Blake isn't following us, I turn around and see her talking to Sun but she walks away and I hear what she says last.

Blake: I don't have time for a stupid dance.

She walks back to the dorms and I could feel something was off with her. I do agree with her this dance will take up my time, time that I could be using to figure out how to find my uncle or train for the Vytal Festival. The team and I walk to the dorms to try talk to her, when we arrive at the dorm room we see Blake reading a book on Yang's bed and that's when Ruby calls a team meeting.

Ruby: Blake, we want you to go to the dance.

Blake: You what?!

Ruby: We want you to go to the dance.

Blake: That's ridiculous. 

Yang: Blake, we're worried about you. This investigation is starting to mess with your head.

Weiss: You can't sleep, you hardly eat, and your grades have been suffering.

Blake: You think I care about grades?! People's lives are at stake!

Yang: We know and we're all still trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to.

Ruby: Thanks to you and Sun, he's operating somewhere outside of southeast Vale.

Weiss: And the Schnee company records singled out Vale as the primary location for dust robberies in the past few months

Yang: Don't forget about their missing military tech too.

Blake: There's still un answered questions.

Ruby: Blake, you won't be able to find anything if you can barely keep your eyes open.

Yang: All we're asking is you take it easy for one day.

Weiss: It'll be fun! Yang and I will make sure of it.

Y/n & Blake: Excuse me?

Yang: Yeah, we're planning the whole event!

Weiss: Team CVFY's away mission lasted longer than expected.

Yang: Weiss and I were asked to pick up where they left off.

Weiss: And when it's all over we'll return to our search, rested and ready.

Blake: I think... this is a waste of time.

Y/n: That I can agree upon. I shall use this weekend for something productive to assist me in the tournament.

I walk out of the room followed by Blake. We both exit the dorm building but she heads to the library while I make my way to the amphitheater. I was lucky to find Professor Goodwitch there, I walk into the building and up to her.

Y/n: Good evening, Professor.

Goodwitch: Ah, Y/n. I didn't expect to see you out here.

Y/n: May I commandeer the amphitheater for the night? I wish to train for the tournament.

After a short moment of silence Goodwitch allows me to use the building for training until midnight. I thank her and enter the building, I walk to the system controls and activate the holo-enemy feature before walking into the center of the amphitheater. Then holograms of Pyrrha, CRDL, Mercury and the whole of team RWBY appear with their weapons at the ready. I take out Yamato and prepare to battle. The holograms collectively run at me so I stand on the defensive side then slashing at the group.

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