By maneskinssz

1.2K 61 22

Lara is a Dutch 20 year old girl, she is a very stubborn girl who does what she wants, she loves to travel bu... More

Book info
Killing time
Hello Ljubljana
Back home
First day

Girls night out

69 2 1
By maneskinssz

I woke up really tired, in the end I probably had
around 3,5 hours of sleep so I knew today was Gina be a looooooong day but oh well I'm gonna do something fun tonight. I got out of my bed and made myself some breakfast, my parents were still asleep so I didn't even bother to make something for them.

After breakfast I took a everything shower to make myself feel better. I did my make up for today it was just a bit of concealer, mascara, eyebrow gel, highlighter and a lipgloss, nothing fancy. After I did my make up I went downstairs. My parents were sitting on the couch, my dad was reading the paper and my mom was on her phone complaining about something to my dad who wasn't even listening he just gave her the "hmhm" I sat down next to my dad and I just looked to the wall. It was always kinda awkward between the all of us and I don't know why, we are a family not some random strangers who are sitting next to each other in a full train.

After dinner I immediately went to my room to get ready for tonight, I was so exited because this was the first time for me to go out in like a few months, I couldn't go because I was to busy with work. I called Demi to ask her what to wear because I had no idea. She told me to wear that red dress I had in my closet, it was I dress I didn't feel comfortable in it was way to short for my liking but I didn't like any dress on me I'm just not a dress type kinda girl. But I gave in and I went for the red dress. I touched up my makeup a bit and I was done, since Demi and me both were gonna drink we decided to take a taxi to the club. We would meet up at my house and from there the taxi  would take us to the club. When Demi arrived I opened the door and her mouth fell open " whatttt" I said " you look so stunning girlllll" she said I turned red and I got all shy, I hated it when people complimented me I never know how to react. " you don't look bad either" I said to her" our dresses were quite similar her dress had like lace on the end of the dress and mine didn't and her dress was black while mine was red. Demi arrived at the right moment because a few minutes later our taxi was here.

At the club we went straight to the bar, we both had a tough week so we really needed those shots " so what can I get these pretty ladies" the bartender said to us " 2 shots of tequila pls oh and a vodka redbull and a pornstar martini please." I ordered for Demi and me. " alright it will be ready soon" he said to us " soooo are you planning on scoring tonight?" Demi said to me with a wink "hmmm I don't know I don't think I'm ready." I said to her. My boyfriend I had since we were 13 just ended like 1 and a half month ago and I don't think I'm ready to get someone new. "Are you gonna score tonight?" I asked her " hell yeah I am watch me" she said. Demi was the type of girl who wasn't afraid of anything and I really loved that about her she was such a free spirit

We drank a lot that night and we were still going at one point on the evening I danced with a very cute guy but he already left. It was now 2:15 and our song was on , this song was our song since we were 15 and we still liked it. Now a other man was approaching us and I first didn't realize and I thought it was Demi so I danced with him but at one point he grabbed my ass and in that moment I was like oh that's not Demi and I immediately sobered up "WTF LET GO OF ME" I yelled at him and he left. I ran to the toilet stalls and I locked myself in the last one. I was crying like crazy. I don't know why I was overreacting like this, in the end nothing bad bad had happened. I think it was my tiredness and the lots and lots of alcohol made me react this way.

I think I was quite long on the toilet because I had heard a lot of people come and go but I just didn't want to get up. But after a few minutes I pulled myself together and I got out off the stall I walked over to the sink and looked at myself in the mirror I'm such a mess. It's also probably time to go home. I cleaned myself up for a bit before I would leave the toilets. When I walked outside to try to find Demi I found her kissing, she was kissing a beautiful girl, I was so happy for her. Demi came out to me a few years ago she was really scared that I wouldn't approve and she really wanted me to because she told me I was the most important person in her life. And of course I approved it why wouldn't I. Demi also still liked boys, she told me she was bisexual and I'm totally supporting her. I was so happy that she dared to be more open about her sexuality so I decided to not bother her and text her that I was going home. I wanted for my taxi when suddenly someone stood behind me and tapped me on my shoulder, I first was scared but soon I found out it was Demi. "I read your text" she said " and I was like I'm also going home because we came together so we leave together" she said.

When I arrived home I went straight to my room and i jumped in my bed I was so tired that I didn't even bother to get dressed in my pajamas, I only had taken of my coat and shoes nothing more. And than I all came back to me, I had the tryouts yesterday. Now I couldn't sleep and I was overthinking it for the whole night in now 3 days I would get the call and if I got it my life would change completely, I would move to facking Slovenia. 

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