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By xprssbrv

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~ Marley's expression was serious, but Sarah liked how it softened slightly when she looked at her. Like the... More

act one


350 9 2
By xprssbrv

Marley's muscles ached all around, a testament to the multiple times the Pogues had to run-whether it was to be where they shouldn't or simply running for their lives. Now, she found herself sitting comfortably on John B's couch in the Chateau, the echoes of their laughter still lingering from the night's escapade. The weariness in her muscles served as a reminder of the risks they took and the bonds that held them together, etched in the tales of their adventures.

The Pogues, being naturally athletic, handled the physical exertion quite well. However, the lack of breaks between each "catastrophe" left Marley's body feeling fatigued. Now, as she sunk into the couch, she observed her brother heading to the kitchen to make himself a sandwich. Grimacing, she caught a glimpse of mold on the bread he had taken out.

She knew it wouldn't faze her brother, but she could see the perplexed look on their friend Pope's face, disgust evident all over him. JJ had a knack for having an appetite; he could eat anything, moldy or not. Pope observed as JJ spread some peanut butter on both slices of bread, glancing toward the boy, "That bread had mold on it three days ago."

"I'll just pull of the bad parts," JJ shrugged, causing Pope to turn toward Marley with widened eyes as she grinned, looking up from a random object she had in her hands, "Plus, mold is good for you. It's just a natural organism."

"JJ!" Kiara called, essentially trying to grab his attention and redirect it to the task at hand.

Marley also looked up from her seated position as pushed herself off the couch, walking over to the others surrounding John B around the desk. He stared at the package, bold black letters reading 'FOR BIRD' in all caps, and evidently written in marker. Marley recalled what he said about his father's funny-looking R's, and she noticed that the R in 'bird' was exactly like the one on the compass.

JJ took a bite of his sandwich as they all watched John B slowly rip open the top of the package. A small smile broke out on Marley's face as JJ began to gag on his sandwich after a couple of chews, eventually spitting the mushed-up food into his hand and tossing it into the bin. However, her attention shifted back to John B, who retrieved a piece of paper from inside the bag. Unfolding it, he placed it on the table so everyone had a clear view.

Marley stared at it, her eyebrows furrowing as she attempted to understand it. The paper revealed itself to be some sort of map, but it was evident someone had made edits to it, with marker notes scrawled across its surface. Pope ran his finger over the map, pointing toward an 'X' with an arrow next to it, "X marks the spot."

"Longitude, latitude," John B muttered as he, too, started running his finger across the map, pointing to ensure everyone understood what he was talking about, "Wait, there's something else in there."

John B shuffled everything around as he retrieved something else from the package, everyone's eyes fixed on him as he brought out a recorder. Marley couldn't help but speculate that it probably held a recording, likely from John B's father. Yet, she found herself torn about whether she truly wanted this to be real. Playing the recorder would undoubtedly drag the Pogues into an adventure full of chaos, and that, she wasn't quite prepared for.

"What's that?" JJ inquired as he fixed his gaze on the recorder.

Marley deadpanned, disbelief evident in her expression, "It's a recorder, dumbass," she replied straightforwardly.

John B clicked the recording on, and Marley could discern the sound of his father's voice emanating from it, "Dear Bird."

JJ turned his gaze toward his best friend, "Who's Bird?"

"That's what my dad called me," John B responded, his attention still fixed on the device, letting it continue.

"I hate to say 'I told you so,' but i told you so. And you doubted your old man. I suspect at this moment, you're filled with guilt and self-loathing over our last fight, but don't kill yourself just yet, kid. I didn't expect to find the Merchant either."

Shivers ran down Marley's spine as she listened to the tape, and she exchanged surprised glances with each of the Pogues, silently acknowledging their shared astonishment.

"You were probably eight to call me out. Weren't exactly father of the decade, What can I say, kid? I could smell the barn. And hopefully, we're listening to this in out brand new sugar-shack down in Costa Rica, living off passive investments and pulling on permits. If not, and you find this for less than optimal reasons, well, that's what the map is for. There she is, the wreck of the Merchant. If something happens to me, finish what i started. Go for the gold, kid. I love you, Bird, even if i didn't always act like it. I'll see you on the other side."

With that, the tape ended, and the room filled with a deafening silence as no one really knew what to say. Marley observed John B getting up from the chair and making his way toward the door. Tears broke free before he even reached it. She understood how difficult this was for him; the Pogues finding the recorder only meant one thing - that John B's father was no longer alive. She swallowed the lump in her throat, fully aware of the weight this revelation bore for the boy.

However, it also meant another thing, that Big John actually found the Royal Merchant, and that the map they possessed would help them find where the gold lay. And this JJ failed to keep inside, his astonishment was too much for him not say anything, "Holy shit, he did it! Big John-He found the Merchant."

"Can you...can you please?" Kiara questioned the boy in front of her, raising her arms over her head as she, too, wore a tearful expression.

"Sorry," JJ nodded in understanding.

After the Pogues helped John B calm down, they all moved outside. Kiara played her ukulele, weaving a tranquil ambiance around the five teenagers. Her tune had a soothing effect on all of the Pogues, while Marley sat on one of the wooden walls by the dock with a joint in her mouth, gazing up at the stars. The rhythmic lull of the music and the distant sounds of the night created a moment of shared peace, a respite from the complexities that life on the Outer Banks often brought.

"How much was it again?" JJ inquired as he tossed a rock into the water below them.

"Four hundred mil." Pope answered.

"All right, let's talk a split." JJ sighed as he observed them all. Marley was now immersed in the newfound conversation, taking a hit from the joint and nodding in agreement with her brother, exhaling the smoke as she performed the action, "Now, before we say "evenly," may I remind you that I am the only one that can properly defend us from those groupers who were after us. Protection? Not cheap, okay?"

Marley smirked at her brother, retorting as he pulled out his gun for show, "JJ, don't flatter yourself too much. I'm pretty sure a bunch of groupers would be more scared of Pope's internal anger issues than your so-called 'protection.' And evenly splitting is fair, bro. No need for a superhero tax."

"Hey!" Pope groaned in response to the Maybank girl's statement, though he found himself somewhat agreeing with her words. He then turned his gaze towards JJ, "She's right, you haven't even trained. You've done zero training."

"Youtube, bro!" JJ exclaimed, looking towards his sister and Pope witth a shrug, "That's a five percent bump right there. And don't worry Marley, I'll give you like 20 dollars."

"Thanks," Marley responded with a fake smile.

"Any objections?" JJ posed the question to all the Pogues, and despite most of them raising their hands in objection, JJ nonchalantly shrugged, as if he didn't notice, "Didn't think so."

"Yeah..." Pope stated in an obvious tone, making it clear to the boy that literally everyone objected to his statement.

"Didn't hear any, so..." JJ shrugged.

"What are you gonna do with your 80 mil, Pope?" Kiara questioned the boy, clearly brushing off JJ's silly antics.

There was a silence in the air as he thought about it, the crickets growing louder before he nodded his head, "Pay for college in advance. And also, textbooks. Those are expensive."

Marley smiled upon hearing the boy's intention for his money. Despite the substantial amount, he expressed his plan to spend it on school. That's what she admired about Pope. Despite the challenging influences he surrounded himself with, he remained committed to making smart choices, choosing to invest the gold he found in his education. It was quintessentially a Pope thing to do.

"What about you, Kie?" JJ asked.

"Yeah, what does a socialist do when she's rich?" Pope questioned.

Kiara chuckled, "I just want to make a double album. About OBX, the Pogues. You know, the way Catch a Fire is about Kingston. Record it in Marley's studio, Peter Tosh producing."

Pope furrowed his eyebrows, "Peter Tosh is-"

"Peter Tosh is dead. I know that, Pope." Kiara nodded before continuing, "Spirit of Peter Tosh will never die."

"I know what I'm gonna do," JJ announced, and Marley grinned wanting to know what her brother would spend his 80 millions dollars on, "I'm gonna get a big ass house on Figure Eight and go full Kook."

"You're gonna go full Kook?" Pope scoffed.

"Yeah, gonna get a marble statue of myself, and then I'm gonna get a koi pond. Put a bunch of those fish-"

"Im never visiting." Kiara chuckled, glancing in Marley's direction as she continued to take hits from her joint and listen to the conversation, "Marley, what would you do?"

Marley grinned, "Buy 80 million dollars worth of weed. Build an empire. I mean, that way, we'll never run out, you know?"

"Great idea," JJ muttered with a nod, while Kiara and Pope chuckled at the girl's answer.

"What are you gonna do, JB?" Pope inquired as he fixed his gaze on the boy. He had remained silent the entire time they were outside.

"To going full Kook," The Routledge boy responded with a soft smile.

"To going full Kook," They all chimed in unison. Marley grabbed her beer can from beside her, clinking it against everyone else's as they took a drink.


Marley had stayed over at the Chateau, lacking the energy to walk home that night. JJ had taken their dirt bike to drive Kiara home, a gesture she was okay with given that the girl lived on the opposite side of OBX. Pope also spent the night, providing company for John B and Marley. However, Marley groaned as she heard both voices while lying on John B's couch.

Upon waking up, the two boys informed her that they were heading to Figure Eight today since it had electricity and internet. Ever since the hurricane, the Cut hadn't had any of that. They had to use a lantern last night just to have light in the Chateau. Now, they were all on the HMS, navigating through the marsh to reach Figure Eight. John B had mentioned that they were seeking information on the water depth for their upcoming adventure.

Marley, clad in her bikini, had rolled a joint while seated next to JJ on the boat. The scorching weather made her glisten with sweat as she donned one of JJ's baseball caps, shielding her eyes from the sun. Smoking her joint, JJ whistled and gestured toward another boat, capturing the attention of all the Pogues.

"You guys see that?" JJ questioned, looking at the black boat that was about to drive past them, "That's a Malibu 24-MXZ, the worlds finest wakesetter. Number one in luxury, quality, and performance. 200K, easy."

"We picked the wrong parents." Pope muttered, and Marley chuckled, fully endorsing his statement.

"I hate to break it to you guys, but that's Topper and his girlfriend." Kiara stated in a somewhat venomous tone.

Upon hearing this, Marley looked up, taking a hit of her joint. Her eyes instinctively met Sarah's, who had lifted her sunglasses for a better look. Marley found her gaze wandering over Sarah's figure, the one-piece bikini accentuating her curves. Exhaling smoke, Marley couldn't help but notice the grin on Sarah's face, feeling conflicted as she continued to stare, despite being the reason Marley got fired.

As the boat approached, Marley felt a subtle tension in the air, their eyes locking in a silent exchange that seemed to carry more than just animosity. The atmosphere between them was charged with an undeniable energy, a mix of lingering resentment and a strange allure that neither could quite ignore. The glances they exchanged spoke of a complex connection, one that transcended their differences and lingered in the realm of unresolved tension.

"Don't have to act like you don't see us, bitch," Kiara spoke up, likely loud enough for Sarah to hear, but Marley paid no mind. Her anger toward the girl outweighed any concern for being discreet.

Once the Pogues reached Figure Eight, they retrieved the Twinkie from its hiding spot near Kiara's family restaurant, a strategic move made by JJ to evade the police the day they left the lighthouse. Marley settled in the back of the Twinkie, gazing out the window as they approached the main hotel, likely filled with Kooks. She silently wished that this visit wouldn't consume much of their time, reluctant to engage in conversations with the rich residents.

"All right, keep a look out. We're behind enemy lines," JJ issued a caution, a grin on his face as he retrieved his gun, examining the remaining ammunition with a sense of readiness.

"Seriously?" Marley deadpanned at her brother, shaking her head as she observed him shrug innocently, "Put it back, man."

"Can never be too careful, Mars," JJ retorted, glancing back at his sister, who responded with a bored look. Amusement flickered in his smile as he turned his attention to Pope, who was approaching his window.

"I predict that bringing a weapon to a four-star hotel will likely cause more problems than they solve," Pope explained to the boy.

"Thank you, Pope." John B sighed.

"I swear to god, I'm gonna throw that thing in the ocean, JJ." Kiara issued a veiled threat, leaning over Marley, who was sprawled in the back seat, creating a makeshift barrier between the front seats, "Put it back."

A brief hush lingered in the air as JJ pondered the fate of the gun. However, the decision was promptly made when John B effortlessly reached over and retrieved it from JJ's grip, causing a questioning gaze from the latter, "You can't grab a gun like that. Can't forget my badge. Professional bus boy."

"So, where are we going now?" Pope queried the group as they approached the building, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

"We're getting on the internet because only rich people have electricity right now." JJ elucidated, facing his friends and gesturing toward a door, a comical voice escaping his lips. "This way!"

JJ, having prior experience working here, possessed a card granting access to the place. Navigating through the kitchen area, Marley exchanged a glance with Kiara as they hesitantly trailed behind him. Skillfully, they traversed the building until JJ guided them to a room filled with computers. Pope swiftly approached the nearest one, bending down to log into the desktop.

"Let me in there, gotta check out my insta models," JJ added, following in John B's footsteps. The group gathered around Pope, intently observing as he continued typing on the computer.

Marley nodded in agreement, chiming in, "Well, he's got a point. Insta models are an essential part of research, right?"

"We don't have time for that," Kiara rolled her eyes at the twins. Marley turned to JJ, a playful smile forming on her lips as they successfully stirred up some annoyance from the girl beside them.

"Here, the map," John B muttered as he placed the map next to Pope, an air of anticipation surrounding the group, hopeful that it would aid him in his research.

Pope demanded John B inform him about the coordinates on the map while he typed them into Google Maps. Marley observed as the computer slowly loaded the destination on the screen. Glancing back, she couldn't resist checking to see if the approaching voices would continue past the room, and thankfully, they did. Sharing a look with JJ she then averted her eyes back onto the screen, focusing on the topic at hand.

"Shit, it's on the high side. It's only 900 feet." John B informed.

"That's not too deep," JJ nodded.

"Is that doable or something?" Kiara asked, her gaze shifting between each of her friends, anticipation in her eyes as she waited for an answer.

"Yeah, it's doable," Marley answered the girl.

"Will we be taking your personal submarine," Pope asked, sarcasm evident in his tone as he looked between the twins.

"Yeah, how do you guys know this, dive masters?" John B added.

"The salvage yard." They both said in unison, both shrugging simultaneously.

"Okay, that was scary," John B pointed towards the two.

"They got a drone that can drop 1,000. It has a 360 camera and everything. It's for like deep dives and stuff. It's exactly what we need," JJ continued his explanation to the others.

"And, can your dad get his grimy little hands on that?" John B asked.

"Well, our dad's grimy little hands got his ass fired." Marley spoke up, reiterating John B's words from just a moment before, "I guess the salvage captain frowns on showing up shitfaced, turns out."

"But the drones there," JJ carried on, "It's in the impound yard out back."

"How much did you say was on the royal merchant again?" Kiara inquired, her gaze fixed on the screen in front of them.

"400 million," John B answered.

"400 million dollars?" Kiara exaggerated the words, promptly rising from her seat and making a beeline for the door, with Pope already positioned as a makeshift guard. Witnessing this scene, Marley couldn't help but stifle a laugh as her friends grumbled about Pope's attempt to block their exit.

"Can't we do anything legal for money?" Pope whispered as they were now exiting the room.

"Legal is boring, Pope," Marley whispered back, causing the boy to send a glare her way.

With that, the Pogues sauntered back toward the Twinkie, and for the first time in a while, Marley had a clear sense of the direction they were heading.

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