Return to Chestme

Par TheHallowSeries

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The cloud of war comes, casting a shadow over the land. Eddipus, now a young elven boy, embarks on a new jour... Plus

Chapter 1: To Eat, Drink, and Be Merry
Chapter 2: Scales of Temptation
Chapter 3: The Shadows of a Rapha
Chapter 5: The life of the flesh in blood
Chapter 6: The Whore of Chestme
Chapter 7: The Den
Chapter 8: I'm not out of my mind
Chapter 9: So that it may yield seed
Chapter 10: Those Condemned Things
Chapter 11: As The Rain and Snow Come Down
Chapter 12: For you were once Darkness
Chapter 13: A Friend who sticks closer than a brother
Chapter 14: With the dagger, she smote
Chapter 15: The Master is with you, O valiant warrior
Chapter 16: He was lost and now is found

Chapter 4: The Abominations of Those Nations

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Par TheHallowSeries

The glen swayed beneath the swift steps of Mmuz and Syperion, a sea of emerald cascading in their wake. They darted, leaving a trail of their shadows behind as they disappeared into the dense foliage of the Westerian forest. The tree line stood like sentinels, their twisted branches circling the woodland.

The Glenoid's legs pumped with adrenaline as they navigated through the underbrush. Each snap of a twig beneath their feet contributed to the symphony of their beating hearts. The air was thick with the scent of damp soil and vibrant wildflowers, a heady concoction that fueled their lungs with every breath.

As they weaved deeper into the heart of the forest, the patchy sunlight glimmered through the thick canopy, painting the forest floor. The weary lizards pressed on, creatures of all kinds scurrying away, startled by the unfamiliar sounds of their footsteps.

Syperion followed close behind, his eyes scanning their surroundings with vigilance.

Mmuz heard a loud snap and turned just in time to see Syperion fall to his knees, trapped in a hunter's snare. Panic flooded Mmuz as he hurriedly made his way to him. With quick thinking and strength born from Glenoid arms, he used a fallen branch to free Syperion from the snare, the ropes snapping and releasing him from their painful grasp.

The two continued their escape through the forest, knowing that the dangers of Chestme were far behind.


Hidden amongst the bustling streets and winding alleys of Chestme, Nimmod's own flesh and blood conspired against him. Nimoa and Mori, whose scales shimmered less brilliantly than those of their father, hid beneath the depths of the city's subterranean tunnels. It was beneath These spaces, once used to store provisions, now harbored the hearts and minds of insurgents.

"Remember, friends, silence speaks louder than swords in these halls," Mori whispered, his eyes reflecting the flickering torchlight. "We wait in silence and help will come," his tail swished with quiet intensity.

Among the rebels were youthful idealists and hardened prisoners who carried the scars of Nimmod's reign on their very scales. They were bound by a common thread. A cloak of deceptiveness.

"Father was once the beacon of our kind," Nimoa confessed to a circle of trusted faces, "but that light has been dimmed by his insatiable hunger for control and the building of this fortress."

"Love for our father wars within us. However, his cold rule wars within us even more as it does in any who won't follow the cruel bite of his dominion," Mori added, his voice laced with melancholy.

"Then let us be the blade that severs the bonds of fear," a rebel spoke up, her snout lifting, showing her jagged teeth.

"Indeed," Nimoa nodded, "for though our hearts ache, we cannot abide the path he treads—a path strewn with selfishness."

"Tonight, we go out. Lets whisper the word of rebellion to any who will listen." Mori proclaimed. "...and soon our silence will break. Fellow Glenoid have escaped and with them hopefully our freedom."

The air became thick with the musk of anticipation and the scent of damp stone.

In the dark, surrounded by their Glenoid allies, Nimoa and Mori stood united by the love of a father and the hatred of a tyrant. Above, where the stars gleamed, away from the towering Chestme spire, MMuz and Syperion raced, the canopy of the Westerian forest growing sparse before them. The caress of dawn graced the forest floor with a mosaic of light and shadow.

MMuz's breaths came in measured pants as they followed a vegetated and shaded path.

"If we make it to Seaside, Low can help us." Syperion's voice broke through the silence.

"If?" MMuz replied without turning, "We'll make it. Don't question that." His tone bore the weight of a voice that carried the air of authority. A remnant of his time with Low as a youth. It was this authoritative presence that shaped MMuz's tenacity.

The dense foliage gave way to the outskirts of a surprisingly lively hum of commerce. They emerged into the clearing, where a bustling market sprawled.

"Stay sharp," Syperion murmured, his gaze darting between the stalls and merchants. The scent of roasted meats mingled with the tang of spices carried by the wind.

"Let's keep to the edges. Less chance we'll be found," Mmuz suggested, leading Syperion past vendors selling fabrics and gleaming trinkets. With every step, MMuz's senses flared, cataloguing potential threats and allies.

"Look there," Syperion pointed, "That stall with the maps. We might discern a safer route to Alchov."

"Agreed," said MMuz, his eyes narrowing as they approached the cartographer's booth, shrouded in a canopy of taut canvas. The mapmaker, a grizzled man with tattooed arms, eyed them with open curiosity.

"Seeking guidance, travelers?" he rasped, a sly smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Yes," MMuz affirmed. "We require passage to Seaside Alchov. Do you have any maps to that area?"

The mapmaker's eyes flickered. "For a price," he said, unfolding a parchment etched with coastlines and contours. "I'm not too sure you can afford it."

"How much?" MMuz asked.

"Here," the mapmaker said, pointing to the Alchovian map. "It'll go for a fairly steep price. Lets say two hundred quadran."

"Quadran?" MMuz inquired, producing a handful of gleaming Chesnoid coins adorned with the emblem of the lizard lord, Nimmod.

"I do not recognize this currency," The mapmaker sneered, a hint of hard annoyance across his features.

As they retreated from the map booth, Syperion glanced back at the hive of activity. "Look," Syperion muttered, directing MMuz's gaze to a tall, dark but beautiful figure moving with the grace of a shadow, slipping through the market. "Is that a Spiderling?"

The woman's limbs seemed coated in a gossamer sheen that moved with every subtle gesture. Beside her stood an elve, his posture radiating an air of adventure. At his side was a curved scimitar.

"Ma! Pa!" a child's voice echoed through the bustling market, drawing the attention of all who heard. A young Saphiid boy with piercing blue eyes darted through the crowd, his slender legs moving with a graceful speed. Both Spiderling and elven features adorned his frame, giving him an otherworldly appearance. As he reached his parents, he jumped into the man's waiting arms, a beaming smile on his face. The woman placed her delicate fingers on the boy's head, smoothing down the silver threads that resembled spiderwebs. Together, they were a rare and unique family amidst the chaos of the market.

As Syperion and MMuz conversed in hushed tones, the idea of allying with such skilled beings raced through their mind. The Spiderling, adept in both medicine and battle. The elven warrior, swift and noble.

"We must speak with them," Mmuz said with confidence.

MMuz called out, striding forward towards them. "We seek your aid."

The couple turned, intrigue flickering across their faces. The woman's black eyes gleamed with astuteness, while the elve's gaze held a steady calm.

"Mirranda" the Woman's voice was a rattle, laced with grace.

"Mirranda, could you and your family guide us to Seaside Alchov?" Syperion added.

"Alchov?" Samson smiled, an eyebrow arching. "We have friends there."

"Yet there is one we must see," MMuz interjected. "A Glenoid like us. His name is Low."

"Ma, can we help them?" Timothy piped up, his innocence gleaming for all to see.

"Perhaps," Mirranda said, her words tinged with the silk of consideration. "Samson speaks the truth. We've got friends in Alchove, and it's been far too long since we've visited." Her dark lips smirked. "We'll have no trouble lending our aid."

"Our many thanks Samson and Mirranda," MMuz said, bringing his hand hovering out for a shake.

"Then it seems our paths may converge for a reason," Samson said, reaching out and grabbing the Glenoid's forearm.

"What might be your names," Mirranda asked.

With names exchanged, Mirranda, Timothy and Samson united with the Glenoid.

Amidst the bustling market and boisterous crowds, the newly formed alliance navigated to the outskirts of the activity. They found a path leading to Seaside Alchov and set off.


Nimmod's fingers traced the smooth walls of Chestme, his eyes taking in every inch of the elegant stone structure. The torches flickered, casting an ethereal glow on the busy room below.

Descending the stairs, Nimmod scanned the area with a sharp gaze. Glenoid scientists, clad in protective armor, scurried about with determined efficiency, their minds focused on the massive crystalline prism at the center of it all.

Nimmod's lips curled into a smile, knowing that none in all of Fonde SSique could stand against his latest creation. The crystalline weapon stood as a testament to his engineering prowess and a symbol of his unrivaled power.

As he traversed the vast undercroft, Nimmod heard the resounding echoes of his own footsteps. The air was thick with the gentle hum of the prism and the occasional clinking of tools. Approaching the central pedestal, he beheld Ramses, her Westerian features illuminated by the pulsating light of the prism. Her captivating violet eyes seemed to glimmer.

Despite the primal urges clawing at him, Nimmod knew the consequences that would follow if he succumbed to his insatiable hunger for Ramses. Gazing upon her, Nimmod couldn't deny that she was a tempting woman worth risking everything for.

He approached her, his eyes tracing her every curve. Yet, a pang of guilt tugged at his heart as he longed to hold her in his arms. He knew there were more pressing matters at hand.

Nimmod stood by her side, his presence commanding. "Ramses," he uttered, "behold the completed Prism."

Ramses inclined her head in surprise. "My lord, I have eagerly awaited this moment. This will defeat the Cardamon siege once they come?"

Nimmod's reputation as a charmer was well-known among the Glenoids, and even Ramses couldn't deny the alluring hold that emanated from him. As they stood before the crystalline structure, Nimmod motioned towards it. "Shall we commence an inspection?"

Ramses nodded eagerly, and together they approached closer to the weapon. It was a marvel of engineering, unlike anything seen in all of Fonde SSique or beyond. Nimmod felt a surge of awe wash over him as they stood before its multifaceted surface, etched with intricate lines like a puzzle waiting to be solved.

The prism pulsated with vibrant colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet dispersing beams that danced across the walls. Nimmod couldn't resist reaching out and running his fingers over the smooth surface, tracing the grooves. "If I were to manipulate this panel here," he explained to Ramses, "intersecting it with the others and refracting white light at its center it would unleash a beam, igniting anything it touches. It would be like a Darkling burning in the scorching sun."

He was keenly aware of the power the weapon would bestow upon the Glenoids, giving them an edge in any potential battle. But a darker force within Ramses stirred. Valaria. Her essence now in control, though the prism's radiance concealed the piercing, hypnotic blue in her eyes.

Nimmod stood in front of the powerful Prism, his mind ablaze with visions of its boundless possibilities. Then his heart quickened as he turned to Ramses, sensing a shift in her attitude. She appeared distant, almost hypnotized by the prism's light, as her eyes glazed over the iridescent glow.

"Ramses?" His voice was laced with dread, hoping beyond hope it wasn't Valaria taking control. Ramses didn't respond immediately. Instead, she traced her fingers along the surface of the Prism.

Finally, she spoke, her tone detached. "I am well, my lord. Just lost in contemplation."

Nimmod knew better. He recognized that haunting voice. It was the same that had tormented him within Ramses' chambers. "Valaria?" he questioned with caution, taking a step back.

Ramses' eyes glinted with an otherworldly radiance as she peered into the prism but then she turned away, revealing her true nature - those piercing blue eyes. Her lips curled into a sly grin. "Who else but me, Nimmod?" Valaria's voice intoned, filled with playful malice.

Nimmod's voice shook as he stood before Valaria, his gaze unwavering despite the form she took as Ramses. "Release her!" he demanded, his words laced with bravado.

But Valaria only laughed, her voice echoing through Ramses' body. "And why should I do that? Who are you to dictate where I belong?" she taunted.

"This is your chance to claim rulership over all of Fonde SSique," she continued. "Do not underestimate me, Nimmod. I am powerful and wouldn't it be more pleasing to have an ally with power?"

Nimmod's blood boiled at Valaria's words, fear and rage crashing within him. He did not want to stand idly by and let her control Ramses. However, as he studied the prism, his mind raced with schemes not only on how to use it but how he could use Valaria as well. He also knew that she was as cunning as he was. Nimmod wasn't sure of the lengths Valaria might go to gain power. He also knew the value of keeping one's foes near.

"Fine, Valaria. You may remain."

Valaria grinned as she rested Ramses' slender hand on Nimmod's formidable chest. He averted his gaze, impervious to her attempt at a kiss.

"My apologies, my lord," Ramses said embarrassed and averting her gaze. "I struggle to contain Valaria's influence, especially in your presence."

Nimmod's heart softened at the sight of Ramses' shame, but he could not let himself forget what he could do with the powerful prism or with Valaria. She was a cunning, cold manipulator and strategist, probably as good as he was. To have another likeminded individual by his side, enemy or not, the opportunities appeared limitless.

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