Chapter 3: The Shadows of a Rapha

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The creaking of wooden planks beneath their feet served as a constant reminder that they were at the mercy of the sea. Waves crashed against the hull of the Alchovian galley, casting a fine mist of salty air upon Eddipus and his companions. The smell was invigorating, but it did little to ease the tension that hung heavy.

"Keep your eyes peeled," Val warned, his gaze fixed on the horizon. Captain Athens nodded. Kalia's grip tightened on the foremast, her knuckles turning white. Vaulurou, the fierce dancer, stood tall and alert, the white streak in her hair blowing in the wind while Isaak fixed himself to the mainmast with an air of authority. Daaubond and Low, with their gift for perception, scanned their surroundings with hawk-like precision.

"Captain, how much further?" Eddipus asked.

"Still a ways to go, lad," Captain Athens replied, his eyes never leaving the vast expanse of water.

"Something approaches!" Daaubond shouted, and the entire crew snapped to attention as Low pointed out toward the sealine.

"Where? What is it?" Kalia asked, her voice trembling.

"Off the starboard bow," Low replied. Kalia followed Low's pointing slender finger toward a murky shape on the horizon.

"Ready yourselves!" Captain Athens commanded, and a flurry of activity ensued as the crew prepared for any potential threat.

"Isaak, I'm scared," Kalia admitted, her heart racing as Isaak gripped her arm, comforting her.

"Good," Val responded. "Fear will keep us sharp."

Eddipus nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself. He glanced over at Isaak and Kalia, whose faces betrayed their anxiety. As they stood side by side, ready to face whatever danger lay ahead, Eddipus approached them. "We'll be fine."

"Here it comes!" Athens shouted, gripping the captain's wheel.

With the unknown force closing in, the crew braced themselves for a confrontation. Their nerves were taut as they sailed towards whatever treacherous thing lay in the waters between them and Gath. They knew they could not falter.


Fear covered Hilda like a blanket of night, something she rarely experienced. The picturesque Hilltop village, with its breathtaking elvish buildings basking in the warm sun, held no solace for her. As she navigated the winding streets, passing by vibrant gardens and charming homes, her heart pounded in search of Eddipus.

Hilda's mind raced with worry, her hands wringing with anxiety. Her husband's whereabouts were shrouded in mystery, and she couldn't shake the feeling of dread.

"Let's split up," suggested Tallik, his eyes scanning their surroundings. "We'll cover more ground that way."

"Good idea," Lisa agreed, her voice soft yet determined. With a nod, they separated, each taking a different path through the enchanting village. As they searched, the beauty of the elvish setting seemed to mock their growing concern.

Hilda's voice trembled with desperation as she called out for Eddipus. The villagers shook their heads, no sign of him in sight. Just when all hope seemed lost, Hilda, Tallik, and Lisa convened at the entrance of Hilltop.

"Where is he?" Hilda cried, her one good eye darting around the area. That's when Tallik's instincts kicked in - a former tracker and assassin of Cardamon, he noticed something on the ground. "Eddipus's footprints?" he questioned.

Hilda and Lisa knelt down to inspect them, confirming Tallik's suspicions. "Let's follow this trail," he declared.

It was at that moment, they left the safety of the village and ventured into the treacherous Southern Mountain Range. Dark clouds gathered overhead, but they were not ones to back down from a challenge.

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