Chapter 8: I'm not out of my mind

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The Cardamon royal hall was alive with tension as the stoic Guardsmen lined up before their queen and her attaché. The pungent stench of sweat and sharpened steel filled the air, mingling with the flickering candlelight and sizzling torches. The opulent hall was adorned with white pillars and lit columns, casting eerie shadows on the posh blue, purple, and white walls. It was a sight to behold, fit for royalty and yet, it was still a crumbling mess.

The guardsmen shifted uncomfortably as they waited for their queen to speak. Rose, a Spiderling had become unstable, her emotions fluctuating wildly between anger and mania, driven by a deep-seated desire for conquest. It was both fascinating and frightening to watch as she pattered back and forth. The room was cold and musty. Her hands clawed into fists at her sides.

"Prepare the troops," she said flatly, not bothering to look at them right away.

The guardsmen were nervous, their mouths dry. Absinthian Gull lingered behind her like a hooded specter, watching everything unfold. He could see the madness in her eyes, the thrill of power that burned bright beyond all reason.

"Rose," she heard the voice of Shadow Man in her head, and she cut him off with a harsh laugh.

"I know what I must do," she snarled, her voice still eerily calm. "I will crush all that stand in my way."

She turned and gazed fiercely into the eyes of each loyal guardsmen. "The Glenoid dare to oppose me, and by doing so they challenge not only my kingdom, but my very dominance itself." Her penetrating black orbs commanded their attention as she spoke, her voice reverberating against the vaulted ceiling. Her flowing robes swept along with the pattern of her pacing. "We cannot allow such insolence to stand. They test me!"

The unwavering looks of the Cardamon Guardsmen never left her, as if their very existence hung in the balance. Their training and dedication to their queen was unmatched, despite her unpredictable nature. Rose and her trusted advisor, Absinthian Gull, strategized their approach to the heavily fortified Chestme tower city.

A fierce battle-lust ignited in Queen Rose's eyes. "You all will fight!" she declared.

Shadow Man peered through her vision, heard the strength and fervor in her voice. It was at that moment, it dawned on him, witnessing her actions and he understood. Rose didn't share power. Not even with those closest to her.

She lowered onto her soft velvet throne, calming herself and feeling the presence of Shadow Man. He was her constant, the one who understood her deepest desires. Any other day, she could lose herself and Shadow Man would be there. However, tonight, her obsession burned brighter than the torches. Rose was more than angry. Angry at Chestme and angry at Mirranda for leaving so long ago. She stood, walked past the sea of guardsmen and away from Absinthian. She opened the large, oaken double doors and walked into the hallway, pausing to gather her strength as Gull came out and stood beside her. A somber look spread across Absinthian's old, scared features. "Is everything alright, mistress?"

"Yes, Absinthian. Let us return to the men." her mind, in actuality was in a whirlwind as Shadow Man kept prodding her silently, trying to gain control.

"So, we know the tower, we know of the lizard folk. It should be straight forward," she said, strolling back into the grand hall with her advisor. Rose's voice was smooth and unsettlingly steady. "We will make our stand.

Inside Rose's mind, Shadow Man stirred restlessly, his voice a low growl as he tried to exert dominance. "Do not falter," she yelled, her lips curling into a wicked smile. "Victory will be within my grasp."

The guardsmen dispersed, leaving Rose alone with Absinthian and Shadow Man once more. "Impressive work," he murmured, his hand touching her shoulder.

She whirled around, a snarl escaping her lips like the hiss of an angry Glenoid. Her sharp fangs gleamed menacingly in the dim glow of the candles. "Don't play games with me, Gull."

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