Chapter 11: As The Rain and Snow Come Down

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A vibrant hum resonated, diffusing the rich scent of lubricated gears. Under Chestme's looming shadow, a platform stirred to life, its cogs shrieking as they hoisted their cargo skyward, puncturing the clouds. Whispers and murmurs rippled among the Glenoidians, escalating as an immense Prism with sharp edges emerged on the quivering dais. Its multifaceted walls subtly shifted, ascending to Chestme's pinnacle. It was as if a fragment of the sky had been plucked and presented—a prism encapsulating the soul of a rainbow within its unyielding crystalline walls.

As the citizens of Chestme craned their necks, their gazes wide with reptilian interest, they beheld a spectacle of chromatic brilliance. "Prepare the weapon!" Their lizard lord Nimmod shouted.

Glenoid scientists and knights shifted slick veneer walls like a large child's jigsaw, angling them to ensnare the sun's fervent rays. A ballet of colours pirouetted, reflecting a multitude of hues. Gasps rippled through the crowd, echoing awe and fear in equal measure. Vibrant beams of light lanced forth from the Prism's apex like a fiery finger tracing a scorching path. It lay waste across the lush glen below, causing the ground to sizzle and emit smoke under its artificial gaze.

In the tableau of destruction and beauty, a young boy stood, his eyes wide and gleaming with innocent wonder at the serpent of light dancing and writhing above. Female Glenoids clutched their bosoms, and men stood tall, their chests swelling with pride at the formidable power of their kingdom. Their whispers were a mix of dread and admiration. There, at that moment, they were masters of creation and destruction—a notion as seductive and dark as Nimmod's ambitions to make a name for himself and his people.

From the white-stoned thoroughfares to the imposing steps and intricate rooftops, the beam could be seen cleaving through the velvety sky. A behemoth of spectacle turned instrument of warfare; it dispersed as quick as it was shot. The Prism's plating shifted back into place.

In the heart of the spectacle, amidst the ceaseless throng, Nimmod's sons guided the youthful Chestme rebels. Their hearts thundered with a relentless apprehension, an unwelcome guest that loomed menacingly, threatening to quell their courage. As they made their way through the bustling crowd, Nimoa and Mori could feel the eyes of their father's subjects on them with reverence and admiration. The crowd's gaze was soon averted, however to Nimmod, their ruler. He stood tall upon the elevated dais, his iridescent scales flickering in the sunlight. With a regal purple robe draped over his muscular form, he exuded an air of natural confidence as he addressed the crowd, gesturing to the giant weapon displayed before them.

"Behold," he boomed, his voice dripping with authority, "our tower's guardian." All eyes turned to Its facets gleaming as it promised protection from any invaders who dared threaten them.

Beside him was Ramses, beautiful and enigmatic. Her hair shone like fiery silk complementing her pale complexion, while her emerald gown accentuated her curves. She moved with elegance while her piercing violet eyes swept over the crowd, resting on Nimmod and then flicking over to their weapon with an intriguing mix of adoration and Valaria's wicked desires roiling within.

Her stare lingered on it; the wonder of its creation reflected within her depths. Yet, it was Valaria's unseeing glance that truly looked upon it. She smiled, showing her high cheekbones.

The multitude below clung to every word spoken by their lizard lord, their faces reflecting reverence for the confident grace of Ramses and the spectacle of the Prism weapon on display.

Within her, the entity stirred, a harbinger of danger. Were her figure to materialize of her own volition, she would appear with cascades of stunning raven hair and cerulean eyes subtly conveying illicit pleasures and deceit.

"The power of the Prism," Nimmod expounded, "will destroy any who dare stand in our way. With this weapon by our side, we will not only protect ourselves from Cardamon but also establish our dominance over Fonde SSique!" His voice boomed with conviction and the crowd erupted into thunderous applause, momentarily forgetting their fears.

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