MEENBABE: Herstory (GXG)

By meenxtwp

4.7K 280 62

A MEENBABE story wherein Aoom's disdain for Rina Chatamonchai, a historical figure in a book, spirals into a... More



223 19 0
By meenxtwp

Aoom’s POV

“Are you all ready?” I asked, casting my gaze upon each of them. Cloaked in armor and masked to conceal our identities, everyone nodded, their eyes reflecting hope and determination.

This is the day. After a week of meticulous preparation, we stand ready to infiltrate Kanawut’s Mine.

“So, let’s review our plan. There are three gates, each guarded by two men. For the first gate, I, Engfa, will be in charge. Aoom and Nini will accompany me. Charlotte will lead the infiltration of the second gate, assisted by Tia and Elsa. Snack takes the lead for the third gate, with Heidi and Nude. Pailiu and Meena will be in charge in taking all of the weapons in armory to ensure people’s safety when the commotion began, they will also bring cart with them that will be used to carry the stolen goods and weapons.”

“We must ensure to incapacitate the guards silently, open the gates, and wait for Pailiu and Meena to shoot an arrow with a white powder as a signal that the people are safe to be freed. When the commotion begins, that’s our signal to search for gems and gold. If you’re in danger, shoot an arrow with red powder into the sky, and we’ll come to your aid. If you find the storage of goods, shoot blue powder. Meena and Pailiu, bring the cart to where the blue powder is shot,” Engfa added.

“Is everything clear?” she inquired. I raised my hand.

“I think we need one more person with good fighting skills to assist Meena and Pailiu…”

“Trust me, they don’t need that. You should worry about the people who will stand in their way,” Engfa asserted confidently.

Is Pailiu’s fighting skill truly that remarkable?

I hope so.

I gave a final glance to everyone, and my eyes lingered on Meena the longest.

Please be safe, everyone. Let’s return here later, all together.



Third Person’s POV

Note: Scene in first, second and third gate took place in the same time.

First Gate (Engfa, Aoom, and Nini)

The trio observed the two men guarding the first gate – one stationed atop the fence as a lookout and the other standing by the entrance.

“I’ll handle the one on top. Once I silence him, you two proceed to deal with the man at the entrance,” Engfa commanded, receiving silent nods from both Aoom and Nini.

Engfa ascended the fence with effortless agility. Positioned directly behind the lookout, she swiftly broke his neck, sending his lifeless body tumbling down.

The thud alerted the other guard, who stood bewildered. Seizing the opportunity, Aoom and Nini pounced on the unprepared man. Nini exhibited expert combat skills, delivering kicks and jabs with precision, while Aoom, calculating and observant, seized a moment to wield a sizable rock, striking the man's head and rendering him unconscious.

“Wew, you fought well, Nini,” Aoom complimented, eliciting a blush from Nini.

Aoom promptly searched the man’s body, seeking the key. Upon finding it, she looked up at Engfa, offering a thumbs-up to signal success. The first gate had been breached with calculated finesse.

Second Gate (Charlotte, Tia, and Elsa)

In the cover of shadows, the three of them patiently awaited the opportune moment. Minutes later, an opening presented itself when one of the guards strolled toward a dark area to pee. Seizing this chance, Charlotte, Tia, and Elsa swiftly incapacitated the man, ensuring a quiet and efficient takedown. Stripping the guard of his clothes, Charlotte donned the disguise and returned to the entrance.

With a seamless blend, Charlotte, now disguised as an ally, approached the second guard. Oblivious to the unfolding events, the second guard fell victim to a swift knockout by Charlotte.

Second key secured.

The second gate had been overcome with a blend of stealth and quick thinking.

Third Gate (Snack, Heidi, and Nude)

The two guards were engrossed in drinking, providing Snack with a brilliant idea. She shared her plan with Heidi and Nude, and both readily agreed.

Snack shed her armor, clad only in her inner clothes.

“Do I look completely helpless now?” Snack questioned the two, receiving nods in response.

“Not only that, you look rather tempting too,” Heidi admitted, pulling Nude to hide and allow Snack to initiate her scheme.

“Help!!!” Snack shouted, alerting the two guards. One of them promptly rose and approached Snack.

“Are you alright? What’s a beautiful lady doing here late at night?” the guard inquired as he assisted Snack to stand.

“Hey, brother! Come here! There’s a beautiful lady here,” she called out, beckoning the second guard. As he hurried toward them, the three girls swiftly began incapacitating both guards.

“Freaking pervert,” Snack remarked as they efficiently subdued the guards.

The third gate had been breached, their strategy a mix of cunning and precise execution.

Back to Aoom’s POV

After we got the key, we immediately opened the gate.

The creaking sound of the gate opening echoed, revealing a distressing scene within…

Wooden cages confined numerous souls, men and women sprawled on the dirt, bearing the marks of brutality… In the midst of the suffering, my gaze fell upon malnourished children, robbed of their innocence.

They are supposed to be running and playing around….. not locked up and forced to work just to appease the greed of these rotten adult.

“This is so heartbreaking,” Nini murmured, a sentiment echoing in my own heart. Engfa’s silence spoke volumes, her eyes aflame with restrained fury and a jaw clenched in determination.

“Now… All we can do is wait for Pailiu and Meena’s signal,” I voiced, my hope clinging to the anticipated sign.

Please… make it.. make it

Relief washed over us as a white powder adorned the night sky. Hastily, we unlocked the cage, waking up the captive souls from their sleep.

Confusion gripped them as they stared at us.

“Will they forced us to work again? It’s late at night and we only slept and rest for an hour. We haven’t even eaten yet…” I heard one of the women voiced her concerns.

“Hey, wake up! If you all want to get out of here, now’s the chance!” Engfa half-yelled, a beacon of liberation.

Yet, hesitancy lingered to them and so, Nini assured them, “Don’t worry, they can’t hurt or kill you. We already took their weapons.”

“You can choose something to defend yourself. My friends are likely freeing the others as we speak. There are hundreds of you here. What can twenty men without weapons do against all of you? You have the power to fight back or even k*ll those men if you wish,” encouraging words spilled from my lips, urging them to seize their freedom. A spark of defiance lit in their eyes as one brave soul stood up.

“There’s a storage of food near each gate. You can take it all,” I offered, kindling hope in their weary hearts.

With gratitude, they left the cage, embarking on a journey to reclaim their lives. As they departed, Nini, Engfa, and I exchanged glances.

Now, the true deal awaited us. The intricate dance of our mission had begun.



"There's nothing here."

The announcement from Engfa left an unsettling air as we exited the second hut. Outside, chaos unfolded. The commotion had been ongoing for awhile now, a fervor of people running, grabbing supplies, and retaliating against the guards who had held them captive...

Serves them right.

"Let's move on," Nini urged, snapping me out of my thoughts. My gaze instinctively shifted to the sky again, a silent prayer that no red powder would mar its canvas.

As we checked the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth huts, the storage of goods remained out of sight.

The commotion gradually subsided, but there was still no signal from the others...

Our hope waned with each passing moment.

"We have limited time. The guards may have already sent a message asking for reinforcements to the Kanawut's," Engfa voiced her concern, urgency coating her words.

"It should be here..  It has to be here," I muttered, a mantra to ward off doubt. Our pace quickened, and just as hope was about to dwindle, Nini brought us to a sudden halt.

"Look at the sky!" she exclaimed.

I followed her gaze, and relief surged through me as I saw the telltale blue powder. Without hesitation, we sprinted toward the source, finding Charlotte, Tia, and Elsa outside a hut. Snack's team and Pailiu with Meena were converging on the same spot.

"Did you find it?" I asked anxiously.

"Yes. Let's head inside," Tia confirmed.

Entering the hut, an astonished silence enveloped us. Gems and gold adorned the space, a treasure trove that held the promise of change.

"We need to hurry, let's load it in to the cart. "

Charlotte's broke the silence, urging everyone to work quickly.

However, my response deviated. I ventured outside, picked a torch and began setting fire to everything in sight.

"EVERYONE LISTEN! YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! REINFORCEMENTS ARE COMING!" I shouted, ensuring everyone had a chance to escape.


Still Aoom’s POV

Ministry of War Residence

A heavy silence hung in the air, a touching aftermath of our mission. The Ministry of War Residence offered a solemn refuge for our weary souls. No words dared to escape our lips; courage seemed to flee in the face of the monumental task we had just accomplished.

A wide-angle view of the room revealed tear-stained eyes, a monument to the emotional toll of our endeavors. Even Engfa and Charlotte, persevering as they were, couldn't hide the gleaming traces left by our joint effort. Silent tears spoke louder than any uttered words.

My gaze lingered on each member of our team in that profound silence. We were united by a bittersweet bond, forged in a fire of adversity. Suppressed sobbing echoed in the silence, creating a symphony of shared tears and triumph.

My heart swelled with a warmth that transcended the cold reality we had just faced. Then, breaking the hush, Nude's voice cut through like a shard of disbelief. "We... we freaking did it!" Tears of joy streamed down her face, mirroring the incredulity in her trembling words.

Elsa, seemingly unable to fathom the reality of our success, added in a hushed tone, "I can't believe it."

Tia, amidst tears and laughter, articulated the visceral satisfaction we all felt. "So this is how it feels to finally be able to get back at those scumbags... oh my god, it felt good."

In the midst of the emotional turmoil, embraces mixed in an attempt to find serene and assurance. The gravity of our accomplishment became clear, and the room resonated with relief.

The emotional tableau was abruptly interrupted by Snack, who entered the living room holding a jar.

"Our success needs a celebration, don't you think?" she suggested, lifting the jar of alcohol. Laughter erupted, and the atmosphere shifted from somber to jubilant.

My heart swelled, intoxicated not just by the celebratory spirits but by the tangible bonds that held us together. As the jar passed through trembling hands, the room transformed from a battlefield of emotions to a sanctuary of shared accomplishment.

The warmth within me intensified—a beacon heralding that this was not merely a victory but a proclamation. More challenges awaited, but our triumph today was a resounding overture to the promise of greater successes yet to unfold.


Third Person's POV

Kanawut's Residence

Gulf, seated at a round table with his father and other ministries, delved into discussions about the upcoming Battle of the Kingdoms. They were in the midst of deciding which royal lineage aside from the Princess would best represent Arkemia. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation.

Suddenly, the meeting's momentum was shattered by an intrusion. One of their men burst into the room with alarming news.

"My lord! Our mine has been breached! All the goods are gone, and the slaves have escaped. The entire mine has been reduced to ashes," he reported, casting a shadow over the room.

A stunned silence gripped everyone. The audacity of someone challenging the Kanawut left them all speechless.

The stillness shattered as the head of the Kanawut Clan, consumed by rage, flipped the table in response to the dire news.

"YOU FOOLS!" His voice thundered as he unsheathed his sword, swiftly dealing with the messenger who brought the grim tidings.

The ministries trembled in fear, but Gulf, accustomed to such displays, remained composed.

The head of the Kanawut Clan turned his gaze to the ministries, his anger palpable. "Secure every border. No one leaves without a thorough check. Trace every seller with similar products in the market," he commanded, outlining a plan to recover their losses.


Aoom's POV

After an hour of celebrating, the effects of the drinks were evident – Charlotte, Tia, and Elsa belted out tunes, while Nude, Heidi, and Snack showcased their dance moves. Engfa and Pailiu engaged in a conversation, and Nini, predictably, lay sprawled on the floor, already lost to sleep. My attention shifted to Meena, who was fixated on Nini, giving her daggers look, and after a brief moment, she gently slapped herself.

A chuckle escaped me as I observed her actions. I had been keeping an eye on her, witnessing the endearing quirks that surfaced when she was under the influence.

"You can't like her..." a sudden voice interrupted my thoughts. I redirected my gaze to the speaker, only to find Engfa.

"I can like whomever I want," I retaliated.

"But not her..."

"Why? Because we're both girls? But you like Charlotte!" I teased, prompting a blush to grace Engfa's cheeks.

"I don't!" she asserted defensively.

I responded with a laugh.

"But I want to thank you, Aoom," Engfa expressed sincerely.


"Giving us hope."

"And opening my eyes that bringing morality into this fight won't do us any good. We somehow need to dirty our hands to ensure that women today and in the next generation won't go through what we and the women in the past generation went through," she added, her words carrying a weighty conviction.

Before I could reply, a sudden bird swooped in, landing on Engfa's shoulder. She swiftly retrieved a note, her forehead creasing with worry.

"Just as you anticipated, the head of the Kanawut ordered his men to track every seller with the same goods in the market. He also ordered to close the borders, so how can we transfer the stolen—" Engfa paused, noticing the smirk forming on my face.

"Don't tell me..."

I nodded.

"The stolen goods probably already passed through the borders as we speak," I assured her.

"How..." I cut her off.

"Let's just say that I'm one step ahead of them this time."

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