Freelancers watch Red vs Blue

By flag384

139K 480 115


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter: Reader Contest Time!

Chapter 18

3.6K 14 1
By flag384

Hey everyone, so sorry for the late update. OMG mothers with the cleaning! Anyways, this is a little something that I put together with a lot of thought going into it- just no way of know how to get it down, you know? So, if this feels too fast or too slow, I'm sorry. I'm trying my best here to get better with this. I dunno what I'm doing, but I gotta be doing something right... right? ENOUGH of the jabbering and please enjoy!


(Christian/Alaska, his room)

So, the Freelancer agreed that it would be too painful and too much of a headache to watch another episode until tomorrow. That's understandable, I suppose, as they've probaly never had to see or deal with people like the Reds and Blues. 'Still... it's for the betterment of how everyone turns out.", I thought. I had put my armor in the automatic ejection casings that was erect from my floor on the wall closest to me. They were there in case of space pirates(oh-ho the irony for season 12 and they didn't even know it yet- how cute of the Mother of Invention!) trying to loot on the ship.

 I quickly grabbed a towel and went into my restroom. It wasn't much, just a sink in front of a mirror, a toilet, and a bathtub and shower combination. I mainly use it for showers now since the tub is too small for my... five foot ten?... five foot eleven? frame. I turned the knob all the way to the left- to me. I had a shower and thought, after i got out, 'Something's going to be different tonight.' If only I had known. 

I wrapped my- for whatever reason as I know that I've never had a towel with these colors before- orchid with ice blue stripes around my waist. I was about to put on a pair of boxers when I heard a knock at my door. My head snapped to my door as my eyes narrowed. I never got visitors at this hour. I got a pistol that was under my pillow... hey, can't be too careful in a place filled with spies and psychopaths! I cocked the gun and walked over to my door. "Who is it?" I asked carefully. "It's North.", said his muffled voice from the outside. My brows furrowed- why would North come here? "What is the name that Sarge gave to the jeep in the episode that we watched today", I asked. if it truly was North, then only he and the other Freelancers would know. "He named it the 'Warthog'.", his voice sounded confused. "Come in North, doors unlocked!", I called as I put on my boxers and my pair of dark green plaid with dark blue pants with a white undershirt. The door opened to reveal North without armor. He had platinum blond hair with pale water blue eyes, high cheekbones- the works. The makings of an actor's handsome face. "What was with the questions?", he asked. I shrugged and said "If you knew what I did now, then you'd do the same."


"So what brings you here, North? I never get visitors at this hour. You know it, I know it." He had a look of confusion as he said "I've been... having these dreams lately. About an AI... fragment. It was a bright AI- not shining, but- the AI was dark purple with a dark blue... I guess glow? Also, he was very shy. Do you know what that means?" With every bit of description my eyes widened further and further until they became normal sized and my face paled. "I don't know what it means North but... what you have seen in these dreams are Classified Tier One. Tell the Director everthing you have told me. Now!", I said before barking out the last word. His eyes widened. He nodded and shot off like a bullet to talk with the Director. I closed the door and slowly sat down on my ass in shock. "Theta...", I whispered. North had fucking dreams of his AI fragment partner! I shook my head. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day and I needed the sleep.

I had a dream. The last time I remember having a dream was... nine years ago. So, yeah, I guess this is worth talking about.

When my eyes closed, they opened in this dream. I was in a completely different room with dark purple numbers in code everywhere. I looked around and saw Carolina's armor off at one corner of the room, while Washs' at another. At Wash's armor was letters in light blue. as I got close it spelt out 'memory', along with the greek letter for Epsilon.

 I ran to Maine's armor- it was on a wall to the far right. There were red letters that were literally flaming that spelled out 'Ambition', along with the greek letter for Sigma. Sigma. the one that fucking started the idea of The Meta. The reason why all but two Freelancers were dead. I looked to the armors' left and saw Wyoming's armor.There was white letters with a light blue glow that spelt 'Deceit' and the greek letter for Gamma along with it. 

 I slowly walked over to where York and North's armor were on the left wall- closest to Carolina's and Wash's armor on the left wall. In shining light green letters was 'Logic' and the greek letter for Delta on York's armor. "Delta...", I muttered. He was one of the damned coolest of the bunch- mainly because he helped the Reds and Blues. On North's armor was dark purple with a blue glow lettering this time. 'Trust' and the greek letter for Theta with it. "Theta... Now I know that something's going on here.", I said. It couldn't be coincidence that North mentioned Theta to me and then I see this, can it? Nope, I don't think so. 

"Well, I could of told you that!", said a purple figure on a RoosterTeeth skateboard. "Theta?!", I yelled out in shock. "Yep!", the now named Theta answered chipperly. "Wha- but HOW?! Aren't you reunited with the Alpha?"

"In order, Apparently the Alpha AI went rampant and he broke himself off again after he 'died'. Soo, that makes me a God of the Universe that you're in, Christian! So, yes I was reunited with the Alpha, but he split apart again."

"I will never question that logic. also, I don't think I'll question why you're so much more...outgoing...just yet."

"Good. Now, I want you to keep watching these videos. They're-the videos-are  holding back the Fragmentation of the Alpha. If that happens then-"

"Then Project Freelancer won't be put on the chopping block, and The Meta will never be created by Sigma, right?"

"Precisely. Oh, and watch for the Counselor."


"He's being overly persistent about it. I don't like it. And it won't be long before Omicron is created. She was-is- Alpha's fear of what was going on to him. He needs to be stopped, Alaska." I nodded. I walked over to my armor which was in the middle of the room. Theta looked at me while tilting his head to the left. there were no words on my armor. " Program Theta, assign the AI fragment Omicron to Agent Alaska, Level Zero directive from the Director." 

Suddenly there were burnt yellow letters spelling out 'Fear' and the greek letter for Omicron right under it. "Holy shit, I can't believe that worked!", I exclaimed. Then, as I blinked, I was in my bed, looking up at the white ceiling and grey walls. 'Damn it. I could have changed who the twins Iota and Eota would go to!', I thought dejectedly. I then heard in echo "Oh, but you already have, Christian..."

Well. I think I've made a great discovery and changed some things.

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