Good Cop Gone Bad ~ Rewritten

By haveachickenugget

5K 168 12

An FBI agent who gets an opportunity to move to Italy to be an agent there. Of course she takes it right away... More

1| normal
2| addiction
3| complications
4| trouble
5| offer
6| masquerade
7| break
8| job
9| adjusting
10| dark paradise
11| lover
12| battle
13| secret
14| danger
15| surrender
16| crush
17| denial
18| truth
19| progress
20| couple
22| promise
23| nap
24| emergency
25| stalker
26| killer
27| until i found you
28| famiglia
29| veritร 
31| news
32| unwanted
33| greedy
34| fights
35| injure
36| broken
37| lifetime
38| lost
39| innamorato
40| meet the love of your life
41| il funerale
42| nuovo
43| close
44| identify
45| breaking
46| shattered
47| love
48| torture
49| realizzazione
50| dream
51| resolve
52| party
53| benedizione
54| quick

30| secrets

83 4 0
By haveachickenugget

•Matteo Rossi•

"Hi sweetheart," I said as Aria opened the door to her apartment, letting me in. In my hand was a bouquet of tulips. I take one from every bouquet I give her and when it starts to die, it's a signal that hers are dying as well, which means that it's time to get her a new one.
She smiled, that gorgeous smile that I have become addicted to in the time I've known her. "Hi." She said sweetly, taking the flowers in one hand, and my hand in the other, pulling me into the apartment. "How do you even get these flowers? They aren't in season anymore." She says. Of course she would know. When she finds something she likes, she'll spend her time getting to know it, appreciate it. Thankfully, she likes me.
"That's a secret, melodia," I tell her, bending down to place a quick kiss on her lips. She rolls her eyes, but I don't fail to notice the little smile that she is so bad at hiding.
And it was never much of a secret. I had been asking Sofia if I could use her greenhouse for tulips, although thankfully she already had some. Aria's greenhouse that I am having built at my estate will be ready in about a week. She doesn't know yet, but I wanted to surprise her.
"Anyways, are you ready for tomorrow?" I ask her. We are flying out to France tomorrow afternoon after I pick her up from work. I am excited to take her and I know she is excited to go since she has not been to France since she lived there. We will not be spending much time there, however I do hope she enjoys the time we have.
She nods, "Yes. I packed earlier today. I bought dress when I went shopping with Sofia last weekend, and I have all my makeup packed." she explains excitedly. I smile at her and lean in to kiss her again.
"You're gorgeous, melodia." I say, staring right into those light brown eyes that never fail to reel me in, and keep me locked up. Even if I weren't, I don't think I would ever want to leave.
Her face flushes with a pink color and she smiles. "Thank you." she mumbles, looking away shyly. She has changed and opened up so much in this small amount of time, and it is almost endearing the way that even maybe two weeks ago, she would have rolled her eyes and ignored me if I had said that. She still smacks my hand away when I go to touch her sometimes, not in a mean way or that I have crossed a boundary, maybe even just a hug is rejected, but it is simply the way she is. Physical touch is something she can appreciate when she wants to but it is not in the list of her favorite things in the world.
           Aria placed the flowers in her favorite vase, filling the bottom portion with water. When she was done, we ate dinner together in a comfortable silence, my head rested on her shoulder which was as much physical touch as she allowed me in the moment. With her, I will take all that I can get, but I will never push a boundary.
           We go to her room, both of us taking turns to shower, then changing into pajamas.
           "Can we wear the matching ones?" Aria asks me. She had bought us some matching pajamas a few days ago and thinks they're so cute. But I think I look ridiculous. Absolutely and utterly ridiculous.
           With pink and white plaid pajama pants, I look stupid. "Melodia," I groan out, "Please no, I look ridiculous." I say. Her pout is making me regret saying anything.
           "Please, Matteo." she says, her eyes wide and pleading. She was tugging on my shirt as we both stood in her closet, wearing white shirts, underwear, and nothing else. "Please?" She pleads nice more, reaching up to place a kiss on my cheek.
           I let out a sigh. How can I say no to her? I can't. "Yes, melodia." I say, pulling out the pants from where they hung on the bar. Her smile made it all worth it.
As we are walking out of the closet, my phone starts ringing. I pick it up to check the caller ID only for it to be Luca DeMarco. "I will be right back, I have to take this." I say to Aria. She looks at me confused but nods. I usually never leave the room when I need to take a call, but Luca is a loud talked and only involved in the mafia. "What do you want, Luca?" I ask him, answering the call.
"We haven't had a meeting in a while. All of the DeMarco have some questions for you. Simply mafia business." he says, his voice oddly hoarse.
"Well I am only available tomorrow between 12:00 and 13:00, I leave for France sometime after 18:00." I tell him. I will not make much time for them, so they will have to deal with what I can give them.
He sighs, and I hear him talking to someone else. "Yes, that will work." He replies, and hangs up. I haven't spoken to the DeMarco in a while. I am just surprised they have not gotten into any trouble recently. They haven't stolen any shipments, threatened anyone. It's weird to think about.
I go back to Aria who is laying in bed, clutching her stuffed bear to her chest. I lay next to her and as she feels the bed moving, she turns, facing me and resting her head on my shoulder. "Goodnight." she mumbles, placing a kiss on my shoulder, then laying on it, closing her eyes.
"Goodnight sweetheart." I say, leaning down and kissing her head.
She falls asleep quickly, but I can't seem to. I keep thinking of the DeMarco. I have not spoken to them in a while.
They suddenly were no where to be found the night of the masquerade when Andrej was shot at, they were the ones that found the body of the man that died the day that Aless and I were attacked in a meeting, when my arm was broken, they were the ones that found papà almost dead that day by the shopping center, and they also just happened to be in the Pecora building when we were hacked. But they have not been causing any trouble, and anyone could have stumbled upon the body of the man and papà. The day of the masquerade, they had alibi's and someone to support that.
There is no way they are involved with La Prossima Generazione. Especially not with Andrej with whatever he is planning against me. They have always hated Andrej, and talked horrible things about him. They would hate working with him. And they would risk way too much. If they were discovered to be traitors, they would lose everything and they love the money and power way too much.


"What would you like to discuss?" I asked the DeMarco as we sat in an office in one of my buildings.
"Well recently we have found ourselves slowly being cut out of business. We have no clue what has happened with the mafia. We are slowly being pried out, we assume by your request, and it is being done strategically so as to not be noticeable." Luca explains. I am an excellent liar when I need to be, and this is exactly one of those moments.
I chuckled, then sighed, facing the men of the DeMarco family. "Things happen, Luca. I become so busy sometimes I forget to check in, maybe update people. None of this so called prying is being done on purpose, no matter how much you believe it is, and I truly hope you can understand my side of this, simply forgetting things. I hope we can forgive and forget these instances of what you believe has been the DeMarco family being 'forgotten.'" I tell them. Some stare at me in disbelief, others nodding their heads in agreement.
Even if they talk back, they know I am more credible than most of the people they are sitting by, people who they call their siblings and cousins. They lie and scheme against each other all the time and this family truly has to fix their need for money and power.
"Very well then," Francesco says, then proceeds to begin with wanting to strike up another business deal. It was actually a good idea, so I agreed, then left.
I had told them I was only free for an hour, but that was a lie as well. I only have to do some paper and then wait - impatiently - for Aria to get off of work.
I am excited to take her, walk her around the city, then show her off at the event. I didn't want us to stay in a hotel, so I bought a house there. Then, I remembered that Aless and Sofia were also going so I asked him if he wanted a house too, but he said no because Sofia wanted to stay with Aria so they're staying at our house too.
I get to the estate and find Aless waiting for me. "What are you doing after we're done?" he asks me.
"Probably working out, why?" I replied.
"Why don't you just take a few hours off and watch a fucking movie or something?" he asks me. I roll my eyes and start to head for the stairs.
"What else am I supposed to do while I wait for Aria to get off of work? And I am watching a movie, I just can't watch it without Aria because she told me not to, and I forgot the name of it." I explain to him. He rolls his eyes at me before we go into my office.
As soon as we start the paperwork, he starts the teasing. "Have you picked out an engagement ring yet?" he asks me.
"Alessandro." I say sternly, glaring at him.
"Me personally, I think you should do the wedding in the winter. Right between Christmas and her birthday." He continues on. I sign the paper in front of me, letting him ramble on while I ignore him.
I sigh, "Alessandro you know why we can't get married yet." I tell him. I really don't want to have to explain it to him again. He barely even listens so it would barely be worth it.
"Oh come on," he begins with a groan, "Sofia and I got married like four months after we started dating." he reminds me.
"I know. The baby bump in the wedding pictures remind us all of that."
"Exactly. What would the damage be in marrying the girl you know that someday you're going to marry anyways. Why delay it?" he asks me.
"Alessandro your marriage was arranged," I begin, slightly angered that he would not stop asking. "You just happened to get her pregnant before you got married. And you know it's not that simple. The world she grew up in was not like ours." I continue, clutching the pen in my hand, trying to bring my attention back to the papers. "We will get there one day, but when she is ready."
"Okay, whatever." he replies, rolling his eyes once more. I do the same towards him and we continue filling out the paperwork.

•POV Switch•
•Aria Marino•

I let out a frustrated sigh as I listened to what Flora was saying about me behind my back. To some random person on the phone.
"Sì, they have been together for a while now. But I doubt she actually likes him. I mean, she hates this job and he is some sort of billionaire, she probably wants him so she can quit her job and become a housewife." she rambles, her annoying high pitched voice ringing in my ears, making me want to throw a knife. Not necessarily at her, but if it happened to stab her out of all people, I wouldn't necessarily be complaining. "I bet he is probably only with her to get a wife to be married for business. It will work out perfectly."
I pressed my lips together so as to not make a noise since she didn't know I was at my desk which was right across from hers, the dividers between each one hiding me perfectly. "And because of this, I have to deal with annoying, broody Ermes. I do not know what he sees in her, but he is completely fucking in love with her." She pauses to let the other person speak. "Okay maybe she is really pretty, but she is so grumpy all the time. What does she have to offer? He could do so much better. Like me." she giggles, even slapping her desk as she lets out that annoying giggle aggressively.
I already knew Ermes liked me. She told me weeks ago, she can't seem to keep her mouth shut, but I just ignored it because I don't care. Plus Ermes and I barely have to work together anymore since he is usually at his desk, sometimes studying cold cases while I go out with Annachiara and Flora, solving cases actively.
She continues speaking, "So what if I am married? My husband fucks his secretary, why can't I have a little fun with a coworker?" she complains to this other person. I rolled my eyes to myself. Of course. That is why she is like this.
I get up from my desk, revealing that I had been there the entire time. Her eyes widen and she stands up, hanging up the phone. She goes to defend herself but I stop her. "Non sei molto bravo a nascondere il tuo odio nei miei confronti. O a mentire al riguardo." I tell her, walking away. (You're not very good at hiding your hatred of me. Or to lie about it.)
I walk towards the hallway that leads to the restrooms, but when I go to turn the corner, I quite literally bump into Ermes. "Oh," he gasps, "Aria. I'm sorry." He says.
"Doesn't matter. Go hang out with Flora, I know she's been missing you." I tell him, a smile threatening to break out on my face while he looks at me confused.
I walk down the hallway and head for the bathroom, only hoping for the day to go by faster.


"Aria someone is here for you," Annachiara says with a huge smile plastered on her face. I was just cleaning up my desk so I could leave. Finally.
I looked at her confused as she opened the door further, allowing someone to walk in behind her. To my surprise, Matteo walks in looking so good in a suit. He said he was going to be busy all day today in meetings or doing paperwork.
"Matteo," I say happily, going up and wrapping my arms around him, pulling him into a hug.
He chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of my head. "Hi sweetheart," he says softly, making me smile. "I brought you some coffee." he says, handing me a cup of iced coffee. I taste it and it is exactly my order. This man is perfect.
"Thank you." I tell him, and quickly lean up to place a kiss on his cheek.
"What are your plans for your day off?" Annachiara asks both of us, mainly me as Flora and Ermes come near, simply waving as a greeting and staying there.
Matteo looks over to her, "We are flying over to France right now for an event." He tells her. She looks surprised and happy. She might be my boss but she is kind of like a friend and she is so supportive. Especially of my relationship. She is a girls girl.
"I will still be on call if something happens and you guys need a consultation or something." I tell her, but she shakes her head, putting her hand up.
"No it's okay. Enjoy your day off. I will not bother you." she tells us. We continue conversation for a few minutes, Ermes and Flora occasionally chiming in.
Flora looks at Matteo, batting her eyelashes, "You know, I go to France all the time. Giverny is my favorite place." she says, as if it is bragging. We live in Europe, people go everywhere all the time. However, Giverny is exactly where I used to live when I was in France. I still love it even though I have not been in a while.
"Oh my gosh! I used to live there," I begin, making her face drop. "I was born here in Italy, then moved to Spain, then France. I loved living in Giverny." I say happily. She looks annoyed now, but I feel accomplished. I only mentioned that I lived in her favorite town, and it upset her. But maybe that is what she gets for batting her eyelashes at my boyfriend, who is now glaring at her, wrapping an arm around my waist.
"Sorry to interrupt this, but we have to go," Matteo says, stopping anyone else from speaking. "Our pilot just arrived at the airport and the jet is almost ready." he says to me, making me nod. We spent a long while talking apparently.
"Oh okay then. Arrivederci." I say to everyone as we begin to walk out. They all wave back as we get to the elevator and head downstairs towards the parking garage. (Goodbye)
As always, he opens my door, putting a hand on the top so I don't hit my head, then leaning down and buckling me in once I actually sat down in the car. I kissed him on the lips when he was done, then he got out and went around to the drivers side. "Do you have my bag?" I ask him.
"Yes, I went to pick it up from your sister earlier. I think she is finally getting used to me." He says, and he sounds so happy about it. It's adorable.
"She is. Although I don't ever think she hated you. She never said one bad thing about you." I tell him, making him smile widely. I love his smile.
"I hope not." He chuckles.


I went to get my bag from the flight attendant after the plane landed, but Matteo got there before I did. We exited the plane to find two cars already waiting for us with drivers.
Matteo and Aless put the bags in the back of the cars, Matteo led me to one while Aless took Sofia to the other. When we got into the car we were taking, I asked Matteo, "Where are we staying?"
"We have a house here, melodia." He says simply, buckling me into the seat. Of course he freaking does.
We drive around for a while, the city quiet as it is already late at night. We ate dinner on the flight, so when we get to the house, the first thing I want to do is go to sleep. But when we finally do get there, I need a minute to register this mini castle that my boyfriend calls simply a house. It's smaller than his house on the estate but it's still a big house, and it's gorgeous.
The driver parks the car in front of the house, Aless and Sofia's car stopping right behind us. "Stay here melodia, I'll be right back." he says, placing a quick kiss on my forehead before getting out of the car.
He gets the bags out from the back, then him and Aless walk into the house, Sofia stayed inside the car as well. I see the lights go on, and a few minutes later, they come back.
I find it weird when Matteo does things like this. Like when he goes in before me and looks around as if someone might be waiting there for us. And then he usually takes his work calls in front of me but recently he hasn't been anymore.
And I know they are work calls because he shows me and he says things about them like "Now I have a meeting tomorrow." and he tells me the time, and I hear him talking to them in his work voice, but I never really pay attention to what he is saying but it has me wondering why all of a sudden he won't take his work calls in front of me.
He is also secretive with some of his work. With some of it, he will tell me who someone is and be so talkative and of course I listen because I love hearing him talk and he seems to like his work a lot, but then recently with some parts he's all of a sudden just saying that it's just a work thing, won't say anything about it, and seeming so nervous like if he's hiding something.
But he is always saying "Aless will be there too." as if he knows how I think and knows that I feel like he might be hiding something. Either I am overthinking it and he just doesn't want to talk about his work as much or he is actually hiding something. All I know is that it is not another woman, and at this point in the relationship, I feel like that is most of what matters.
I let my mind come back to the current moment as Matteo opens my car door. Should I ask him about it?
No. I don't want him to get mad at me and push me away even more, and I don't want him to feel like he has to tell me absolutely everything about everything he does and feel like he has no space in the relationship to just be himself. Because maybe he isn't hiding anything and I am just reading too much into it. I mean, they're work calls and it's not like I want to hear them anyways.


           I woke up at five, not being able to sleep. Thankfully, Matteo sleeps like the dead and I easily slipped out of the room.
           I took a shower, changed into some jeans with a cropped tank top. I try to not wear things like this because I don't like showing my stomach, but I'm getting better at it, and I feel like I look okay.
          It was a very quick shower since I did not want to make too much noise or spend too much time, and once I finished, I made my way downstairs.
            I found the kitchen and looked around, hoping to find some tea to make myself. However, halfway through the tea making process - I still needed to add the honey - I felt someone touch my arm.
            So naturally, I swung my arm back and smacked this person on the chest. But when I heard Matteo groan, I realized maybe I needed to calm the fuck down. I turned to see him looking at me confused. "What was that for?" he asked me, his voice deep and raspy.
"I'm sorry, it was just a reflex I guess," I say, kissing the spot on his bare chest where I think I hit. He chuckled, pulling me into a hug. His skin was so warm, so comfortable. I don't want to give in, but I just can't help it. I love physical touch, when it's his. But I can't let it show much. I'm not an affectionate person.
"I have been awake since you left the bed, I couldn't go back to sleep. Why were you up so early, melodia?" he asks me. I can tell he is still tired. His eyes, his voice, they all let it show.
"I couldn't sleep. Go back to bed, just lay down, I am sure you will be able to fall back asleep soon." I tell him. He sleeps like the freaking dead, I am sure he can fall back asleep fast.
He shakes his head, pulling me to him fully, hiding his face in my neck. "I can't sleep without you." he mumbles into my neck. My eyes widen. This man is perfect in every way you look at it. Clingy, nice, respectful, caring, never talks me down, always praises me, is so sweet to my sister, takes care of me. And just a bonus, he has money. I don't take it but it's nice that he wants me to use it.
I smile to myself, "Come on," I say, grabbing my tea from the counter. "Let's go back to bed." I grab his hand in my other one and pull him towards the stairway to go upstairs and to the room.
I lay on the bed, letting him lay on top of me. He is almost a foot taller than me, and way more muscular, therefore heavier, but I could breathe normally later. Just a few short minutes later, he had fallen asleep again.
I spent the next hour and a half reading on my phone as Matteo slept on top of me.
My phone was ripped out of my hand and thrown to the other side if the bed by Matteo when he woke up again. He kissed my lips, then my jaw, slowly down to my neck. "I am going to go shower, melodia," he says, getting up from on top of me. I nodded and he left.
I was stopped in the hallway by Sofia, calling me over to her with a wave of her hand. "What?" I asked her when I reached her.
"I want you to do something with me," she says, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me into a random room. She takes me to the restroom, shuts and locks the door before pulling a box out from behind her back. "I think I am pregnant." she says. I scan the box in her hands and my eyes widen as I read it.
"Is this a good thing?" I ask her.
She nods profusely, "Yes, Ria. A very good thing. But if I am not, I do not want to get Alessandro's hopes up, because I know he really wants it too." she explains to me. I nod, understanding.
I stand outside the restroom door in the random bedroom and we continue speaking as she does what needs to be done. "Sof, do you think it is weird that you are younger than me, but you are the one that is married with a toddler and might be pregnant?" I ask her. Something I think about a lot. I thought by this age I would at least be married. But with everything that has happened, I don't know if I ever will be.
          "I mean, not really," she begins, "Think about it. I was raised in a rich business family. I was married off at a young age due to a business deal, although thankfully to a man I actually was in love with, and we got pregnant quickly. I was always destined to live this life, if not by my own accord, then by the force of my family."
          I had thought about it like that, but not much. I don't understand the world they came from. The arrangements, the relationships. If it really worked that way, shouldn't Matteo be married right now? But I don't really know how it works.
          "I guess. I don't fully understand the way you guys were raised yet. It's still a new concept." I tell her.
         "I just know that because of it, Matteo already wants to marry you." she says. I hear the water running and then the opens the door. My breath was lodged in my throat at her words and my eyes were wide.
         "He wants to what?" I ask her.
         She chuckles, a smile on her face, "Look, Ria, I know it seems big, but I know he really cares about you, and he is willing to take care of you for the rest of your life. Not just willing, but wanting. Aless tells me all the time that he knows Matteo is ready to marry you already, and he knows it is the influence of how we were raised, but Matteo is also aware of the fact that you were raised differently than us. He said he wants to go by your timeline. If you want to wait years, then he will wait, but if you want to do it, then he will be happy to." My mind was having trouble processing the words that were leaving her mouth at the moment. He wants to marry me? But he is willing to wait for me, until I am ready?
           "And I know it is so cliche," she begins, grabbing my hands in hers, "but he has never, ever looked at, or acted with anyone the way he does with you. I don't know if it's the way you just make him happy. The initial attraction had something to do with the way that you spoke to him no other person ever dared to talk to him because everyone is scared of him, or something like that. I don't remember exactly." I remembered the day at the car dealership, the day after we first met. When I snapped at him for trying to help me and Laura, but I didn't need his help. The way he looked at me after I said something, somewhat shocked, and somewhat in admiration.
           "He had a girlfriend when he was a teenager, didn't he?" I ask her. I remembered him telling me something about a girlfriend.
          She tilts her head in confusion, "Well yes but it was more of a 'my dad wants me to find a wife and you're the first girl I saw' type of thing and then he didn't really like her that much and then she cheated. And ever since then, contact with women who he considers more than acquaintances that aren't gay has been very low. Except for you." she pulls me into the bathroom and just before she flips the pregnancy test over, she looks back at me. "I want you to be my sister in law." she says.
           I smile at her widely, but then nod towards the test. She flips it over and we both gasp when we see the word 'Positive' in black letters.
         Then from outside the door, I hear Matteo looking for me. "Sweetheart? Where are you?" I hear his voice.
         I look over to a smiling and crying Sofia. "I am going to go tell Aless. Tell Matteo after you hear the screaming." she says. I laugh and hug her before we walk out of the room.
           She walks to her and Aless' room, and I stay with Matteo.
           "What were you two doing in there?" he asks me, his arms slipping around me, pulling me closer.
           I shrug, "You have to wait for it." I say. He looks at me confused but just a few seconds later, screaming can be heard from the room. "Sofia is pregnant." I tell him. His eyes widen and he smiles.
           "Wait for it." he says. A few seconds later, Aless runs out of the room in a bunny onesie, which I know is matching with Sofia, and screams, running around the house. "What a dumbass." Matteo says.
           "Oh and what would you do if I was pregnant?" I joke, looking at him with eyebrows raised.
            He holds me tighter and closer, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Take care of you and our baby for the rest of our lives. And not run down the stairs knowing I could fall and hurt myself like a dumbass." he says, the first part seriously and the last part jokingly. "But are you?"
           I laugh, shaking my head, "No." I say.


The event will be in the next chapter 🫶


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