Off Pointe

By Mystic_Raven20

13.9K 962 521

To Adrien, dance was just a selection of movements. A well rehearsed transition from one gesture to the next;... More

The Auditions
Welcome to the Dorms
The First Class
Pas de Deux
Lies and Subtitles
The Part You're Playing
Miraculous Studios
The End of the Line... or is it the Beginning?
I Need You To Be You
To Dance Would Be an Awfully Big Adventure
Dancing With You Is More Than I Can Explain
Regrets and Reservations
Fact or Farce?
Opening More Than Just Your Eyes
Truth and Other Stories
Wherever You Find Love It Feels Like Christmas
The Show Must Go On
Your Lips Will Reveal the Truth
His Warmth to Her Cold
Would You Dance If I Asked You To Dance?
Raiders of the Last Fabric
It's Not About Saving Myself Anymore
Just One More Time With Feeling
The Nutcracker
I'll Never Be You; I Never Want To Be You
I Won't Give Up On You

Decisions Are Made

343 34 27
By Mystic_Raven20

On Point

A Dance To Remember!

By Rena Rouge

When we think Adrien Agreste (22) couldn't shock us anymore, he comes out and does one more thing.

At the Christmas gala for underprivileged children, the attendees were treated to quite the special performance. Adrien attended alongside partner Marinette Dupain-Cheng (19) and her parents, the owners of the 'T&S' Boulangerie in the centre of Paris.

Witnesses say the performance was in another league, and that the spirit of Christmas, complete with hope and love, was delivered on the stage for all to see. If the rave reviews are anything to go by, the Agreste Christmas Gala is about to take its pride of place, once again, as Paris' number one event.


"What the hell was that? Are you trying to embarrass me?" Once again, Gabriel Agreste greeted his son by throwing a tablet in his face.

What the hell had he got under his skin this time?

"Good morning father. How are you today?" Adrien smiled up at his father, knowing full well it was going to annoy the older Agreste.

"Don't give me that, Adrien, I swear you're just out to embarrass me at the moment, and to embarrass my company."

Adrien looked down at the iPad and what had gotten his father so irate. He tapped the centre of the screen and a video started to play, a video from the previous night. He watched as himself and Marinette moved around on the small stage. They looked really good together and, considering it wasn't a well rehearsed routine, he was impressed by the outcome.

They looked amazing. Their bodies just blended into one as they moved from position to position, a dance which seemed to have been created just for them. He watched as they looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel like he was intruding on a private moment. The eye contact between the two of them was intimate and organic, nothing seemed fake or prepared. Beautiful!

Adrien looked up at his father and remained silent. He didn't see anything wrong with this, in fact, he thought a lot of it was right – and the children loved it.

After walking Marinette back to her apartment the previous night, he was on cloud nine. He'd already arranged with Tom and Sabine when he could next come and when he could help at such an event again. Apparently it wouldn't be until the new year, but Adrien wanted them to message him straight away so he could get it in his diary.

Marinette's parents were wonderful, and he'd had the time of his life with them.

It had been ages since he'd laughed until his sides hurt. It must have been at least two years ago, way before his mother had grown sick. The way Tom and Sabine had included him had swelled his heart, and for the first time in a long time he felt like someone. Only adding to the way he felt when he was with Marinette.

He couldn't deny it anymore, he was so jealous of Luka. Marinette was incredible. From the way she could trip over her own feet and it not faze her, to the way she cared for him enough to pull him out of his self deprecating thoughts. She knew him better than anyone, and in a matter of months she'd become almost everything to him. He loved going to the studio now, and he loved dancing again, something he never thought would happen. He just couldn't help but wish they could be more than just partners.

"Have you read the comments father? They liked it! The audience liked it!"

Gabriel shook his head. "You don't get it, Adrien. We are a ballet company. This type of thing cannot be linked to our standards."

"What do you mean? Type of thing?"

"Dancing for orphans!" Gabriel exclaimed. Adrien sat there gobsmacked. Had he seriously just said that?

"What?" He thought about Marinette and Plagg, and how the two stood up for what's right, the overwhelming desire to explode creeping up on him at an inhuman speed.

"You did this for free, Adrien! What do we look like? A charity case?

Adrien's mind flashed through memories from the previous night.

Tom, laughing with the children as he was dressed in red and white, handing out presents and asking each and every one about their favourite things.

Sabine, handing out delicacies she'd spent all day working on along with the normal supply of baked goods to sell in a busy, crowded bakery.

Marinette, helping him out with the small child cradled in his arms as his mother had to give up her dreams, and her children's dreams.

How dare his father speak so poorly? How dare he think he's so much better? He was nothing more than a Scrooge. All this fame and power yet nothing good ever came from it.

"Enough!" Adrien said. The clatter of his chair vibrated against the floor. He'd pushed back with such force it went flying over, bouncing around on the ground as he stood towering over the table. His mouth was clenched, his teeth threatening to break apart from where they were pushed hard in the back of his mouth.

"Watch that temper, son. You don't want to end up putting yourself in a bit of a... predicament."

Gabriel remained seated, a smug look on his face, adding to the boiling feeling in Adrien's gut. How dare he think he can do this? His own father had belittled him for performing to make children happy. His own father threatened him for doing something for charity. His eyes dropped to the screen again, the glow dimming before turning off completely, taking away the praise and congratulations of the audience and leaving him in nothing but the cool atmosphere of the dining room.

Pushing himself up straight, he stood with his back in the perfect position, before turning around and lifting the chair back to the table, tucking it underneath before heading for the door into the hallway.

"Oh, and Adrien. You'll be dancing with Lila in the Sugar Plum Fairy Suite, Kim has had an unfortunate accident. I hope you don't mind."

It shouldn't have surprised or shocked him, but once again his father had the upper hand, thanks for manipulation and an iron tight contract. Adrien looked over his shoulder and prayed his eyes told his father exactly how he felt, before leaving the dining room and ultimately the mansion, their breakfast firmly forgotten.

Arriving at the studio early, Adrien walked inside and threw his bag onto the ground nearest to the piano. He hadn't been so moody and grumpy in weeks, yet one conversation with his father undid all the good work Marinette had put into him.

He marched over to the abandoned piano in the corner and lifted the cover, dragging his fingers over the smooth ivory keys and wiping away the dust. This was his mother's favourite piano. It was white and large and perfectly tuned... or at least it was. His finger pressed down on the 'G' only to wince at the sound which escaped the confines of the casing.

Rolling up his sleeves, Adrien lifted the lid to the piano and looked inside. It may take him quite a while to tune, but it would be worth it. This piano was the embodiment of his favourite memories, and he adored it.

Tightening the strings, he continued to press the key and check the sounds growing more content as he went. Fixing the piano felt like a step in the right direction. A step closer to his mother and the security of her love.

He had at least an hour before Marinette was due to turn up for rehearsals, so right now he'd close his eyes and play.

...He'd just play, and for the next hour nothing but the music would matter.


Marinette stood nervously outside the café. Luka was due to meet her here any moment and she really had no idea what she was going to do or say.

The previous night had opened her eyes to feelings and emotions she'd been too scared to accept and name. She'd hoped Alya had been at the apartment when she'd returned from her impromptu performance with Adrien, yet it seemed her friend had been staying at her boyfriends a lot more since the casting, leaving Marinette alone with nothing more than her thoughts.

She shoved her hands into her pockets and hovered from one foot to the other, Luka should have been here by now. They'd agreed 3pm and he was always early, what was the hold up?

A tiny voice in the back of her mind told her she knew what was happening, where he was, who he was with, because truth be told she wanted to be doing the same thing too.

She wanted to be in the studio with Adrien, she wanted to be laughing with him, dancing with him... being held by him. Her dreams had been erratic overnight, waking her up more times than she could count as Adrien appeared and saved her from giant butterflies, or danced with her in front of the moon.

She'd dreamt of him taking her on ice cream dates, and standing up for her against Lila. She'd become consumed by him, to a point she had called Luka 'Adrien' when they'd spoken on the phone that morning.

"Marinette?" Luka's voice sounded around the crowds as he made his way forwards towards her. He pushed himself through the sea of slow moving people, making his way closer to her, and as he grew closer she suddenly realised he was in his sweats. He must have come straight from the studio, exactly as she thought.

"Hi," she said through a sigh, stepping up to him. He bent down, his lips poised to take hers, only to change direction at the last moment and press against her cheek. She didn't know if she was disappointed or relieved. Her heart suddenly cemented itself in its decision – this just couldn't continue.

"Hey, how are you?" he said, placing his hands into his pockets and giving her that smile she always craved to see. He really did shine when he smiled.

"I'm good. Have you been at rehearsals?"

He rocked backwards and forwards on the balls of his feet. "Um - yeah. There were a couple of things that weren't working, so we decided to have an extra practice before we start the full run thru tomorrow."

"Cool. I can't wait to see it."

"Yeah," Luka said. "It's good. I think you'll enjoy it."

It felt so awkward. It shouldn't feel this awkward. This was the guy she was seeing – has – been seeing for over a month now. They stood smiling at each other, Marinette finally being kicked into action as a cold breeze swept around her neck and caused her to shiver.

"Drinks!" she shouted out, Luka inching back a little in –what she guessed – was fear.

"Yeah, sure." Luka stepped forward and opened the door to the cafe, allowing Marinette through first and walking with her to join the queue. "So? Did you want a latte, or shall I just get you a black coffee?"

She looked up at him, her eyebrows turned down in confusion. Why would she want either of those?

"Oh, um, just hot chocolate please. I don't really drink coffee."

Luka's eyes flashed with something she couldn't quite place, before they once again became nothing but a deep, ocean blue. "Sorry, I thought you were a coffee drinker? Didn't you have one that once when we went out?"

They moved further forward in the line, Marinette trying to find the memory of when she'd drank coffee. Her mind rolled around the carousel of their dates only to stop at the memory of them taking an early morning stroll through Paris. She hated morning with a passion, yet Luka loved it. He told her the best part of the day was just as the sun was rising... which is fine in December, however, in October it was way too early for her liking, hence the need for the caffeine kick. She was quite sure she told him she didn't like it though.

"That was a one off, I was really tired and I thought it would help me."

The queue in front of them suddenly disappeared allowing them to order their drinks and move to a table. Uncomfortably, they sat face to face, Marinette not entirely sure what to say or do. She wanted to talk about the previous night, to explain to Luka what had happened and how Adrien had made a young girl's dreams come true, but it just didn't feel right to be talking about that, or Adrien full stop.

"Drinks for Luka." The barista shouted, the dancer standing and telling her he'd be right back.

The instant relief of him leaving the table confirmed two things. Firstly, she was feeling guilty about spending time with Adrien and secondly, it was because she no doubt had feelings for him. Which could only mean one thing... she had to end this now. She puffed air from her cheeks and studied the menu on the table. She really was not feeling this today.

Luka returned moments later, bringing her anxiety back with him. He placed the drink in front of her and settled down opposite, his hands fumbling around the mug. She looked into his face and noticed how he wasn't looking at her, and if she wasn't mistaken he looked as awkward as she felt. The mug twisted around in his hands, his mouth opening before closing again. He wiggled a little in his seat before looking at her and opening his mouth again. Swiftly, he closed it, his eyes falling with it.

"Are you okay?" she asked, Luka's head snapped to look at her again.

"What? Oh, yeah! I'm fine. Good actually."


She lifted her drink to her lips, licking off a layer of the whipped cream and smiled. A vision played through her mind of Adrien at the Christmas market with whipped cream on his top lip. He was such a child that day. Even if the day had started with him being a pompous jackass.

"Marinette, we need to talk." The seriousness of Luka's voice had her smile wipe clean from her lips.

"What's wrong?"

Luka exhaled, wiping a hand over his face as he looked torn.

"Luk," she encouraged. "You can tell me, I'm a big girl."

A sad smile crossed his lips, his eyes remaining sorrowful.

"I never really told you about my previous relationship."

Marinette shook her head. No he hadn't, but others had. She was almost as fluent in the Luka and Zoé love story that never was, as he had been himself.

"Zoé, she was my ex-girlfriend. We were together for a couple of months before she moved to New York and I'm not going to lie, until I met you, I never thought I'd get over her. Then you came into my life and it seemed to be taking a turn for the better, however —"

"She came back," Marinette said in a hushed voice.

Luka nodded sadly, his attention turning to the drink in front of him. "Yeah."

They remained in silence again. Marinette knew where this was going and in a way it had to, for both their sakes, but that didn't stop it from hurting. Luka had been her first relationship, her first kiss and he'd been patient and amazing with her. It just wasn't meant to be.

"Do you love her?" Marinette finally asked.

Luka paused for a minute looking into his drink before nodding.

"I really like you, Marinette, I'm not lying about that. If Zoé hadn't returned I'm sure we would have made this work, you would have been so easy to fall in love with. But she's like a magnet, Marinette, I can't keep away from her. Like, she'd always been a huge fan of my father's and unfortunately we never got to see him play when we were together, so when she mentioned his concert the other week, I just couldn't say no. She just has this hold over me. Over my heart. I'm sorry, Marinette, I really am," he whispered. The pain of telling her was evident in his voice. He didn't look up.

Stretching a hand out, she placed it on his. His own flinching in response.

"Then who am I to stand in the way of true love?"

He moved his hand to join with hers, relief washing over his face. "I promise, nothing happened with her whilst we were together, I wouldn't have done that to you, Marinette. I swear."

The thought blossomed in her heart, she trusted him. She believed him. And she knew she wouldn't lose him.

"I know," she smiled. "Friends?"

"Always. You look relieved," Luka laughed, grabbing a sugar sachet and tipping it in his cup.

"Oh, I - um -"

"What is it, Marinette? I can take it, I'm a big boy." He mimicked her spiel from earlier, Marinette rolling her eyes.

"Fine," she huffed. "If you must know, I kinda - when we kissed it was — it's not that I don't like you but —"

"It was like kissing your brother?" He finished for her.

She nodded her head. "Not that I have a brother, but yeah."

"Would it help if I said I understand?"

Her eyes widened, Luka smiling.

"I think we were created to be best friends," he said.

And she couldn't agree more.

The awkwardness lifted, and the two spent the remainder of the day together in complete ease. Luka was definitely meant to be in her life, but he wasn't her leading male and it was about time she accepted who was.

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