Till The End |✍︎︎

By _koolkats

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She was loud and carefree with no filter and he was quiet and composed never letting anyone see behind the ma... More



353 2 1
By _koolkats

"A perfect world is never perfect 

only filled with lies,promises are broken

and more resentment come alive"

Pride~Kendrick Lamar

It all happens in mere seconds.Screams fill the air then shots ring out while lights are down,the moonlight being the only light that seeps in.Riccardo's phone is already on his ear as he speaks through the phone and me?

I stand still,frozen in place as shock overwhelms me.This was a no weapon party,who would attack?

"Moretti's."I mutter softly as realization seeps in.The one time everyone is together,legal and illegal.They planned this but what do they really want?

"It is and currently they have taken over our software but it's being rebooted by Nat.The situation is bad but we are evacuating everyone.Other families are fighting in our aid but we are still overpowered."Riccardo groans in frustration."But this was a no weapon party."

"Yeah but we have to have weapons and we gave the other families to fend for themselves.They came in so quietly they must've had inside help."Riccardo says to himself and I nod agreeing.

A glass shutter's,echoing from the main hall,must be one of the beautiful chandeliers."If things are too bad out there we all evacuate as well,so far they've only blocked out 2 but there's 2 more that people are evacuating from.One upstairs and the other is behind the stage.We will go to the upstairs one."Riccardo says to me as he takes out two guns from his waistband and hands me one.It feels heavier than before,or maybe its the small fear that has creeped in.

As if reading my thoughts,Riccardo grabs a hold of my cheeks,gun tucked away, and kisses me.I wrap my arms around his neck as the kiss turns passionate with so many words that have been unsaid.A small tear rolls down my cheek at the thought that this could be our last.

Riccardo pulls away slowly as he removes the tear from my cheek and gives me a small smile,a real smile."We'll be alright sunshine."He whispers and I give him a smile of my own.Pulling up my big girl ovaries ,I grab ahold of the gun and remove it from safety.

"Let's go kick ass."I say with a grin to which Riccardo only chuckles as he takes out his gun again."That's the spirit."

We head down the darkened hallway,the moonlight being the only source of light as the sounds of gunshots and screams echo.Once we're close ,Riccardo immediately pulls us behind a pillar that overlooks everything.

Blood paints the furnished floors as men and women lay dead,some stare into nothing I mourn for them.They didn't ask to be involved in a war.

People fight hand on hand and I notice Adria and Liam fighting side by side as they protect each other.Adria's gown torn,gun in hand as she shoots someone who was coming for Liam from behind.Liam's jacket is long discarded,his sleeves folded up and filled with blood.

I look around and notice Luther and Sebastian discreetly evacuating people behind the stage,the second exit.My heart skids for a moment as I notice Aunt Sofia among the crowd holding her right arm,a red band wrapped tightly around it and i notice it's blood.

Gomez is commanding people and shooting as he distracts the enemies from the evacuation place.Riccardo lets me go quickly and runs away from the shelter of the pillar,fighting of people and shouting orders.His moves are swift and clean and he punches a guy in the stomach and brings his knee to the assailants face,quickly he shoots someone who was coming from behind.

Gomez and him fight side by side clean and elegantly.Almost like a dance actually.I notice a moment too late when a bullet comes rushing towards me,I quickly move to the other side but not without the stupid bullet grazing me.

Raising my gun I see a man in all black with a wide smile,"Those arent toys sweetheart."

My blood boils at the pet name and I shoot him right in the knee making him scream in pain,"Really I thought it was a water gun,oops."

Shooting him in the other knee,he screams in pain and falls to the ground,"You bitch,I would kill you but there's other plans for you."He says as he gives me a sicking smile.I gorna and shoot him in the chest,not enough to kill but it'll slow him down.

I realize I'm away from my shelter and a lady comes from behind and holds me in headlock.My breathing seizes as I struggle to breath.I hit her in the stomach with the gun making her gasp and I don't wait for another second,I go down and swipe her off her feet making her hit the ground with a thud.Another guy comes from behind and I raise my gun shooting them in the knees.

The lights come back on and I can see much clearly but its not what i wanted to see.We are clearly overpowered and I look around for Riccardo,this is a fight we wont win.

I grunt in pain as I hit the floor suddenly.The bitch I knocked down stands in front of me with a smile.She yanks my head back using my hair making me wince,her smile only grows."I've got her."She says into a mic.Her hair is short dark blue,olive skin with big brown eyes.She wear a suit,a black suit like the waiters.

The person answers as she nods her head.A bullet comes zooming past,grazing her ear and she turns her head to check.I take that as an oppotruinty and grab a hold of her tie,bringing her close throwing her over me.I grunt in pain as my arm stings and damn i really should exercise.Taking my gun I straddle her as she struggles to breath,"What do you want with me?"I demand as I put my gun under her chin.She laughs but its interuppted as I grab a hold of her head and smack it against the floor.She cries out in pain and i make her face me,"I asked a question blue."I demand again,my voice deadly and foreign.

She coughs and splutter,blood seeping out her mouth and head,"I won't tell you shit Maeve."SHe begins laughing and I get off her."This is a joke to you?"I say as my blood boils and bubbles,my head stings and my arm hurts but I wont let that deter me,not now.

"You wont kill me Maeve."She says and I realize that I won't,I wont kill a person.I can't.

"But I will."And with that her eyes widen and blood splutters over me.It happens in mere seconds,the girl is dead with a bullet wound to her forehead,her mouth left open with some blood seeping out and her eyes wide yet so lifeless.

I take a step back and look at Riccardo who seems unfazed,his hair messy and sleeves rolled up.He hands me a napkin to which i use quickly whipping some specks of blood off me,I will definitely need a long bath after this.

"We need to go."Riccardo says and with that he grabs my hand and we run up the long stairs leaving the fight.I dont see anyone i know in the fight as we leave but I know that the enemies are winning until I notice some of them dropping like flies.

"Nat and some others took to the roofs."Riccardo says once we reach the top of the stairs and quickly walk down a long hallway hand in hand."You did well sunshine."

I smile softly,I wasn't able to kill a person,I dont think it's something I could do but I did manage to fend for myself.Abuelita is probably smiling proudly at me for beating ass."You weren't so bad yourself princesa."I give him a slight nudge once we stop suddenly.

"When this is all over,we'll go on a proper date,I swear by it."Riccardo says as he looks me in the eyes ,determination filling his eyes and I could kiss him if we weren't in a war at the moment.He smiles at me revealing the dimples in his cheeks and I smile back,truly content.

I dont believe we will,after all we are sworn enemies.But a part of me,the Maeve that dreamed of falling in love despite all odds,the one who never knew mafia's existed and that her family in one,she loves the idea.The idea that despite our past and present,we could make it.

But that is not reality.Reality is that we wont make it and that sparkle in his eyes will disappear like the Flash.

I nod my head in agreement despite my dilemma and we continue our quick walk till he opens two double large doors that lead outside.The balcony is big enough to host a dinner with a view of the city and garden.The wind howls and when I look up I notice clouds darkening,a storm is coming.

"They are gonna be here very soon."Riccardo promises meas he gives my hand a slight squeeze,"Our date better be good after all this evening has brought."I joke which makes him chuckle softly."And don't I know it."Riccardo says as he looks at me.

My smile fades slowly as I come to a conclusion,I would want him to hear it from me rather."I need to tell you something."

His face morphs into one of curiosity and concern and my heart cracks a bit.It's not the best timing I must admit but if it really is the Moretti's who have ambushed this evening,it's only a matter of time before he finds out the truth.

Riccardo's mouth opens but he is cut off by the sound of slow clapping.Riccardo and I quickly turn our bodies to face the intruder with our guns in hand.

"What a cute little moment.The big bad Romano falling to his knees because of a woman he doesn't even know.It's also kinda priceless,I should've recorded."The man comes out the shadows and my blood runs cold,fear stealing my breath away at the man who stands before me.

The man I haven't seen in years yet has haunted me.

Matis Moretti.


Thank you all for your patience and love,more. updates to come

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