25 Days of Pokemon Stories

By AzureScales

70 20 4

(a challenge imma try to attempt) A Garchomp who took you in their home will read you stories that came from... More

DAY 1: The Warm Meeting
Day 2: The Smoking of Christmas Pt. 1
DAY 3: The Smoking of Christmas Pt. 2
DAY 4: The Smoking of Christmas Pt. 3
DAY 5: The Smoking of Christmas Pt. 4
DAY 6: The Mo-o Christmas Pt. 1
DAY 7: The Mo-o Christmas Pt. 2
DAY 8: The Mo-o Christmas Pt. 3
DAY 9: The Mo-o Christmas Pt. 4
DAY 10: The Mo-o Christmas Pt. 5
DAY 11: A Shiny's First Wish
DAY 12: Fight of the Flames
DAY 13: Fight of the Flames Pt. 2
DAY 14: Fight of the Flames Pt. 3
DAY 15: Break Time!
DAY 16: The Dragon who Cuts Ice (Iceslasher's Backstory) Pt. 1
DAY 17: The Dragon who Cuts Ice (Iceslasher's Backstory) Pt. 2
DAY 19: Decision (Continue or Not)
DAY 20: The Dragon who Cuts Ice (Iceslasher's Backstory) Pt. 4
DAY 21: T.D.W.C.I (Iceslasher's Backstory) Pt. 4.5
DAY 22: T.D.W.C.I (Iceslasher's Backstory) Pt. 5
DAY 23: Extra Scenes, Memes, What Ifs and Galore! Pt.1
DAY 24: Extra Scenes, Memes, What Ifs and Galore! Pt.2
DAY 25: Departure

DAY 18: The Dragon who Cuts Ice Pt. 3

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By AzureScales

Silence.. All there is.. was silence. Though, after some time in silence, a faint sound of chirping was heard. He would then start to feel a warm light hitting his body.. And after that, his eyes slowly opened, and the first thing he’ll see is the tree’s branches and leaves shuffling by the cool wind.. The sunlight going through to hit his body.

“. . .” Iceslasher blinked.. And when he tried to get up, he feel a stinging pain in his right arm, which made him yelp and laid back down. Seems that his arm was broken.. But how? It is unclear.. But then, the memory of the Arctozolt attacking him got him to realize why its broken. That unknown creature must have hit his arm as well.. What a brute. But hey, least he’s alive. The Hakamo-o would then attempt to sit up again- leaning forward, growling and wincing from the unberable pain that comes from his arm. After a bit of a struggle, the Diamond Hakamo-o stood wobbly on his legs, looking around his surroundings.

All around him were trees, bushes, and the ground he’s standing on is not snow, but was soft grass. The Hakamo-o was unsure on how he got here. “Hmm.. Okay.. I got a broken arm.. And woke up to this place, which isn’t my home..” He said softly to himself.. “How did I get here?..” Iceslasher looked around his surroundings as he assess the situation, but also to remember how he got here. But his memory is fuzzy.. Though it’ll clear sometime in the future, but for now, he couldn’t. All he know is that he fell off a cliff after an attack from an Arctozolt. But how does that relate to him being here? He is unsure. Though, he soon stopped looking around, as he is now focused on the thing he does best- surviving. If he is out here, surely there’s a way to get back to the snowy tundra, right?

..Wait. How is he surviving out here? The Hakamo-o starts to panic, as this is his first time going out into a non-snowy area. He thinks that he’ll melt, just like a cup of water with cubes in it, so he looked around for a cool area to hide in. Though his panicking attracted the attention of a Charizard, who was just casually flying by.. with a trainer on it’s back.

The two were shocked to see this Hakamo-o. “Woah! This is something new! Could it be one of those newly researched pokemon?” The trainer asked in astonishment, while the Charizard would only growl and remain silent- why they do that, well, its to hide their fear, of course. That or their growing interest in this mysterious new Hakamo-o. The trainer made their Charizard land on the ground, and quickly hopped off.

“Oh my Arceus, how can I last out here without me-” Iceslasher was cut off when he felt something hit the back of his head. He turned around to see the Charizard with their trainer.

“Okay, BurnDancer, we got this new Hakamo-o’s attention! Prepare for battle!” The trainer shouted, which made the Charizard growl and look at the Hakamo-o. To the Hakamo-o, this experience is scary. He has to fight against a creature he is unfamiliar with, just like the first one. How can he escape?

But to the Charizard, this Hakamo-o sure seem to be panicking. A lot. It could make things harder for them since panicking pokemon evade better, and since the Charizard doesn’t have 100 Accuracy moves, it’ll be harder for him to hit. But then.. like the trainer, they is curious, on what and who this one is.

Aside from that, the battle begins. “Okay, BurnDancer, due Flame-”
Before the trainer get a chance to finish, the Hakamo-o is already running. “...What the? SON OF A- BurnDancer, go after that Pokemon!” The trainer commanded. The Charizard looked at the trainer with a blank gaze, only to be slapped by the trainer. “C’mon! Go!” The trainer yelled. The Charizard, never giving off a reaction due to how ridiculously weak that slap is, went to chase after the Hakamo-o by simply walking.

Meanwhile, the Hakamo-o was running for his life. His heart beating rapidly, his arm still giving him pain as he ran, and he is looking around frantically for a way to hide from this Fire Type. During his run, Iceslasher happens to see a light leading him out of the cave, so he went towards it until..

He made it out of the forest. But before him is a big bustling city, with trainers and pokemon seen roaming around, buildings that are tall as an Alolan Executor, and the sights were to behold. The sight of this made the Hakamo-o quickly think that it is a dangerous place, but before he could try to turn around, the Charizard lands in front of him.. Blocking his way of going back in the forest.

“..Hey. Hakamo-o, don’t run.” The Charizard spoke as he reached his hand out to touch Iceslasher, only to be smacked away. “Hey now, don’t hurt me, alright?! I am not going to be taken down by another pokemon and be taken aw-” Iceslasher was cut off when something hit his head, and he was sucked into a pokeball. The Pokeball shook and shook, but the Hakamo-o soon got out. However, he is breathing heavily and was leaning on the floor.. Guess this is his first time ever going in a pokeball. The trainer is going to throw a great ball, only for his charizard step in the way. “Wh- HEY! Get out of the way! I want to c-”

Aaaaand the Hakamo-o is now running away, this time, he’s thankful for the Charizard to help him escape. The trainer, seeing that he’s running away, is now fueled with anger. He put the Charizard back in their pokeball, and take out a Gardevoir. “..Alright, Diane, put that creature to sleep.” The Trainer commanded. The Gardevior then proceeded to take out a gun-


The Gardevior then proceeded to obey the trainer’s commands and starts to chase after the Hakamo-o at full speed. Iceslasher, seeing someone going after him, screamed in fear, but they are too fast for him. Next thing he knew, the Gardevior was in front of him, and before would try to change direction, she shot a Hypnosis wave at him, which made the Diamond Hakamo-o to grew tired. Before he collapsed, the Gardevoir caught him.. And the last thing he seen before going to sleep was the ground floor.. And the sound of a fight going on in the background. Iceslasher wasn’t sure what’s going on.. But he hoped that he’ll be out of this situation to be free again.. Soon..


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