I never knew somebody like yo...

By babygirlhyungsuk

3.5K 273 116

The war between the Yakuza and Korean Gangsters seem to be on the brink of destruction. But what happens afte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 10

141 13 7
By babygirlhyungsuk




He breathed heavily as he threw the final hit before falling to the ground from exhaustion. He grit his teeth and gave a frustrated cry as it grew higher and higher before he started to hit the ground with his feet and hands like a baby before stopping. He got on his hands and knees and pushed his hair away from his face as he breathed heavily.

He's isolated himself from everyone, it's what Soo Jung recommended since nobody here could be trusted. Should he call her again? He felt so lonely and helpless, he hated it. It was a foreign feeling since he's always been so strong, but now he felt weak that it pained him. Well not physically.

He stayed there on the ground and closed his eyes which felt heavy. His body and spirit felt tired and he just wanted to rest. He stayed still for a little while. He heard footsteps that tread along the dusty ground, but paid them no mind as they got faster.

"Hyung Suk!" it was Jakucho's voice.

He scrunched his face in distaste and stayed on the ground. He did not want her anywhere near him.

" Are you okay!?" she grabbed his shoulders and shook them.

It was annoying since his cheek was getting dirtier from the dust, but he didn't say anything.

"Hyung Suk!!" she yelled as she pulled his body into a kneeling position and put him in her arms bridal style.

Should I stop pretending? I don't want them to overreact....

But he didn't and she carried him as she panted. She was yelling for Murasaki which made him open his eyes. He had enough of it and opened his eyes and grabbed onto her shirt before he rolled off of her arms and landed on the ground as Jakucho gasped.

"Hyung Suk are you okay!?" she kneeled down and grabbed his shoulders.

He shoved them off and got up to walk away from her. He....felt a little bad, but what she did to him was worse.

"You can't keep ignoring me like this. I meant it when I said it was for your own good!"

Hyung Suk stopped and closed his eyes as he tilted his head and clenched his fist. He bit his cheek as he turned around to face her.

"For my own good? Getting treated like the only thing worthy about me is birthing a child! Why can't there be other ways to make everyone feel safe! Either way I could give two shits how they feel!! You think just because I decided to conceive a kid I'll leave after I have it?; no, I'll stay. Which means I, Park Hyung Suk, am worthy of ruling with Yamazaki Yuzuru and not thrown aside when I have a kid. The kid that I will have is mine. Not the Yamazaki's, so don't treat me or them like property!! I am sick of this stupid place that treats me like an outcast. It's-"

He was going to continue speaking since he had so much to say, but realized that Jakucho wouldn't understand. He didn't really know how to express his feelings in Japanese. He just didn't know the words to say it. He clenched his fist and turned around as he continued walking leaving a very confused Jakucho behind.

She pressed her lips and looked to the ground. She's never had Hyung Suk treat her like this; she's seen him do it to others. That narrow look that emitted coldness; was this how it felt when Park Hyung Suk turned on his hateful side. She didn't understand Korean but the way he spewed out the words with so much venom and hate. It....made her feel horrible.




" When was your last heat?" the male beta asked.

Hyung Suk shrugged his shoulders, " I do not know..."

If was silent as Hyung Suk saw the doctor stop his movements. His back rose and fell, Hyung Suk didn't have to see his face to know the beta was tired of him.

" Then have you been feeling symptoms that you will be getting your heat soon?" he turned around and intertwined his fingers.

Hyung Suk stared at the ground and shrugged his shoulders. There was silence as he sat there in the cold bright room. He saw the doctor not respond and get up from his seat and left the room. Hyung Suk looked at the door before staring at the ground. After a moment he heard the door open and turned to see the doctor with Yakeru.

What's he doing here?

Yakeru looked at him with a troubled look that showed concern. Is that how Yuzuru would look like if he was worried about me?

" Hyung Suk-" the alpha paused and pressed his lips with furrowed brows. He stared at him before asking slowly towards him. He put a hand on his shoulder, " This....is for the best. After this, you won't have to do it with my son anymore if you don't want to."

"There you all go again choosing what's 'best' for me..." he said in a hushed whisper

Yakeru didn't say anything to the mumbled words, it must have been Korean since he didn't understand anything he said.

Hyung Suk looked at Yakeru, " I'll do what you want. Having a kid can't be that bad...."

"Then answer the doctors questions. You don't have to leave the child either. You can live here, or leave. You can go back to school if you want. Don't listen to those fools; they don't have no foresight, you're no danger in my book" 

The alpha smiled broadly and Hyung Suk stared at him. He looked so much like Yuzuru, it was scary. He pressed his lips and nodded.

" My last heat was a few days before my birthday...."

Yakeru nodded in satisfaction, " Tell-"

The alpha stopped and coughed a little. He grabbed his chest and started to cough harder. Hyung Suk grew concerned as he saw the man retch and heard his coughs. He leaned forward and fell to the floor.

Hyung Suk gasped, "Ahjussi! Are you okay?!" the alpha did not look ok. He put his hand on his nose and looked towards the door, " Doctor!! Someone help!"




Hyung Suk walked around the room; he felt really anxious.

What's wrong with him? Should I call Yuzuru or someone else? No, the doctor said to not call anyone.....what do I do?

"Park Hyung Suk" the doctor came with a  stern look.

" Is he okay? Are you sure I shouldn't call any-"

"No. do not call anyone....we're sorry for making you wait, another doctor will take your appointment" the doctor bowed and went to leave.

Hyung Suk grabbed his wrist, " Tell me what's going on? Why shouldn't I tell anyone and what's wrong with my father in-law?!"

He had a guess as to what was wrong, but he just wanted confirmation.

The doctor furrowed his brow and looked to the side with closed eyes before sighing. He moved his hand to take off the grip, but Hyung Suk's grip wouldn't budge.

Hyung Suk scrunched his lips and squeezed harder, " Tell me..."

The doctor narrowed his eyes and grabbed Hyung Suk's wrist and squeezed. Hyung Suk face scrunched up, it hurt but he held the pain in. This was defiantly no normal doctor, but it made sense. His uncle was an example. The doctor tried his hardest to take away Hyung Suk's grip, but it still wouldn't budge.

"Just what the-"

Hyung Suk held tighter and the older beta yelped, "Tell me what's wrong! Or else....I'll tell the others what happened here..."

He saw the doctor's face flash red but he closed his eyes and stopped struggling. "Let go of me and I'll tell you."

Hyung Suk pressed his lips and slowly let go, but he made a small noise when he felt a prick on his neck. He turned around to see a tall dark blue-haired woman staring down at him with those dark blue eyes. He scrunched his face up as he backed away from them both and put his hand on his neck, he grabbed a small syringe and pulled it out.

He glared at them and felt himself get dizzier; he walked forward with wobbly steps. He looked up to the woman, was she an alpha?, she stared at him with a cold look. It felt like the same one he would look at him with. He lunged forward with the intention to choke her, but she easily grabbed his hand, turned him around, and pushed him to the ground.

He felt himself get weaker and weaker as his eyes grew heavy and his vision blurry. It felt like someone was putting a rock on him.

"Just sleep" a faint voice could be heard.

He felt his body get even heavier now and his vision went dark.




Hyung Suk get a cold breeze hit his face, the leaves were already falling from trees. It's been a while since he woke up and his mind was blank. He didn't even think about the previous events and just sat there with his eyes closed.

Should I meditate....?

He continued to sit there and took deep breaths. He focused on it and could hear more clearly, the sound of bells and the breeze of the air. He felt a little at peace and felt himself get a little sleepy. He shook his head; this is why he always struggled with meditating, he always went to sleep.

He heard his door open and he scrunched his face a little, "I do not need anything. So leave me alone" he said with a spiteful voice.

He thought he told Jakucho and Murasaki to leave him alone unless it was necessary. There was no response and he furrowed his brow.

" I said I do not need anything" his voice grew higher.

There wasn't a response and he opened his eyes and went to turn around , "I am speaking Japanese-" he paused when he saw that it was Saki.

What was she doing here?

She was smiling down at him. She looked pretty: red kimono with yellows and oranges.

He narrowed his eyes, " What are you doing here?"

She giggled with a high pitched voice, "You're my family now. So I wanted to invite you to a small party, that omegas and female betas of the clans, well kind of, go to."

Hyung Suk narrowed his eyes at her and looked back to the garden. What bullshit is this lady trying to pull? He turned back to her, " I do not feel well to go. Maybe next time." He closed his eyes.

" Well you should at least go one time so don't worry I already told everyone you were going. Jakucho and Murasaki will be coming to fix you up. We'll see you there~"

At this Hyung Suk turned around quickly, but she had already left. God damn these stupid Yamazaki bitches!!!!




After a very awkward and silent interaction, AKA Jakucho tried to speak to him but he just ignored her and Murasaki stayed quiet. He was now being led to the place where they would have "tea". He rolled his eyes at that and continued to follow Murasaki.

He was wearing the typical red themed kimono, expect that it was maroon. Not that the family members didn't wear a dark red color, they did any and every type of red.

Murasaki stopped and turned around and bowed as she opened the door. He didn't really like her being so formal, but he didn't dwell on it and hesitantly walked into the room.

There were a lot of people in the room, omegas and female betas, he expected, just as Saki promised. As soon as he walked in everyone looked at him. He felt nervous but he didn't let it show.

" Everyone!" Saki came up and put a hand on his shoulder " greet your leader"

Some people in the room began to clap, some people smiled at him while others weren't so nice. He didn't smile at all, he wouldn't trust any of these people. He only had himself, he was a fool for trusting Jakucho. He scanned the room and saw Kanami looking at him with the signature Yamazaki look. Of course she would be here, she was a part of the family and a female beta. He looked away, he would need to stop being so friendly to her as well.

"Perhaps you would like to say a few words?" Saki looked at him with a smile and he nodded reluctantly.

He was nervous, so he took small deep breathes to calm himself down. He walked forward a little and got himself ready.

"I know in the past we were enemies, but now we are not. And I will make sure that this relationship continues. So I hope you can welcome me despite our past" Hyung Suk bowed a little.

Some people in the room clapped while others didn't. He looked at Saki who was smiling and clapping.

Just what was this lady up to?




" So, how's it like being an omega who can fight?" an omega who looked very familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it.

" You do realize he's not the only omega who fights...." another omega from the Imamura clan, Imamura Renho.

He was more familiar with her. She was one of the omegas who fought and helped the Hamamoto twins with the money. He has seen her fight in which she uses Taekwondo mostly but she also uses Judo and weapons.

He pouted, " Well I don't. You're both lucky...I wanna do something too!"

Imamura Renho furrowed her brows, " No you don't...sometimes I wish I just pursued studying...."

" Studying sucks!"

She rolled her eyes. "You're just saying that because you're young. You should listen to your elders y'know."

" That's what everyone keeps telling me!"

They began to argue as the older omega calmly disagreed with the furious youngster.

" Mind them...."

He turned to the voice and his eyes widened. It was Soma Mitsuki; she looked really pretty, as always.

He felt himself blush a little and bit his cheek as he composed himself.

" It's fine. I've dealt with worse before" he looked around the room. There were a lot of people but that made sense. He felt like he could recognize some of them since a lot of clans had their own symbols. An example is the Imamura clan with their dark green hair. Or the Masuda's with their red eyes.

"That's a lot of clans..."

Mitsuki laughed, "No. Not clans anymore...." she took a sip of wine. " The clans aren't becoming a thing anymore. They're having less and less kids. Most are lucky to have three. The Yamazaki's have the most. Now there's also people whose families are high up in the ranks, but they aren't a clan."

Hyung Suk tilted his head, " Ah, so it's like ours. We never had that clan stuff. It was just people who were strong or could help us in some way...."

"Times have changed I guess. But people's loyalty to the Yamazaki's hasn't...."

She smiled and he saw her looking behind him so he turned around. Kanami was walking up to them. He frowned and turned back around. He didn't want to talk to her at all. He didn't want to see any of the Yamazaki's. Saki was bearable since she married into it, but even so.

"Hello" he heard her say.

"Hey Kanami" Mitsuki held her glass before sipping.

It was silent and he saw Mitsuki stare at him. She wasn't smiling anymore; it looked like she had a sad look on her face, like pity.

He furrowed his brows and stood up, "It was fun, but I will be leaving now."

He left without looking back and accidentally bumped into some people, but he didn't apologize and walked out of the room.

But a hand grabbed his wrist. He turned around to see Hayashi Chihiro looking up at him with a neutral look. He furrowed his brow and broke her grip.

"Don't make a scene" she whispered.

He saw people staring at them and some of them started whispering.

He looked down at her, "What do you want?"

She smiled, "So mean....let's go somewhere more private."

She walked past him and he stared at her back. He scrunched his lips, but followed her.




"So what do you want? Here to tell me off because I 'stole' your man?"

He glared at her with his arms crossed and she just stared at him before she looked down at the floor and laughed as her shoulders shook. Hyung Suk narrowed his eyes at her as she continued to laugh. It was really pissing him off, but he held the urge to hit her.

Remember it'll only cause more problems and she most likely doesn't know how to fight. It'll probably really hurt her- I want it to hurt. No no. Don't do-

He lunged his hand forward and grabbed her hair from the back and pulled on it making her yelp. He looked down at her with a glare. She held onto his kimono and he gripped harder making her hiss.

"What's so funny?"

She furrowed her brows and smiled a little, "You're so clueless...."

He narrowed his eyes, "Clueless of what?"

"You're making everything difficult for you when it's so easy. Trust me it's not that bad, just at least try and it'll get better."

"What are you even talking about?" he was so confused.

What is she yapping about?


He scrunched his face up in confusion and slowly let go of his grip from her hair. He was starting to feel a little bad since her hair was messed up.

"What about him?" he glared at her.

She scratched her head, "Just love him. Have his kid. It's not that bad. It's not even bad. A lot of people do hate you since your part has killed people they care about. Hell, Jinyoung killed Yurika's omega."

Hyung Suk flinched at her words. His uncle killed someone. Well now that he thought of it, it did make sense. A war was never unicorns and rainbows.

"What? You've been in your comfort zone for a while, huh? Don't worry it's not like our side hasn't killed y'all too."

He looked at her with a glare, "I'm not stupid. I know what happens in a war. I have seen it with my own eyes."

Chihiro smirked, "Me too. But you're gonna need to survive here. Not a lot of people like this alliance, but they're just sucking up to the Yamazaki's."

Hyung Suk furrowed his brows, "Why.....do you care?" he pulled her head.

"Ugh...." she stayed quiet.

He pressed his lips, "Answer"

She looked at him, "It's not my spot to tell you...."

He rolled his eyes and let go of her hair before looking at her again. "Alright, then tell me this. Is people not liking me going to be a problem?"

She stayed quiet as she stared at the ground before looking at him. "Most definitely"

A/N- I'm not that late😁 anyways thank y'all for the support❤️ love y'all🥰🫶

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